Chapter 238
Wine and song, life geometry!
For example, the morning dew has a lot of suffering.

Generosity should be regarded as generosity, unforgettable worry.

How to relieve worries?Only Dukang.

——Excerpt from "Duan Ge Xing" Cao Cao


Shopkeeper Huang smiled and said, "This is Wang Xizhi's cursive calligraphy work "Sangluan Tie" written during the Yonghe period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.One must know that Wang Xizhi was the most respected master of calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty. His works, whether manuscripts or letters, had long been acquired by the royal family and wealthy families. How could there be collections handed down from generation to generation?
Mrs. Guo Guo beckoned, and a man dressed as a scribe walked up to shopkeeper Huang and looked at the calligraphy carefully.After about a cup of tea, he returned to Mrs. Guo Guo and whispered a few words.Mrs. Guo Guo couldn't help nodding.

After listening, Mrs. Guo Guo said to shopkeeper Huang: "Shopkeeper, where does this calligraphy come from?"

Shopkeeper Huang said with a smile: "The seller didn't tell where this treasure came from, but only said that this 'ghost' is 'raw play'."

Ghost goods specifically refer to the ancient relics obtained by tomb robbers excavating ancient tombs.Shengwan refers to the newly unearthed treasure.

Mrs. Guo Guo said to shopkeeper Huang: "If this painting is really Wang Xizhi's, it will be hard to find. Therefore, before bidding, I want to meet the seller and ask him a few words, so as to judge whether this thing is genuine or fake?"

Shopkeeper Huang said with a smile: "Ma'am, your proposal is against the rules of the antique business. We are the most taboo buyers and sellers to meet. Otherwise, we will be cheated, get rid of the middleman, and save commissions and wearing hats." , this business can’t be done.”

Mrs. Guo Guo said: "If the seller can tell the source of this writing in person, no matter who buys this post today, I will pay you a commission of 'three breaks two'. How about it?"


Shopkeeper Huang rolled his eyes, obviously assessing the big gains and losses in it.It's not entirely for money, but a choice between breaking the rules and offending Mrs. Guo Guo.

"Old Huang, let us meet the seller, what's the matter? Every year you make a lot of money from my master, so why not hurry up with this request!" Li Musheng didn't think it was a big deal when he watched the excitement.

Shopkeeper Hong smiled and said, "Young Master, you don't know something. This seller is very thoughtful and doesn't want to reveal his identity."

The member of the rich family caressed Wuliu's long beard and said with a smile: "There is nothing to hide. If the old man guessed correctly, the head of the Weiyuan Escort Bureau's escort is this seller."

"Oh, how did you know that?" Li Musheng became interested.

The member of the rich family took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "Many escorts in the Weiyuan Escort Bureau are tall and burly, but there are also a few short, slender escorts with stubby fingers and occasional dirt in the nails. The typical appearance of 'Bitter' and 'Legs' in Guoer'.

The chief escort prefers to squat but not to sit, not because of the habits of the old Qin people in Guanzhong, but because he has a serious "calendar style".It can be seen that he haunts damp and cold places underground all year round.As long as there are many people, he will never leave his pipe, sucking on the pipe, and puffing.It's not because he likes to smoke, but because he uses the smell of tobacco leaves to cover up the earthy smell on his body.His eyes seem to be open and sometimes closed, like the eyes of a civet cat, because his eyes are afraid of light.As long as it is night, he will definitely flourish.

If I'm not mistaken, he is the elder brother Zhangyan in this 'one pot'. "

Everyone recalled the appearance of the head of the bodyguard, it was really as the rich family member said.

A member of the rich family said: "Jiacuihui employs the delivery service of the Chang'an Escort Bureau, which is well-known in the circle. 'Zhiguo' uses the Escort Bureau as a cover to carry antique calligraphy and paintings to and from Chang'an and Luoyang. It is safe and hidden."

Before the rich man could finish speaking, the door of the secret room was pushed open, and one of them clapped his hands and laughed, he was really the head of the Weiyuan Escort who smoked dry cigarettes.

The head of the bodyguard said: "This master's vision is really poisonous, and he should not be an unknown person. My surname is Sun, and my friends in the world gave me a nickname: 'Tu Xing Sun'".

It's fine for a layman to hear it, but it's a big deal for an insider to hear it. This Tu Xingsun is a figure at the level of the patriarch of the Dao Dou world.He is a craft handed down from his family, and his ancestors served as Cao Cao's Mojin school lieutenant.

