Chapter 451
I once whipped a famous horse because of drunkenness, for fear that the love would tire the beauty.

——Excerpt from "Diaotai Inscription on the Wall" Yu Dafu

With no choice, Bai Fu could only face the difficulties.

Xuan Tiehou's back knife sensed Bai Fu's danger, and with a dragon cry, he jumped out of his back.

Bai Fu held the saber in his hand, with a firm mind, he slashed across at Gongsun Jiao.

Gongsun Jiao sneered, and the red shadow disappeared in a flash.

The icy mist caused by the Ice Soul Ghost Arrow quickly changed the surrounding environment, as if winter was coming, freezing Chang'an.The whole temple is like a palace carved out of ice and snow. The carved beams, painted columns, planted columns and beams are all made of ice ballast and snow columns.

Bai Fu is like entering a three-sided ice cave, the three walls are all ice mirrors, reflecting countless figures of himself.

With a loud roar, Bai Fu swung his saber out, bending the blade straight out in an arc, thunderous, hoping to break through the wall and get out.

Countless 'Bai Fu' in the ice mirror roared and slashed at Bai Fu.For a time, there were sword shadows in all directions, and there was no way to avoid it.

The sword light was sharp, piercing the mountain and piercing the armor, breaking through the true energy of Bai Fu's protective body, cutting several bloody mouths on Bai Fu's chest and back.

Bai Fu staggered back a few steps, bleeding profusely.Bai Fu's five fingers are like a wheel, like playing a lute, to seal the acupoints, and apply acupuncture to stop bleeding.

Bai Fu thought to himself, this Gongsun Jiao's illusion is really powerful, he holds a knife in his hand, but he dare not act rashly.

Before Bai Fu could catch his breath, the red shadow flashed, Gongsun Jiao rushed up like the wind, leaped into the three-edge ice cave, and waved the red cloud brocade in his hand, rippling away in the ice wall.

The Chixia Yunjin in the Sanleng Ice Cave is extraordinarily bright, the wind shakes the waves, the waves are like mountains, and the snow is coming!

Bai Fu suffered a dark loss, he didn't dare to use the saber, he could only move the saber around his body, and circle around to protect his whole body.

But Xuan Tie Dao is good at attacking but not good at defending. Once it retreats, Gongsun Jiao immediately seizes the opportunity.

With the help of three ice walls, Gongsun Jiao transformed himself into countless red shadows, whose changes were sudden and frightening.Chixia Yunjin ripples away in circles, the waves are turbulent, and the wind and clouds are opening and closing.

Bai Fu's eyes were dazzled, and he couldn't tell which one was Gongsun Jiao's real body.Layer upon layer of rotating red shadows made Bai Fu's eyelids dizzy and his hands and feet sluggish.

Just a whistle of hissing, Chixia Yunjin turned into red Jinxia Agkistrodon, bearded Yunbin, flying a few feet, tightly entangled Bai Fu.The mouth of the snake opened wide, and the mirage of the black wind spewed out towards Baifumianmen.

Bai Fu couldn't breathe well, and suddenly felt dizzy, and saw a ghost walking into the ice cave, with a huge mouth, serrated teeth, an indigo complexion, and fleshy hair roots.The ghost spread a piece of human skin on the ice platform, took a paintbrush and traced on the human skin, and instantly outlined a graceful beauty.

After finishing the painting, the evil ghost threw the brush aside, lifted the human skin with both hands, and put it on his body like wearing a cloak. In an instant, he transformed into a young girl with an all-too-familiar appearance.

Sensing Bai Fu's breath, the girl turned around, grinned at Bai Fu, and smiled sweetly.

Bai Fu was terrified, he fell from the clouds, and the earth rushed towards his face like a convex mirror.Bai Fu fell to the ground heavily, his bones and tendons were broken, and he fell on the top of Suiyang City.

Soldiers of the Tang army gathered in groups of three or four around the bonfires on the tower. On top of the bonfires was a skinned corpse.

Lei Wanchun, Nan Jiyun and other soldiers were also sitting around the campfire, holding human palms and feet and chewing on them.Hearing the commotion, Nan Jiyun turned around, gave Bai Fu a strange smile, and handed a burnt yellow arm to Bai Fu.

Bai Fu felt nauseous and couldn't stay any longer, so he turned and left.

Bai Fu went down the stairs to the city, and when he reached the top of the stairs, he saw Zhang Xun going up the stairs, carrying a huge heavy sack on his shoulder.

The corner of Zhang Xun's mouth twitched, and with a distorted smile, he waved at Bai Fu and called Bai Fu to stop.

Zhang Xun untied the sack, which contained a lump of bloody meat.Judging from the well-dressed clothes and the bloody head, this pile of flesh and blood once belonged to a woman, a woman Bai Fu is very familiar with.

Zhang Xun reached into his pocket and pulled out a human heart from the stumped limb.Zhang Xun held it in his hands, his heart was pounding in front of Bai Fu, like a skinned toad.

Zhang Xun laughed and said: "Brother Fu, I killed her for you, and took out her heart for you to take a look at. Look, this is not a human heart, it is clearly the heart of a viper, as poisonous as a snake and a scorpion! "

Bai Fu couldn't bear it any longer, his chest felt sick, and he vomited it out in one gulp.


