The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 182 Dark Iron Thick Back Saber

Chapter 182 Dark Iron Thick Back Saber
The sun and the moon are facing the high palms, and the gods are facing the strong wind.Zanfeng is in a precarious situation, and Yi chariot is majestic.

Kuiwu knows you and praises you, and Mingxun shows your holy heart.Will be accompanied by jade inspection, and come here to be successful.

——Excerpt from "Fenghe Shengzhi via Huashan" Zhang Jiuling

Bai Fu drew back his sword and condensed it, his sword was like lightning, bringing all forces into one.The tip of the sword glowed brightly, and the power of Yong Ding gushed out.

"puff"!The sound was deep and muffled.The swords clashed, and a huge force came from the black iron thick back knife.Bai Fu retreated five or six steps in a row, and finally stood still with the toon.The tiger's mouth burst open, his face was like gold paper, a mouthful of blood couldn't be held back, and once again poured into his throat, slowly seeping out from the corner of his mouth.With just one move, he was at a disadvantage.Li Xuexuan was in a hurry, her eyes were concerned.

Bai Fu felt fine. In the battle yesterday, his internal organs were damaged and his muscles were torn.But it returned to normal overnight, not only undamaged, but also stronger and tougher.

Just now, I felt like my internal organs were turned upside down in an instant, and it was obvious that the internal organs were damaged again, but they were able to quickly recover within the few steps of retreating.The self-healing ability is so miraculous, if you haven't witnessed it yourself, you can't believe it.

It's just that this black iron thick back knife is too domineering. Although the sword light formed by Yongding's true energy is indestructible, when it collides with the black iron thick back knife, the blade is not damaged at all.

Bai Fu wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, smiled, pointed his sword at the green-clothed Taoist, and shouted: "Come again!"

The Taoist in green shirt stood horizontally with a knife in his hand, and said with a smile, "Just now this trick is called "Three Folds of Qiantang". This knife can only have a chance of saving your life if you use attack against attack and fight to the death. If you don't have the guts to dodge blindly, you will be cut by the knife within three moves."

"Let's try the next second knife. I created this set of knife skills based on the artistic conception of Mount Hua. I imagined that the giant spirits would split the mountains and move the seas. They would carve the shape of the mountains and polish Huashan into what it is today.

Based on this, I created the "Huashan Eight Jue", each with three knives, a total of 24 knives.The sword is dangerous and strange, and it is unparalleled.There are no less than a hundred swordsmen and swordsmen who died under this set of sword techniques.Therefore, people in the Jianghu called this move 'Sealing the Devil'! "After the Taoist in Qingshan finished speaking, he quickly slashed out with a knife.

'Fengmo Zhan' is like a madman, the sword technique is unfolded, and the lightning and thunder.As if possessed by a giant spirit, the ax chops and the knife cuts.

With a move of "The Dragon Is in the Sky", the blade curled up, like a hanging dragon, with a thin ridge, and the blade brushed past the ears, causing Li Xuexuan to break out in cold sweat.

Another move is "Lotus Flower Jue Ding", chopping and cutting are masculine and upright, cutting and cutting are steep and majestic, and the changing moves are completely natural.The black iron thick-backed saber rolls its blade once, chops it obliquely twice, and saws it three times, like a giant spirit chiseling a mountain, cutting rocks into peaks, cutting out cliffs thousands of feet, and a lotus flower suddenly appears.

This knife is really like Li Bai's poem: "The three peaks stand as if they are about to be destroyed, and the green cliffs and dan valleys are high in the palm. The Baidi Jin can use the vitality, and the stone is the lotus and the cloud is the platform."

The following "Huashan Head of State" is a set of saber techniques, three tactics are used together, and nine sabers are fired in succession.

The sword technique is unfolded, and the wildness is undulating, like the Yellow River and the Weishui are like strands of silk, and the desert and flat river are like silk and cotton.The person holding the knife is like walking on the sky, like walking on floating clouds, and he will rise up in killing.The last tactic was struck out, dripping with joy, feeling that the sky is close at hand, and the stars can be picked.The earth is boundless, and my master is ups and downs.

