The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 436 Acacia Green Bamboo

Chapter 436 Acacia Green Bamboo

You don’t have lovesickness in your life.

The body is like a floating cloud, the heart is like a fly, and the air is like a gossamer.

——Excerpt from Xu Zaisi (Yuan)

After hearing this, Huang Zhen praised repeatedly: "Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. Although I am in charge of intelligence work in the Chang'an area, I have never analyzed intelligence from these corners. It can be seen that the sons of soldiers can strategize and win thousands of miles. accidental."

Huang Zhen said: "Brother Fu, have you read the reports from various places recently, did you find anything new?"

Bai Fu nodded and said, "It's still the same situation. In the area recovered by the Tang army, many warehouses caught fire."

Huang Zhen said, "What does it mean this time?"

Bai Fu said: "The account books of the warehouses in Guangfu District are all in the hands of the puppet Yan officials, and the Tang court does not have control. Once the receiving officials sent by the court arrive here, as long as the account books are destroyed, how much grain is stored in this warehouse?" Baggage, goods and materials, only God knows."

Huang Zhen suddenly realized.

Bai Fu said: "After a big victory, it is often the most dangerous moment. Once Mr. Li Bi left, the imperial court had no rules when accepting the puppet Yan area. It was supposed to make a hole, but it became a multi-headed one."

Huang Zhen cupped his hands and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Bai Fudao: "The granaries and goods left by the false Yan were designated as enemy capital by the imperial court. As long as they are enemy capital, they can be confiscated without compensation and returned to the national treasury. The huge benefits make people jealous.

The receiving officials of the imperial court included field army generals such as Anxi and Shuofo, as well as imperial army officers such as Habayashi and Longwu.In addition, there are commanders of the Ministry of War, inspectors of the Ministry of Households, Yushi Zhongcheng, etc., and even eunuchs in the palace have sent chief servants to intervene to receive enemy assets. "

These reception officers, wherever they go, put a seal on the enemy's funds.At first, it was first come, first served, but later, the seal was simply torn off and occupied by force.As a result, the preemptive army had to send a large number of soldiers and horses to guard these enemy assets.

In the end, there was nothing to be checked or sealed by the reception staff who came late.Others returned with a full load, but I was empty-handed, unable to confess to Shangfeng.These officials will label the officials who surrendered to the false Yan, the wealthy families who attached to the false Yan, and the merchants who served the false Yan as Tang traitors.

Once these people are listed as Tang traitors, the receiving officials can seize their mansions and manors with dignity, ransack their homes, arrest people, and plunder their wealth.

After the traitors have plundered all, they will beat corrupt officials and good merchants as traitors and continue to plunder.They even plundered the mansions and manors of the aristocratic families who had avoided disaster in the south and left them in the Guangfu District.

In the end, it was so worrying and resentful that the powerful aristocratic families and merchants in the Guangfu area no longer ate the pot of milk and welcomed the master Wang. "


At the end, Bai Fu said: "When the mountains and rivers are broken, the civil and military officials can work hard and unite as one. Once the news of success spreads frequently, and the recovery is just around the corner, the officials will be arrogant and extravagant, and there will be serious internal fighting. This is the biggest problem of the Tang Dynasty today!

If my prediction is correct, Shi Siming will definitely rebel again, and the Tang army will definitely be defeated.Datang will never regain its former glory.The prosperous Tang Dynasty is over..."

After coming out of the Bashu Guild Hall, Bai Fu also felt very heavy.Once Mr. Li Mi left, there were no farsighted people around Suzong.

Bai Fu was slightly drunk, and walked towards the mansion alone, riding one by one.

Turning the corner of the street, Bai Fu felt alert.Bai Fu narrowed his eyes, pretended to be ignorant, and continued on his way.

Suddenly, a gust of strong wind hits the face, and a group of black shadows rushes towards Bai Fu from the eaves.The assassin held an emerald green bamboo pole, the head of which was cold, pierced Baifu's throat.

Bai Fu stretched out his right hand with parallel fingers, clamped his thumb and index finger, and clamped the head of the rod between his two fingers.

