The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 254 The Origin of the Sword Demon

Chapter 254 The Origin of the Sword Demon
Play the flute and enter Wu City, and build a tour Yansi.

Looking for the source of Bowanghou, and seeking customers from afar.

The young man took a look, and drove back to Longtou.

The flames move, the swords rise, and the swords float.

The Tianshan Mountains are snowed in winter and summer, and flow north and south across the river.

The cloud rises, the dragon sand is dark, and the wood falls in Yanmen autumn.

To commit suicide and sacrifice one's confidant is not for one's own sake.

——Excerpt from Yu Shinan (Tang Dynasty)


After Dugu Xiao left again, the old master Dugu asked his servants to remove the chessboard and replace it with a few cups of green tea.

The Dugu old lord said to Bai Fu: "Fu'er, Master Changsun briefly told me about your fate. Show me the black iron knife."

Bai Fu nodded in agreement, picked up the thick-backed saber, and handed it to Lord Dugu.

The Dugu old master slowly took the Xuan Tie thick back knife, stroked the blade with his hand, and burst into tears.

Bai Fu was confused and looked at Changsun Yanxing.

The eldest grandson Yan Xing said in a low voice, "The sword demon who passed on your martial arts in Huashan, whose real name is Dugusu, is the elder brother of the old lord!"

Bai Fu was stunned on the spot.

The old Lord Dugu looked in the direction of Mount Hua with deep eyes, as if recalling many past events.After a while, he slowly opened his mouth: "Back then, a huge meteorite fell from the sky and fell into the manor of my Dugu family. Dugu Xin, the patriarch of my Dugu family, sent someone to find Qimu Huaiwen, a master of weapons in the Northern Qi Dynasty. Qimu Huaiwen Three pieces of metal that could be used to make swords were excavated from the meteorite.

The first piece of metal was light and flexible, and the tiny particles on the metal shone with faint blue light.Qi's mother Huaiwen cast it into a dagger.After the sword was cast, it was sharp and sharp, and the blade shone with starlight all over the sky.The ancestor Duguxin named it "Xingxiao".Give it to Dugu Jialuo, the seventh daughter.Dugu Jialuo later became the queen of Sui Wendi Yang Jian, and this "star silk" has since circulated in the royal families of Sui, Yang, Li and Tang dynasties.

The second piece of metal, black and black, neither gold nor iron, is the Xuantian meteorite.Qi's mother Huaiwen used this to cast a long knife, which is the black iron thick back knife.Qi's mother Huaiwen named him "Baopu".Because of its thick and heavy, it is also called "Magnolia".

This thick-backed long knife weighs more than eighty catties, which is equivalent to a hammer and a sharp axe.An ordinary weapon mixed with one or two coins of Xuantian meteorite is a magic weapon, not to mention a whole piece of Xuantian meteorite.Although this knife is blunt and has no sharp edge, it is indestructible.

This knife is too heavy, no one in the family can handle it.The ancestor Duguxin once asked Qi's mother Huaiwen to recast this knife and smelt it into several lighter weapons.Qi's mother, Huaiwen, refused. He predicted that within a hundred years, my Dugu family would inevitably produce a martial arts genius who could control this knife.This person's martial arts are unsurpassed, transcending the ordinary and becoming a saint, and finally became a master of a generation, shining on the lintel of the family, and his name will go down in history.

As a result, this knife has been passed down as a family treasure, handed down in the hands of successive patriarchs, silently waiting for his master.

The third piece of metal is the most peculiar.It is also heavy and abnormal, but it is neither gold nor wood.The most miraculous thing is that when a martial arts master pours true energy into it, the object is elastic, like a living thing.Although Qi's mother Huaiwen is highly skilled, she doesn't know how to handle this thing.

The ancestor Duguxin saw that Qi's mother Huaiwen was fascinated by the third piece of metal, so he gave it to Qi's mother Huaiwen as a reward for casting a sword.After the death of Qi's mother Huaiwen, it is not known where the logistics fell.


Let's go back to the black iron thick back knife.

In my generation, as the eldest son of the family, I was established as the eldest son in the year of weak crown, and became the successor of the patriarch.

At the Standing Chu Conference, my father invited this black iron thick back knife from the ancestral hall.According to family rules, I need to be tested to see if I can handle this knife.

But unfortunately, like the previous generations, I failed to succeed.Although the father was a little disappointed, he could accept the result.After all, this opportunity is rare.

But just as the ceremony was about to end, my normally withdrawn and arrogant elder brother Dugu Su suddenly jumped up, picked up the knife from the confession, and used the "Flying Dragon in the Sky" move against the wind.This simple and unpretentious black iron saber seemed to be infused with life, and the dragon chanted for nine days, shining brightly, cutting across the sky and the earth.

This long knife, which has been lonely for a hundred years, finally found its true master.

On the night of the reserve meeting, the elders of the family quarreled.Most of the elders support me as the heir, while the elders of the other faction rely on the last words of their ancestor Duguxin and ask for Dugusu to be the heir.

Although the eldest brother Dugusu is also my father's child, he has never been liked by my father.Not because he is a concubine, but because my father thinks he is a disaster star.His mother was my father's favorite concubine before she was alive, but died of dystocia after giving birth to him.

After looking at the baby brother, the physicist thinks that he is the lone star of the gods, who restrains his father and mother, so he should stay away.

My father blamed him for this, thinking that he had killed his mother.From then on, he was handed over to the old housekeeper of the country manor to be raised, and he was ignored.

Only my mother took pity on my elder brother and secretly hired the best private school teacher for him to teach him carefully.After having me, my mother often took me to the countryside to visit him.

Every time I went to visit him in the countryside, my eldest brother would often take me down the river to fish, climb trees to dig birds, and do things that I would not dare to exceed the rules at home.This period was the happiest time of my childhood.

When he was a little older, my mother persuaded my father to take him back home, live with me, and learn from a teacher.Therefore, although my elder brother and I are divided into concubine and concubine, we do not have the rank distinction between brothers and concubines in ordinary families, and we have a deep relationship.

The dispute was in full swing, and the quarrel lasted for more than a month.If this matter is not resolved, the family may face a split in the future. "

Speaking of this, the old boss Dugu recalled the past: it was a dark rainy night, his mother shook himself up from the bed, and handed him the black iron thick back knife.The mother said hurriedly: "Give this knife to your elder brother quickly. Your father wants to kill him, let him take the knife and go!"

When they arrived at the side entrance of the mansion, the old housekeeper of the country manor was waiting there in a carriage.According to his mother's instructions, he gave the black iron knife and a pack of gold leaves to his elder brother.

The Dugu old boss continued: "We two brothers bid farewell in a hurry. Where the old housekeeper took the elder brother to, except for the mother, no one knows.

The next day, the elders of the Dugu family knew that Dugu Su had disappeared suddenly with a knife.In the following years, there was no news of my eldest brother.This Dugu family dispute is over.

By the time I was [-] years old, there was still no news of Dugusu.The elders of the family unanimously elected me as the eldest son of the family.A few years later, my father was ill and resigned early, and officially handed over the position of patriarch to me.

Before his father died, he often dreamed of his elder brother, feeling guilty and remorseful, and his health was changing day by day.

According to my father's last words, I ordered me to find my eldest brother and let him recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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