In his generation, when his brothers followed their father to steal an ancient tomb, they accidentally got a martial arts cheat book.At that time, his two brothers were teenagers, they practiced according to the secret books, and within ten years, they became well-known martial arts masters in Shangluo area.

From then on, his elder brother washed his hands in the golden basin and never made a living by robbing tombs.But "Tu Xingsun" always misses the handicraft handed down from his family. When he walks the dart road and sees the tomb with excellent Fengshui, he can't help but go back to his old business.


Tu Xingsun's tone was not kind, and he said to the wealthy family members: "Your two companions followed us as soon as they left the capital, and today you exposed me in public. I don't know the name of this master, what is the meaning of this move?"

Hearing this, the young martial artist beside the rich family stared angrily.

The member of the rich family smiled and said: "Dawn below is the hermit from Zhongnan." He pointed to the senior scribe who was shaking the feather fan and said: "This is my junior Liu Hanyan, and beside me is my apprentice Su Hanyan." Yu Bao."

Hearing this, Tu Xingsun quickly put away his unruly demeanor and bowed deeply to the three of them.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

You must know that Fang Shuliu followed Mr. Di Renjie to handle cases when he entered the industry as a young man, and later became the chief arrester of the six-door sect, known by people in the world as "Catching God".Because he disdained to be with traitors such as Wang Yu and Li Linfu, he resigned from office and retired to Linquan.After he left, Six Gates no longer had the position of head arrester.Among the six sects, the most outstanding headhunters are undoubtedly Liu Hanyan and Su Yubao.

Liu Hanyan has a lot of clever tricks, and a series of mysterious and important cases such as the Luoyang coachman serial dismemberment case, the "butterfly murder case" in the suburbs of Beijing, and the case of Mei Taoguan's cult seducing boys and girls have all been solved by him.

Su Yubao is currently the number one master of the six sects.Once single-handedly broke into Loufeng Village in Taihang Mountain, and captured the village owner and his eight King Kongs alive.He also crossed the Gobi alone, hunted down the Tang rebel general Tugusu for 98 days, and hunted and killed him outside the city of Kucha.

Even women like Mrs. Guo have heard of these cases, let alone Li Musheng and others.Everyone stepped aside to watch Catcher handle the case.


Tu Xingsun said: "Three lords, although I am a fisherman, snakes have their way, rats have their way, and our well water does not violate the river water. I wonder what the three lords have learned today?"

Su Yubao stared wide-eyed, and shouted: "Xiyang Village, Lishan Town, Zhaoying, near your robbery cave, a family of nine were slaughtered, and the death conditions were extremely miserable, as if they were bitten by wild animals and torn to pieces. You How to explain?"

Tu Xingsun was shocked, and quickly waved his hands and said: "We have the rules of fighting against each other. We only steal property and don't hurt innocent people. Even those young people in the industry who want to get rich and fight internally don't easily hurt others."

Liu Hanyan said: "I asked Wu when the crime happened. The villagers were killed on the same day as the last time you appeared in the village. If you don't explain well, you will be involved in this case!"

 Tomb robbery slang, from the Internet:
  La Xianer: The person who communicates and negotiates between buyers and sellers is called "La Xianer".

  After the deal is completed, the middleman will charge a commission, usually 3% from the buyer and 2% from the seller, commonly known as "three for three and two for two".

  Backtracking: The buyer and the seller reach an agreement, get rid of the middleman and conclude the transaction by themselves, so as to save the intermediary fee and wearing a hat, but this behavior is against the rules of the antique shop.

  One pot: Refers to the whole team in the tomb-robbing activities. Although there are many underground cultural relics, one person’s power is limited after all, so every time a tomb-robbing activity basically gathers a lot of people to participate, and these participating teams , will be called "one pot".

  Palm Eye: Grave robbery requires a clear division of labor. Those who dig soil will naturally be in command, and among them, the highest-ranking one will be called "Zhang Yan". The soul characters inside have the most superb skills, and their ability to identify is also extraordinary.

  Support pot: If you want the rice in the pot to cook well, support pot is very necessary, so in "one pot", support pot is the boss of the event, they will be responsible for the funds and equipment of the whole event, even The people employed in it are all paid by them.

  Working hard: As the name suggests, working hard is working hard, belonging to the bottom of the entire industry. They are required to do all digging and grave digging activities, and their income is naturally extremely low.

  Legs: A pair of strong "legs" is essential if a person wants to walk well and fast, so the legs are the backbone and belong to "technicians".

(End of this chapter)

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