The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 478 Darkness Chen Cang

Chapter 478 Darkness Chen Cang
Kill ten people in ten steps, and stay in a thousand miles.


——"Xia Ke Xing" Li Bai


After roughly walking around the underground fortress, Sun Dashan said humanely: "In such a deeply buried tunnel, there is no feeling of stuffiness at all, and there is no way to know where the vents are located. This alone is enough to show that Qingxuan Palm The skill of the door craftsman.

From this point of view, the secret passage of Princess Taiping's mansion is divided into upper and lower floors.The middle is divided by culverts and underground rivers, making it harder to find the secret passages in the lower layer.

As the saying goes, you can't see Mount Tai with a blind eye.

I guess that Princess Taiping should have placed a lot of treasures in the secret room on the first floor back then, in order to confuse treasure hunters.Regardless of whether the person is an enemy or an insider, it is difficult to discover the secrets of the lower chambers.

Princess Taiping's coup failed, and when Xuanzong sent people to ransack the house, even if they could find the upper secret room, it must have taken a lot of effort.

The search officers and soldiers finally entered the secret room and found so many treasures. Bewildered by the shining gold and jewelry, they must be extremely happy. It is hard to imagine that there is a secret passage under the dark river.

Under normal circumstances, the attention of the leader of the army must be focused on how to restrain the soldiers, prevent the officers and soldiers from looting the property, and how to transport the jewels out of the secret room without any loss. It is difficult to concentrate on continuing to explore other secret passages and secret rooms.

The head of Qingxuan has an insight into human nature, and was able to take human greed, laziness and other emotions into consideration at the beginning of the design of the secret way. It has to be said that he has unique ingenuity and careful thinking. "

Sun Dashan is also a person who has seen countless tombs in the underground palaces of emperors. Seeing this, he can't help admiring the head of Qingxuan.

When he was in the Tiankeng near the "Tianfu Official Post", Bai Fu heard Wu Zhao talk about this past story: After Princess Taiping's party was punished, Master single-handedly challenged the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, and he did not lose in the slightest.

Although I admired the courage of my master, I also thought of a problem: Although my master is strong in martial arts, he is hard to beat with two fists, not to mention that Xuanzong is accompanied by a top expert like Gao Lishi.

Wu Zhao said that his master planned assassinations many times, missed the auxiliary vehicle several times, and almost succeeded, which made the Emperor Tang very embarrassed.If it weren't for the prairie cavalry knocking on the pass, the border would be full of smoke, and we still don't know who will die.

With Xuanzong's power and prudence, the master has been assassinated many times and still escaped unscathed. This alone has shocked the world.

Now it seems that Master probably used these secret passages to haunt Chang'an City like a ghost.

In addition, there are so many treasures in the underground fortress that can be used: whether it is to buy the attendants around Xuanzong, learn about Xuanzong's travel and daily life, or arrange retreat routes, and get the secret protection of Jianghu gangs, Master has fully released the power of money .

According to Wu Zhao, the master fell into Xuanzong's scheme to divorce him, and because of Xue Zhao's incident, he was ashamed and embarrassed, which made him feel disheartened towards Princess Taiping's family and left.

If time goes back and Master assists Princess Taiping with all his strength, we still don't know what the Tang Dynasty will be like today.


Just when Bai Fu was full of emotions, Sun Dashan found dozens of iron objects similar to round tables from the secret room.The table top is a large iron ring, and the middle is woven into a net shape with tendon and other ropes.There are several iron-cast table legs under the table, which are strong and sturdy.

Sun Dashan summoned Bai Fu and said, "Brother Bai, what is this, do you know?"

Bai Fu was stunned when he saw it, and said: "This is the jumping ball bow net used by us in Qingcheng to practice lightness kung fu. With the elastic force of the tendon on the bow net, it can freely rotate and toss in the air. I don't know why it is placed here. meaning?"

When Sun Dashan heard the words, he became interested, and stood on the Tiaowan bow net to jump, his potbellied body was as vigorous as a swallow.

Bai Fu's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "I know what this is for." Bai Fu first moved the Tiaowan bow net to the bottom of the wellhead, and then asked Tu Xingsun to remove the wooden barrel and winch frame above the wellhead.

Bai Fu simply put on a set of Mingguang armor and stood on the Tiaowan bow net.Bai Fu jumped vertically a few times first, and when the rhythm was free, he exerted force on his feet and rushed up to the mouth of the well with a 'swish' sound.

