The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 373 Wind God Spell

Chapter 373 Wind God Spell
The white horse is decorated with golden shackles, galloping north and west.

May I ask who's son, you are a knight-errant.

He raised his hand to catch the flying bird, and leaned over to scatter the horse's hooves.

More cunning than monkeys and apes, brave like leopards.

Parents don't care about it, why say son and wife!
Give up your life to go to national disaster, and see death as if you are home!
——"White Horse" Cao Zhi


Bai Fu set fire to the thatched hut on Mount Dou Tuan, the flames were blazing, and the remaining memories were turned into ashes, and passed away with the wind.

Bai Fu said to Li Xuexuan: "Let's go to Nether Valley and find the Enlightened Beast!"

After finishing speaking, he clamped the horse's belly with his legs, rode the horse and raised his whip, and galloped away.


The two of Bai Li came to the back mountain of Qingcheng, stood on the stage of swearing to ghosts, overlooking the mountains, the vastness and boundlessness seemed like a world away.Only by looking up to the sky and roaring furiously, can you pour a lump in your chest.

Bai Fu suddenly became full of pride, and with a long howl, pierced the clouds and pierced the sky.

Li Xuexuan secretly praised: "After Kanding's true energy was lost and regained, Senior Brother Fu's internal energy has become stronger, far better than that of Huashan." He heard a tiger's roar in Nether Valley, and the sound shook the world, echoing Bai Fu's long roar.

Bai Fusheng's heart suddenly arose, his dantian springs up, his true energy lasts long, and his whistling sound is vigorous and continuous for a long time.The tiger roars and the dragon sings, fighting together, it is not only a hand to hand competition, but also a symphony.

The roar of the tiger approached from far away, and a gigantic tiger with nine heads and dangling eyes rushed up to the Ghost Oath Stage. It had a human face, a short halberd and a red mane.It is the guardian beast of Shushan, the enlightened beast.

Bai Fu smiled brightly, bowed deeply to the enlightened beast, and said, "Senior, I haven't seen you for many years, do you still remember me?"

The enlightened beast touches Bai Fu with its head, showing affection and tenderness.Afterwards, a pearl as bright and clear as the moon was spit out from the mouth - python pearl.The enlightened beast took the python pearl into Bai Fu's palm.

With the python beads in hand, Bai Fu communicated with the enlightened beast.

Bai Fudao: "Senior, the world is in chaos now, I want to enter the valley and borrow the power of the Xunding Ding to save the common people. If senior allows, please lead the way and lead us to find the Xunding Ding."

The enlightened beast nodded, and the two Bai Li climbed onto the tiger's back, grasping the red mane of the tiger's neck.

The enlightened beast carried two people on its back, roared like a tiger, rushed down the canyon, and soared over the rock wall like clouds and fog.Jumping peaks and streams, crossing mountains and ridges, galloping in the mountains and mountains, like walking on flat ground.

Half an hour later, the Enlightened Beast ran into the Shocking Gap.The Enlightened Beast roared at the giant waterfall in the cold pool, and the waterfall split from the middle, revealing a huge cave.The enlightened beast jumped into the cave.

Bai Li and the other two turned their backs.In the center of the cave is a large platform, which is extremely wide, tens of feet high, and can accommodate hundreds of people.In the middle of the platform stands a simple and heavy bronze tripod.

It was the first time for Li Xuexuan to see the Xun Ding. On the outside of the bronze tripod, there was a huge Xun Gua symbol and eight landscape paintings.There are rows of golden ancient seals engraved on the inside of the tripod body.The pattern on the bottom of the tripod should be a nebula map, shining with the light of wisdom like a galaxy.

In the Xun hexagram, the first line is Yin, and the upper two lines are Yang.The Xun hexagram represents wind. "There is nothing to accommodate in a journey, so I accept it as a sundae. The sundae, enter." The wind is invisible and colorless, and the long wind is endless.

Bai Fu once again took a large amount of this big bronze tripod carefully.Unlike the first time I saw the Xun Ding, Bai Fu had a basic understanding of the golden ancient seals engraved on the inside of the tripod because he had deciphered the inscriptions on the inscription in Chang'an.

Bai Fu thought of one day when he was in Lihentian Prison, it rained heavily, the raindrops were like a curtain of beads, and the rain curtain was like a huge harp.

Reciting the golden ancient seal script of Kan Ding, the rain is like strings of a zither, and it is gently plucked with the ancient seal script recited by Bai Fu, producing a melody, like the sound of heaven, responding to the call of Li Xuexuan's Buddhist mantra.

Bai Fu carefully studied the rows of ancient golden seals carved by Xun Ding, which should be some kind of spell.

Bai Fu said to Li Xuexuan: "Let's call this kind of spell the 'Wind God Curse'. Kan Ding's spell can control water, and Xun Ding's spell should be able to control wind."

Bai Fu calmed down, thought clearly, and recited lightly, the golden ancient seals emitted golden light, like a living thing, as if about to jump out of the bronze tripod.


