The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 504 Martial Arts Level 4

Chapter 504 Martial Arts Fourfold
Zhang Dian, then Dian, was not Dian, until Huai Su's Dian began to be Dian.

The teacher does not talk about Tan Jing and does not talk about Zen, but the strength of muscles is only in cursive script.

——"Guan Huai Su Cursive Script Song" Guanxiu


Yan Zhenqing led Bai Fu into another courtyard, which was filled with stones for engraving steles.Among them was a boulder, which was covered with a red cloth.

Yan Zhenqing uncovered the red cloth, and this boulder turned out to be Li Si's Yishan stone carving!
Yan Zhenqing said: "When the people of Puzhou were cleaning the Yongji Canal, they dug out a few iron oxen and this huge stone with inscriptions from the mud at the bottom of the water.

After my inspection, the inscriptions on this boulder are written in Li Si's handwriting, which should be the Yishan stone carvings.The Yishan carved stone was originally located at the Shumen of Yishan, Zou County, Shandong Province. It is said that it was destroyed during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. I don’t know why it appeared here. "

Bai Fuxin said: "It's thousands of miles away from Yishan to Puzhou, will there be other engraved steles?"

Yan Zhenqing seemed to understand Bai Fu's thoughts, and said: "It is said that in order to praise the great achievements of the First Emperor, the stone carvings on Mount Yi were not only written by Li Si, but also carved by Li Si himself.

See pen marks through knife marks!

Bai Shaoxia, you can point to it as a pen, chisel along the direction of the concave of the font, imagine that you are writing with a pen, and feel Li Si's pen. "

Bai Fu followed the method taught by Yan Zhenqing, closed his eyes, followed the strokes, and slowly felt the strokes of the handwriting.

Yan Zhenqing's words are true.

The lines on the carved stone are round, smooth, fine and round, without any fluctuations or distortions.The handwriting is round and smooth, thick like iron, clumsy on the outside and clever on the inside, strong in quality and strong in quality.It is both a character and a pattern, like pines and cypresses standing proudly, like swan geese flying.

The silver hook painted on iron is as sharp as grinding.

Fingertips slide through the depressions in the text, when to strike, when to turn, within reach.

This feeling is very strange, as if Li Si is holding Bai Fu's hand and writing.Bai Fu could clearly feel the power of Li Si's writing, the flow of his inner breath, and the changes in his emotions...

Bai Fu quickly established a connection with this engraved stone. He seemed to see a capable prime minister of the Great Qin Dynasty, splashing ink, his eyes like a torch, confident and firm, and breathing evenly and long.

"Not bad! It should be the original stone carved in Yishan."

Bai Fu opened his eyes abruptly, nodded frequently, and said, "This kind of momentum to conquer the six kingdoms and rule the world cannot be carved by a royal stonemason."

Yan Zhenqing stroked his beard and nodded, and said: When you have a considerable understanding of the writer's handwriting, in addition to observing the brushwork of the inscription with your eyes, you can also use this method to assist in judging whether the inscription is authentic or a copy.

Most of the classic examples handed down by famous masters are stele inscriptions. The penetrating nature of the brushwork and the ups and downs of the sharp edges are easily obscured by the material of the stone stele.

A masterpiece of inscriptions, which can maximize the retention of a lot of information from the author.The classic works have the temperament of being tempered and unconventional. They are the unique secrets of the law of brushwork and the rules of structure, just like the intertwining of time and space.

There are generally several ways to engrave steles: one is that the writer writes directly on the stone, such as Ouyang Xun's "Jiucheng Palace Stele".According to historical records, Ouyang Xun first dipped a brush in cinnabar and wrote directly on the stone.Then, the stonemason chisels directly according to the cinnabar characters.

The other is that the writer writes inscriptions on paper or silk, and then asks the engraver to use another piece of paper to trace the words on it with the method of "double hook outline filling", and then carve.

These two methods of engraving steles will be more or less distorted, which is somewhat different from the original intention of the writer.

Only Weibei, there is almost no problem of distortion.Because there was no draft at all before chiseling, and the writer carved it directly on the stone with a carving knife.For example, "Zhang Menglong Stele", this stele was erected in the third year of Zhengguang in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and there is no author's name on the stele.The inscription on this stele is both dangerous and elegant, but also solemn and graceful; it is both interesting and lively, but also simple and elegant. It is the most prestigious work among the inscriptions of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The Yishan stone carving in front of us is said to be carved by Li Si himself, so the feeling is very obvious. "

Bai Fu said with emotion: "Thank you, sir, for your guidance. I have been copying in Chang'an Forest of Steles for several years. Only now do I know such a magical method, as if communicating with the author across time and space."

