Chapter 445
To whom is the shadow of thousands of miles of stratus clouds and thousands of mountains and misty snow?

——Excerpt from Yuan Haowen (Jin) "Moyuer·Yanqiu Ci"


"Bang bang bang", Princess Qingluan slapped the door knocker of the Bashu Guild Hall.A clerk opened the door a crack and peeped in.

Princess Qingluan showed the gold medal in her hand and said, "I want to see Young Hero Bai Fu, please inform me."

The clerk saluted and said: "Report to my lord, Young Master Bai has not been here for the past two days."

Princess Qingluan panicked, and said: "I am Bai Fu's deceased, I need to find him urgently! Please also pass it on to him."

The waiter said: "Please wait a moment, my lord, I will ask the shopkeeper to come out to see you." After finishing speaking, he led Princess Qingluan into the tea room of the guild hall.

After a while, Huang Zhen appeared and said salutingly, "I don't know why my lord is looking for Young Master Bai? I can pass it on for you."

Knowing Huang Zhen's identity, Qingluan lifted off her cloak, revealing her peerless beauty, and said, "Master Huang, I am His Majesty's daughter, and I had a relationship with Young Master Bai when I was young.

My master, Aunt Gongsun, is now in prison and will be executed in a few days.I had nowhere to go, so I had no choice but to find this place. I hope that Shaoxia Bai will come to the rescue based on his past affection. "

Huang Zhen had heard a little about Bai Fu's rescue of Princess Qingluan on Yuanxiye in his early years.Aunt Gongsun's assassination of His Majesty shocked the government and the public, of course Huang Zhen knew about it.

Huang Zhen nodded, and said, "So it's Her Royal Highness! Bai Shaoxia is arresting the fake Yan spy outside the city tonight. Princess, please leave your contact information. When Bai Shaoxia comes back, I will send someone to notify you immediately."

Princess Qingluan shook her head and said: "Master Huang, to tell you the truth, I can't wait, please take me to see Young Master Bai immediately."

Huang Zhen pondered for a moment, and said, "Okay, princess, please follow me."

Not long after, the buddy brought out a few fast horses, Huang Zhen led two Sichuan gang members, accompanied Princess Qingluan, and rode out of the city.

When we came to the city gate, the city gate had already been closed.

Princess Qingluan was about to take out the gold medal and called to open the city gate.Huang Zhen waved his hand to stop it, and said with a smile: "In order not to startle the snake, I ask Her Royal Highness to be wronged."

Huang Zhen and the others were familiar with the road, and walked to a hidden place in the corner.After the patrolling soldiers on the city wall passed by, Chuan Gang's disciples took out the flying tiger claws and threw them at the city tower.

After stabilizing the arrow stack with the hook, Huang Zhen grabbed the rope with both hands, and like an ape, he climbed alternately, and quickly climbed up the tower.Princess Qingluan touched the city brick with her toes and flew up.When the strength was exhausted, the slender hand gently tugged on the rope, and continued to use the strength to soar.After a few ups and downs, he went to the city in an instant.

Such lightness of effort immediately won the admiration of the disciples of the Chuan Gang.

After going down to the city, disciples from the Chuan Gang outside the city came to meet him, took the horse and galloped away.

In less than a stick of incense, several people came to the edge of the Qujiang River.

It was freezing cold, and the Qujiang River had already frozen.The river is vast, the snow is flying, and the birds and beasts are gone.

Fires flickered in and out of the darkness, like some sort of signal.Chuan Gang's disciples played the lanterns, turning them on and off, responding to the opponent's signal.

Soon a night walker came to Huang Zhen's side, it was Lu Tingzhou, the fragrance master of the Weishui Gang.He cupped his fists and saluted, and whispered a few words.

Huang Zhen turned his head and said to Princess Qingluan: "The key criminal arrested this time is cruel and cunning, with superb water skills, and is good at assassinating in rivers and ditches. People in the Jianghu are called 'water monsters'.

The 'Water Demon' has disappeared for many years, and for some reason reappeared, and became An Lushan's lurking assassin in Chang'an.

His mission this time is to use the Chang'an Waterway to assassinate Guo Ziyi, Li Guangbi and other important court officials.If he succeeds, he will sneak into the Daming Palace Taiye Pool and assassinate His Majesty and the King of Chu.

After the pseudo-yan's underground intelligence network was uncovered this time, we took it away from its old den in Quchifang.

However, this person is very cunning, after being chased and intercepted by heroes from all walks of life, he was still able to escape, and he is hiding at the bottom of the Qujiang River to heal his injuries.Here is his lair outside the city.

