The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 393 Young Ranger

Chapter 393 Young Ranger
A young knight-errant from Chang'an went to the garrison building at night to watch Taibai.

The bright moon in Longtou is approaching the pass, and pedestrians in Longshang play flute at night.

The veteran general in Kansai was very sad, and he was in tears when he listened in the horse.

He has experienced more than a hundred battles, big and small, and has benefited thousands of households under his command.

——"Longtou Yin" Wang Wei


Hussar General Ji Guangchen led the Huben army to be extremely brave. They defeated the Tang army in the first battle, beheaded the Danyang prefect Yan Jingzhi, and took advantage of the victory to occupy Danyang.

General Yuan Jingyao of Wujun and General Li Chengqing of Guangling saw that the rebel army was powerful and sharp, and they did not dare to resist stubbornly, so they both surrendered and surrendered.

As soon as the Tang army and the rebels fought, the chief general of the Tang army died and surrendered twice.

At this time, the main force of the Tang army was far away in the northwest, and had no time to look south, so it could only rely on the generals in the south of the Yangtze River to counter the rebellion independently.The Jianghuai area is the source of taxation in the Tang Dynasty. Once it is lost, the consequences will be disastrous.

Huainan Jiedu envoy Gao Shi, Huainan Xidao Jiedu envoy Lai Zhen, and Jiangdong envoy Wei Zhi rushed to Anlu to meet up to discuss countermeasures against the rebellion.The three Jiedu envoys are all civil servants, and they don't have any brave generals who command troops.

Thinking of Yongwang Li Lin's plan for a long time, the soldiers are fine and food is sufficient, and the soldiers are in full swing, the three Jiedu envoys have nothing to do, and they are devastated.If King Yong's rebel army cannot be stopped as soon as possible, once King Yong occupies Jinling and separates Jiangdong, the imperial court will no longer be able to wipe them out.At that time, how should I explain to His Majesty? !
When the three of them were at a loss, they suddenly heard the commotion outside the account.A messenger ran into the tent of the Chinese army and reported: "Report to my lord, there are three young rangers at the gate of the camp asking to see them, saying that they have a plan to suppress the rebellion."

Lai Zhen was already agitated, and angrily scolded: "It's an important matter for the court, what are the people in the Jianghu meddling in! Throw me out!"

"Wait a minute!" Gao Shi hurriedly stopped, and said: "The day before yesterday Taifu Xu Feige sent a letter, and through the power of the Sichuan Gang, he invited all the green forest gangs in the south of the Yangtze River to help the Tang army.

These Greenwood gangs have extensive contacts and many disciples. Many generals in the rebel army should come from their sects. If the elders of the gangs come forward, they may be able to recruit sympathizers without bloodshed.

In addition, the green forest knights have high martial arts skills. If they help the Tang army, they may be able to compete with the Huben army.Otherwise, with the combat power of the Huben Army, it would be enough to sweep Jiangdong. "

Lai Zhen and Wei Zhishen thought it was true and agreed repeatedly.

Gao Shi asked the messenger: "Have the three rangers announced their names?"

The messenger said: "The young man at the head is Chen Honghu, the head of the Minjiang Clan, the other is a friend of the Clan Leader Chen, Ding Dong, the eldest son of the Bashu Ding family, and the other is a disciple of Qingcheng, who has no name. It seems to be called Fu... "

"What?! Qingcheng Baifu!" Wei Zhi pushed the table and got up and asked.

The messenger was taken aback, and hurriedly replied, "It should be this name."

"Master Wei, is there a history of this Bai Fu?" Lai Zhen also asked curiously when he saw Wei Zhi lost his composure.

Gao Shi laughed and said: "The closed disciple of Qingcheng Qingxuan's head is also Xu Taifu's disciple."

Wei Zhi also laughed and said, "Not only that, I heard from Master Changsun Yanxing that this person is also the only descendant of Sword Master Pei Min and Dugu Sword Demon!"

Gao Shi said: "However, this matter is quite strange. As far as I know, Bai Fu killed Qianniuwei General Yu Wenba to vent his anger, and was asked to beheaded by the Supreme Emperor Qiuhou. Why is he still alive?"

Wei Zhi said: "The specific reason is unknown, but this person is probably still alive. It is said that Master Changsun heard about Bai Fu's murder and laughed it off, not taking it seriously."

"Let's not make wild guesses, we will know when we see it." Lai Zhen said: "Come on, quickly invite the three heroes to enter the account."

The three young heroes are imposing, walking like dragons and tigers, entering the big tent, with a heroic spirit.The three Jiedu envoys have read countless people, and when they saw the aura of the three, they were heartbroken.

The person in the middle is tall and strong, with a square face, bushy eyes, and calm and majestic. At first glance, he is a person in charge of power.There is a person beside him with a face like a powder, gently shaking a folding fan, looking suave and romantic, looking like a nobleman of Guijie.

The third boy was even more eye-catching.Wearing a cloud crown with a fan, wearing a hydration suit, a silk sash around the waist, and hemp shoes on the feet.Like Tao but not Tao, seemingly vulgar but not vulgar, rich and handsome, with bright eyes and white teeth, fluttering and dusty.

The three envoys were overjoyed.

When the three teenagers saw Jiedushi, they looked calm and greeted them with Jianghu etiquette.

Chen Honghu clasped his fists and said: "Chen Honghu from the Minjiang Gang, under the order of Taifu Xu, led three thousand disciples from the Minjiang Gang, Dajiang Gang and other waterways to help the three adults put down the rebellion."

