Chapter 242
Tianya Road, Jiangshangke.The intestines are about to be broken, and the head should be white.Scratching his head and sighing in emptiness, he left and demolished in his old age.It is wine that must be used to eliminate worries and sorrows, and there is no limit to the wine shop.Then he took it, and the Yangtze River entered the honor, pouring his chest.

——Excerpt from Zhao Ding (Song Dynasty) "Manjianghong·Ding Wei's Work of Nandu Bozhou Yizhen Jiangkou in September"

Just when Fang Shuliu was depressed and at a loss what to do, five or six figures slowly walked out from the dark place on all sides of the street corner.They flattened their crossbow arrows, aimed their eyes, and expanded their fingers, encircling the eight terracotta warriors.The sharp arrows of the crossbow locked firmly on the eight terracotta warriors.Fang Shuliu looked carefully, and it turned out to be those frontier soldiers who were drinking and eating meat in the lobby of the restaurant in the evening.

A drum sounded in the black mist, and the eight terracotta warriors shouted loudly, and rushed towards Fang Shuliu and the others in array.

The middle-aged officer gave an order, and the six crossbow arrows fired at the same time, continuously firing 36 crossbow bolts.

The terracotta warriors were not afraid of arrows. Although they were shot into hedgehogs, they still continued to charge.

The middle-aged officer gave a loud shout, and the soldiers quickly changed the box and shot a second round of arrows.

Seeing the Terracotta Warriors rushing towards Fang Shuliu and the others, this round of arrow rain finally stopped the Terracotta Warriors.I saw black smoke rising from the arrows in the bodies of these eight terracotta warriors, like punctured sheepskin rafts.They dropped their weapons and kept using their hands to block the smoke hole where the arrow hit, but to no avail.They kept scratching their whole bodies with their hands, as if they were covered with fleas, and they were extremely itchy.

The black smoke got bigger and bigger, and got thicker and thicker.Slowly envelop and submerge them.In less than a stick of incense, the black smoke slowly dissipated, the terracotta warriors disappeared, and ashes and clay were all over the ground.

Although the Qin warriors were wiped out, the six generals did not dare to slack off in the slightest.They raised their crossbow arrows horizontally, and continued to lock tightly on the black mist that shrouded the carriage.

Hearing the buzzing sound coming from the black mist, Fang Shuliu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. They knew intuitively that there was a greater danger ahead.Sure enough, a black-gold cloud floated out of the black mist, like a black-gold brocade, making a buzzing sound.When the black golden cloud floated above the heads of the crowd, it suddenly swooped down and then dispersed, surrounded by the crowd.

Taking a closer look, this group of black gold clouds turned out to be a swarm of wasps!No, it's not a wasp, it's scarier than a wasp!They were the size of a wasp and had wings like a wasp, but in the middle of the wings, where the body of a wasp was originally, was a dog's head the size of a wasp.The canine teeth are bared, sharp and ferocious, with barbs.Once bitten by it, you want to tear it off.With blood on the skin, a piece of flesh was pulled off.

Such a monster, unheard of.Rao Fang Shuliu is well-informed, so he doesn't know what this hornet-like thing is?Let's call it a dog-headed bee for now.

Facing the dog-headed bee, the crossbow arrows of the six soldiers were useless.Their crossbow arrows are coated with special poison, which can kill evil ghosts such as zombies and wandering spirits, but they are powerless to Ma Feng, who is smaller than the arrowhead.

Two soldiers were accidentally bitten by a dog-headed wasp, itching and painful, rolled on the ground, constantly tearing at the wasp biting them, making miserable screams.

The tattooed barbarian was closer to the bee colony, and the kobold bee rushed towards the tattooed barbarian.In desperation, the tattooed barbarian took care of himself.He took off his cloak and lit it with fire.Then swing it quickly, as if waving a huge torch.Sure enough, the dog-headed bee didn't dare to approach, it buzzed a few meters above the head of the tattooed barbarian, circling and feinting to attack.

The rest of the people followed suit and quickly protected the vital parts of their bodies.

Fang Shuliu also calmed down at this moment. He took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, poured out a few pills, crushed them with his teeth, chewed a few times, and spit them into the wine pouch on his waist.Then shake the wine sac vigorously to fully mix the medicine and wine.Fang Shuliu poured a big gulp of the medicinal wine, his dantian struggled, and sprayed it with all his strength at the dog-headed bee.The medicinal wine had a strong internal force, and the dog-headed bees that were shot fell to the ground one after another.Forced by Fang Shuliu's continuous spout of medicinal wine, the rest of the dog-headed bees couldn't bear the pungent and powerful smell of the medicinal wine, and fled back to the black mist one after another.

Seeing the dog-headed bee fleeing, Fang Shuliu smeared the wounds of the soldier bitten by the dog-headed bee with medicinal wine. The two soldiers gradually stopped the itching and recovered their minds slowly.The middle-aged officer was on high alert and did not dare to put down the crossbow. He nodded to Fang Shuliu as a thank you.

