Chapter 404
Can't eat the case, draws the sword and hits the pillar and sighs.

When will the husband be born, and An Neng will hang down his wings?
Since ancient times, sages and sages have been poor and humble, let alone our generation is lonely and straight!
——"Eighteen Poems on the Difficult Road to Travel" Bao Zhao (Northern and Southern Dynasties)

Shi Siming's [-] troops surrounded Taiyuan fiercely day and night. The battle was stalemate for more than a month, but Taiyuan City remained motionless.

In order to break through the city as soon as possible, Shi Siming sent 3000 people back to Hebei Road to carry the siege equipment.When the Yan army arrived in Guangyang with heavy siege equipment, Li Guangbi had already laid down an ambush here.Don't let Murong Yi and Zhang Fengzhang lead troops to wipe out all the three thousand Yan troops, and burn all the siege equipment.

Not only that, hundreds of soldiers in the puppet Yan military camp disappeared strangely every night-no one alive, no dead body!

Since then, there has been a mysterious and fearful atmosphere in Yan's army.The soldiers spread word of mouth, and the more they spread, the more creepy they became. Even urinating at night, they dare not act alone.

Shi Siming had nothing to do, so he sent people to the city to yell and scold, trying to anger Li Guangbi and force the Tang army to leave the city for a decisive battle.Most of Shi Siming's troops are prairie cavalry, swift as the wind, sturdy and brave, and skilled in field battles.If the Tang army can be lured to fight outside the city, the Yan army will surely win.

Scolding, this is a traditional siege strategy.

A school lieutenant brought dozens of Han soldiers with loud voices to the front of the formation, stood outside the range of crossbow arrows, rolled up their sleeves, raised their necks, and cursed at the gong.

From Li Guangbi's [-]th generation ancestors scolding to Li Guangbi himself: he has committed all kinds of evil since he was a child, seduced his second wife, embezzled military pay... The scolding is vivid, as if he saw it with his own eyes.

After cursing to the point where they enjoyed themselves, more than a dozen soldiers untied their belts and pissed on Tang Jun on the tower.After urinating, he burst out laughing.

When these soldiers shouted unscrupulously, a deep hole suddenly opened in the ground under their feet.The soldier sank and fell to the bottom of the cave, uttering several shrill screams.

The rest of the Yan soldiers were surprised and terrified, and couldn't help taking a few steps back.The ground suddenly opened behind him, and several Tang soldiers lifted the cover and dragged Yan Bing into the tunnel.The knife slashed and the sword stabbed, screaming again and again.

The loess and sand are like monsters and beasts.

The giant face of the old devil opened its bloody mouth indefinitely, and it swallowed the dozens of Yan soldiers in an instant.

The Yan army patrolling on the watchtower saw it clearly, and hurried back to the big tent of the Chinese army to report to Shi Siming.

Shi Siming was full of doubts.Of course he didn't believe in the nonsense of ghosts and goblins, so he walked to the front of the formation and observed carefully.There is nothing unusual about the loess ground.

Just as Shi Siming turned around, a floor suddenly lifted from the ground behind him, and a crossbow bolt shot out.Seeing that the situation was not good, Shi Siming's personal soldiers pushed Shi Siming away, swooped in, blocked the arrow with their bodies, and blood spattered on the spot.

Shi Siming broke out in a cold sweat.I finally understood the trickiness of the missing soldiers in the past few days-Tang Jun dug the tunnel.

Shi Siming ordered his soldiers to search carefully for the entrance of the tunnel, not to miss every corner.

Yan Jun checked the wells and the bottom of the pan one by one, and found many disguised tunnel entrances.

Shi Siming was overjoyed and ordered his soldiers to explore the cave to kill the enemy.

Holding shields and steel knives, several soldiers entered the cave carefully.As soon as he entered the cave, he stepped on the ground inside the cave with both feet.The movable flap was opened immediately, and several soldiers fell into the deep pit instantly.Before he could shout, he was tied into a string of gourds by a thick sharpened bamboo tube and killed on the spot.

Regardless of the dead soldiers, Shi Siming forcibly filled the pit with sandbags.After filling, order a small group of soldiers to move horizontally along the tunnel.

After a dozen soldiers walked several feet, a flap in the tunnel opened automatically, blocking the road behind the soldiers.

