The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 347 Set up camp

Chapter 347 Set up camp
When drunk, he turned on the lamp to watch the sword, dreaming back to blow the horns and even camp.

The horse made Lu Fei swift, bow like a thunderbolt.

—— "Pozhenzi · Composing strong words for Chen Tongfu to send it" Xin Qiji (Song Dynasty)


On this day, Wang Zhongsi broke down the essentials of marching, the method of setting up a camp, and the command of hanging buckets one by one, and passed them on to Bai Fu.

Wang Zhongsi said: "Training, marching, and camping are part of the battle, even more decisive than fighting.

Marching is war.Fighting depends not only on bows, crossbows, guns and shields, but also on soldiers' legs.There is a narrow road in the Guanshan Mountain, and the door of sheep intestines and dogs, one man guards it, and thousands of people can't pass it.Only with a map of the entire war zone in his head can the leader of the army make a roundabout plan, and the magic soldiers descend from the sky.Those who do not know the terrain of mountains, forests, dangers, and swamps cannot march.

"The mountain is close to the valley, and the place where you live is high. There is no competition in the battle, and the army of the mountain is also here."This is the key to marching in the mountains.When marching through mountains, approach valleys.The valley is close to aquatic plants and convenient.There is water and grass to graze.

Mountains are close to valleys, you must be close to the valley, but you must not camp at the bottom of the valley, but camp on a high place facing the sun.The height of the bureau has a wide field of view and is convenient for defense.Camping at the bottom of the valley is easy to be surrounded and condescending to attack.

The sunny side is dry and warm, and the soldiers are not easy to get sick if they set up a camp here.The camp was dank, the sanitation was dirty, and the disease was rampant. The blow to morale was far worse than a hard battle.

Of course, the many methods of military strategists have to be learned and used flexibly, and they cannot be copied by rote.

During the Later Han Dynasty, the Qiang people rebelled, and General Fubo Ma Yuan went to conquer them.The Qiang people stood firm on the mountain, while Ma Yuan occupied the valley, took away its water and grass, and stood firm without fighting.The Qiang people were cut off from water sources, food and grass were exhausted, and they were so hungry that they surrendered without a fight.


'In the Fulie camp, we must first divide the soldiers and guard the pass, let them raise animals, collect firewood, and then settle down'.The camp should be divided into guards in dangerous places, and then the sheep and horses can be grazed, and firewood and stoves can be used for cooking.

Camping is like forming an array, "stopping is camping, walking is Chen".In the big formation, there must be a small formation.In the big camp, there are also small camps.Surrounded by armies, each battalion is surrounded by star chains.The big tent of the commander-in-chief lives in the middle, surrounded by the camps, facing each other in twists and turns, like the Milky Way stars.

The distance between each battalion is a hundred steps, the roads are connected, and there is an open space in the middle, wide enough to line up.Facing each other with barriers is enough to save each other with a crossbow.

At the intersection in the middle of the camp, a small sentinel fort was set up, firewood was put on the shelves, and secret passages were dug down.If the enemy robs the camp at night, you can let the enemy into the camp, the sentry will attack Diao Dou, all the camps will respond together, and the bonfire will be ignited, as bright as day.When the crossbowman climbed up and looked around, his own soldiers stood in formation on the wall, and the scurrying soldiers were all enemy troops. The crossbows and arrows were all fired, and the powerful enemy was wiped out.

Prime Minister Zhuge's military camp plan is like a net of heaven and earth, which is the lost map of the eight formations of Fenghou.After the Shu army retreated, Sima Yi looked at their camp and couldn't help but sighed and said: "Prime Minister Zhuge, you are a genius in the world!"

From then on, he never dared to compete with Zhuge Wuhou and fought head-on. "


After talking about marching and camping, Bai Fu still had a lot to say, so he begged General Zhongsi to explain how to command the army.The case of Fu Jian's army lacking a command system leading to disastrous defeat left a deep impression on Bai Fu.When it came time for Master to answer questions, this was Bai Fu's first question.

General Wang Zhongsi was obviously satisfied with Bai Fu's question.Asking this question shows that Bai Fu gradually understood the essence of commanding the army.General Zhong Si replied: "

The book "Military Affairs" says: "If you don't hear each other, it's a golden drum; if you don't see each other, it's a banner." '

There are so many people in the army that they can't hear each other, so they set up gongs and drums to command.Beat the drum to attack, sound the gold to withdraw the troops, and use the trumpets and horns to convey different instructions.