The black mist was silent, hanging over the carriage.In the mist, the wind and cloud converge, and the airflow rotates, looming the image of purple and gold thunder and lightning.

In the black mist, there was a sudden sound of plucking strings, like a silver bottle bursting and water squirting, and insects stinging and stinging.

A pipa whimper echoed untimely in the silent street at midnight: Yoyo Chirp Chirp Chirp Chirp Chirp Chirp Chirp Chirp Chirp.The sound of gurgling and gurgling is indefinite, fluttering and fluttering.

Listening carefully, it was actually a pipa song played by a slim and delicate singer in the lobby of a wine shop in the evening.

Fang Shuliu shook his head and sighed softly, finally knowing where the problem was.

Before playing the pipa, the singer once burned a plate of incense, which smelled fragrant, like musk deer and orchid.If the prediction is correct, this should be the legendary Pirates of Dreams and Soul Absorbing Incense.The caster can use this incense to perform the illusion of soul-hunting, which can confuse people's minds.The giant pythons, towering trees, and dog-headed bees that I saw tonight were all illusions created by illusions implanted in my mind.

But this incense is too evil, since the death of Emperor Zetian, no one knows how to make and use this incense.Unexpectedly, this fragrance has not been lost, and I don't know why it will reappear?
I have played with eagles all my life, but I never wanted to be pecked by eagles.Unexpectedly, he was attacked by illusion, and was taken advantage of by this singer, who easily seized the land, causing the Lingtai to fail, and the city of the sky collapsed.

While thinking wildly, the strings of the pipa are accelerated, the strings of the ice spring are cold and astringent, and the strings of the Youyan Spring are flowing under the ice.

Everyone present, their faces were ashen, their bodies were like falling into a cellar of ice, trembling.The ends of the beard and hair condensed into wisps of ice balls.

"Not good! Sound Gu!"

Fang Shuliu was shocked.

Ordinary people only know poisonous insects such as snakes, scorpions, centipedes, etc., and there are seven more powerful invisible poisons, and this sound Gu is one of them.

When the singer played the pipa earlier, she implanted the seeds of sound Gu into everyone's minds.Once the Gu performer plays the song again, the seeds will linger in the mind and take root.The so-called 'the lingering sound lingers on the beam for three days without a break'.Once the melody of the music resonates with the heart of the bewitched, it can make people dance, laugh and bewilder at the least;

If the records in the book are correct, when the pipa song is finally drawn, and the four strings sound like a crack, it is the time when the hearts of all the people present burst and their blood pulsed to death.

Fang Shuliu hurriedly bit the tip of his tongue, keeping the last leaf of the Lingtai clear.But it was powerless to stop the pipa playing, let alone stop everyone from sobriety to madness.

 reference poem

  1. Pipa line
  Tang Dynasty: Niu Shu

  Who can get a piece of wood, three feet of spring ice and five tones.

  A flick broke the pearl sac, and the sound of the golden plate falling into it was intermittent.

  Fluttering and stinging and cold tingling, insects stinging and stinging, gods and ghosts are frightened.

  Qiuhong called his partner Dai Yunhei, and the orangutan called Manyueming at night.

  The gurgling sound of 潏潏 was indeterminate, and Hu Chu was not learning Chinese properly.

  If it is like a lunar eclipse in Chang'an, the sound of drums beating all over the city.

  The green hills fly up without pressing down on objects, and the wild water flows to wet people.

  Reminiscing sadly of Empress Chen, the Spring Palace is half-hearted and slender waist dance.

  The orioles are calling each other with all their tongues, and the flowers in the backyard of Yushu are raining.

  There are many mountains where the second concubine cries, and the cloud melts after the second concubine is gone.

  Late at night, frost and dew lock the empty temple, and there are scattered clusters of mottled bamboo wind.

  The grass in the Golden Valley Garden is just green, and Shi Chongyi thinks about returning to the song.

  At that time, there were 24 friends, and the gold cup in hand was not enough to hear.

  It's also like Jia Ke's road in Shu, thousands of drums and chimes ringing in the empty mountain.

  Not like this tune Yo Yo Xi Chirp, Noisy Chirp Chirp.

  Lead it to the mountain, and the beast cannot go.Blow it into water, and fish cannot swim.

  Knowing that this art is impossible, everything in the world depends on hands.

  How to play for me again and again, and send a wine before Hua.

  2. Miserably overcast in autumn, the westerly wind blows, and the rain is wet.Looking at the eyes sadly, the words "Zhenghong", cast sand and moraine at dusk.May I ask where the township gate is?But with a touch of cold greenness, there is a distant mountain scenery.

  Tianya Road, Jiangshangke.The intestines are about to be broken, and the head should be white.Scratching his head and sighing in emptiness, he left and demolished in his old age.It is wine that must be used to eliminate worries and sorrows, and there is no limit to the wine shop.Then he took it, and the Yangtze River entered the honor, pouring his chest.

  ——"Man Jianghong · Ding Wei Jiuyue Nandu Bozhou Yizhen Jiangkou Work" Zhao Ding (Song)
(End of this chapter)

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