351 Jailbreak
Rub hands by themselves, sharpen swords frequently.In ancient times, there are many husbands in the world.

The blue mirror is rubbed, the white head is wasted, and the loss of ambition is trapped in Hengwo.

Who knows Lian Po if he has a reputation?Guangcai learns without Xiao He.

Fleeing to the beach in a hurry, hiding in the mountains in a hurry.

Today, there is a storm on the ground.

——"Liuying Song Sighing the World" Ma Qianzhai (Yuan Dynasty)


The suspicious array laid down by General Zhong Si really worked.The jailer delivered meals every day, and did not notice that General Zhongsi had passed away.

Bai Fu sat down on the slum with a dazed expression and a myriad of thoughts.Three years in prison seems like a lifetime away.Now that I think about it, Master Zhong Si taught me every day, even though life was hard, I lived it with gusto.

Now he is the only one left, and his shadow is inseparable from each other, which makes Bai Fu feel uneasy.Although the loyal general passed away, his voice and smile are still there.

Seeing things and thinking about people, Bai Fu couldn't sleep at night, his heart felt like a knife was twisted.

"We must escape!"

Bai Fuyin gritted his teeth and kept admonishing him every day, the desire to escape from prison has never been so strong.Only by escaping from Lihentian can I avenge my loyal master and myself!


On this day, the moonlight was like snow, and a layer of silver frost seemed to condense on the straw mat.

A fly hovered over the air window, and three geckos quietly climbed down from the beam of the prison room, staring at the fly.As soon as the fly gets close, hunt it on the spot.

The flies obviously didn't perceive the danger and flew in through the bars.The gecko, which has been in ambush for a long time, sticks out its tongue and is about to kill the flies.


The gecko felt a blur in front of his eyes, and when he took a closer look, a pair of wings of the fly had been shot down by a grain of rice.A fly that has lost its wings falls from the sky like a speck of dust.

The gecko resting on the ground was overjoyed, rushed forward, raised its neck, and swallowed the delicious meal that fell from the sky.


The wings of the downed flies swirled up and down in mid-air with the airflow, like catkins flying in spring.

Bai Fu stared at it for a long time, with a serious expression on his face.

A few months passed, and within three feet, he was able to shoot down mosquitoes and flies with a hundred shots.However, Bai Fu's emerald bamboo blowing dart only has a strong wind and no energy.It's easy to kill mosquitoes and flies.But it is still far from being able to kill the enemy.

The dantian cauldron is still extinguished, and the more anxious the heart is, the less responsive the heart lake becomes.If Kan Ding's true energy cannot be recovered before the imperial envoy arrives, how should he carry out his escape plan?

Bai Fu frowned deeply, thinking a lot.

With a bang, the cell door opened, and two jailers walked into the cell holding torches.Behind the jailer was a man who looked like an eunuch, dressed luxuriously, and looked arrogant.

Bai Fu was shocked, and thought: "Could it be today?!"

Bai Fu fell asleep and remained motionless.He secretly observed the surrounding situation, and when he found that no one was paying attention to him, he secretly put the green bamboo blowpipe to his mouth, and played by ear.

Bai Fu said in his heart: "Master Zhongsi's deduction is accurate, the general's status is special, and he kept it secret, and there is only one person who came to deliver the decree. This will be easy."

The eunuch pinched his nose, frowned, and walked up to Wang Zhongsi on tiptoe.Wang Zhongsi's long hair covered his face, his eyes were slightly closed, and he sat cross-legged on the straw couch.

The eunuch snorted coldly, rolled up the imperial decree, and said in a shrill voice: "Rebellious against Wang Zhongsi, colluding with Hugou An Lushan, cooperating from inside to outside..."

Bai Fu bowed silently to Wang Zhongsi's body, and said in his heart: "Master Zhongsi is as good at predicting things as God, An Lushan really turned his back!"

After the eunuch finished announcing the decree, he smiled ferociously and made a white silk hand gesture to the jailer.Two jailers inserted the torches into the hole in the wall, took out the white silk, and put it around Wang Zhongsi's neck.

Seeing that Wang Zhongsi didn't resist, the eunuch was a little surprised, walked up to him, and looked at Wang Zhongsi's face carefully.The eunuch probed Wang Zhongsi's breath with his hand, he was in a bad mood, and was about to reprimand the jailer loudly.

Bai Fu quietly aimed the green bamboo blowpipe between the eyebrows of General Zhongsi.

A gust of wind hit, and Wang Zhongsi's long hair draped over his face suddenly exploded, and Wang Zhongsi's eyes suddenly opened, wide-eyed!
The eunuch was terrified, and was so frightened that he lost his wits and retreated three steps.

Bai Fu pulled the straw mat under his feet, the eunuch fell back and fell headlong in front of Bai Fu.

Don't miss out!

Bai Fu turned over the iron chain, wrapped it around the eunuch's neck, tied it twice, pointed the tip of the green bamboo blowpipe at the eunuch's neck artery, and shouted: "Don't move! Otherwise, you will die!"

The eunuch was still in shock, weeping, and weeping at the top of his throat: "Hero, spare my life! Hero, spare my life! I am just an eunuch delivering orders, and I have an old mother to take care of me at home. Please, please raise your hands and spare my dog's life!"