The three were overjoyed.Minjiang Gang, Dajiang Gang and other water gangs run across the waterway of the Yangtze River, and all the disciples in the gang are like dragons in the water, capable of overturning rivers and seas.With its assistance, it will definitely have the power to fight against the Yongwang water army.This Chen Honghu is young and mature, and he is outstanding at first glance!
Ding Dong and Bai Fu also introduced themselves.

The three Jiedu envoys looked at each other, stroked their beards and smiled, it was indeed him!
"The name of a person, the shadow of a tree".Those who can make a name for themselves in the capital of hidden dragons and crouching tigers must not be ordinary people!

Gao Shi said with a smile: "The three young heroes have come here, and they must have a strategy to suppress the rebellion. Please don't hesitate to enlighten me!"

Chen Honghu was also polite, took a bamboo tube from his back, took out a sheepskin scroll map from the bamboo tube, and asked the soldiers to hang it on the side of the big tent.

The map is detailed and neat, and the mountains, rivers, rivers, and villages of the Jianghuai River are clearly visible, which is several times more detailed than the map of the Tang Army.

The three Jiedu envoys were in awe when they heard that this picture was hand-painted by Bai Fu.As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, and green forests and grasses should not be underestimated.

Chen Honghu walked up to the map, talked eloquently, and said: "All the rebel warships are deployed along the river, with both infantry and cavalry, going down both water and land. This is the danger of the Yangtze River. I have shared it with me.

The rebel general Hun Weiming led the navy to attack Wujun. After the Wujun general Yuan Jingyao surrendered to the enemy, there was no navy in Wujun that could resist the rebel navy.

Our Minjiang Gang, Dajiang Gang and other gangs can form a water coalition to resist the rebels.

Although the rebel Mengchong battleships number in the thousands, the power of water warfare lies not only in the strength of the ships, but also in the skill of maneuvering them.The bosses of our thousands of ships, known as "Chuan Tou Chi", are all experts in chasing wind and waves, and they know the Jianghuai waterways like the back of their hands.Even if it is a hard fight with the rebels, it has the strength to win. "

The three Jiedu envoys were overjoyed, and they all said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and it was true.

Lai Zhen asked: "Among the three-way rebel army, the Huben army led by Ji Guangchen is the elite of the imperial court's forbidden army. The soldiers are different from ordinary government soldiers, and most of them are outstanding disciples of various sects. I wonder if you young heroes have any countermeasures?"

Ding Dong waved his folding fan, smiled contemptuously, and said: "Ji Guangchen is the defeated general of Brother Fu, let him go out and take care of killing the tiger's army!"

Ji Guangchen is one of the best fighters in the Forbidden Army, the three Jiedu envoys looked suspiciously at Bai Fu.

Bai Fu's Art of War is derived from the true biography of General Wang Zhongsi, and he has the deepest understanding of war. On the contrary, he does not have the unruly heroism of Chen Honghu and Ding Dong.

He pondered for a moment, and said: "The rebel army came prepared, and the soldiers were in order. The first battle was a big victory, and the morale was in full swing. It is not suitable for a direct confrontation at the moment, and we should avoid their edge, and use two prongs to plan slowly."

Wei Zhi said: "The plan will be safe?"

Bai Fu walked to the map, pointed to the attacking route of the three rebel armies, and said, "Yong Wang led the army for the first time, and he was inexperienced in facing the enemy. After the Huben army captured Danyang, he personally led the main force of the rebel army to station in Danyang.

Our army can send an old general to lead his troops to Guabuzhou, spread the flag widely, bluff, and show off in Jiangjin, setting up a formation of tens of thousands of soldiers, crossing the river for a decisive battle, restraining its main force, so that its trusted generals have no time to divide the troops .

The main forces of the remaining two rebel groups were all Tang troops.Yongwang Li Lin sent troops arrogantly, which greatly violated morality.Our army should attack the heart first, shake the morale of the army, recruit the generals, and disintegrate the rebel army.

Once the two groups of rebels stand still, or are persuaded to surrender and disintegrate, our army can divide into three groups to encircle Danyang, forming a situation of encirclement.

At that time, the rebel army under King Yong's command will inevitably collapse and collapse without attack.

If the rebels of the three routes can persuade them to surrender and let them return to the Tang army, they will preserve the strength of the army for the Tang Dynasty and become a surprise army to counterattack the Yan army.In this way, there is nothing good! "

Gao Shi laughed loudly after hearing this, and said: I will write a "Letter to the General School Before Huai Xian" to tell the officers and soldiers of the rebel army the great righteousness, and let all the troops know that Zhengshuo of the Tang Dynasty is in Lingwu! "

Wei Zhi said: "There are several generals in the rebel army who have been supported by my father. This time, I am afraid that they were unintentionally coerced by King Yong. I will send someone to contact secretly, and try to persuade them to surrender as soon as possible."

Wei Zhi came from a wealthy family, his father was the former prime minister Wei Anshi, who was well connected in the court.


According to Bai Fu's strategy of attacking, they were deployed one by one, and the three Jiedu envoys suddenly felt that the clouds had cleared up, and they suddenly became enlightened.Lai Zhen sighed: "Since ancient times, heroes have been born as young men! It's not good to be old!"

Gao Shi and Wei Zhi looked at each other, and said with a smile: "When the suppression of the rebellion ends, a group of young generals will surely stand out.

I hope God bless Datang, and there will be a few more powerful generals like Li Jing, Li, and Su Dingfang!Gather the stars and protect the four borders!

(End of this chapter)

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