The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 337 The Realm of the Void

Chapter 337 The Realm of the Void
Thinking about the arrow in the waist, the sword in the box, and the beetle in the air, how can it be achieved.Time is volatile, the heart is strong, and the age will be zero.Miao Shenjing.Qian Yu Fang Huaiyuan, quiet beacon, and rest.The envoys of the crown and cover are rushing about, if it is love.It is said that the old people in the Central Plains often look south and look at Cui Bao Ni Jing.When pedestrians come here, loyalty is filled with anger.There are tears like pouring.

——Excerpt from Zhang Xiaoxiang (Song Dynasty) of "Six State Getou·Changhuai Wangduan"


Bai Fu walked through the gate of hell, recovered slightly, and was transferred to another prison by the soldiers.

Bai Fu was blindfolded, so he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north. He only knew that the prison van had traveled for two or three days before arriving at its destination.The terrain here is on the high side, it should be somewhere in the mountains on the outskirts of Chang'an.

There is no torture in this prison, and the prison facilities, food and accommodation conditions are much better than those in Chang'an City.The strange thing is that the jailers here are all dumb and deaf, and they leave after delivering meals every day.In such a situation, I don't know how many important criminals are detained on weekdays?

Since Yang Yichan left, no one cares about her anymore.The matter of rescue came to nothing, as if there had never been such a person as Bai Fu in this world...

Several months later, Bai Fu's body gradually recovered, his heart died slowly, and he no longer had the extravagant hope of getting out of prison.

Before that, Bai Fu aroused the desire to survive with the heart of revenge.After being detained for several months, the desire for vengeance gradually subsided, and the restlessness gradually arose.After several months, the impetuous heart gradually subsided, and the murderous heart returned... After so many tossings, Bai Fu's heart gradually returned to peace.

"The way of heaven damages the excess and makes up for the deficiency."

"Destroy and lose again, so that you can do nothing. Do nothing and do everything."

Time wiped away Bai Fu's emotions, desires and fantasies one by one.All emotions and distracting thoughts are like sand in an hourglass, leaking from the heart one by one, until there is no grain left...

In the years before being imprisoned, when I opened my eyes every day, I was busy with endless things: meditation and breathing, practicing boxing and sword dancing, calligraphy and painting, reciting poems and books, and a lot of homework and chores in the Hongwen Museum.The most disturbing thing is that the official circles of the capital, day and night, cannot escape the social and entertainment... Time is difficult to allocate, and there is always not enough.

In prison, the most indispensable thing is time, and the most difficult thing to pass is time.

During the day, I just look forward to the dark so I can fall asleep; at night, I am tired of holding candles and the night is long.

After several months, Bai Fu finally found a good way to pass the time - reciting.Whether it is poetry and songs, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism classics, or prescriptions and medical books, martial arts cheats.When you think of something, you can recite it, and if you can't remember it, you can change it.

"Who can make turbidity quiet Xu Qing, who can make peace Xu Sheng."

Old Dan's words, like a flash of lightning, flashed across the sky.Bai Fuyan was enlightened and enlightened.

A glass of water, as long as it stands still on the tea table, don't worry about it, it will slowly become turbid and sink, and the glass of water will become clear.

Live quietly and do nothing, when the fire is over, hair will grow naturally.

"Lao Tzu" is a Taoist classic, and Bai Fudui was able to recite it fluently since he was a child.After entering the Hongwen Museum, under the guidance of Xu Taifu and other great Confucians of the time, Bai Fu worked hard to study again, and felt that this book was full of philosophical wisdom everywhere, and learned a lot of ways to behave in the world.

At this time, in deep prison, without any utilitarian purpose, revisiting the classics over and over again, savoring and chewing slowly, I only feel that every word is pearls and sentences, which are very different from what I realized in the past.

"Soft overcomes rigidity, weak overcomes strong"; "The softest in the world rides the hardest in the world."

"The opposite is the movement of the Tao, and the weak is the use of the Tao."

Lao Tzu is a wise man who understands the power and power of the world most deeply.Bai Fu suspects that Lao Tzu himself must be the most powerful martial artist in the world.

Descriptions such as "a large space without corners, a loud sound with a thin sound, and an invisible elephant" have always been half-understood in the past, but now they suddenly become clear.

"Extreme emptiness, keep quiet",
There is nothing in the heart that is empty, and the thoughts are quiet. "Xuji" is a Taixu realm that is difficult to reach even through closed-door training, but Bai Fu easily breaks through it in prison.

Qingcheng Xuanmen Heart Method is originally Taoist kung fu, once only the Tao gathers the emptiness, the emptiness will become white.

"The heart is empty and silent, like an empty house."Not only has there been a breakthrough in Daoist Kungfu, but Bai Fu has even realized the true meaning of "emptiness" in Buddhism.

"Xuji" is also the "emptiness" of Buddhism. To abandon emptiness with emptiness is called emptiness, and even the nature of emptiness is also emptied.Bai Fukong was empty and uncomfortable, and naturally, he gradually entered the Zen state of "the mind should be born without a place to live".

