Chapter 15 Selection
Time flies, the one-month exam preparation period is over, and the selection begins.Disciples who are eligible to participate in the selection are divided into ten groups, 20 people in each group, and an elimination mechanism is adopted to select the top [-].Then these [-] players took turns to compete again, and the top ten were selected.

At the beginning of the selection, Qin Yongjie, Qiao Gang, Bai Fu and other usually outstanding disciples quickly became the top names in this group.Individual dark horses have performed exceptionally well, much better than their training results.Among them, He Xiao was the best. He passed all the way, like a god, and successfully reached the top [-].After qualifying from the group, He Xiao's confidence increased greatly, and he continued to practice every day.

That night, He Xiao found Bai Fu.But unlike usual, He Xiao didn't talk much all the way.

Seeing that he had something on his mind, Bai Fu said: "You have won several games in a row, and you have a chance to enter the top ten, why are you so depressed?" He Xiao stopped talking.

"What's the matter?" Bai Fu felt that something was wrong.

"Brother Fu, how do I treat you?" He Xiao said this out of nowhere.

"We have known each other for seven or eight years, we are better than brothers." Bai Fu said.

"Tomorrow's competition with you, can you let me?" He Xiao lowered his head, not daring to look at each other, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

"You want me to cheat?" Bai Fu was taken aback.

"Tomorrow is the last day of competition. I've done the math. Although I'm currently ranked ninth, if I lose to you tomorrow and Yang Xiong wins against Chen Xuefeng, my ranking will drop to No. 11 and lose the top ten. But You are different, you have only lost one game so far, and you are definitely in the top ten. Even if you lose tomorrow, you will still qualify as No.3, and you will not lose anything."

"Do you know what nonsense you are talking about?" Bai Fu was furious, staring at He Xiao fiercely. "Of course it's good to be selected into the Seven Star Sword Formation, but you have to be shortlisted based on your real skills. How can you do such a dirty thing." After finishing speaking, he struck the trunk of a nearby tree with his palm, causing the tree to tremble wildly.

He Xiao raised his head with tears in his eyes: "You are definitely shortlisted, that's why you say that. Don't you know my family background? In order for me to study art in Qingcheng, my parents lived frugally and went to work in the fields before dawn. At night, I weave baskets by the moonlight, wear shoe soles, and sleep for less than three hours a day. My old grandmother is almost blind due to overwork at night. Not to mention younger brothers and sisters, who have not worn new clothes for three years. There are patches on the top and bottom. I can't eat meat once in half a year, and I'm skinny..." He Xiao couldn't continue, tears streaming down his face.

He Xiao was laughing and laughing all day, who would have thought that he would be under such pressure at such a young age, and Bai Fu's eyes turned red instantly.

"Brother Fu, do you know what it means to me to be shortlisted? In addition to honoring the family, making parents have face in the village, the shortlisted disciples can also receive a monthly subsidy of ten taels of silver. This is the hard work of my parents for half a year The income! For me, it is not so important to learn Qingcheng's supreme classic "Su Shu", and getting this subsidy is more important than life!"

"Don't say anything!" Bai Fu hugged his good brother tightly, and the two cried loudly all night on Fenglingang.

Today, for the third match, He Xiao will face Bai Fu.After the two parties saluted, they started with the gesture of "green pine welcomes guests".He Xiao drew a sword flower, and with a move of "green bamboo dripping green", the sword in his right hand pierced Bai Fu's left rib from bottom to top.Bai Fu turned around, lifted his right hand upwards, and blocked the sword, put his two fingers together with his left hand, and stabbed He Xiao's eyes.He Xiao stepped on Qixing, took a step back, to avoid the attack, when he retracted his sword, he quickly took two small steps, raised the sword and pierced Bai Fu's chest.

Back and forth, about [-] rounds, Bai Fu sold an opening to attract He Xiao to attack.Just as half of He Xiao's body was getting close, Bai Fu's figure accelerated and cut into He Xiao's arms.Learn and apply the sword move "Wen Jun Dang Clay" that uses strength and strength.

"Fall!" Bai Fu shouted.Tanzhong acupoint is the large Renmai acupoint, the acupoints are blocked, the whole body will become numb and immobile in mild cases, and will be killed on the spot in severe cases.Seeing He Xiao falling down slowly, Bai Fu retracted his sword carelessly.He Xiao suddenly raised his sword upwards, and the tip of the sword lightly pierced Bai Fu's lower abdomen.Immediately, He Xiao retracted his sword, got up, and clasped his fists with both hands: "Brother Fu, let me give in!" Bai Fu was stunned on the spot, and said: "I clearly hit the Tanzhong acupoint, why don't you fall?"

He Xiao looked ashamed, and took out a mahogany tablet wrapped in a cloth bag from his bosom, and said: "This is the safety talisman my mother gave me when I went to the mountain to learn art. I didn't expect it to save my life!" Laughing, this is relieved.

Daoist Qingzhu couldn't help but smile: "He Xiao, you're very lucky. Bai Fu, according to the rules of the competition, do you have any objections to the judgment of He Xiao winning this round?"

Bai Fu stepped forward to salute, and said: "Uncle Master, the outcome is determined by God's will, and Bai Fu has no objection."

Daoist Qingzhu saw that everyone had no objection, and said: "Okay, He Xiao won this round."


After about a month of competition, the selection is finally over.Although Bai Fu lost to Qin Yongjie and He Xiao, he still qualified as No.3.Sure enough, Yang Xiong did not know how to predict, he defeated Chen Xuefeng and qualified as No.9.And He Xiao became the biggest dark horse, defeated Bai Fu by luck in the last game, and qualified as No.10 in the group.When Bai Fu found out, he felt emotional.He Xiao got his wish, and he was overjoyed with surprise, talking about it all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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