The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 427 Recovering Luoyang

Chapter 427 Recovering Luoyang
The guest will not come for a long time, and the good times will stay with you.The West Tower intends to sing rewards, so why ask for more money?Awaken a day of bright moon, according to me full of ice and snow, mighty rivers and rivers.The whale has not yet swallowed the sea, and the sword energy has already fallen.

——Excerpt from Xin Qiji from "Shui Tiao Ge Tou Touring the Moon Wave Tower with Ma Shudu"

When Bai Fu heard the news of the death of Zhang Xun, Nan Jiyun, Lei Wanchun and other life-and-death acquaintances, he cried on the spot and couldn't help it.

Sitting in the camp tent, the voices and smiles of the comrades in Suiyang were so lifelike that Bai Fu couldn't calm down for a long time.

He remembered the questions Chen Honghu and Ding Dong asked themselves when they left Shu: "Brother Fu, the old emperor put you in prison and tortured you; Li Lin snatched your lover, cut off your tendons, cut off your thumb , waste martial arts.

They persecute you so much, why do you still want to join the army and work hard for Li Tang?Why not rely on unrivaled martial arts, cross the rivers and lakes, feel free and happy? "

When it comes to anger, Ding Dong speaks sharply, and said: "Brother Fu, don't talk to me about family and country feelings and national righteousness; don't talk about letting go of hatred and suffering, turning the blue sky upside down, or not taking responsibility for it." Lies such as the family's will and the master's entrustment!"

Why did Bai Fu not understand this truth.I was in Lihentian, and I wanted to give up my life several times, break through the golden throne, and destroy the world!

"What do you give me in this world? What kindness do you owe me here? Those who are gracious die unexpectedly, and those entrusted to them betray and harm them. It would be better to become a demon, to kill all injustices, and to be more like a person!

What does the justice of my country have to do with me?A stick pierced through the heavens and killed him completely! "

Whenever this kind of blood is rushing and a thought becomes a demon, the loyal master is always by his side, like an eminent monk and Buddha, patiently enlightening.

Bai Fu was puzzled, and asked: "Master, you have powerful generals like clouds, wear the seals of the four towns, control thousands of miles, powerful troops and important towns, all of which are under your control. Heading south?"

Every time we talked about this topic, Master Zhongsi often looked at himself lovingly and said: "When the country is in peace, it is just for the general to caress his people. I don't want to use China's power to make a name for myself.

The first stage of learning the art of war allows you to gain insight into human nature and see the darkest and most ugly side of people's hearts.Only in this way can the supreme power be gained.

This is not the case for the second realm.It is the way to live with power.Accompanying power is like accompanying a tiger.If you are not careful, Dao Xin will be swallowed by the fierce tiger of power and turned into a minion.

When you understand the preciousness of life and see the simple and kind side of people, you will not be cynical and risk the world because of your own personal grievances.

A real military strategist is not a bloody butcher, but a war god who protects the world! "


After personally experiencing the siege of Suiyang and going through life and death with Zhang Xun and other generals, Bai Fu gradually comprehended the deep meaning in the words of Master Zhongsi.

Master Zhang Xun is the answer!Not for the Li Tang dynasty, but for the people of the world.

He would rather bear the eternal infamy of cannibalism than stick to Suiyang.Is this foolish loyalty to Li Tang?Is this mental distortion and inhumanity?As long as there is another choice, with the integrity of adults, it is absolutely impossible to do such a bloody and cruel thing.

He bore the greatest sin and the most vicious reputation, slaughtered countless women and children, but saved more people.

Although Bai Fu still can't accept Zhang Xun's cannibalism, but based on Bai Fu's understanding of Zhang Xun, Zhang Xun has already had an opinion on what is right and what is wrong, so he can face it calmly.Perhaps this is the realization of Buddhism's "I will go to hell if I don't go to hell".

