The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 232 The gluttonous feast

Chapter 232 The gluttonous feast
The scriptures in the Silken Pavilion are quiet, and the engravings in the Bell and Drum Towers are long.

Sitting alone at dusk, who is the companion, crape myrtle flower to Ziwei Lang.

—— "Crape Myrtle Flower" Bai Juyi

After the news reached Chang'an, all civil and military officials were restless.

The officials in the three provinces and six ministries of the imperial court have the most sensitive sense of smell, and they use Luoyang subordinates' familiarity with the location to accurately buy bamboo shoots.As long as the investment is right, the difference in the transaction price of one or two sets of houses and shops can earn a year's salary.Every day when they go to court and wait to welcome the holy driver, all the officials in the court are smiling and discussing the increase in the shop they bought, and exchanging ideas on investing in real estate.

It's been a wonderful summer!


On the official roads of Luoyang and Chang'an, the court's meteor horse galloped, passing the land deed documents.The post station was full of servants carrying gold and silver...

In order to facilitate long-distance transportation and payment, the officials of the three provinces and six ministries used their brains and invented the exchange method of "flying money and exchanging" to alleviate the shortage of circulating coins in the market and reduce the inconvenience of carrying a large amount of coins.

Merchants from all over the country went to Chang'an and Luoyang, and handed over money to the "Jinzuo Yuan" set up in the east and west by the armies, envoys, or Taoists in exchange for tickets.Half of the lease certificates will be issued by the "Jinzuo Yuan", and the other half of the lease certificates will be sent back to the corresponding institutions in various places.After the merchant returns to the local area, he can withdraw money after checking the two copies and verifying that they match.These official lease certificates are called "feiqian".

The high profits of "Feiqian" are eye-catching, and some big merchants have also discovered the business opportunities in it.

The birth of the "flying money and exchange" exchange method turned the sale of Luoyang farmhouses into a gluttonous feast.

In the end, even the nobles of the royal family were alarmed, and the relatives and relatives of the royal family left the court one after another and decided to leave.Mrs. Guo Guo became the biggest buyer of Luoyang's real estate transactions. She went to Luoyang in person and bought dozens of top manors in one go, and thousands of fertile fields in the suburbs of Beijing.Not only that, Mrs. Guo Guo also participated in the "easy exchange" exchange business of several large firms, earning a lot of money.

Mrs. Guo Guo became the richest man in Luoyang by virtue of her land sales and agency operations.From then on, the Yang family became arrogant and extravagant, not to mention the famous families.


This land feast and land replacement drama lasted for a year or two before it gradually subsided.


In fact, Xuanzong had already received the secret report when Xu Taifu and other aristocratic families sold off the land in Luoyang.He dug out Taifu Xu's "Beg for Bones" memorial and read it twice.

Xuanzong threw the memorial to Gao Lishi and said with emotion: "It seems that the Taifu is still blaming me."

Gao Lishi apologized and said with a smile: "Probably not. I have already sent a close aide to inform His Majesty of the golden elixir bestowed by you. The Tai Tuo is as modest as you are, and you should know that Your Majesty has worked so hard."

Xuanzong snorted and said, "After so many years, you still don't understand him? He would rather die by himself than those rotten scholars who died because of him.

Taifu's wisdom and strategy are comparable to Guan Zhong and Zhuge, but he cherishes feathers too much and pursues high morals too much. "

After all, Xuanzong said thoughtfully, "It's understandable for the Taifu to return to the countryside. But what's the meaning of this move by the aristocratic family? Although they have a good relationship with the Taifu, but it involves family interests, how can they be angry because of the Taifu?" Take it lightly?
This matter is too strange.Let me think about it! "

Xuanzong pondered for a long time, but Gao Lishi didn't dare to disturb him, and quietly accompanied him.


Xuanzong said in his heart: "From the Han Dynasty to the present, land annexation has been regarded as a great harm to the country, and all dynasties have tried their best to restrain it. If the land is concentrated to a few people, on the one hand, it will reduce the country's tax revenue, and on the other hand, it will form a powerful tycoon and aristocratic family. The wealthy class poses a threat to the imperial power.

Moreover, farmers who lost their land may also become refugees. Once they are not full of food, they will take risks and gather crowds to rebel.

In the four dynasties of Gaozong, Wuzhou, Zhongzong, and Ruizong, most of the high-ranking court officials bought and sold land privately and owned private farms... Land mergers in this dynasty were extremely serious.It is said that Wang Du, a rich man in Xiangzhou, has accumulated nearly [-] shi, countless farms and houses, and provided protection for more than [-] families of fugitives.

