The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 408 Hunting and Killing the Enemy General

Chapter 408 Hunting and Killing the Enemy General
Dare to laugh Jing Ke is not a hero, Hu Nanba is a man
——"The Legend of the Ranger of the Tang Dynasty" Liang Yusheng

After An Lushan was killed, the situation in the world changed.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the second year of Zhide, Li Heng set off for Baoding County.

On the 5000th day of the first lunar month, [-] people including Jia Xiu, a soldier of the Tang Army of the Jiannan Army, gathered to raise an army. The general Xi Yuanqing and Liu Yi, the governor of Linqiong County, killed him for unknown reasons.

After An Qingxu came to the throne in the first month of the second year of Zhide, Yan Zhuang held the military and political power of the puppet Yan, and he quickly adjusted a series of military deployments during An Lushan's reign.

One of them is to march into Jianghuai and open the gateway to the important town of wealth in the south of the Yangtze River.

If the Yan army can move southward, it will not only be able to continuously provide food and supplies for the two capitals, but also open up another territory for Dayan.If the war in the Central Plains is unfavorable, the Yan court can establish Jinling as its capital, separate the Jiangdong, and rule the river with the Li Tang Dynasty.

Yan Zhuang then ordered General Yin Ziqi to be the envoy of Henan Jiedu, ordering him to conquer Suiyang as soon as possible and send his troops south.

Yin Ziqi is An Lushan's favorite general, with high martial arts skills and proficient in the art of war.

On the 25th of the first lunar month, Yin Ziqi took the order to mobilize soldiers from Guizhou, Tanzhou, and the Tongluo and Xi tribes, and quickly assembled an army of 13. The soldiers pointed directly at Suiyang.

When the battle report came, Suiyang was in a hurry.

Xu Yuan, the prefect of Suiyang, immediately sent an envoy to ask Zhang Xun for help, hoping that Zhang Xun's troops would reinforce Suiyang.

At the end of the first month, Zhang Xun took three thousand soldiers under his command to station in Suiyang.In Suiyang City, the prefect Xu Yuan had only 800 troops.The total strength of the two generals is only more than 13 people, and facing Yin Ziqi's [-] army is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg!

Yin Ziqi didn't pay attention to Tang Jun at all.He planned to conquer Suiyang within five days.

Then the troops were divided into two groups, one went south to capture Xiangyang and cut off the Tang army's food and grass transfer line; the other went southeast to attack Jinling.

The two armies are like a pair of iron tongs, firmly locking the rich and fertile fields in the south of the Yangtze River in the palm of their hands.


At the beginning of the siege, Yin Ziqi attacked with all his strength.

The 13 Yan army rushed to the head of Suiyang City like a tide in Qiantang.

Zhang Xun's heart is like a rock, tough and calm, unmoved.According to the battlefield situation, constantly change the defensive means.The morale of the Tang army was like a rainbow, and the sound of killing shook the sky, repelling the fierce attacks of the Yan army again and again.

After sixteen days of fierce fighting like storms, Suiyang City remained unmoved.The Tang army wiped out more than 60 people from the Yan army and captured more than [-] generals of the Yan army.

Only then did Yin Ziqi realize that Zhang Xun was powerful, and that the Yan army suffered too many casualties, so they had to leave the camp and retreat by night.

After repelling Yin Ziqi, Suiyang prefect Xu Yuan and Zhang Xun cherished each other.Xu Yuan respected Zhang Xun even more, and said to Zhang Xun: "Yuan is cowardly and does not practice soldiers, and the public is wise and courageous. Please be a public guard, and please be a long-distance war."

From then on, Xu Yuan handed over all the command of defending the city and defending against the enemy to Zhang Xun, and he was responsible for collecting food, repairing weapons and equipment, and ensuring the logistics of military supplies.

Two months later, Yin Ziqi made a comeback and besieged Suiyang again.

Zhang Xun encouraged the officers and men to say: "I have received the grace of the country, and I am guarding it. I am dying. But I think that the kings sacrificed their lives and anointed the grass and wilds, but they did not reward the honor. It hurts my ears."

Zhang Xun put his heart in his heart and treated people with sincerity. The soldiers were excited, and they were all willing to follow the general and fight the enemy to the death.

Zhang Xun then ordered the slaughter of cattle and sheep to comfort the three armies, and all the troops went out to fight.

The gate of the city was opened, and the Tang army came out in full force.When the generals of the Yan army saw that the Tang army had only a few thousand steps and cavalry, but they dared to go out of the city rashly to fight the grassland cavalry, they couldn't help laughing at the Tang army's overestimation.