Bai Fu asked Li Xuexuan to imitate him and sit cross-legged.Bai Fu put his right palm against Li Xuexuan's left palm, and said, "Whoever can channel the power of the Nine Cauldrons has God's will in the dark. Just like a master choosing his apprentices, the Nine Cauldrons are also selecting his successors.

As far as we know so far, Senior Sword Demon channeled Gen Ding Zhen Qi, I channeled Kan Ding Zhen Qi, and Master channeled Xun Ding Zhen Qi.

It's just that I don't know why, back then, the master only channeled a ray of Xun Ding's true energy?
Before the master died, he empowered me with this ray of true qi from the Xunding tripod. Let us work together to find the tripod and continue to guide the true energy out of the tripod. "

There are still some things that Bai Fu didn't say.

In Bai Fu's heart, the true energy of the Xunding Ding is very precious, how can he enjoy it alone? !Xuexuan is the only daughter of the master, and this true energy should belong to her.

The two palms pressed against each other, meditating in meditation, and following the Daoyin method passed down by the head of Qingxuan, they guided the true energy of the Xunding tripod:
The spring breeze is blowing, blowing the remaining snow, and the branches are green.The smell of green grass in the fresh soil awakens the swallows living under the eaves;

The breeze on a summer night hides the sound of crickets and cicadas, and fills the lotus with rain; it comforts the petals and makes the begonias slightly drunk; it blows over the hair temples of passers-by, and makes young men proudly reveal their strong chests;

The autumn wind is like a pen, which makes the forests dyed, the red maple is mottled, the golden wheat waves rise and fall one after another, and there are whispers between the ears of wheat.

Beifeng was drunk, covered in frost, dust and snow particles, staggering, crumbling, wandering on the snow field, sometimes letting go of his throat and roaring furiously, trying to destroy the world.From time to time, he swung the sharp sword coldly, cutting off the residual leaves on the branches, and drawing a bloodstain on the skin.

Thunderous, gurgling, singing like weeping, whirling and whirling... All the sounds of the wind, like people's joy, anger, sorrow, resentment, and sorrow, are all poured into the ears of Bai Li and his wife...


Li Xuexuan took a deep breath, slowly opened her eyes, and felt that Xunding's true energy was filling the acupoints all over her body, traveling through the eight extraordinary meridians, and her whole body was extremely comfortable.Bai Fu looked at each other and nodded.

Li Xuexuan got up slowly, tapped her toes, soared into the air, and with a slight thrust, she was several feet higher than usual.One turned upside down, and his body fell like a veil.Li Xuexuan was overjoyed.

This is the second time that Bai Fu channeled the Jiuding Zhenqi, and the feeling is much richer than that of Li Xuexuan.He walked out of the cave, looked at the cold pool below the giant waterfall, chanted the Fengshen mantra, opened his arms, and jumped.

Just as the body was descending rapidly, a gust of mountain wind hit, Bai Fu swiped his arm, and with the help of this gust of air, he glides and circles.

The air flow is like a river, and walking against the wind is like swimming in a river. If you follow the current, you can ride the waves.

The mountain wind is icy, one after another.Bai Fu plunged from one airflow to another, sometimes flipping all over his body, sometimes kicking his hands and feet, flying and rushing like a falcon.

For the first time, Bai Fu felt the freedom of a bird to fly, hovering in the sky, soaring freely.With a somersault, he turned over the cliff and explained to Li Xuexuan how to walk against the wind.

Li Xuexuan moved to the entrance of the cave, looking at the white clouds under her feet, she was still a little scared, not daring to fly like Bai Fu.

With an idea, Bai Fu cut several dead vines from the side and formed a long rope. One end was tied to the boulder in the cave, and the other end was tied to Li Xuexuan's waist.

Encouraged by Bai Fu, Li Xuexuan opened her arms and jumped down. After a scream, she found that as long as there is wind, there will be airflow.The airflow is like silk, and stepping on it with arms and legs can slow down the speed of falling.

As long as he followed Bai Fu's teaching, recited the Fengshen mantra, and circulated the whole body's true energy, he could also hover like a bird.Li Xuexuan was very pleasantly surprised. She opened her arms and embraced the sky, like a white crane descending from a fairy, fluttering its wings and flying high, gracefully.

The Enlightened Beast looked at the two of Bai Li, raised its head to the sky and roared like a tiger, shaking the heavens and the earth!


 The white horse is decorated with golden shackles, galloping north and west.

  May I ask who's son, you are a knight-errant.

  Young people go to towns and villages, raising their voices in the desert.

  In the past, Su Bingliang made a good bow, and the arrows were uneven.

  Control the string to break the left one, and send it to the right to destroy the moon branch.

  He raised his hand to catch the flying bird, and leaned over to scatter the horse's hooves.

  More cunning than monkeys and apes, brave like leopards.

  There are many policemen in the border towns, and the captives are relocated.

  Yu Xi came from the north, and Li Ma climbed the embankment.

  Long drive the Huns, left Gu Ling Xianbei.

  Abandoning the edge of the body, life is safe?

  Parents don't care about it, why say son and wife!
  The names of strong men are not allowed to be self-serving.

  Give up your life to go to national disaster, and see death as if you are home!
  ——"White Horse" Cao Zhi

(End of this chapter)

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