The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 362 Turkic Witch

Chapter 362 Turkic Witch
The black cloud was pressing down on the city and the city was about to be destroyed, and Jiaguang opened golden scales to the sun.

The sound of horns fills the sky with autumn colors, stuffed with Yanzhi and condensed night purple.

——Excerpt from "The Journey of the Prefect of Yanmen" Li He (Tang Dynasty)


The two armies of He Luehuang and Qishi Liege were engulfed by the mountains of Mangyuan. After a day of silence at Jianmenguan, a new round of battles ushered in.

In the early morning of this day, the Hu people blew their horns, and they rode all the way in front of Jianmen Pass, cursing and shouting war.

This time, the leader of the army is a Turkic female wizard, Ashi Deshi, who is a disciple of Ashina Shemo and has been practicing in Ashina Mountain all year round.

After the witch Ashid became a witch, she came out of the mountains to get married and have children.After his son was born during the day, there was a demon auspicious that night. "The red light shines by the side, the beasts sing all around, and those who watch the breath see the demon stars blazing down on the dome, and the strange omens are so strange that they cannot be listed."

Witch Ashid believed that this was an order from the gods, so she named her son Aluoshan.In Turkic, "Aluo Mountain" means the Turkic god of war.

Aluoshan lost her father when she was young, and the witch Ashide remarried the Turkic general An Yanyan. From then on, Aluoshan took "An" as her surname and changed her name to "Lushan" according to the homonym of "Luoshan".

That's right, this Ashid witch is An Lushan's biological mother!


Witch Ashid was riding on a tall white camel, wearing a red dress, a red crown and red shoes, and a red veil covering her face. From head to toe, she exuded a strange smell.

Above Witch Aster's head, a group of huge vultures hovered in the sky with ferocious eyes.At the end of each battle, it is the moment when they peck at the corpses and feast on them.

Zhao Kunlun stood on the top of the wall and looked at it.Although it was several miles away, Zhao Kunlun shuddered at the smell of death emanating from Witch Ashid.

Zhao Kunlun had a premonition that this woman should not be taken lightly, let alone judged by martial arts alone.Zhao Kunlun asked the messengers to send pigeon letters as soon as possible, so that the reinforcements could arrive as soon as possible.


The barbarian's horn sounded for a long time, and several giant mountain-moving spirits took the lead in attacking.Out of the range of the crossbow arrows, they threw giant logs towards the tower like throwing javelins.

The Jianmen defenders have never seen such a method of attacking the city. Could it be that they piled firewood and burned the city wall?But Jianmen Pass is made of granite, fire attack is useless?The generals in the city tower didn't know what to do, and they didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

The giant trees are swaying here and there, piled up in a pile, which seems to be disorganized, but actually implies a mystery.

Zhao Kunlun had a thought, thinking it was not good, he yelled: "Put fire oil on!"

Before the defenders could react, hundreds of wild wolves sprang out from behind Witch Aster, bared their teeth, and rushed towards Jianmen Pass.

"Fire arrows!"

At the command of the bow and crossbow captain, tens of thousands of crossbow arrows were shot from the pass and rushed towards the pack of wild wolves.

The wild wolves were swift as the wind, jumping and moving, only a few were shot by the crossbow arrows.

The pack of wild wolves rushed to the bottom of the city in the blink of an eye, and before the fire oil poured down, the wild wolves jumped up the giant tree and jumped up the tower along the giant tree.This seemingly disorganized giant pile of wood has actually become the best siege ladder for the wild wolves!
The wild wolves attacked the city tower, aimed at the crossbowmen and bit them, and immediately disintegrated the crossbow positions.Not only was Zhuge's heavy crossbow damaged, but even ordinary archers were unable to draw their bows and set arrows.

Witch Ashid waved her hand, and hundreds of horses and whips came roaringly.Galloping to the bottom of the city wall, Hu Jiang threw out flying tiger claws and other hooks one after another before the horse came to a complete stop.Hu pulled the hook lock with his hands, stepped on the city wall with his feet, and swarmed up.

Zhao Kunlun yelled: "Brothers, kill me!" He took the gentian silver gun and rushed to the front of the team.

The gentian bright silver spear goes out to sea like a dragon, flying up and down, piercing Hu Jiang on the opposite side with one shot.The body of the gun swept across, sweeping the two wild wolves that had rushed over to the city.

A Hu general held a mace, soared into the air, and with one move, he set fire to the sky and smashed Zhao Kunlun's head.Zhao Kunlun held the gun horizontally, stretched his shoulders, and shot the mace back.Hu Jiang only felt a huge force coming, and the mace hit his head back to bite back, and he smashed his head with one stick, and his brains burst out.

Blood splattered everywhere, and Zhao Kunlun was motivated to kill.The rest of the Hu generals did not dare to challenge Zhao Kunlun single-handedly, so they whistled and formed a group of five to form a sword and shield formation to surround Zhao Kunlun.

Zhao Kunlun's gentian silver spear swept across, the tip of the spear passed by, and the silver light flashed. Before the three Hu generals had time to protect themselves with their shields, their throats were cut by the spear point, and they flew upside down and fell to the ground to die.

Zhao Kunlun didn't turn his head back, and after drawing his gun, the handle of the gun hit the shield of a person behind him.The man felt a strong attack, and flew out with his shield.As soon as he fell to the ground, Tang Jun who followed him cut off his head with a single knife.

