Chapter 330
The sky was scorching and the ape wailed, and Zhu Qingsha and white birds flew back.

The endless fall of the trees, the endless Yangtze River rolling in.

Wandering With Melancholy, a century on stage alone and sick.

Hard hatred Fanshuang temples, knocked down the new cup of turbidity.

—— "Climbing the High" by Du Fu


On November 11, 24th year of Tianbao, Li Linfu, the prime minister of power, finally passed away.He was prime minister for 19 years and was the longest-serving prime minister in Xuanzong's reign.

After Li Linfu died, the imperial court enshrined him with national ceremonies and gave him a precious coffin filled with goldfish bags, purple clothes and other imperial gifts.On behalf of the Holy One, Gao Lishi visited the sacrificial hall in person and put a bright and clean pearl in his mouth.

The solemn funeral and the sacrificial objects given by the emperor symbolized the Tang emperor's favor and grief for Li Linfu.For Lee Sang's family, it is the supreme honor and the greatest comfort.

A person's death is like a lamp being extinguished, no matter how illustrious he was when he was in power, in the end it is just a pile of loess.

However, Li Linfu, who is "resentful and enmity all over the world", can't enjoy this piece of loess in peace.

As the old saying goes, it is better to offend a gentleman than a villain.When Li Linfu was in power, Yang Guozhong, who didn't even dare to take a breath, was now refreshed and didn't want Li Linfu to die so easily.

In the first month of the 12th year of Tianbao, before Li Linfu was buried, Yang Guozhong, as Shangshu Zuopushe, turned over the old case again.Yang Guozhong teamed up with An Lushan to accuse Li Linfu and the Turkic general Abus of conspiring to rebel.

Li Linfu was An Lushan's nemesis.As long as Li Linfu is in power, An Lushan will be a wolfhound tied to an iron chain, no matter how vicious he is, he will be afraid of the shepherd's whip.

When Li Linfu died, An Lushan stayed up all night, ecstatic.He realized that the iron chain that tied him had begun to loosen, and the key was in Yang Guozhong's hands.

Yang Guozhong's lobbying hit An Lushan's heart.He hastily joined hands with Yang Zhao, bought some of Absi's cronies, and came to Chang'an to give false testimony.

Under the tactics of Yin Fenglan, the boss of Caiyi Club, Yang Guozhong coerced Li Linfu's son-in-law Yang Qixuan and others to betray his father-in-law.

I also blame Li Linfu for making too many enemies on weekdays, but now everyone is pushing the wall down.For a time, the ups and downs of the ruling and opposition parties prevailed, and there were many ungrateful and ungrateful people.

Faced with fierce accusations and accusations from the civil and military courts of the Manchu Dynasty, the old and dizzy Xuanzong failed to investigate, and then issued an edict to confiscate Li Linfu's family and seize the title, and all his descendants were dismissed from office and exiled to the frontier.

What's more, under the vicious report of Yang Guozhong and An Lushan, Xuanzong showed his meanness and ungratefulness, and ordered people to open Li Linfu's coffin, and took away the imperial pearls, purple clothes, goldfish bags and other things.Finally, Li Linfu's body was stuffed into a small coffin and buried casually in a random grave in the suburbs.

Li Linfu's life is full of honey and swords, harming the country and harming people. Such an ending is also his own fault.However, Xuanzong, as the lord of the Tang Dynasty and a generation of emperors, treated the old Xiangguo who had served him for almost 20 years in this way, which really made the old officials in the court sigh with emotion and chill.


On the branch of the moon, Li Tengkong lay on the roof of Prince Yin's mansion like a civet cat, staring blankly at a lattice window in the courtyard.

One light is like a bean, and the candlelight projects a silhouette of a person on the window paper.The man kept his hand on the book, reciting in a low voice, occasionally getting up and pacing, his thin figure was particularly slender...

Li Tengkong's long eyelashes did not blink, he stared at this figure obsessively, a line of tears rolled down his cheeks...

The scholars in the room seemed to sense something, pushed open the window lattice, looked up at the sky, thoughtfully.

Li Tengkong was afraid of being seen by the other party, so he hurriedly buried his head, under the starry sky, shrugged his shoulders, and sobbed silently.


It was late at night, and the lights in the windows finally went out.

Li Tengkong gritted his teeth, retreated silently, turned around, jumped over the roof, and disappeared into the square.


Not long after Li Tengkong left, the room had just turned off the lights, and the door creaked open.One strode into the courtyard.

I saw him in night clothes, covering his mouth and nose, only his eyes were exposed.In the dark night, his spirit was radiant, his eyes were like shooting stars, it was Bai Fu.


