Chapter 319
If the sky is out of season, the sun and the moon will have no light.If the land is out of season, no vegetation will grow.When the water is out of season, the waves will not be still.If people are out of season, their fate will be out of order.If there is no fundamental horoscope, how can you be a minister.Life is all about fate, not at all.

——"Cold Kiln Fu" excerpt Lv Mengzheng (Song Dynasty)


Yong Wang Li Lin smashed the ghost boundary tablet and threw it into the bottom of the Nether Valley. The bottom of the valley was silent and there was no reaction.

Yong Wang Li Lin laughed loudly and said: "As expected by this king, it is indeed a trick to fool the villagers and peasant women.

Yang Mei, don't waste time, hurry up and summon the Enlightened Beast! "

Yang Yichan felt uneasy, but the matter had come to this point, and there was no other way.Yang Yichan walked to the edge of the cliff, sat down cross-legged, and was about to cast a spell.

Looking down from the edge of the cliff, the Nether Valley is eerie and bottomless.The moment she overlooked the abyss, Yang Yichan was in a trance.Being humiliated that day, thousands of arrows pierced her heart, and she had nothing to love in life.

When he was desperate, his courage surged up, he rushed to the ghost swearing stage, and jumped off the cliff to commit suicide.

Revisiting the old place, reappearing yesterday, she seems to have seen the scene of that day: she lost her soul, wandering in the valley like a walking corpse, gritted her teeth, and jumped off the cliff with one stride...

A young senior brother, risking his life to save him!

Bai Fu is like a ray of light, dispelling the cold winter and illuminating his eternal night.

"If there was no Senior Brother Fu, you would have been buried at the bottom of the cliff long ago, how would you be rich today?!" A voice jumped out from the bottom of his heart, questioning himself.Yang Yichan was so ashamed and ashamed, she didn't dare to face it.

This is the abyss in her heart, no matter how prominent she is today, how she justifies her actions, her conscience cannot deceive herself, and she will be swallowed by this abyss sooner or later.

Yang Yichan took a deep breath, forcing down the feeling of guilt.

Yang Yichan untied the python bead hanging around his neck, the python bead was as bright as the moon, emitting a faint halo.Yang Yichan concentrated and calmed down, injected his thoughts into the python bead, and greeted the enlightened beast.

Suddenly, there was only a loud roar of a wild beast, and a huge tiger soared over the rock wall like clouds and fog, and in an instant, it jumped up the cliff of Oath Ghost Terrace.

This tiger is four or five times bigger than ordinary tigers with eye-catching eyes. Its neck has a red mane like a short halberd, and eight heads are hidden in the mane.With a tiger head and a human face, majestic, rebellious, and defying the world—it is the Qingcheng Mountain Protector, the Enlightened Beast.

Seeing Yang Yichan and others, the enlightened beasts and tigers roared in the forest, deafening,
Yong Wang and others saw how big and mighty the Enlightened Beast was, they trembled and hid far away behind the rocks, not daring to approach it.

Yang Yichan approached Kaiming Beast lightly, suppressing the fear in his heart, and forced a smile.Yang Yichan said: "Senior, do you still remember me? A few years ago, you were the one who carried me on your back and sent me from the bottom of Nether Valley back to Oath Ghost Terrace."

The Enlightened Beast approached Yang Yichan, its bell-like tiger eyes glowed green, and the rough breath from its tiger's mouth was pungent.After the Enlightened Beast sniffed Yang Yichan, it let out a roar, which shocked Yang Yichan's ears to the point of deafness.

Yang Yichan was terrified, took out the python beads tremblingly, and said, "Senior, did you forget? It was my Senior Brother Fu who helped you kill the double-headed python and saved your life!"

When the enlightened beast saw the python beads, his eyes softened immediately, as if seeing an old friend.He raised his head, looked warmly, and looked around Yong Wang and others, as if he was looking for Bai Fu.

Yang Yichan smiled and said, "Senior Brother Fu ordered me to come to you. Please also, senior, take me to the cave behind the waterfall to look for the Xun Ding." After finishing speaking, Yang Yichan gestured to look like a big bronze tripod.

The enlightened beast nodded, gesturing with its tiger claws.

Yang Yichan laughed and said, "You mean gold and red python scales? They turned into two dragon pattern rings, which were worn on Senior Brother Fu's hand. I came here in a hurry this time, so I didn't have time to take them off."

The enlightened beast narrowed its tiger eyes, and moved its tiger head closer to Yang Yichan.Touch Yang Yichan's forehead with a tiger's head hidden in the mane.

Yang Yichan felt like a thorn in her back, her heart pounding with fright, for fear that the enlightened beast would see through her lies.

In less than a stick of incense time, Kaiming Beast left Yang Yichan and went straight to the hiding place of Yongwang Li Lin and others. With a roar of a tiger, its eyes were like lightning, and it shot at everyone.

King Yong and the others curled up together, trembling, and the sound of teeth clinking could almost be heard between each other.

The Kaiming Beast knew it well, he let go of the crowd, walked towards Yang Yichan again, stretched out his tiger's neck, snatched the python bead from Yang Yichan's hand, held it in his mouth, and walked straight to the edge of the cliff.

