Chapter 264
Thin and frivolous, with a jade-like face, Zi Mo's spring breeze binds her horse's feet.

Falcons fly with golden hazels hanging on double pedals, and rhinoceros beams grow from pricking snow in long gowns.

Green pagoda trees are interspersed with Yin, and the coral is a few knots against meteors.

The red muscles are brushed and the wine is shining, and the Jinwu walks on the street.

The sound of Dongdong's drums in the morning tour is heard, and the sound of Dongdong's drums in the evening tour is absolutely gone.

The entry refuses to ascend to the hall, and the beauties step on the golden steps.

——Gu Kuang (Tang Dynasty)

After returning to Dugu Mansion, Mrs. Pei was still angry.Sitting down on the couch, he dropped the scroll in his hand to the ground.

Duguying stepped into the door, picked up the scroll, and said with a smile: "What makes Madam so furious?"

Mrs. Pei pointed at the picture scroll and said angrily: "Everyone says Bai Fu is brilliant, but I think it's just an embroidered pillow. I don't even know what season the banana tree grows in. Isn't this the old man who said 'the four bodies are not diligent, and the five grains are not distinguished'?

This bad painting cost me a lot of money.After being criticized for this flaw, it is immediately worthless.The sisters laughed, making me ashamed in front of them.It's so infuriating! "

Mrs. Pei was eloquent, and told the ins and outs, but she concealed the matter of meeting Bai Fu alone.

Duguying couldn't help laughing when she asked the ins and outs.He spread the picture scroll on the long table, looked at it carefully, the more he looked at it, the more he admired it, and said: "It's not simple, at such an age, with a grand style, it's not simple!"

Seeing the plantains in the snow, Duguying stroked her beard and praised: "The beauty of calligraphy and painting should be mastered by spirit, and it is difficult to find it in form. You princes and wives can only enjoy the characters and scenery on the screen when viewing paintings. Few people can comprehend the profound and profound implication.

Boundless and full of snow, emerald green plantains survive frost and snow without wilting.In nature, the cycle of heaven and earth may be an unbreakable cage, but the genius of Xianyun can break through the boundary, dissolve the heavy snow, let the plantain break through the ground, change the sky and change the earth, and transcend time and space.

When painting landscapes, the intention is to put the brush first.Those who are good at painting do not draw with hands, but draw with their hearts, and their intentions are completed with brushes.This plantain in the snow is exactly the finishing touch of Bai Fu's spirit and object travel.How can you laymen be able to comprehend the ecstasy of drawing thoughts and grasping the secrets of heaven? "

Mrs. Pei hurriedly approached and said: "That is to say, it's not a flaw in the writing, so you won't lose money?"

When Duguying heard this, she became angry.


In recent days, Yongwang Li Lin seldom entertained guests at home, and often went out to socialize.Every time I have a dinner party, I return home very late.After returning home, he didn't go back to the bedroom, but fell asleep in the guest room.It's a beautiful name, don't disturb Yang Yichan's rest.On several occasions, the banquet lasted until late at night, and even missed the time to close the gate of the workshop, and did not return to the mansion until the next day.

Over time, Yang Yichan became suspicious.She planned to dismiss the maid and secretly search Li Lin for a change of clothes.Although there is no trace of women's hair or makeup on these clothes, there is a unique fragrance of women's body.

Yang Yichan was so jealous that she vowed to find the prodigal who seduced her man and tear her to pieces.

After counting the days of Li Lin's haunts, on this day, Yang Yichan asked his attendants to bring a message to Yongwang Li Lin: I feel a little cold today and feel unwell, so I will stay in the Huben barracks to rest and will not return to the palace.

After watching the attendants drive away, Yang Yichan left the camp.Came to a nearby inn and booked a room.When it was dark, Yang Yichan changed into night clothes and sneaked back to Yongwang Mansion.

When it was time to light the lamps, Yong Wang Li Lin drove up and down in a chariot.Yang Yichan walked through the streets and alleys, jumped up and down the house, and followed behind.After about a stick of incense, Yong Wang drove to the residence of Huben Captain Ji Guangchen.General Ji had been waiting for a long time, and a group of people greeted Yong Wang into the mansion.

Yang Yichan frowned: "Did I miscalculate, Li Lin really came to drink with Lao Ji?"

Yang Yichan turned to the side door of the mansion, looking around for no one, a "kite turned over", like a catkin, gently fell into the courtyard.

Yang Yichan lurks in the dark, like a civet cat walking through the eaves, followed the attendants serving wine and dishes, and quietly came to the banquet hall.

Yang Yichan jumped onto the roof and gently lifted the tiles.I saw the house drinking and rectifying mistakes, singing and dancing, so lively.Although there were quite a few beautiful singers in the audience, they were joking with the wine, but they were all common tricks, not what Yang Yichan thought.

Half an hour later, Yong Wang Li Lin was too drunk to drink.Ji Guangchen hurriedly asked his attendants to help Yongwang into the inner courtyard to rest.

Yang Yichan rolled her eyes, sensing a clue.She knows the drinking capacity of Yong Wang Li Lin best, how could he get drunk so quickly.There must be something tricky here.

After King Yong entered the inner courtyard, two attendants stood guard behind the door.

As expected by Yang Yichan, in less than a stick of incense, the window facing the back garden of this room was gently pushed open.A person in a tight-fitting night suit poked his head out, looked around, and jumped into the back garden through the window.Judging from his stature, the man in black is none other than Yongwang Li Lin.

There is a corner door in the secret place of the back garden, hidden among the rose bushes, it is difficult to distinguish without looking carefully.Li Lin took out the key, opened the corner door, and walked out through the door.

Yang Yichan crouched on the roof, watching all this quietly, with the cold light of a she-wolf preying on her eyes.

Yang Yichan followed closely behind and flew into the hospital like a civet cat treading snow, landing silently.

Ji Guangchen's mansion separated by a wall is full of music and drums, which contrasts with the unusual silence here.

Yongwang Li Lin came to a tall building deep in the courtyard, stopped, and glanced around.I saw that the surroundings were pitch black and dumb, and there was nothing unusual about it.Only then did he feel relieved and entered in a flash.

Yang Yichan thought to himself: "Li Lin acted so cautiously this time, could it be that I guessed wrong, he is not a woman, but some other dignitary?"

Yang Yichan retreated, hesitating whether to follow.Just listen to a seductive murmur, like a wild cat in heat on a spring night.

Yang Yichan was so angry that she leaped into the air and somersaulted, like a flying squirrel, scurrying under the eaves of the bay window.

Yang Yichan dipped her hands in saliva, pricked the window paper, and peeped in through the hole the size of a thumb.

There was no light in the house, and it was dim and hazy, with only a glimmer of moonlight.In the flow of light and shadow, a woman with a plump body and a provocative posture can be vaguely seen.

Such a fragrant and meandering style of painting made Yang Yichan well up with anger and blood.She gently pushed open a gap in the hanging window, and aimed at the woman with the sleeve arrow in her hand...

Yang Yichan once again smelled the unique fragrance of a woman.She shivered - she finally knew who the slutty woman on the bed was!

  1. Prose "Plantains in the Snow, Beauty Is Enough", by Lin Qingxuan.

  2. "Mengxi Bi Tan", written by Shen Kuo, translated and annotated by Zhu Yuchen, Zhonghua Book Company Publishing House, September 2016

(End of this chapter)

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