Zhao Kunlun put the handle of his gun on the ground, soared into the air, and kicked several wild wolves off the tower like kicking sandbags in the air.When it landed, it was right behind the fifth person.Without waiting for the person to turn his head, Zhao Kunlun stabbed straight at him, piercing the person to death.

Before General Hu came back to his senses, Zhao Kunlun had already killed several people in a row.

The main general is brave and invincible, and the morale of the generals at Jianmen Gate is high, and they move forward bravely, hacking with spears and bayonets, and strangling with General Hu.There were shouts of killing everywhere on the city tower, bloody and tragic.

Witch Ashid gave an eagle whistle, and the group of vultures circling in the sky, huffed and flew to the sky above the tower.The vulture's wings were powerful, and with a flap of its wings, it shot down the sporadic arrows.

The vulture retracted its wings and swooped down from the sky.The eagle claws were extremely sharp, and one claw grabbed the top of Tang Bing's head, piercing through it.The eagle's mouth was like a knife, and with a peck of lightning, it pierced Tang Bing's chest and abdomen, and his internal organs flowed all over the ground.Seeing this, four or five vultures didn't bother to kill the enemy, they scrambled for the belly of the Tang soldiers.

Seeing this, Zhao Kunlun flew over, and the Gendan Liangliang shot out low, piercing the vulture's head with one shot.With a spear, the tip of the spear cut off half of another vulture's wing.

Witch Ashid was furious, she tore off the red veil from her shawl, revealing her naked back.A pair of protrusions on the back are shaped like fleshy wings.

Witch Aster exchanged a whistle for a vulture, took out a dagger, and slit the vulture's throat.The vulture's blood spurted out, and Witch Ashdad bit the vulture's throat, sucking up all the vulture's blood.

After drinking the blood, the Aster Witch's eyes were scarlet and radiant. She turned the magic weapon in her hand, looked up at the sky, and chanted spells with plausible words, like madness.

A strange picture appeared, the fleshy wings on the back of the Aster Witch gradually grew, and a pair of giant vulture wings grew out.

Tang Jun was horrified, such a monster was unheard of.

Witch Ashid flapped her wings, soared into the sky, flapped her wings, and came straight to Zhao Kunlun.Two lieutenants of the Tang Army stood in front of Zhao Kunlun with swords and shields in hand, and intercepted Witch Ashid.

Two lieutenants of the Tang Army held shields in their left and knives in their right, flanking left and right, and slashed at Witch Ashid.Witch Ashid flapped her wings, and a huge wind blew in, sweeping a Tang Army captain off the tower.

The other lieutenant of the Tang Army was not afraid, he took a stride to avoid the strong wind of his wings, and slashed his head with a steel knife.Witch Ashid's fingernails were several inches long and sharp as eagle claws. With a flip of her wrist, the hands of Lieutenant Tang Jun were snapped off.The five fingers of the right hand were like hooks, inserted into the captain's helmet, and pierced the captain's head, leaving five bloody holes.

Witch Ashid smirked, twisted off the captain's head, rounded it, and smashed it at Zhao Kunlun.

Zhao Kunlun dodged sideways, shouted loudly, and stabbed straight with his gun, looking mighty and majestic.

Witch Ashid waved her hands, and swung the gentian silver gun.The eagle's claws slashed across, sparking a spark on the barrel of the gun.

Zhao Kunlun flicked the barrel of the gun, and the gentian silver gun danced out seven or eight gun flowers, false and real, with a gun in the gun, and stabbed at the face of Witch Ashid.

Witch Ashid flapped her wings, flew away, circled in mid-air, and circled behind Zhao Kunlun.His legs were like windmills, kicking out in a row, and the leather boots swept across Zhao Kunlun's head.

Zhao Kunlun squatted low, and the gentian silver spear spun around his shoulders, stabbing the ankle of Witch Ashid.

Witch Aster flapped her wings and soared into the sky.Leaping three feet, retracting both wings, one turned upside down, and fell straight down.

Zhao Kunlun raised his spear to the sky, and stabbed out with spiral force.Witch Ashid suddenly flew sideways, and the strong sunlight behind her suddenly pierced Zhao Kunlun's eyes.

The moment Zhao Kunlun squinted his eyes, Witch Ashid's two eagle claws flew out like arrows.Zhao Kunlun couldn't dodge in time, and was shot by a nail, which penetrated the gap in the armor.

Witch Ashid stopped fighting, flew past, rushed to the sky, circled wantonly above the tower, and laughed triumphantly.

With a lion roar, Zhao Kunlun pulled out the eagle claw nails from his body, and was about to fight again.Suddenly his knees softened, he knelt down on one knee, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out.

The nails of the eagle claws are extremely poisonous, and the throat is sealed with blood.

Zhao Kunlun's soldiers rushed forward, protected Zhao Kunlun, and withdrew from the tower.

Without Jianmenguan, the chief general, the situation of the battle changed immediately.Witch Ashid led the pack of wolves, vultures, and generals to kill wildly at the gate of the sword.

 The black cloud was pressing down on the city and the city was about to be destroyed, and Jiaguang opened golden scales to the sun.

  The sound of horns fills the sky with autumn colors, stuffed with Yanzhi and condensed night purple.

  The half-rolled red flag is approaching Yishui, and the frost is heavy and the sound of cold is not heard.

  Report your favor on the golden platform, and bring Yulong to die for the king.

  ——"The Journey of the Prefect of Yanmen" Li He (Tang Dynasty)

(End of this chapter)

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