The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 202 Dry Landscape

Chapter 202 Dry Landscape

Therefore, the husband is alone in the corner and the house is not happy, and the patient is in pain and cannot leave this place, while the doctor is happy and happy and proud of himself. This is the shame of human beings and gods. also.


——Excerpt from "Prescriptions for Emergencies" by Sun Simiao (Tang Dynasty)


With the popularization of Baifu needle therapy, the cure rate of Bingying increased rapidly.At the same time, battalions A and B also began to promote the Qingcheng nine-needle acupuncture method, combined with decoctions, so that those without lesions could be prevented in advance, effectively curbing the spread of the disease.The panic of Luoyang people and victims gradually faded away.

After another month or so, under the orderly command and deployment of Xu Taifu and other officials, a terrible plague finally passed, and thousands of people were saved from death.The prefect of Luoyang then ordered the city gates to be opened to resume traffic and markets.Various shops in Luoyang city opened one after another, people's lives gradually returned to normal, and the eastern capital returned to its former prosperity.

The people of Henan Province were very grateful for this, and the officials in Luoyang area were also complacent, especially after receiving the award from Xuanzong, they became more forgetful and started to enjoy life of singing, dancing and peace.

Xu Taifu secretly lamented that local officials are not much better than court officials.

He repeatedly communicated with many famous doctors, doctors, and monks in the ward, and everyone felt that although the plague epidemic was under control, the cause of the epidemic had not been identified.The government should prevent problems before they happen, and should not be satisfied with such short-term results.

In this regard, Xu Taifu deeply agreed.Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste.You should plan ahead, not always cramming.

Xu Taifu wrote in his memorial to the court: "Luoyang is the hub of the Central Plains, and there are many merchants traveling from south to north. The spread of the disease is easier than in other areas. Once it breaks out, it spreads faster. In view of this, the court should Appropriate funds to establish a hospital for the common people."

Master Xu took action while waiting for the emperor's approval.

He personally donated a hundred taels of gold, and with his personal prestige, raised funds of ten thousand taels of gold from rich families in Luoyang, and established a formal comprehensive medical workshop by the bridge in Tianjin, named Anjifang.A lot of money is paid to hire famous doctors, doctors, and monks to sit in the hall for diagnosis and treatment.

Not long after, the imperial decree arrived, approving all the matters Xu Taifu asked for instructions in the memorial: Anjifang is a government-run medical workshop for the common people.It was agreed to allocate a small amount of funds from Luoyang's tax revenue to maintain the medical workshop. For doctors with noble medical ethics, profound medical skills, and many patients who have cured many patients, the Luoyang government will report to the imperial court and reward them with purple gold fish bags and hereditary titles.

Anjifang is only for the common people to see a doctor.Poor patients, free of medicine.Every year from the beginning of spring to the Dragon Boat Festival, decoctions for dehumidification, detoxification and disease prevention are distributed to the people free of charge.


This afternoon, the sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly. A few white clouds were piled fluffy in the corner of the sky like big balls of cotton wool.

Master Xu finished his official duties, stretched his waist, walked into the courtyard, squinted his eyes and looked at the sky for a while, and suddenly had a thought.

He came to Bai Fu and said: "Xuexuan has been going to Baima Temple for more than a month. I have nothing to do today. Let's go and see her."

Bai Fuxi said: "Okay, I was so busy going around a while ago that I didn't pay attention to her."

Xu Taifu took Bai Fu to the White Horse Temple in a light car.

The little novice at the gate of the mountain knew Taifu Xu very well, bowed to salute, and said, "Lady Xu, my master said in the morning that you would come today, so let me wait here."

Mrs. Xu smiled and said, "There is a tacit understanding. Your master is diligent again."


The incense in the White Horse Temple is at its peak, and there is an endless stream of pilgrims in the main hall, surrounded by green smoke, and the sound of chanting sutras can be heard endlessly.

The little novice led Xu Taifu through the corridor and into the side hall.Pass through the courtyard with corridors, push open a small scarlet door, and enter the Zen courtyard where Zen Master Kong lives.