Mr. Sun Dashan concocted it according to the law, and after two trials, he was able to climb the wellhead easily.

Sun Dashan praised: "Sect Master Qingxuan is indeed a talent from the sky, he can come up with such a method to get out of the well."

Tu Xingsun was puzzled and asked, "Sitting in a wooden barrel, you can get out of the well through a winch. Why did you design this method?"

Bai Fu replied: "If soldiers put on Mingguang armor, their weight will double, and the wooden barrel can't hold many people at a time.

Soldiers are very fast!
If they are well-trained and follow this method to get out of the well, more than a thousand soldiers can all come out of the well in half an hour, and the assembly is complete. "


Returning to the well, Sun Dashan took out a compass to judge the direction, and said: "Our current position should be a few feet below the lake in the back garden.

According to common sense, in addition to the wellhead, there should be an exit at the other end of the secret passage.If you go straight ahead, you will reach the back door of the mansion. "

The two walked along the tunnel in the fort to the end, turned a corner, and an underground river appeared in front of them.The location where the two were located was actually a pier made of stone.

Uninflated sheepskin rafts and awning boats were neatly piled up on the dock.

Sun Dashan went to the water's edge to look at it for a while, and said: "According to the trend of the water flow, you can get out of the secret road through this waterway.

The two worked together to push a black-covered boat into the water.After lighting the lanterns hanging from the top of the black-covered boat, the two paddled their oars and moved forward along the underground river.After burning an incense stick of kung fu, several forks appeared in the waterway.

Sun Dashan praised: "This waterway is like a labyrinth. Even if someone enters the waterway by mistake, they will be confused by these fork roads and cannot enter the secret underwater passage of Princess Taiping's mansion."

Sun Dashan took out the compass and dragon-finding ruler, and constantly adjusted the direction of the boat.

After another half an hour, a glimmer of light appeared at the end of the tunnel.Needless to say, the export is imminent.

Feeling very excited, Bai Fu speeded up his paddling.The awning boat soon came to the entrance of the tunnel, and a locked iron fence appeared in front of it.

Sun Dashan took out a copper wire and flicked it in the keyhole, and the copper lock opened in response.

Pushing away the iron fence, there is a reed field in front of you. The reeds are as tall as a person, overgrown with weeds, and the top of your head looks like the bottom of a stone arch bridge.

Sun Dashan nodded and said: "The exit is set at the bottom of the bridge. If there are not many ships passing through the bridge opening, it will not be easy to find."

Before the words fell, there was a huge roar, and a waterfall poured down from above the arch bridge, and the bridge hole instantly became a thick water curtain.

After a while, the water curtain dissipated, and a rainbow appeared in the sky outside the bridge hole.

The two of them rowed the awning boat out of the bridge hole, turned around and looked again, and then suddenly realized.

It turns out that this bridge is not an arch bridge for people and horses to pass, but an arched irrigation canal made of bricks and stones.There is a huge water wheel above the canal, and every once in a while, the water on the drum will be poured down.From the bottom of the masonry canal, it looks like a waterfall falling from the sky.

Sun Dashan praised: "The combination of the waterwheel and the canal is flawless, making the exit of the secret passage more secret.

Ordinary people would never paddle a boat into the canal. Even if a curious person paddled in and found the iron fence opening in the grass, he would only think that it was a culvert for sewage or flood discharge in Chang'an City. "

Bai Fu nodded, and said, "The water curtains on both sides of the canal are also a natural way to conceal the eyes. When the water curtain falls, and then disperses, the boats disappear.

If anyone saw it, the boat disappeared after entering the bridge hole.They will also take it for granted that the boat sailed away after passing through the bridge hole, instead of thinking that there is a hole in the sky here. "


The two of them looked around, and saw the open terrain in front of them, the big river twists and turns, and the pink and green willows on both sides, the scenery is beautiful.This place should be at the northeast corner of Chang'an City, at the confluence of the Longshou East Canal and the Chan River.

Sun Dashan once again admired, and said: "With this waterway, Princess Taiping can secretly transport more than a thousand soldiers and hundreds of millions of treasures into Chang'an at any time, launch a coup d'état, and achieve her great cause.

The head of Qingxuan, Wen Tao Wu Lue, deserves to be a generation of outstanding figures.What a pity, what a pity..."

(End of this chapter)

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