Kou Zhun, a famous prime minister of later generations, wrote the popular poem "Only the sky is above, and there are no mountains and equals. Raise your head red and the sun is near, bow your head and white clouds are low", which is quite a bit of the feeling of Taoist Qingshan at this time.

"Dangdangdang"!The sound of sword clashing continued.Bai Fu blocked the "Huashan Head of State" nine times in a row, and was killed sweating profusely and covered in blood.

The two separated abruptly.

The Taoist in green shirt stood with his sword horizontally, as if a god had come.He was hooked, stroking the knife and laughing, and said to himself: "It's been a long time since I've had such a good time. How many years has this knife technique been useless? Ten years or 20 years? Who did you kill last time? Turkic Han General or Tubo fan monk? It should be a fan monk, I smashed his pair of cymbals on the fifth knife."

Bai Fu took the opportunity to adjust his breath secretly.

Taoist Qingshan turned his head to look at Bai Fu, his eyes flashed with astonishment, he nodded in approval and said, "Boy, you can resist my 'Huashan Bajue' without dying, it is very rare."

He sighed: "The exiled immortal said it well: 'Raise your glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadows will form three people. The moon will not drink, and the shadow will follow me'. You don't know how lonely this old man is. I really can't bear to let you go to heaven so soon. .But for the next saber technique, you have to put up all your energy. With this set of saber techniques, no one has ever survived."

He pondered for a moment, as if he was recalling this set of sword techniques, or reminiscing about the past, and said slowly: "Baekje's battle at the mouth of the Baijiang River, Rengui met the Japanese soldiers at the mouth of the Baijiang River, won four battles, and burned his boat four times." Hundreds of ships, smoke rose to the sky, the sea was red, and the thieves collapsed. The king of Baekje, Fu Yufeng, escaped. After the battle, I was ordered by General Xue Rengui to enter Goguryeo and Wa alone, and wait for the opportunity to assassinate the top master of Baekje. Onimuro Fukunobu and the exiled king Fuyufeng.

After the mission was completed, I sailed eastward from Fusang to return home, and encountered a hurricane at sea.The storm was terrible, with dark clouds covering the sun, strong winds, heavy rain, huge waves one after another, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky, and the day turned into night in an instant.Our boat swayed violently in the water, and even the faces of the old sailors were full of horror.The escorting ships around were either blown into the open sea by the strong wind, life or death was uncertain, or the ship capsized and was sucked into the huge waves, and the people and the ship instantly disappeared.

The sailors first lowered the sails, then chopped off the foremast, and finally, to avoid losing control.Even the mainmast had to be cut down.Huge waves come with the hurricane, and the wind helps the water to move mountains and seas.Our boat was first rolled up to the top of the waves, then dropped from a height of tens of feet, then thrown into the air, and then fell again... Finally, a huge wave like a mountain peak capsized from the air, shaking the sea. The boat was shattered. "

Although I'm good at swimming, I can't beat the sky with human power in the stormy sea.I struggled desperately, but I couldn't even come to the surface and take a breath.

The huge waves rushed towards me with their teeth and claws, and buried me under the water tens of feet deep.I held my breath for so long that my chest was about to burst.I tried to float up, and when I was about to reach the surface of the sea, I was just about to breathe when a huge wave hit me and filled my mouth with seawater, which was salty and astringent, and then the huge wave dragged me into the bottom of the sea again...

Just when I was buried in the bottom of the sea, slowly lost consciousness, and was on the verge of death, the Sanwei Zhenhuo rekindled in the dantian cauldron, and the true energy flowed through my whole body. The pores of my whole body opened, and I was able to breathe in the water like a fish.

I condensed my feet, stabilized my center of gravity, hugged a boulder at the bottom of the water, and moved slowly step by step.I don't know how long I walked, the storm subsided, and I walked out of the sea and onto the beach...

This near-death experience led me to create this set of sword techniques called 'Hurricane Extinguishing Soul'. "

After the Taoist in green shirt finished speaking, he was desolate and lonely, as if he was the only one left in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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