Chapter 349
Contemplating the mid-term affairs for 15 years, my talents are also vertical and horizontal, tears are also vertical and horizontal, and I have both the heart of Xiao and the name of the sword.

——Excerpt from "Ugly Slave" Gong Zizhen

Bai Fu was in a daze, and saw a man wearing golden armor, holding a Fang Tian painted halberd, and a bay red horse under his crotch, flying all four hooves, rushing towards him with murderous aura.

Bai Fu was startled and woke up.

Wang Zhongsi said happily: "Fu'er, when you fainted, although the dantian cauldron didn't react much, the body-protecting qi traveled around the whole body, like forest streams and springs, converging into rivers, gradually showing signs of recovery. If you continue to follow the Taoist method Cultivate, given time, when rivers and rivers flow into the sea, your inner strength may be recovered.”

Bai Fu said dejectedly: "Even if the internal strength is restored, the tendons in the arms and legs are broken, so even if you have all the internal strength, you can't use it."

Wang Zhongsi comforted: "There is no unparalleled road, step by step."

Bai Fu nodded and remained silent.

Wang Zhongsi smiled and changed the topic first.

Wang Zhongsi said to Bai Fu: "Ordinary people are just learning the art of war, and they are eager to try it out. They wish they could fight in real combat soon. Who knows, you read "Sun Tzu", and others read "Sun Tzu", so it depends on who has the highest level of magic!"

The first thing to do in learning the art of war is not to use the art of war against others, but to beware of being used by others.First of all, it is not to learn how to calculate others, but to learn how not to be calculated by others.

The art of war has to be learned backwards, and you have to think more about the bad.Every time you learn an art of war, you have to think about it in reverse, first imagine yourself as the defender, first beware of others, and protect yourself, this is the way of the art of war.

After learning the art of war with me for so many days, let's not analyze others today, only analyze ourselves.If you can't do something, ask yourself instead. "

Bai Fu was quite surprised and readily agreed.

Wang Zhongsi said: "Since you have been apprenticed to Qingcheng, what has caused you pain and suffering?"

Bai Fu remained silent for a long time, telling the story of He Xiao and Yang Yichan's betrayal without reservation.After finishing speaking, Bai Fu was depressed.

Wang Zhongsi smiled and said: "Fu'er, don't feel embarrassed, this is a common setback for young people. We all came here when we were young. Flying eagles and horses is more absurd than you.

Today, combined with what we have learned in the art of war, let's go through these two things from beginning to end. "

Bai Fu nodded, and said: "He Xiao, I obviously fell into the scheme of Uncle Qingshi and Qin Yongjie. I don't know who is right, so I have nothing to say."

Wang Zhongsi said: "Why are you so inaccurate? Why do you trust this person so much?"

Bai Fu said: "Well, because we are from the same school, we trust each other. We are similar in age and temperament. We have grown up together since we entered the teacher's school, so we take it lightly."

Wang Zhongsi smiled and said: "Whoever says that the same family is trustworthy, haven't you seen the battle between Pang Juan and Sun Bin in the secret realm of Bingyu?

Lao Tzu said: Those who know others are wise.

You and He Xiao have known each other for many years, but you don't know anything about his family situation, and you are negligent.This one.

Without knowing He Xiao's character, character, etc., just relying on his good feelings, he will take his heart and soul, regard him as a friend, and practice together.Inadvertently making friends is the second.

If He Xiao is indeed worthy of deep friendship, seeing that He Xiao's family is in a difficult situation, he doesn't help, just let him go.Being unrighteous to friends is the third.

The best strategy in the world is to 'lure it with profit'.

He Xiao was apparently bought off.In He Xiao's heart, the price offered by the other party is much higher than the friendship between you.

But the plan is not without flaws.

The problem of He Xiao's family situation can be solved with financial support.You can give He Xiao the rewards and remuneration for being selected into the Seven Star Sword Formation.

But you didn't use your brain to think, and you were led by the nose by the opponent, and you fell into the opponent's trap step by step according to the route he set for you.What you have done has infringed upon the interests of other members of the same sect, caused public outrage, and touched the bottom line of the sect's rules.This is the fourth.

The most cost-effective strategy in the world is 'scratch it with anger'.

When things came to light, not only did you not review yourself and reflect on your regrets, but you fell into He Xiao's trick.He Xiao's words are like sparks splashing into firewood, making you burn with anger and lose your mind.Standing upright and acting inappropriately, he even sued Taoist Qingshi, provoked the elders' house, and forced himself into a corner.It can be described as crazy.This is the fifth.

As the closed disciple of the head of Qingcheng, not only did you fail to lead by example, but instead tried your best, you were unruly and unruly.Embarrassing your master is unfilial.This is the sixth.

Fortunately, Daoist Qingya is a sensible person, so he made a decisive decision and gave you a heavy punishment to stop Daoist Qingshi's mouth.Otherwise, when your master returns to the mountain, he will be unable to get off the mountain, and the punishment for you may be even heavier.

According to what you said, Elder Qingshi hopes that his son will become a dragon, and has always rejected you.The best way to hinder you is to let you destroy the Great Wall yourself.

It is a pity to lose the opportunity of the Seven Star Sword Formation, but life is a long road, and there must be other opportunities.After all, you are the closed disciple of the head of the sect, and the other elders in Qingcheng dare not go too far.

But if you are obsessed with your obsession and resentment arises in your heart, over time, a estrangement between you, master and apprentice, will definitely arise.