With the back road cut off, Yan Bing could only move forward tremblingly.The road ahead is criss-crossed, and the chessboard road twists and turns, like a maze.After walking for half an hour, I found that I was back where I was.

Yan Bing was so exhausted that he disregarded the captain's warning, put down his weapon, and collapsed to the ground.Helpless, the team leader took out the water bag, unplugged it, and raised his head to drink.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh", there was a sound of machine guns, and a large number of arrow holes suddenly appeared in the walls on both sides of the tunnel, and countless crossbow arrows were shot from all directions, and it was inevitable.Instantly shot these dozen Yan soldiers to death on the spot.

Shi Siming waited on the ground for an hour, but there was no movement underground.When I was restless, a hole opened in the ground ten feet away, and a stone with a rope was thrown out of the hole.

Shi Siming ordered people to drag the rope.The rope is quite heavy, and it takes dozens of wrestlers to drag it.

Amid the yelling of the soldiers, the rope was slowly pulled up.The thing that was dragged out of the cave was the Yan army team that entered the tunnel just now.The corpses of the soldiers were threaded on the rope one by one like a straw rope piercing the gills of a fish.

The generals are thrilling!

Shi Siming's face was ashen. He knew that after this battle, no one in the Yan army would dare to go to this "Abi Hell".

"Smoke me!"

Shi Siming recalled how the herdsmen caught voles on the grassland.

The generals of the Yan army found dry firewood and wet grass, and after lighting it, thick smoke billowed out, and threw it into several caves.

After a stick of incense, the captain guarding the stable stumbled over and reported out of breath:
"Boss, it's not good!
I don't know which bastard lit a fire in the stable, and thick smoke swept the entire stable.The horses are terrified, and hundreds of war horses, led by your beloved horse, have broken through the fence side by side and escaped from the barracks!
Commander, go and have a look..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Siming was furious, pulled out his waist knife, and chopped off the head of the stable captain with one blow!


Many of the Dawan good horses that fled in all directions were captured by soldiers of the Tang army and transported back to Taiyuan City through tunnels.Shi Siming's eyes were burning with anger.

"Small skills! With this trick, you want to stop my tens of thousands of troops?!"

With a wave of the command flag, Shi Siming personally led the troops to attack the city.

Thousands of soldiers rushed towards the city wall like a tide.Set up ladders and rush cars to attack towers.

While running, the soldiers didn't dare to look forward, but stared at their feet.If you don't pay attention, several 'big mouths' will appear on the ground, and with a whimper, they will devour the soldiers of the Yan army who are running.

The soldiers ran with their heads down. Although they escaped the traps on the ground by chance, they couldn't avoid the crossbow arrows shot down on the city wall if they didn't raise their heads.

The soldiers of the Yan army were terrified and unable to defend themselves, so they could only follow closely beside the ladder and the car, moving slowly.

As soon as the Yan army's ladder and Chong chariot approached the city wall, the ground collapsed immediately, and the soldiers on the ladder and Chong chariot fell into several large pits.

Before the soldiers climbed out of the pit, Tang Jun soldiers threw dozens of wooden barrels from the tower.After falling into the pit, the wooden barrel shattered, and a large amount of kerosene flowed out.

A rocket shot into the pit and exploded with a "boom"!

The flames rose in the big pit, the smoke billowed, and there were screams again and again, and it instantly became a hell on earth.

"Thousands of soldiers are gone like this?!"

All the generals of the Yan army were frightened, and fear filled everyone's faces.

After a while, there was no sound at the bottom of the pit.

A gust of wind blows, the ash reignites, the flames crackle.The entire Yan army camp was filled with the smell of burnt barbecue...


"It must have offended Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!"

This word slowly spread among Yan soldiers, and the soldiers became more and more timid.Although there were military orders, the command did not move, and the three armies walked around the city.

 Can't eat the case, draws the sword and hits the pillar and sighs.

  When will the husband be born, and An Neng will hang down his wings?
  Abandoned and dismissed from office, return home to rest.

  Chao went out to bid farewell to his relatives, but Mu was still by his side.

  Play foreplay with children, watch women weaving in the machine.

  Since ancient times, sages and sages have been poor and humble, let alone our generation is lonely and straight!
(End of this chapter)

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