The assassin flew in the air, turned his wrist, and the green bamboo turned, and the bamboo joint pulled Bai Fu's fingers across the gap.

Bai Fu had no choice but to let go of his fingers, turned them into palms, and slashed towards the green bamboo pole.

The emerald bamboo is like a blue snake, very agile, it arcs, avoiding the wind of the palm, and bites towards the Laogong acupoint in the palm of Bai Fu.

Bai Fu turned his wrist, turned his palm into a claw, and the eagle's beak was seven inches from the head of the rod.The green bamboo hits the snake along the pole, picks the main point on Bai Fu's arm, and goes all the way up from Daling, Neiguan and Qiemen.

Bai Fu withdrew his right arm sharply, his left hand pointed like a sword, and stabbed the assassin's wrist with a "swoosh".

The assassin supported the horse's head with his left palm, turned upside down in the air, and kicked his legs out in succession, towards Bai Fu's head.

Bai Fu raised his body and built an 'iron bridge' on his horseback to avoid the assassin's attack.

The tiger-like leopard under Bai Fu's crotch is extremely humane, seeing his master in danger, he roared, suddenly accelerated, and crashed into the assassin who was in mid-air.

The assassin's lightness kung fu is also extremely high, he swung his body horizontally and spun in the air, avoiding the collision of the horse.

Just when Baifu's men and horses passed by, Cuizhu picked and poked fiercely at the main points on Baifu's chest.If you are hit by the head of a pole, you will either die or be injured.

Bai Fu was skilled in equestrianism. He slid down from the side of the horse's back, his body was like an ape, and he rushed out from under the horse's belly in an instant.Stepping on the Dunjia strange step, avoiding the ultimate move of the green bamboo pole, and switching from defense to offense.

As the assassin's moves changed, the green bamboo pole changed from pricking and chopping to hooking and tying.

There are many sticks and shadows, and the roots of old trees are intertwined, like a series of tripping ropes. If one hook is missed, the second trip will continue, and the chain of hooks is ever-changing.Although Bai Fushen's technique is fast, he can't get close for a while.

The two fought fast, and they had already attacked and defended for several rounds in an instant.

"Good skill!" Bai Fu secretly praised.With today's Baifu martial arts, he was unable to attack by force, and the opponent was already numerous top masters.

Bai Fu fought with both hands, like flowers blooming, orchids brushing his acupuncture points, changing different handprints, hitting the opponent's Dao heart hard.

This technique of transforming the strength of the inner family with fists and feet from the outside is precisely the unique martial art learned from Li Xuexuan of Emei - An Zhitinglan.

The assassin couldn't breathe well, his movements froze, and he slowed down instantly.

However, the assassin reacted very quickly, taking advantage of the flexibility of the bamboo pole, he immediately changed from a heavy iron whip to a flexible finger.The emerald bamboo pole is like an extremely tough thin vine, wrapping around Bai Fu's arm.

No matter how Bai Fu's hands change and how his body rushes forward, he can't imagine being able to escape the bondage again.

Bai Fu let out a long whistle.

Hearing only a dragon chant, the black iron thick back saber pierced through the air.

Bai Fu held the saber in his hand, his murderous aura was surging, like a god and a demon coming to the world.


Seeing Bai Fu holding the saber, the assassin's wrist trembled violently, the emerald bamboo turned into a cluster of green shadows, sealing off all Bai Fu's attacking routes.

The assassin quickly took two steps back, pointing his toes, and leaped onto the roof.Under the moonlight, dancing lightly, with a graceful figure, like a frightened bird.

The assassin fled far away, laughing like a silver bell: "Finally I forced out Young Master Bai's black iron knife, and I won!"

Bai Fu was taken aback, and asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

"They are all sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, and we will meet again if we are destined."The lingering sound is lingering, and it is very ethereal in the night sky.

 You don’t have lovesickness in your life.

  The body is like a floating cloud, the heart is like a fly, and the air is like a gossamer.

  There is a scent of emptiness here, hoping for a daughter-in-law.

  When did the syndrome come?When the light is half dim, when the moon is half bright.

  ——Xu Zaisi (Yuan)
(End of this chapter)

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