Chapter 172

Where does the Jun family live, and the concubine lives in Hengtang.

Stop the ship for a while to ask, or I might be a fellow villager.

The home is near the water of Jiujiang River, and it comes and goes to the side of Jiujiang River.

The same Changgan people, strangers since childhood.

——"Long Qian Xing" Cui Hao


Li Xuexuan guessed that it was a matter of martial arts selection, and comforted him: "Brother Fu, if you mean the matter of martial arts selection, then I advise you not to mind too much. The Huben Army is nominally training young generals for the country, but actually On the surface, it is just a political achievement project, with a glamorous surface. What I learned in the Women’s Camp Middle School was all about polo and hunting, which are worthless. Although this time I went to Luoyang to fulfill my wish for the imperial concubine, but when I learned that I could Leaving the Huben Women's Camp, I was also very happy and accepted it with pleasure.

If you stay in the Hongwen Museum, I personally think that the harvest will be even greater.The Hongwen Museum is full of well-educated people, erudite Confucianists, who are deeply influenced by their ears and eyes, and they will definitely broaden their horizons and benefit a lot. "

Two things that have troubled Bai Fu for a long time: martial arts and Yang Yichan.Yang Yichan's matter involves privacy, if Ding Shujian was present, Bai Fu might talk endlessly.But Li Xuexuan was not familiar with her after all, so it was inconvenient to talk too much.

Martial arts is also a knot in Bai Fu's heart. This is the first ups and downs Bai Fu encountered after coming to Chang'an.After being wronged, it is natural to feel resentful.And the conflict with Yang Yichan, in Bai Fu's view, was also caused by his failure in the martial arts competition.Except for Huang Zhen, no one complained about this matter.When Li Xuexuan mentioned it today, Bai Fu was filled with emotion.Li Xuexuan has a special status, she is the champion of Shushan Sword Discourse, and her consolation made Bai Fu even more gratified.

The two chatted very speculatively, and Bai Fu said with emotion: "Thank you, Junior Sister Li, what you said made me see the light of day."

Li Xuexuan smiled and said, "Actually, I've wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I haven't met much before, so I don't want to talk too much."

Bai Fu said: "Speaking of which, I have to thank you for one more thing."

Bai Fu talked about the time when he was chased and killed by Hojoemon, a Fuso man, at the alley in Chengdu, and almost died.Bai Fu said: "Thank you for your life-saving grace. If you hadn't saved me, I'm afraid it would have been a disaster."

After hearing this, Li Xuexuan covered her mouth with a surprised smile and said, "That person is you. I was in a hurry to chase the Fusang people who lived in Shuidun, so I didn't have time to say hello to you!"

It turned out that Hojoemon, a Fuso native, knew the secret of Liu Bei's tomb after he met Tang Kai, the concubine of the Tang family, in Chang'an.He came to Bashu under the order of Fusang Hojo feudal lord.On the one hand, they are preparing to enter Liu Bei's tomb and steal the "Wuhou Divine Strategy" buried with him.On the other hand, he waited for an opportunity to steal other unique knowledge of Bashu martial arts.

Emei martial arts is the best in the world, so it is naturally the first choice.Hojoemon, a Fuso native, disguised himself as a pilgrim, entered Emei, where he ate vegetarian food and prayed to Buddha for half a year.When everyone relaxed their vigilance, he sneaked into the Emei Sutra Pavilion and stole martial arts secrets such as Dinghui Xinfa, Lixiangzhijie and Yinian swordsmanship.

After the Dongchuang incident, Fusang native Hojoemon fled back to Chengdu and sought asylum from Tang Kai.Master Yuan Kong, the head of Emei, led his disciples down the mountain to arrest him.

On the same day, Emei disciples found traces of Hojoemon, a Fusang native, in Wuhou Temple and Jinli.Li Xuexuan was ordered by her teacher to intercept him at the entrance of the alley, she never thought that the sword would save Bai Fu's life.

Speaking of saving lives in Chengdu, it seems like just yesterday.Combined with today's opportunity, the two couldn't help sighing with emotion.The mystery of the past was revealed, and this experience of fate brought the relationship between the two of them one step further.