Holding the battle flag, Zhang Xun rushed out of the city gate, took the lead, and rushed straight to the puppet Yan army.Bai Fu and Nan Jiyun stood beside Zhang Xun.

The generals of the Tang army shouted at the tsunami, like arrows off the string, all arrows were fired at the Yan army's formation.The officers and soldiers slashed with spears and knives, and they all counted one as ten.Bingfeng pointing, invincible.

Before Yan Jun had time to react, the front battalion was instantly disrupted by Tang Jun's forwards.The Yan army was terrified, and before they had time to rearrange their defenses, they retreated one after another.

The Tang army took advantage of the situation to cover up the attack. Bai Fu and Nan Jiyun led the Tang army's elite troops, leaped across the Yan army formation, clashed vertically and horizontally, and galloped happily...

Immediately, the Tang army smashed the Yan army, beheaded more than [-] generals, and killed more than [-] enemy soldiers.

The next day, the Yan army gathered the remaining soldiers and horses, and the whole army counterattacked Suiyang.

Zhang Xun led his troops out of the city to fight again. The two armies fought fiercely for dozens of rounds day and night, and the Tang army repeatedly defeated them.

Relying on the large number of soldiers, the Yan army has many soldiers, and the number of soldiers is several times that of the Tang army.

The Yan army did not withdraw from the siege, and the Tang army became more and more distressed.If things go on like this, there is no way.

On this day, Zhang Xun called Nan Jiyun, Lei Wanchun, Bai Fu and other core generals to discuss and plan a plan.

In the evening of the same day, Zhang Xun ordered his soldiers to beat drums and sound gold at the head of Suiyang City, waved flags and shouted, shouting and killing, as if they were about to leave the city to attack the camp.

When Yin Ziqi heard about the news, he went up to the flying tower to watch the Tang army's enemy situation.

All the officers and soldiers of the Yan army put on their helmets and put on their armor, ready to stand on guard, and strengthened their vigilance. From the evening to the early morning of the next day, they did not dare to relax at all.

But all night long, only the sound of the golden drums from the Suiyang City Tower was heard, but no movement from the Tang army was seen.The general beside Yin Ziqi said: "General, I'm afraid it's the Tang army's strategy to harass the enemy. Don't fall for it."

Sure enough, the rooster announced the dawn, the sky was bright, the Suiyang city tower was silent, the flags and drums were silent, the soldiers were silent, and there was no more movement.

Yin Ziqi cursed loudly, and his body and mind, which had been tense all night, finally relaxed.The officers and soldiers of the Yan army stayed up all night. They were exhausted, so they were ordered to go back to the camp, disarm and rest.

Yin Ziqi's eyes were bloodshot. He returned to the big tent of the Chinese army, took off his armor, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

Zhang Xun met the generals of the Yan army's battalions on the tower, and led the troops back to the camp.The soldiers' footsteps were vain, their men and horses were exhausted, and their spirits were listless.

Tang Jun was waiting for this moment!
Zhang Xun and more than a dozen generals under his command, including Nan Jiyun, Lei Wanchun, and Bai Fu, each led [-] elite cavalry, rushed out from the gate of Suiyang City, like a tiger descending the mountain, piercing Linyuejian, and charged at the Yan army with a murderous look. big camp.

Nan Jiyun, Bai Fu and other skilled archers charged first, and the Mercedes cavalry shot several arrows in a row, killing the patrolling sentries on the hanging bucket and the watchtower.

Bai Fu took out a new weapon specially designed to break through roadblocks - Starlink Double Hammers.This weapon is forged according to the blueprint of the Tang Sect.Both ends are fist-sized copper hammers, and the two hammers are linked by an iron chain.

Bai Fu swung the Starlink double hammer above his head, and threw it forward with all his strength.The double hammers of the star chain flew out, and the barricades, antlers and other barricades deployed at the gate of the general camp swept away.

Bai Fu threw out seven or eight star chain double hammers in a row, sweeping out a road a foot wide at the gate of the barracks, flattening the river.

Bai Fu's horse was fast, and rushed to the gate of the barracks first, reined in the horse and stopped abruptly, and jumped up in the air.

With a "clang" sound from Xuan Tie Hou's back knife, it soared into the sky.

Bai Fu seemed to be in the eye of a hurricane, and Kan Xun's two qis swam through his whole body, spinning around the spine like a tornado.An awe-inspiring and powerful Qi goes up from the Yongquan point on the sole of the feet, runs through the spine, and goes straight to the Baihui point on the top of the head.