Now land and water heroes have surrounded the Qujiang River for dozens of miles, but the river is wide open, and it is not known where it is hidden.In the midwinter season, the river water is freezing cold, even if there are many heroes with good water skills, they dare not go into the water to search for them. "

Princess Qingluan wondered: "Can there be a lair at the bottom of the water? Why isn't the 'water demon' afraid of the cold?"

Huang Zhen said: "It is rumored that the 'water monster' is very talented. He was born with gills like a fish and can breathe underwater. His fingers and toes have webbed palms, and his swimming speed is comparable to sharks and dolphins. As long as it is a fish Wherever he can live, he can live.

As soon as the 'Water Demon' was born, it was regarded as a monster by its parents and discarded in the river.Unexpectedly, instead of drowning, he was rescued by a stranger who was fishing, and passed on his shocking water skills.

However, because the 'Water Demon' was abandoned by his parents since he was a child, he has a sinister temperament, which is different from ordinary people.After his master passed away, no one controlled him. The 'Water Demon' walks the rivers and lakes, and if they disagree with each other, they will be punished.Committing many shocking crimes, the methods are bloody and cruel.Ten years ago, he was besieged by fellow martial artists, and the water monster was seriously injured and fled, and has since disappeared.

However, the 'Water Demon' has always been a maverick and never cooperated with others. For some reason, he joined the rebel army and was willing to work for An Lushan and his son? "

Princess Qingluan said: "Then how can we arrest him?"

Huang Zhen smiled and said, "That depends on Young Master Bai's methods."

Following Lu Xiangzhu, Huang Zhen and others stepped onto the ice, walked for a stick of incense, and stopped.Looking at the center of the river, I saw a flat boat in the middle of the river, frozen on the ice.

Suddenly, a firework exploded in the sky, like peonies in the night sky, gorgeous and colorful.

Lu Xiang said: "It's time to make a move." After finishing speaking, he handed the cotton brocade earplugs and fox fur earmuffs to Huang Zhen and the others, signaling for everyone to put them on.

Just when everyone was dressed properly, they heard the sound of the pipa coming from all directions along the river bank. At the beginning, the strings were plucked.Like being in a deep mountain and old forest where the sun cannot be seen, an unknown danger is approaching step by step.

Later, the tune is soothing, as if being chased by a wild beast, you can take a little breath, but you dare not relax completely.The more silent it is, the more uneasy it feels.

In an instant, the melody gradually became more and more rapid, and the pipa's fingers alternated in rhythm, like a glazed kiln cracked, a porcelain bottle suddenly broken, and slurry gushing out. Get angry.

All of a sudden, the jiegu was loudly played, the iron strings were clanging, clanging and clanging, and the sound of killing and cutting was loud, as if iron cavalry broke in, and thousands of troops and horses swept in.Where the iron hoof passed, they rampaged and trampled violently.


On the battlefield, arrows rained all over the sky, spears were picked and spears were stabbed, axes were hacked and knives were hacked, and desperate struggles, heads fell to the ground, corpses littered the field, and blood flowed across the oars.

Suddenly listening to the four strings being pulled and plucked, there was a sound of cracking silk.

The world is chilling, the wind blows the snow, the heart of the river is like a mirror, and the cold moon hangs high.

A person slowly walked out of the black canopy of the flat boat, dressed in white, standing at the bow of the boat, with fluttering skirts, playing the jade flute...

It was Bai Fu.

The sound of the flute was not very loud at the beginning, like a strand of silk, and gradually rose to a higher level, like silk or cotton, and suddenly a pointed one was pulled out, like a fisherman throwing a wire into the sky.

Everyone secretly exclaimed.If it weren't for wearing earplugs and earmuffs in advance, this one is enough to draw blood from the heart.

Unexpectedly, the sound of the flute circles around the sky, and the width is not enough to fill a foot, but it can turn and turn at a very high place.After a few verses, go up to tall buildings, skyscraper towers, stacked in threes and fives, and climb higher and higher.

It's like climbing the long sky plank road of Huashan Mountain, holding copper pillars and iron cables, folding and exploring.Stepping on the cliff gap to volley the hanging ladder, the rope descends step by step.Fall to the bottom of the well, turn westward, drill stone holes, keystone piles, face the wall to the abdomen, step on wooden rafters, and move forward horizontally.The sound of the flute is turned upwards, the more it is turned, the more dangerous it is, and the more dangerous it is, the more strange it is.