The heart is like space, no demons can invade it, and the Dao dharma is one.

When Bai Fu stopped his desires and emptied everything, some changes grew quietly like sprouts.

Bai Fu's lower limbs gradually became conscious.The Yongquan acupoint on the soles of the feet became numb and itchy, like a spring that had already dried up, and the spring water was gushing out.

Bai Fu's internal strength and true energy have been stolen by the soul-absorbing demon girl Aqi with the method of transforming kung fu.It's like the water in a lake, drained and withered.

And this spring is hope.Although the water flow is small, as long as it keeps gushing, one day, it will be able to fill a big lake and make a big river rush.

The profound philosophies of Lao Tzu and Buddha are like a light that illuminates the dark night.It is also like a ladder, allowing Bai Fu to climb up step by step from the abyss of suffering.

White recovery of body and mind, getting better day by day.


one year later
Bai Fu's scabbed wound healed completely, and after the blood scab fell off, it left scars with dragon scale patterns on the skin.

The iron mark on the face gradually faded, but the scar on the forehead between the brows was too deep, leaving a mark.


When Bai Fu was meditating, he could hear the sound of water dripping from the roof of the cell, like the rhythm of his heart.Just when the water drop fell on the stone slab, a drop of water fell into the heart lake, and there was a slight change in the dantian, echoing it.

Bai Fu'er's strength is so strong that he can hear the sound of the wind piercing through the woods, entering the room with nothing.Can hear the sound on the popular grass, the wind knows the strong grass.I can hear the sound of birds flapping their wings, walking against the wind and soaring upwards.

Bai Fu could also hear the guard's footsteps.The strange thing is that this prison seems to be the only prisoner holding himself, because the voices of other prisoners have never been heard.

Bai Fu vaguely heard someone calling him somewhere far away, but the voice was too weak to be heard.


the second year

Falling leaves know autumn.

During the snowfall season, Bai Fu closed his eyes and meditated. During the meditation, the primordial spirit seemed to be able to come out of his body.Bai Fu saw the appearance of snowflakes falling and the movement of snow petals.

Only then did Bai Fu realize that snowflakes come in many shapes, one is six-sided, long and thin, like a needle.The other is hexagonal, like crystal flakes.Each snowflake has a different shape, the world is so big, but no snowflake is exactly the same.

Bai Fu can see the speed of the raindrops falling and the size of the gap between the raindrops.I can see the appearance of the jailer, and I am in a state of doing nothing all day long.

Bai Fu can see the birds and beasts in the canyon forest:
The moment the falcon dives, the perfect and reasonable arc and trajectory are faster than any body technique.Lizards catch insects, sticking out their tongues faster than any sword technique.Tiger hunting, the control of every muscle when killing...

The most powerful kung fu is the martial arts that follow Taoism and nature.Generations of masters have created martial arts based on everything in the world, and they can also go back to the original point and improve these martial arts.

Since his debut, Bai Fu has learned a lot, besides Qingcheng's own kung fu, he also dabbled in Tang's and Shaolin's kung fu, even sword masters and sword demons taught him everything.In addition, Xu Taifu and Changsun Yanxing's predecessors also taught many techniques in gardening, calligraphy, painting, and music.

Bai Fu's tendons in his hands and feet have been picked, his martial arts have been disabled, and he may be like an ordinary person in this life.If you are outside the prison, you will definitely not have the idea of ​​martial arts again.But there is nothing to do in the prison, just to organize all the time.

Bai Fu recalled all the fights since he practiced martial arts, and played them repeatedly in his mind, trying to find out the shortcomings and improve them.Which sword move can be simplified, which body technique can be refined, how to attack by force, how to hold on to the mountain...

Bai Fu played blindfold chess, fighting against himself.Unknowingly, martial arts progressed bravely and diligently.

The voice calling to me reappeared, sometimes far away, sometimes near, and I couldn't really hear it.


 Changhuai looks broken, and the pass is recklessly flat.The dust is dark, the frost is strong, and the sound is quiet.Dim pinning.Reminiscing about the events of the past, there are almost days, and it is not human-powered. On the Zhusi, the strings and songs are also smelly.In Geshui felt township, the sun sets under the cattle and sheep, and the area is vertical and horizontal.Look at the name Wang Xiaohun, ride a fire and Yichuanming.The drums wailed.Surprising.

  Thinking about the arrow in the waist, the sword in the box, and the beetle in the air, how can it be achieved.Time is volatile, the heart is strong, and the age will be zero.Miao Shenjing.Qian Yu Fang Huaiyuan, quiet beacon, and rest.The envoys of the crown and cover are rushing about, if it is love.It is said that the old people in the Central Plains often look south and look at Cui Bao Ni Jing.When pedestrians come here, loyalty is filled with anger.There are tears like pouring.

  ——"Six State Getou Changhuai Wangdu" Zhang Xiaoxiang (Song Dynasty)

(End of this chapter)

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