If things go on like this, misfortune will not be far away.It is necessary to issue an order to prohibit the sale and purchase of farmland, and return to the track of reclaiming land by the government and redistributing it. "


Suddenly, Xuanzong frowned, shouted loudly, and said, "No!
The decree is that the land transactions in Luoyang must be suspended immediately!No one is allowed to leave the two capitals without my will! "

Gao Lishi quickly walked out of the hall to preach the decree.He looked around, called a trusted eunuch, and whispered something in private.


Half an hour later, Zhongshu Sheng helped Xuanzong draft the edict.The imperial edict reads: "If you hear that princes, officials, and wealthy families compare the establishment of Zhuangtian and annexation, don't be afraid of the regulations... Officials must be banned from seizing people's mouths, Yongyetian..."

Xuanzong's review was correct, and he was about to issue the imperial approval to the Menxia Province for discussion.Just smelling a fragrant wind, a person with green feathers and light train, with Yao steps brushing Dai, rushes into the palace in a hurry.This person with flushed cheeks and slender hands is precisely Concubine Yang's sister, Mrs. Guo Guo.

Xuanzong was always fond of Mrs. Guo Guo's style, and joked: "Third sister has been doing a good job recently! If you are not at home today to manage your money, how come you have time to visit me?"

Mrs. Guoguo saluted, raised her almond eyes, stared at her with flying eyes, and said coquettishly: "The only thing to blame is that the concubine didn't have my sister's life. She was able to be favored by His Majesty's rain and dew, and lived a carefree, prosperous and prosperous life. day.

The concubine and husband left early, so they could only rely on their own hard work to earn some hard money.I didn't think about it, but I called His Majesty contemptuous. "

After finishing speaking, he covered his eyebrows with Ropa, and sobbed softly.

Gao Lishi coughed lightly, retreated with a group of maids and eunuchs, and gently closed the palace door behind him.


Xuanzong loved Dasheng, gently held Mrs. Guo Guo's catkin, and said, "I blame you. Why haven't you come to see me for so long?"

Mrs. Guo Guo broke free gently, turned her back to Xuanzong, pouted and remained silent.

Xuanzong gently wiped the makeup of Mengtiao's tears for him, and said with a gentle smile: "Whoever bullied you, tell me, and I will definitely vent my anger for you."

Mrs. Guo Guo took out an oil-paper bag from her sleeve and handed it to Xuanzong without looking back.

Xuanzong was puzzled, and when he opened it, he found a stack of land deeds neatly packed in the oiled paper bag.In the column of the owner of the title deed, the names of Li Man and Yang Huahua are written side by side.

Xuanzong was surprised and delighted.

Li Man was the name he had given himself privately when he was young. He used to call himself Cao Cao when he was young, and he aspired to achieve great things like Cao Cao.

After becoming a prince, he often used this name to travel around the rivers and lakes and visit privately in micro-services.It wasn't until he ascended the throne and became emperor that he gradually alienated the name.

I haven't seen my "old friend" for more than 40 years, and when I meet here suddenly, I am surprised and happy, and I am full of emotions.

Xuanzong's hands trembled a little, and he asked, "Sister San, what do you mean?"

Mrs. Guo Guo cried: "I know that the world is yours, you don't need anything, but I just don't want to, I hope that at some point, I can monopolize you..."

The softest part of Xuanzong's heart was gently hit by a certain note, just like a pipa being drawn carefully, and the four strings sounded like a crack.

He gently turned Mrs. Guo Guo's body, and his eyes met.Mrs. Guoguo let out a sigh, and pear blossoms with rain fell into his arms.


Gao Lishi laughed when he heard the movement in the hall.

In the final analysis, he was still scheming.If it wasn't for her own help, how could Mrs. Guo have so much money to buy land in Luoyang?
Once the land she purchased is secure, she can rest in peace.




  Baohuan's slender hands fly even further, but Cuiyu's light train can't bear it.

  Lili Yaoqin dances in a state of Chen, and Fei Hong Fu Dai pities the jade people.

  ——Excerpt from "Yang Hualuo" Yang Juyuan (Tang Dynasty)


  At the end of the song, take care to draw, the sound of the four strings is like cracking silk.

  The east boat and the west boat were silent, only seeing Jiang Xin Qiuyue white.

  ——Excerpt from "Pipa Xing" Bai Juyi
(End of this chapter)

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