The enlightened beast turned its head and looked around at the crowd with contemptuous eyes.He arched his tiger back, facing the Nether Valley, roaring with his head raised.This roar shook the heavens and the earth, and the sound shook the universe.

The Enlightened Beast swung its tiger tail, leaped down the canyon, and disappeared among the mountains in an instant like the tide receding.


Seeing the enlightened beast leave, Yong Wang Li Lin breathed a sigh of relief, came out from behind the rock, walked to Yang Yichan, and complained: "Your method is not working, not only did you not find the whereabouts of the Xunding, but you lost the python beads!

If I knew it was so unreliable, why should I ask for trouble and travel all the way! "

Before the words fell, there was a "click" in the sky above Nether Valley, and a thunderbolt from the clear sky exploded.

Immediately after the mountain wind blew, clusters of dark clouds quickly rose from the Nether Valley, covering the entire mountain.The sky darkened in an instant, turning from day to night.

After a stick of incense, the wind raged, thunder and lightning, and heavy rain poured down.Yong Wang and others hurriedly hid in a small cave under the ghost oath platform to avoid the rain.

Amidst the sound of wind and rain, a dull drum beat from far to near, like thousands of horses galloping on the grassland.Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what happened.Some of the entourage had been scouts and hurried to listen.After a while, he jumped up suddenly and hissed loudly: "No! It should be a herd of beasts rushing towards us!"

The followers all retreated into the cave and curled up together.

I saw hundreds of white-headed horses, with tiger stripes on their bodies and red tails, rushing up to the Ghost Oath Stage in groups. They were Lu Shu.

After Lu Shu ran past, several small animals sprang out from the bushes between the cliffs. They looked like foxes but had fish fins.

The few small animals that followed Zhu Xi looked like hedgehogs, and their bodies were red like flames, which represented the cruelty of the great plague.

"Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng", a beast that looks like a cow ran up the cliff with heavy steps.This beast has a huge physique, with two long and four short and six horns on its white head. There is only one red eye in the middle of its forehead, and a snake tail behind it.

Knowing these fierce beasts, Yang Yichan was terrified, knowing that a catastrophe was coming.


A gust of wind hits the face, a horned head, a huge gu carving makes the sound of a baby crying.It swept out from above the ghost swearing stage, circled several times in the sky, suddenly retracted its wings, flew down, and went straight to the cave where Yong Wang and others were hiding.

The attendants were shocked, and hurriedly drew their bows and arrows, and unsheathed their swords.Without waiting for everyone's reaction, the Gu Eagle swooped fiercely and swiftly, its claws grabbed the shoulders of a entourage, spread its wings, and flew into the sky.

Suffering from pain, he kicked and kicked in the air, struggling desperately.The Gu Diao's claws were unparalleled in strength, and with a single force, it broke the man's collarbone.The Gu Eagle opened its beak, pecked twice to blind the attendant's eyes, and then ruthlessly tore the man's abdomen.

The follower's blood was flowing, and the internal organs flowed out from the abdominal cavity, dripping down from mid-air, and landed in front of Yongwang and others.

Gu Diao threw the attendant down from mid-air, the attendant's brain burst, he twitched a few times, and died in a slump.

The Gu Eagle landed next to the attendant, probed into the man's belly, and swallowed the man's heart, liver, spleen and lungs one by one.

The bloody and cruel scene made Yang Yichan feel sick for a while, but couldn't bear it any longer, and vomited out with a "wow".Yongwang Li Lin stood beside Yang Yichan, disgusted with the filth of the vomit, so he poked his head out of the cave to breathe.

I saw a dark brown monster appearing above the ghost swearing stage at some unknown time. It was shaped like a tiger and leopard, with sharp tiger claws, a pair of white wings on its back, and orange eyes. It is Qiongqi, one of the four ancient beasts.

Yang Yichan was shocked, and dragged Yongwang Li Lin back to the cave.

Qiongqi was as fast as the wind, like a hurricane passing over the grass, jumped up, and sprinted down from the top of the rock wall, knocking down the two guards at the entrance of the cave, and before they could struggle to resist, he killed them with several mouthfuls. The legs and feet were bitten off.

The attendants were in a hurry, and a rain of arrows shot at Qiongqi.

Qiongqi has a body of copper and iron, not afraid of ordinary bows and arrows, and the arrows hit it and fell one after another.

Ordinary beasts usually take their prey away and devour them in secret places.But Qiongqi was uncharacteristically, like a demonstration and intimidation, opened his bloody mouth in front of Yongwang and others, gobbled it up, and ripped the two followers open.

The two followers were eaten alive, screaming in pain.The screams were endless, creepy.

Qiongqi sneered ferociously, like a civet cat or mouse, from time to time, with a swing of his head and neck, he would throw the stumped limbs and severed hands of his attendants into the cave, causing terrified screams in the cave.

In the eyes of everyone, the familiar faces of the two entourages gradually became bloody and bloody, and finally they were bitten into a skeleton with sporadic pieces of meat hanging from them.

Yong Wang Li Lin had never seen such a bloody scene, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

After eating the two followers in a leisurely manner, Qiongqi grinned and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, as if he still had more to say.Qiongqi wandered around the entrance of the cave for two more times. Under the terrified eyes of his followers, he flapped his white wings and slowly approached the entrance of the cave...

(End of this chapter)

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