The Zen courtyard is very spacious, and the first thing that catches the eye is a large expanse of white fine sand.The white sand is either a line, an arc, or a circle, plowed out of various textures such as ripples and waves, and scattered with stones and green plants.Like fleeting waves and ripples are solidified into the simplest lines, condensed into a moment of stillness.It is also like the large blank space in landscape paintings, which is simple and lingering.

A few rocks are randomly piled up in the white sand, with a simple and simple shape, just like the majestic and majestic Cangshan Mountain in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River.

Two jagged boulders rise from the rock pile, and there is a small stone bridge between the boulders. White sand passes under the bridge like a swift river, dotted with stones and shrubs.

Looking at the boulder along the small stone bridge, "from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain", the momentum is compelling, making the viewer feel like looking up.

Behind the boulder, several vertical striped stones are piled up one after the other, as if the hills and valleys are concentrated and piled up, and the valleys are scattered layer by layer.White sand runs through it, like a white spring waterfall among the valleys and jungles, winding down along the winding mountain.

Bai Fu grew up in the Shu Mountains, and he is extremely sensitive to the mountains and rivers, quietly comprehending their profound meanings.I just feel that the layout and landscaping of the Buddhist temple condenses the beauty of nature into a square inch.Where the courtyard is left blank, there are Zen ideas everywhere, deep and lofty.

Taifu said: "Don't be surprised by favor or humiliation, just watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; if you don't want to stay or stay, look at the clouds in the sky. Naturally, there is a kind of calming power, which is an important help for spiritual practice.

Zen Buddhism emphasizes comprehension through meditation, and the ideal state for a monk is to practice alone on famous mountains and rivers.However, in all kinds of reality, it is quite difficult to have both.Therefore, the Zen master created a dry landscape garden with a sense of Zen that is not inferior to the orchids in the empty valley.

Different from the way of "changing steps and changing scenery" in traditional gardens, the so-called "dry mountains and rivers" are mountains made of stones, forests made of trees, and water made of sand, which outlines the thousands of mountains and rivers of nature in a square inch.Create an artistic conception like escaping from the mountains and forests far away, but escaping the hustle and bustle.

Traditional gardens are walking nature, while dry landscape gardens are still nature.The birdsong brought by the wind, the fragrance diffused in the woods, the years are quiet and long, and the moment is also eternity. "

Plowing white sand is also part of meditation practice.Moisturizing things and cultivating the mind, forgetting the troubles, is the practitioner's reappearance of Zen, or lines or arcs, freehand landscapes, galloping the world.

Master Liao Kong's dry landscape garden has its own metaphor.Here, the white sand condenses into a moment of stillness, and the river of white sand symbolizes the cycle of life.Stones are mountains and rivers, and the sky can be opened to open up the earth.Shrubs are life, fragile and changeable, but endless.

The beauty of dry mountains and rivers lies not only in the refreshing vision, but also in the multiple images of life in the ever-changing world that can only be realized through meditation. "

Bai Fuyi is flying, forgetting things and me, being in the courtyard, and heart in Lingshan.The Zen mind penetrates the shackles of space and time, and the spiritual realm and the mundane world communicate with one thought.

  Xu Taifu's "relief with work", dealing with famine, controlling floods, preventing and controlling diseases, and setting up Anlefang to benefit the people are based on Mr. Dongpo's deeds in governing Hangzhou.

  It is said that the Anlefang founded by Mr. Dongpo is the first government-run hospital for the public in my country.The hospital was later moved to the side of the West Lake and renamed Anjifang, and it still existed when Su Shi passed away.

  Those who really think about the people and benefit the people will not be drowned in the long river of history.

  1. "What is the relationship between Japanese Karesansui and Chinese landscape painting?" ", Wang Shuyao, Harper's Bazaar Art, June 6.

  2. "Don't be surprised by favor or disgrace, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; stay or stay, look at the clouds rolling and relaxing in the sky" comes from Chen Jiru's "Little Notes on the Window" · Hong Yingming's "Cai Gen Tan".

(End of this chapter)

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