Bai Fu stirred his legs, held a knife in both hands, and the tornado whirled like a boulder blasted by a trebuchet, crashing into the gate of the Yan army camp.

The gate of the Yanjun camp is made of rough fir wood, with copper bolts and iron gates. It is hard and heavy, but it cannot withstand the devastating blow of Bai Fu's men and swords.

With a sound of "click", the camp gate and fence were all shattered and shattered into powder.

Once the camp gate is broken, there is no obstacle.Hundreds of cavalry from the Tang army roared and charged, breaking into the Yan army's camp.

The soldiers of the Yan army were on duty all night, and their minds were in a daze. How could they have expected that the Tang army would come to kill them at this time? !Hearing the commotion outside the account, they didn't react. One by one, sleepy-eyed, poked their heads out of the tent, and were cut off by the saber wielded by Tang Jun.

The Yan army's camp suddenly became chaotic,

Tang Jun's iron cavalry entered and exited like no one's land, hunting down the heads of enemy generals, and taking what was given and what was taken, like chopping melons and vegetables.

According to the established strategy, capture the thief first and capture the king first!

Hundreds of cavalry from the Tang army gave up chasing and killing the fleeing soldiers, rushed straight to Yin Ziqi's camp, and reached Yin Ziqi's sleeping tent without any effort.

Lei Wanchun picked up the tent curtain with his gun, and found that the tent was messy and empty.

It turned out that when the Tang army arrived, Yin Ziqi woke up with a start. At this time, he had escaped from the big tent and hid in the corner of the camp, trying to regroup the army and fight back against the incoming enemy.

The Yan army's camp was billowing with gunpowder smoke, people shouted and horses neighed, soldiers ran wildly, Nan Jiyun, Lei Wanchun, Bai Fu and other generals chased and killed in the camp, but they could not find Yin Ziqi, the leader of Yan army.

Yan's army is numerous and powerful, and as time goes on, dangers gradually arise.

Zhang Xun asked Lei Wanchun and Bai Fu to lead the generals to retreat in an orderly manner, and he and Nan Jiyun and others broke up to cover the withdrawal of the elite Tang army from the barracks.

Seeing the Tang army retreating, the Yan army slowly gathered.Yin Ziqi was worried about fraud, so he only sent a few soldiers to attack.

With a thought, Zhang Xun came up with a plan.He recruited Tang soldiers, sharpened Artemisia poles, used them as arrows, and shot at the sneak attacking Yan soldiers.

The soldiers of the Yan army who were hit by the arrow were taken aback when they saw that the arrow could not penetrate the leather armor.Picking up the arrow from the ground, he saw that it was actually made of Artemisia stalks.

The soldiers were overjoyed, thinking that the Tang army had no more arrows, they ran to Yin Ziqi one after another, begging the general to send troops to chase and kill these dozens of Tang army soldiers who had not yet withdrawn in the barracks.

Zhang Xun looked up, and at a corner of the barracks, there was a junior officer who got on his horse, surrounded by generals, and came towards him to hide and kill him.

Governor Zhang smiled, and the general Nan Jiyun beside him understood.

Nan Jiyun draws the bow and nocks the arrow. With one punch, he draws the string and plucks the chest.The front hand pushes Mount Tai, and the back hand holds the tiger's tail.With the bow fully drawn, the arrows are released quickly, with momentum like chasing the wind, and swift like chasing electricity.


The carved feather arrow drew a beautiful arc in the air, bypassed the heads of the generals, fell at a high speed, and hit Yin Ziqi's left eye.


Yin Ziqi screamed and fell off his horse.

Nan Jiyun patted his horse and charged at Yin Ziqi with a rhino horn long knife in his hand, trying to take the head of the enemy general among the ten thousand troops.

Yin Ziqi's soldiers formed a spear formation with long contradiction cards, firmly protected the general, and blocked Nan Jiyun in front of the formation.The rest of the generals of the Yan Army rushed over one after another and strangled Nan Jiyun together.

Nan Jiyun swung the knife like a paddle, flying up and down, where the light of the knife came, there were colorful falling flowers.In three or five rounds, the surrounding enemy generals will be killed and retreated.

When Nan Jiyun raised his eyes to look for the enemy general again, Yin Ziqi was no longer in sight.

The main general was severely injured, and the Yan army had no intention of fighting, so they withdrew from Suiyang again.

In this battle, Tang Jun killed more than 5000 enemy generals and more than [-] Yan soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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