Bai Fu asked with concern: "In the end, was Hojoemon, the Fusang native, ever captured?"

Li Xuexuan shook her head and said regretfully: "We have found all the secret books of martial arts, but we don't know how much he has learned secretly. Gang Leader Jiang and Head Tang have promised my master to use the power of the Sichuan Gang to hunt down and kill him." he."

Bai Fu nodded, and promised: "If one day, let me know the whereabouts of this Fusang man, I will do my best to help you arrest him."

The two had a full meal and had a short rest.At dusk, the sky slowly darkens.Diagonally across from the Yuelai Inn, the caravans were assembled in a row, ready to go.The two of Bai Li left the wine shop respectively, and followed the caravan far away.

After the caravan left the town, they did not set up checkpoints at the passes along the way.Walking to the foot of Mount Hua, he unloaded his rucksack from his horse and went straight up the mountain.

Bai Li and Bai Li looked at each other, both confused.Keep following to see what they are up to.

The caravan did not pay homage to the Xiyue Temple where Xuanzong sacrificed to Shaohao, the God of Huashan Mountain.Instead, it climbs up the steps along the Huashan Road dug when Xuanzong enshrined Zen in Xishan in the ninth year of Tianbao.

Pass Yushi, Wuliguan, Xiyi Gorge, Shaluoping, Yaowang Cave, Shibapan, Maonv Cave, Yunmen, Qingkeping, Jiutian Palace, and come to Qianchi Building.

The thousand-foot building is located on the Huixin Stone, which is the first dangerous place in Huashan.The walls of the mountain stand upright, and only two people can walk up and down between them.The slope is almost vertical, and there are hundreds of steps from top to bottom, none of which are wide enough.Looking up at the sky, a line of sky is open, looking down at the feet, as if facing a deep stream.

At the top of the "thousand-foot building", there is a stone cave that can only accommodate one person. When climbing the last stone step, he will drill out of the hole, so the cave is called "Patio".

There is a platform on the "patio", shaped like a protruding throat.Four large characters are engraved on it: "Taihua Throat".The road here is shaped like a human throat and esophagus, which is narrow, protruding and long.

The thousand-foot building below the "patio" is the lower part of the throat. The "Baichi Gorge" on the "Tianjing" platform is the upper part of the throat, and the mouth of the "Tianjing" is the middle part of the throat. If it is blocked from then on, there will be no way to go up and down.

The road to Lianfeng has no way at all, because someone saw apes going up and down the gap between the cliffs from Beidouping, and the explorers followed the monkey path, so they discovered this mountain climbing road.Du Fu's poem said: "The carriage enters the valley and there is no way back, but there is a door for the arrow to reach the sky."

Pass through the thousand-foot building and come to the Baichi Gorge. "Baichi Gorge" is also called "Baizhang Cliff". The two walls were about to join, but were propped apart by two flying stones.The stone was about to fall, and people who drilled under it trembled, fearing that the stone would fall from between the two walls.Therefore, these two stones are called "shocking stones".

After passing through the stone, looking back, the two stones, which are large at the top and small at the bottom, are stuck here, so they are safe and sound, which makes people feel comforted.So it is also called "Pingxin Stone".

Pass through Laojun's furrow and Mo'er cliff to Canglongling.This is one of the famous dangerous roads in Huashan Mountain. The dark mountain looks like a hanging dragon.The ridge is narrow, like walking on a thin edge.The gully is thousands of feet away, like facing an abyss.

Standing here and looking to the north, the North Peak of Huashan Mountain hangs in all directions, crowning Jingyun on the top, and connecting to the ground below. It is majestic and unique, like a cloud platform.Li Bai's poem "Song of Mount Xiyue Yuntai Sending Danqiuzi" says: "The three peaks stand as if they are about to be destroyed, and the green cliffs and red valleys are high in the palm. The white emperor's gold can carry the vitality, and the stone is the lotus and the cloud is the platform."

The peak is adjacent to Baiyun Peak in the north, and Liangzhang Mountain in the east. It is connected to the three peaks in the east, west, and south, and connected to the dangerous road in the Gouzhuang Gorge.

(End of this chapter)

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