The sound of the flute climbed to the top of Huashan Mountain, and suddenly felt the vastness of the mountains, the sky is close at hand, and the stars can be picked.

Everyone felt relaxed and happy, like walking on floating clouds.The sound of the flute suddenly turned upside down, like a swimming dragon, circling and interspersing among the clouds and mist.Turns around several times, looming.After that, the sound of the flute turned lower and lower, and the lower the sound, the thinner it became, and gradually became inaudible.

Everyone knew that the critical moment was coming, so they held their breath and did not dare to move.

A sip of strong wine fell into his throat, and the sound of the flute did not show any signs, soaring straight up, piercing the sky into the sky.The sound of the flute exploded the clouds, causing the red sun to jump into the sky, the radiant glow, and thousands of flying fire and meteors.

Just when I was dazzled, I heard a sudden sound, the flute strings stopped abruptly, and everything was silent.


The ice beside the boat exploded, revealing an ice hole the size of a millstone.A figure flitted out of the ice hole like a flying fish jumping out of the water.

The 'Water Demon' has disheveled hair, a ferocious face, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and is in unbearable pain from being tortured by the sound of the flute.He swung the three-pronged sea king halberd, roared, and rushed towards Bai Fu.

Bai Fu had been waiting for a long time, holding the Xuantian thick back saber in his hand, with a flash of the saber's light, he chopped off the three-pronged sea king halberd and fell on the chest of the 'water demon'.

The 'water demon' screamed and fell into the water.Blood gushed out of the ice hole.

With a "click", a crack opened on the ice surface.

The crack spread rapidly from the ice hole, instantly protruding from the encirclement.Before everyone came back to their senses, the ice crevice cracked to Princess Qingluan's feet unexpectedly.

Before Princess Qingluan had time to retreat, a blood-stained, half-man, half-fish monster jumped out of the ice crevice, flaunted its claws, and rushed towards Princess Qingluan.

Princess Qingluan grew up in the deep palace since childhood, where has she seen such a monster.Princess Qingluan screamed, her legs and feet went limp, unable to escape.

With life hanging by a thread, the flat boat on the leaf whimpered and whimpered, and another flute sound came out. The sound of the flute was sad and lingering than before.

"Thousands of stratus clouds, thousands of mountains and evening snow, who is the shadow going to?"

The 'Water Demon' froze in place, like a weathered stone sculpture.

At this time, the night is quiet and the moon is full, and the wind blows into the pine forest, making people's restlessness disappear immediately, and all worries are eliminated.

The sound of the flute comes through forests and waters, breaking rigidity into softness, sad and poignant, and a drop of it enters the soul, making every once-teenager feel sympathetic.

It's a good sentence, "Thousands of mountains and snow at dusk, who does the shadow go to?"

Although Princess Qingluan didn't know what it was, she felt that the beauty of the world was nothing more than this.It was as if a heart had been shattered, thrown into the wind, and passed away with the wind.

The dusty past was awakened by the sound of the flute, and the water demon sat quietly, touching his heart, and shed tears.

Bai Fu fluttered in the waves, like the wind returning to the snow, slowly appearing in the eyes of everyone.

The 'Water Demon' knelt down on his knees, weeping uncontrollably, and made a blood oath: "The gods of the rivers and rivers are above, from today onwards, Jiang Shaer is willing to be driven by the lord, and is willing to lead the horse and fall for the general."

 At the age of Yichou, he went to Bingzhou for an examination. A wild goose catcher said, "Once a wild goose is caught today, it will be killed. If it escapes the net, it screams and cannot go, and throws itself into the ground to die." I bought it and buried it in Fen. Above the water, there is a stone for knowledge, and it is called "Yanqiu".Most of the companions wrote poems, and I also wrote "Yanqiu Ci".The old business without palaces is now revised.

  Ask the world, what is love, directly teach life and death?
  There are two flying passengers from the north to the south, and the old wings return to the cold and heat a few times.

  Have fun, parting hard, you will be more idiots.

  The king should have a saying: With thousands of miles of clouds, thousands of mountains and evening snow, to whom does the shadow go?
  Hengfen Road, the loneliness of Xiaogu, the wasteful smoke is still calm.

  Why is it time to call upon the soul? The mountain ghost cries secretly.

  The sky is also jealous, and the Yinger swallows are all loess.

  Throughout the ages, in order to be reserved for the sorrows, sing and drink wildly and visit Yanqiu.

  ——"Mo Yuer Yanqiu Ci" Yuan Haowen (Jin)

(End of this chapter)

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