Just as Bai Fu was escaping into Infernal Affairs, he heard a soft whistle, and Li Xuexuan's figure appeared in front of his eyes, as graceful as a fairy: "Brother Fu, promise me, come back alive!"


At the time when Bai Futian and human beings were sympathetic, and life and death were intertwined, Princess Qingluan was the first to wake up from the trance.Although he couldn't move his hands and feet, his mind was clear.

The Xiangzhun Dzi Bead worn on the neck is like a vajra armor protecting the body, spreading the mana blessed by a great practitioner, allowing Princess Qingluan to eradicate the demons in her heart and clear the Lingtai.

Princess Qingluan rolled her eyes slightly, only to see that Fang Shuliu's pupils were lifeless, like marionettes on a string, and Zhengzheng was like a wooden chicken, staying aside.

Bai Fu was frozen by the ice and snow, like an ice warrior.Except for the violent blinking of the eyelids, there is no response from the body.

Princess Qingluan saw Aunt Gongsun perform this kind of illusion.It is the top killer move in the illusion - Beiming Ice Soul Leaving Soul Formation.

Once the opponent is confused by the illusion, he will fall into the ice cave and freeze into an ice sculpture.The spellcaster can chisel off the opponent's legs and feet, chisel through the chest cavity, and chisel the head like a craftsman chiseling ice.

Leaning on crutches, Wu Daozi slowly walked in front of Bai Fu, looking at this tall and handsome ice sculpture.After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind, and slowly raised his crutches, trying to smash the head of the ice sculpture, turning Bai Fu into powder.

In desperation, the power of Princess Qingluan's dantian spewed out, and a scream pierced the night sky like a sharp whistle.

Bai Fu opened his eyes suddenly, pushed out his palms, and hit Wu Daozi hard on the chest.

Wu Daozi didn't expect the frozen "roe deer" to revive in an instant, and was hit by Bai Fu, defenseless, flying out and falling into the courtyard.

Wu Daozi's ribs were all broken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Wu Daozi didn't run away, but stared at Bai Fu and the others fiercely.

Bai Fu said coldly: "Why did you make the move? You could have kept your whereabouts secret?"

Wu Daozi smiled miserably, and said: "Tomorrow is the day of Aunt Gongsun's execution, and I haven't waited for my Xiaojiao yet."


After the Tang army regained Chang'an, Wu Daozi also returned to the capital from Zhong Nanshan.

As usual, on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, Wu Daozi appeared at Zhao Jinggong Temple in Changlefang, bathed and fasted, and worshiped Buddha devoutly.

A young and beautiful woman knelt on the futon and offered incense side by side with Wu Daozi.Without squinting, she said slowly, "Master Huasheng, do you still remember Xiaojiao?"

Wu Daozi was stunned for a moment, the burning incense in his hand was broken into pieces.

Only then did the woman turn her face to the side, and said with a slight smile: "I'm going down Tongzhou, practicing in Yunmeng. If you're willing to take a risk, you can see her."


"Even if the risk is to assassinate His Majesty, risking the disgrace of the world?" Fang Shuliu narrowed his eyes and asked.

Wu Daozi smiled lightly, and said: "The days of old age are numbered, and there are no children or daughters. This reason is enough."


Under Wu Daozi's superb disguise technique, Tong Zhou looks exactly like Aunt Gongsun.Wu Daozi carefully trained her manners.A month later, Tongzhou behaved like another Gongsun aunt.

Just when the heroes of Chang'an were waiting for the iron cavalry to return to Hehe, Wu Daozi tricked Aunt Gongsun out of Chang'an by tricking the tiger away from the mountain.

Then the "false aunt" entered the Daming Palace in the name of protecting His Majesty and the princes.Then use the identity of Princess Qingluan to come to Suzong.Then, the scene of assassinating His Majesty happened.

Three days after the incident, Aunt Gongsun returned to Chang'an.Hearing the bad news, although Aunt Gongsun did not abscond in fear of crime, she did not defend herself either.

After the assassination, Tongzhou disappeared from the world and was never heard from again.Wu Daozi stayed in Zhao Jinggong Temple, waiting for his answer.

Although there are still many mysteries that have not been fully resolved, it has been confirmed that it was not Aunt Gongsun who assassinated His Majesty.

Fang Shuliu, the "spirit catcher", met Suzong, tried his best to tell the truth, and finally got Suzong's pardon at the last moment.


A few days later, Aunt Gongsun came to Tianlao with food and wine to visit Wu Daozi who was about to be executed.

Although Wu Daozi was poor and poor, he was more hale and hearty than before, and he looked like a fairy.

Wu Daozi picked up the wine bowl, drank it all in one gulp, and praised: "As expected of the 'Kunlun Cup', it is really the best wine in the world!"

When he was drunk, Wu Daozi stared at Aunt Gongsun with eyes like water, and said: "When a person is about to die, can he listen to a good word? Tell me the truth, is Xiaojiao still alive?
In other words, are Gongsun and Gongsun Jiao the same person from the beginning to the end? "


 It's not about cherishing the body before the bottle, and pretending to be crazy will inevitably come true.

  I once whipped a famous horse because of drunkenness, for fear that the love would tire the beauty.

  Doomed to do evil in the southeast sky, roosters crowing, storms and seas raising dust.

  Elegy and weeping are of no use at all, and righteous men all say Emperor Qin one after another.

  ——"Diaotai Inscription on the Wall" Yu Dafu
(End of this chapter)

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