If you betray the teacher in a fit of anger, all subsequent opportunities will have nothing to do with you.

The most insidious strategy in the world is to 'leave each other'.

This is the most vicious link in the whole chain.While you are sick, I will kill you!If you fall into this divorce scheme, it will be too late for you to regret it, and you will regret it forever. "


Wang Zhongsi spoke eloquently, which made Bai Fu break out in cold sweat.After many years, until today, I finally realized how stubborn I was, and only then did I understand Master's painstaking efforts.

Wang Zhongsi said: "The reason why the strategies in the Art of War are tried and tested repeatedly is because you have insight into human nature. Although you are not satisfied with the current situation in Qingcheng, in the eyes of other colleagues, you are already a leader among your peers, and you are a success at a young age.

Being a teenager is one of the three misfortunes in life.why?It's all because young people with high ambitions are often inaccurate in judging people, and there are major flaws in identifying and employing people. "

Bai Fu wondered: "General, what is the relationship between the two?"

Wang Zhongsi said: "There is a fable about a group of monkeys climbing a tree. The monkeys under the tree look up and they are all buttocks. The monkeys in the middle look left and right and they are all eyes and ears. The monkeys on the top of the tree look down and they are all buttocks. It's a smiley face.

The wunderkind is the monkey on the top of the tree, and all he sees is the good side.Praise from superior officials, flattery from peers and inferior officials.Over time, he becomes arrogant and self-satisfied, self-willed, and will not tolerate the slightest disobedience.It's an hour, it's not necessarily good.Zhao Kuo, who talks on paper, is a typical example.

More importantly, if you are a young man, surrounded by flowers and applause for a long time, you will lose your insight into human nature.I always feel that the people around me are kind people, attracted by my own charm, and crowd around me.So as to relax vigilance, trust close ministers, and cover the eyes and ears.The country is ruined and the family is ruined, and the wealth is no more than three, all because of this. "

Bai Fu was startled inwardly, and suddenly came to his senses.

Wang Zhongsi said: "Let's go back to your junior sister Yang. Although this girl is not very skilled in martial arts and is younger than you, she has experienced in the world for many years, and her thoughts are far higher than yours. In the palm of your hand.

Choosing a wife is a big matter, it is related to the happiness of a lifetime, it is more important than making friends, how can we ignore it?Only when the beginning is good can the end be honest.

You are inaccurate in seeing people, choose a spouse carelessly, make yourself sad and never say anything, and eventually bring yourself serious troubles, and let yourself fall into a deadly situation and be imprisoned. "

When Wang Zhongsi saw blood with the knife, every word pierced his intestines, he was terrified and thought it was true.

Wang Zhongsi said: "A love scene is like a battlefield, every step of the way is frightening. Emperor Taizong will visit the scene in person before every battle to investigate the enemy's situation, and he never pretends to be a fake.

The matter of giving the sword to Miss Li involves the lifelong happiness of you and her.But you entrusted this matter to Yang Yichan, and entrusted the fate of the two of you to others.Besides, Yang Yichan is not someone else, but a person with related interests.The entrustment was not human, and a marriage made in heaven was buried in vain.

Since ancient times, the great taboo of emperors is to be monopolized by the people around them. Once they are deceived, they will be manipulated.Zhao Gao pointed out that a deer is a horse, and Hu Hai II died.

When you arrive in Chang'an, when you notice that Yang Yichan is different, you can verify it through the disciples of the Chuan Gang and fellow members of the Huben Army.How can we let it go and wait for the situation to deteriorate?
When you know the truth and there is no room for change, you will have to cut off your wrists.When a man acts, he will stop when he is done, and he will never drag his feet.

Don't say that this woman has a bad mind, even if she looks like a fairy, is gentle and pleasant, and is unparalleled in the world, but if she doesn't have you in her heart, she has nothing to do with you, let alone lose her sense of propriety and throw away her armor.

Humans and ghosts have different paths, and heaven and earth are on different sides, so why should you be obsessed with it and be reluctant to part with it?
That's the whole thing, your biggest mistake.

Heroes can also love each other, but first choose the right person! "

Wang Zhongsi scolded heartily, Bai Fu's heart was bloody and bloody, he didn't dare to lift his head, he was ashamed and ashamed.

Even so, Bai Fu also felt happy, and his depression was swept away.

Seeing Bai Fu's dejected and receptive expression, Wang Zhongsi comforted him: "Fu'er, don't be too harsh on yourself. Although you were hit hard, after all, you are still young, and you still have the capital to turn things around. As long as you are good at Reflection, one day you will come back from a desperate situation.

The sooner people encounter these tricks, the better.In the future, you can always remind them to avoid traps.

On the contrary, if everything is going smoothly and you are not vigilant, you will not wake up until the other party lays a net and lays an ambush from all sides.

This is the most ingenious strategy in the world - you know it's a strategy, but you can't do anything about it.Even if you use soldiers like gods, there is nowhere to escape.

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhongsi looked up to the sky and looked at the moon, and let out a long sigh, feeling sad.

 Contemplating the mid-term affairs for 15 years, my talents are also vertical and horizontal, tears are also vertical and horizontal, and I have both the heart of Xiao and the name of the sword.

  In Chunlai, no one cares about dreams, self-repentance drifts away, if you don’t believe in drifting, please read the bedside golden scriptures.

  ——"Ugly Slave" Gong Zizhen

(End of this chapter)

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