During the kidnapping session, Bai Fu practiced repeatedly many times, and now he said in a calm voice, "Let the jailer unshackle me!"

The eunuch hurriedly made gestures, telling the jailer to do as Bai Fu wanted.

After removing the shackles and handcuffs, Bai Fu felt relieved. He took out a dagger from the jailer's boot, held the green bamboo blowpipe in his mouth, held the dagger against the eunuch's throat, and escorted the eunuch out of the cell step by step, onto the arch bridge.

On the opposite side of the arch bridge is a gorgeous carriage, which should be the imperial envoy's carriage.Escorting the carriage, there are also a dozen or so cavalry guards, with bright armor and holding weapons, riding majestically on the horses.

If you can go to the opposite side of the bridge, hold the eunuch hostage to board the carriage, or snatch the horse, and flee by the road, you have the hope of escaping Lihentian.

Seeing that the victory was in sight, Bai Fu did not dare to relax at all, he lowered his body and hid behind the eunuch.

According to Bai Fu's request, the eunuch held up the imperial gold medal, and shouted loudly as soon as he came out of the prison: "I am His Majesty's imperial envoy, Eunuch Ai Dongai. I have an imperial imperial envoy on my body. Seeing the gold medal is like seeing your majesty! Don't shoot arrows, anyone who disobeys the order will be killed." !"

The soldiers guarding the arch bridge were wary of throwing weapons, even though they stretched their bows and arrows, they did not dare to act rashly.

Walking to the center of the arch bridge, there was no abnormality, Bai Fu had a thought, and secretly said: "No, it won't be so smooth!"

Before he finished speaking, he felt his feet sinking, and the bluestone slab on the bridge sank several inches. Two traps popped out, piercing through Bai Fu's leg bones, and firmly clamping Bai Fu's ankle.The trap was so strong that it cut out the bones of the ankle.

Bai Fu suffered from pain, his hands and feet were weak, and he couldn't help but loosen his palms.

Ai Dong followed the trend and rolled, and got away from Bai Fu's elbow.

Several mastiffs the size of leopards sprang out from all directions, biting Bai Fu's hands and feet, and within a moment, the flesh and blood from Bai Fu's bite was mutilated.

All the generals rushed forward and quickly surrounded Bai Fu.

The soldiers opened the trap and put the shackles on Bai Fu again.

Seeing that the situation is safe, Ai Dong limped to Bai Fusheng.The previous humiliation made him feel ashamed and indignant, he became furious, took out a waist knife from the soldier's waist, and chopped it at Bai Fu's head.

With a sound of "Dang", the general of the prison blocked Ai Dong's waist with his spear, and said: "Eunuch Ai, without the Holy Majesty's will, no one can kill the important criminals of the imperial court who are imprisoned here!"

"Death crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be forgiven!" Ai Dong was furious, and took a horsewhip from the guard who escorted her, and slapped Bai Fu's face fiercely.

The general of the prison saw that Eunuch Ai was holding the gold medal from the imperial court, and he was unwilling to offend the imperial envoy for the prisoners.As long as Bai Fu is not beaten to death, the prison general will turn a blind eye and close one eye.

After dozens of lashes, Bai Fu was covered with scars and looked miserable.

Ai Dong was still not satisfied, and saw the green bamboo blowpipe rolling to the ground.This is the murder weapon that held him hostage just now.Ai Dong was so enraged that he couldn't contain his anger. He picked up the green bamboo blowpipe and aimed it at Bai Fu's eyes...

Bai Fu's blood surged upwards, and he went berserk.A lion's roar, like a madman.

At the critical moment, between life and death, the dantian cauldron that had been silent for many years was finally ignited, like a spark splashing into a cauldron of fire oil!

The Baifuding Furnace was re-ignited, like a volcano erupting, and the true fire of Samadhi spewed out!The zhenqi that roamed the whole body was instantly ignited, turning into a domineering qi!

Bai Fu spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm, which hit Ai Dong's left eye.Thick phlegm is strong and domineering, and it will not get stronger.Immediately shot Ai Dong blind in his left eye.


Ai Dong yelled, rolled over, covered his eyes with his hands, and rolled all over the floor in pain.

Bai Fu snatched the green bamboo blowpipe, stuffed a few grains of sand into the mouth, pointed at the school captains who were running towards with their knives, and spat out with his cheeks.

The grains of sand burst out of the air, hitting the eyebrows of these captains.The human forehead skull is the hardest, but the sand grains are like arrows, piercing through the skulls of these people, killing them instantly!

Bai Fu was ecstatic, and he concocted according to the law, shooting and killing the several mastiffs rushing up one by one!The arch bridge is full of human mastiff corpses!
Within ten steps, there was no living thing!

Such magical skills, unheard of!

Bai Fu raised his head to the sky and roared, mad like a demon god!

The generals quickly retreated like a tide, hiding several feet away, not daring to go forward!

With a clap sound, arrows rained down on Bai Fu.

Holding the shield in his hand, Bai Fu feigned two steps forward.Immediately, he turned upside down, jumped off the arch bridge, and jumped into a deep stream of hundreds of feet...

(End of this chapter)

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