Half an hour later, Li Tengkong returned to a small courtyard in Yong'an Square in the southwest corner of Chang'an.She has been hiding here since her home was ransacked.

Li Tengkong paced anxiously in the courtyard.These days, the officers and soldiers brought falcons and mastiffs to hunt house-to-house in Chang'an City, and relatives of the clan were arrested one after another.Sooner or later, the hawks and dogs will search here, and one more day of delay will be more dangerous.

Tonight is the time she made an appointment with the visitor.After getting the customs clearance token and document, she planned to leave the city in disguise as soon as the city gate opened tomorrow morning.

"Pa-ta", three stones were thrown into the courtyard according to the rhythm of two long and one short, which was the secret signal agreed between her and the visitor.If the password is wrong, she will immediately escape from the secret passage and sneak into Yong'an Canal.

Li Tengkong looked again through the crack of the door. The man in black outside the door was tall and majestic, like an iron tower.

Only then did Li Tengkong remove the door latch, and whispered, "Brother!"

The burly man in black put his finger to his lips and made a silent gesture.Looking around, after confirming that no one was following him, he dodged into the courtyard.

After entering the house, the man in black took off his mask.With a black face and long beard, long and narrow eyes, and high and protruding temples, he is Yuwenba, the general of Qianniuwei.

Yuwenba looked eagerly and asked, "Sister Kong, have you brought everything?"

Li Tengkong nodded, turned the mechanism, and a hidden compartment appeared behind the bookcase and vase.Li Tengkong took out a stack of letters from the hidden compartment, handed them to Yu Wenba, and said, "Brother, the letters are all here, do you see them all on par?"

These letters are all private letters written by Yuwenba to Li Xiang in the past, involving secrets such as the deployment of Qianniu Guards, the transfer of generals, and military expenditures.If the imperial court finds out, they will be imprisoned at least, and will be delayed at worst.

After Yuwenba finished counting, there were quite a few.Quickly opened the fire folder, lit these letters, and threw them into the brazier.

The letter was burned to ashes, Yu Wenba breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Sister Kong, thank you for being alert, otherwise there would be no place for the elder brother to die."

Li Tengkong sighed softly, and said: "If my father hadn't given me all these letters before he died, I just wanted to help my brother, and I wouldn't be able to find all these things for a while.

By the way, brother, I'm going to leave tomorrow morning, do you have all the clearance tokens and certificates? "

"Of course!"

Yuwenba took out an oilcloth package from his arms.When I opened it, I found that there were Qianniuwei special envoy tokens, customs clearance certificates and other documents inside.

Yuwen overbearing: "Sister Kong, with the token of the Qianniuwei Special Envoy, not only can you enter and exit Chang'an City Gate at will, even at Tongguan Pass, Hulao Pass and other passes, no one will dare to check you.

When you settle down, send me a letter so that my brother can rest assured. "

With tears in his eyes, Li Tengkong said, "Brother, take care too. You were raised by your father since you were young, and I'm afraid this time you won't be able to get rid of it. Please be more careful."

Yu Wenba sighed: "Big brother is no better than you. You still have your sister-in-law and children at home, and you have a bunch of brothers under your command. You can't ignore a big family and just walk away."

Speaking of this, Yu Wenba's eyes were blazing, and he said: "Sister Kong, although the elder brother has married a wife and had children, but after so many years, the elder brother has always had the same heart for you!" After finishing speaking, his body couldn't help approaching Li Tengkong.

Li Tengkong was quite embarrassed, took a step back, and said, "Brother, we grew up together since we were young, and we love each other as brothers and sisters. I always regard you as my dearest elder brother, and I have never had any other distracting thoughts. Please respect yourself, elder brother." , turned around and went to open the door.

An evil light flashed in Yuwenba's eyes, and he shot like lightning, with five fingers entering the wheel, and hit the key point on Li Tengkong's back.

Li Tengkong was horrified, and his body slowly fell down.

Yu Wenba held it in his arms, smiled ferociously, and said, "Don't worry, sister Kong, elder brother will not be rude to you. I heard that His Majesty loves you very much, maybe in the future, elder brother will rely on younger sister. Hahaha. "

  "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" gave Li Linfu a conclusive evaluation: "Shang (Xuanzong) relied on peace in his later years, thinking that the world would have nothing to worry about, so he lived in deep confinement, entertaining himself with sensuality, and appointed political affairs to Lin Fu. Lin Fu flirts with others, caters to his superiors, so as to secure his favor; puts an end to his words, conceals his intelligence, so that he can become an adulterer; Minister, use your strength. From the crown prince down, fear him sideways. Anyone who has been in phase for 19 years has cultivated chaos in the world, but it is not easy to go up."

(End of this chapter)

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