Yan Zhenqing nodded and said, "Carved stones are another kind of space-time transformation of words.

The four directions are called the universe, and the past and the present are called the universe.

Calligraphy is to transform the ethereal and uncertain Tao of the universe into a picture of visible characters, and seal cutting is to transform a picture of characters on a plane into touchable characters in the world of heaven and earth.Even the blind can feel the charm of calligraphy through hand touch.

Contrary to seal cutting, Danqing transforms the mountains, rivers and rivers of the Liuhe world into a two-dimensional ink painting scroll.

Road to Road, very Avenue.Tao cannot be stated clearly, but it can be transformed.

Writing, language, calligraphy, Danqing, rhythm, numeracy, and martial arts all involve the transformation of Tao.

This kind of power that can transform the Dao contained in the prehistoric universe, the eight wilds and the six combinations, makes human beings finally become the spirits of all things.

Tigers and leopards are fierce, eagles strike the sky, and fish dive deep into the sea. Their natural abilities are far superior to humans.

People can subdue dragons and subdue tigers, shoot eagles and hunt whales, all because they can understand the mysteries of heaven and earth, transform Tao into tangible things, keep out the cold and summer, and provide basic necessities for food, shelter and transportation. "

Speaking of this, Yan Zhenqing paused for a moment, and asked: "Bai Shaoxia, your martial arts are world-renowned, do you know where the end of martial arts is?"

Bai Fu was taken aback, and tentatively answered, "Across the world, invincible to all?"

Yan Zhenqing said with a smile: "Invincible can only be regarded as high-strength in martial arts, and it is far from the end of martial arts.

In the first stage of my calligraphy study, I paid attention to the strokes and strokes of each character, and strived to write each character well.In the second stage, pay attention to the lines between the words and plan the layout of the article, so that a word is like a painting.

In the third stage, I can integrate my experience and emotions into the calligraphy, allowing the emotions to flow naturally.The font and layout are not deliberate, and they are made by doing nothing.

In the fourth stage, I am still exploring, hoping to have a glimpse of the way of heaven in my lifetime.

I speculate on martial arts from the way of calligraphy, let's just say that.

In my opinion, martial arts should have four realms:

The first realm is to comprehend martial arts moves from birds and beasts, and defeat opponents in fights.

The second level is to practice inner strength from martial arts secrets, so that the strength is greater, the speed is faster, and the jump is higher.

The third state is from martial arts to martial arts, to practice internal strength, to become the master of one's own body, to change the functions of the internal organs, to eliminate diseases, to be reborn, and to prolong life.Or, remove diseases for others and prolong their lifespan.

The fourth realm, from martial arts to Taoism, when entering the void realm, connects the small universe of the body with the big universe of heaven and earth.Furthermore, forget all the stagnation of "promising", break the void, and become a flying fairy. "

Bai Fu nodded, and said: "This is the same as my method of alchemy in Qingcheng - 'refining essence to transform Qi, refining Qi to transform spirit, refining spirit to return emptiness, refining emptiness to combine Tao' to achieve the same result."

Yan Zhenqing said: "Bai Shaoxia, your martial arts has entered the realm of transformation, the next stage of cultivation can try to work hard on the transformation of Tao, this stage focuses on meaning and nature, not form.

Therefore, although your martial arts are diverse and intricate, it will not affect the next stage of cultivation.

The key lies in how to extract the essence from various schools and schools, get rid of the law of "doing things", keep intentions without form, rely on thoughts without traces, act rashly without actions, walk against the wind, and be at ease.

At that time, swords, guns, swords, halberds, vegetation, bamboo and stones are all weapons; there are thousands of tricks, flying flowers and picking leaves, and you can use them at your fingertips. "

Bai Fu's tiger's body trembled, as if he heard a thunderclap, his confusion for many days was swept away.

 Zhang Dian, then Dian, was not Dian, until Huai Su's Dian began to be Dian.

  The teacher does not talk about Tan Jing and does not talk about Zen, but the strength of muscles is only in cursive script.

  Crazy, but I'm afraid it's a god, there's a god to help, gods can't reach it, iron and stone paintings are like ink.

  There are more than a few buckets of bamboo leaves in Jinzun, half of which is drunk and half of which is wet from the mountain.

  When drunk, the pen is as fierce as a tiger, and the powder wall and plain screen don't ask the master.

  ——"Guan Huai Su Cursive Script Song" Guanxiu

(End of this chapter)

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