The armies cannot see each other, so they set up banners to command.Flags are divided into different colors and patterns, with semaphore to convey different enemy situations and instructions.

'The husband is the one who drums the banners, so one person's eyes and ears are also.Since people are single-minded, the brave cannot advance alone, and the timid cannot retreat alone. This is the method of using the crowd. '

With the golden drum and banner, the soldiers can act in unison.Train the three armies like arm and finger.A brave soldier cannot advance alone without an order to advance; a cowardly soldier cannot retreat without an order to retreat.Those who should advance or not, and those who should not retreat, beheaded. "


After General Zhongsi taught the essentials of the military art of marching and camping, in order to strengthen the impression, Bai Fu followed General Zhongsi again and entered the secret realm of the military field to practice.

This time watching the battle is Han Xin's famous battle - the last stand.


After returning from watching the battle, General Wang Zhongsi struck while the iron was hot, using Han Xin's battle of Jingxing to start a lecture on military situation.

"All warriors win by right combination and odd victory."Therefore, those who are good at making surprises are as infinite as heaven and earth, and as inexhaustible as rivers and rivers.From the end to the beginning, the sun and the moon are also.Resurrection from the dead, four seasons are also. '

After explaining this Art of War, seeing Bai Fu's quick response and thoughtfulness, General Zhong Si had a thought and said: "Art of War and martial art have many similarities:
Zhenghe Qisheng, infinite like heaven and earth, endless like rivers, end and start again, like the sun and the moon; death and resurrection, like the four seasons.The cycle goes on and on, without beginning and end, endlessly.

In the fight, the transition between breaths is the most dangerous moment. At this time, the old strength has been exhausted, and the new energy has not been released.Once attacked by the opponent, the breathing rhythm will be out of balance, and the attack will be self-defeating.

If breathing is right and strange, exhalation is inhalation, inhalation is exhalation, and it will start again and again, death and resurrection, and there will be no loopholes.At the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the "Seal of Immortality" created by the suzerain of the Momen generation ruled the world based on this.It is a pity that it was lost, and later generations could not see its whole picture. "

There was a flash of inspiration in Bai Fu's eyes, and he was quite touched, as if there was a layer of window paper, which would break if he poked it.If you comprehend this level of truth, you can also create the seal of immortality.

Wang Zhongsi nodded secretly, without interrupting Bai Fu's thinking, and continued to inspire:
"The sound is no more than the five tones of Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu, but it can play all kinds of music. The color is no more than the five colors of green, yellow, red, white, and black, but it can bring out endless colors. The taste is no more than sour, sweet, bitter, and sour. Spicy, salty and five flavors, but it can cook infinite deliciousness.

Swordsmanship is nothing more than stabbing, cutting, cutting, chopping, chopping, and spinning. There are countless moves in combination.

The body is only a few attacking parts of fingers, palms, fists, elbows, knees, legs, and feet, but they can be integrated into various kung fu.

The change of Qi Zheng is inexhaustible, and the changes are endless.Odds and positives inter-generate, transform into each other, cycle endlessly, ever-changing, without beginning or end. "

These few sentences about the art of war hit Bai Fu's bull's-eye.

Since his debut, Bai Fu has learned a lot. Apart from his own kung fu, he has been taught by sword masters and sword demons, making Bai Fu's swordsmanship gradually perfect.And Bai Fu couldn't put it down because of the boxing and kicking skills in Shaolin's unique art, and he couldn't bear to waste it.

As the saying goes, you can't chew too much, but when you are facing the enemy, you will be tied up and lose sight of the other.

If swords and fists cooperate with each other, win with odds, and odds and positives coexist, and the cycle is endless, wouldn't it be that one person becomes two people, with endless changes.

Bai Fu seemed to see another world of martial arts, he was ecstatic, eager to try.

 When drunk, he turned on the lamp to watch the sword, and dreamed back to blow the horns. Eight hundred li points burned under his command, fifty strings turned over, and the battlefield fell into the autumn.

  Ma Fei's Lu Feikui, his bow like a thunderbolt. However, the monarch did things in the world and won his last name. Poor white happened!

  —— "Pozhenzi · Composing strong words for Chen Tongfu to send it" Xin Qiji (Song Dynasty)


(End of this chapter)

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