At three o'clock that day, Bai Fu burned incense and paper in an open area of ​​the camp, offering sacrifices to the Suiyang generals.Bai Fu clenched his teeth tightly, bleeding his lips.

Bai Fu held up the burning incense and kowtowed to swear: "Brothers, I will never let the blood of Suiyang soldiers be shed in vain, and I will never let you be wronged!
After eradicating the rebels, my younger brother will personally present the heads of the three thieves, Shang Heng, Xu Shuji, and He Lan Jinming, to pay homage to you! "


After regaining Chang'an, Guo Ziyi led the Hu-Han coalition forces to pursue the Yan army fleeing eastward, until they reached Tongguan, killed 5000 enemies, and recovered Tongguan.Taking advantage of the victory, the Tang army marched eastward, conquering Huayin and Hongnong counties in a row.

The puppet Yan Xijing stayed behind Zhang Tongru and others, gathered the remnants who fled from Chang'an, and guarded Shan County.

The fall of Chang'an awakened An Qingxu from his licentious days.An Qingxu quickly ordered Yan Zhuang, the official censor, to lead all the troops in Luoyang to quickly reinforce Shan County and defend the gate of Luoyang.

Yan Zhuang joined forces with Zhang Tongru, and there were still 15 infantry and cavalry.

On October [-]th in the second year of Zhide, Li Chu, king of Guangping, led an army to Quwo.Huihe Yehu faction general Bishi Yebo Peiluo and others led the army to camp in Lingbei, and set up an ambush on Xiaoshan.

Guo Ziyi led his troops to advance and encountered Yan Jun in Xindian.Guo Ziyi took the initiative to attack, but the Yan army built an array on the back of the mountain, condescending, and had the advantage of the terrain.

After several rounds of attack and defense, the Tang army declined again, exhausted three times, gradually broke down, and retreated.The iron cavalry of the Yan army rushed down with the help of the mountain, trying to overwhelm the main force of the Tang army.

At a critical juncture, Huihe Xiao cavalry made a surprise attack from behind the Yan army, and the fast horses killed them. The arrows were aimed and the knives were fast, and a charge broke up the Yan army's rear formation, cutting off the back road.

The Yan army suffered a lot and knew how powerful the Huihe cavalry was.At this time, Huihe Xiaoqi took the back road, and was attacked by the enemy, the army's morale was in chaos, and they collapsed instantly.

Guo Ziyi led the army and attacked back and forth with the Huihe iron cavalry.The Yan army was defeated and fled in all directions, with corpses all over the field.

Yan Zhuang, Zhang Tongru and others abandoned Shan County and fled eastward.Li Chu and Guo Ziyi, the kings of Guangping, then recovered Shan County, and Pugu Huai'en and others pursued the remnants of the Yan army from all directions.

On the night of October [-]th, An Qingxu saw that the general situation was over, so he led the puppet Yan Wenwu officials to flee from Luoyang and fled to the north of the Yellow River.

Before An Qingxu left, he killed more than [-] captives including Ge Shuhan and Cheng Qianli.

On October [-], the second year of Zhide, Luoyang was restored.

Li Chu, the king of Guangping, led an army into the city, and the gentry of Luoyang presented [-] bolts of silk and satin that had been prepared.Li Chu was overjoyed, and hurriedly sent the silk and satin to the Huihe people to prevent Luoyang from being looted.

 The guest will not come for a long time, and the good times will stay with you.The West Tower intends to sing rewards, so why ask for more money?Awaken a day of bright moon, according to me full of ice and snow, mighty rivers and rivers.The whale has not yet swallowed the sea, and the sword energy has already fallen.

  The wild light is floating, the sky is far away, and the things are quiet.I don't know how many people are worried about tonight?Who thinks that heroes are old?Without fame and fame, the decision is still long.Let's talk about this matter, let's hold our heads in the future!

  ——"Water Tune Getou Touring the Moon Wave Tower with Ma Shudu" Xin Qiji
(End of this chapter)

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