Chapter 507
The flowers and snow follow the wind to watch, and more are willing to lose the woods.

The sad person was under the book window, and there was a cold.

——"Little Snow" by Dai Shulun (Tang Dynasty)


Not a day later, Bai Fu arrived in Chang'an.After the settlement was settled, Huang Zhen and Tang Kui informed one by one of the changes in the court after Bai Fu left.

On May 24th, Cheng Wang Li Chu was canonized as the prince.On May [-], both Cui Yuan and Li Lin were dismissed from their positions as prime ministers.Suzong appointed Cui Fang as the prince's young teacher and Li Lin as the prince's young tutor, both of which were vain.

On June [-]th, Emperor Suzong issued an edict to convict the officials who defected to the enemy in Chang'an and Luoyang. The three divisions of Yushitai, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Dali Temple will release all the officials whose cases have not been concluded.Officials who have already been relegated or demoted will continue to be punished.


After Bai Fu listened, he told the two of them about killing the demon girl Aqi.

Bai Fudao: "According to Aqi's confession before his death, Yin Fenglan, the chief proprietor of the Caiyi Club, manipulated the assassination of the Holy Master. According to Master Fang and I, Empress Zhang should be from the Caiyi Club, and probably also An Lu. The secret agent that Shan placed next to the Holy One."

Speaking of this, Bai Fu said to Tang Kui: "Fifth brother, please help me find out the whereabouts of Yang Guozhong's third concubine, Yin Fenglan. This sinister and vicious old lady has been hiding in the dark and planning countless conspiracies. If this person is not eliminated, Datang will It's hard to be safe."

Tang Kui nodded.Tang Kui said: "Brother Fu, the household registration you asked me to forge last time has all been arranged.

The disciples of the Tang Sect lurking in Luoyang will pretend to be this Li Man, whose appearance, speech, status and status are completely in accordance with your set requirements.This matter has been done seamlessly, please rest assured. "

Bai Fu said with a smile to Huang Zhen: "Take out all the land deeds and house deeds found from Mrs. Guo's mansion, and all the heads of the households indicate that they belonged to Li Tan, and all of them will be given to 'Li Tan'. He will publicly dispose of them in the market and sell them in a high-profile way." .”

Tang Kui was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what the two of them were talking about.

Bai Fu smiled and said: "When the Taifu led some aristocratic families to the south, these aristocratic families sold the land in Luoyang area in a big way. Yang Huahua is the biggest buyer of this land and manor transaction.

Li Man is the name Xuanzong gave himself when he was young, but few people know it now.Since Yang Huahua registered her and 'Li Man''s names on the land deeds, she must have shown these land deeds to Xuanzong.Bao Buqi was still bought with Xuanzong's private money, and the euphemistic name is that they are jointly owned by the two and witnessed by oath.

Xuanzong claimed to be the most romantic emperor in all ages, and he liked it the most.

The old man Xuanzong now has no soldiers and no power, so he just counts on the money to become a rich man.If Yang Huahua suddenly found out that Yang Huahua had a young lover named Li Man in Luoyang, and used this to coax the emperor into paying for a man and marrying him, how would Xuanzong feel? "

Huang Zhen laughed loudly, and said, "Brother Fu, if old Xuanzong knew about it, he would definitely vomit blood on the spot."

Bai Fu's eyes were cold, and he said: "Use the way of a man to treat his body.

The rebellion of Anlu Mountain led to disasters, lives were devastated, and mountains and rivers were broken.In this catastrophe, although Li Linfu, Yang Guozhong, and An Lushan were the three stars of 'breaking the army and killing', Xuanzong was the culprit!
If he dies well, what is the law of heaven? "


After discussing the court affairs, Bai Fu asked, "Is there any change in Shi Siming's side?"

Tang Kui nodded, and said, "Fan Yang has had a major incident recently!"

"Oh? Come and listen." Bai Fu looked eagerly.

In that year, until October in Deyuan Zai, Shi Siming swept Hebei Road.The rebel army was so powerful that Yan Zhenqing had to lead his troops to withdraw from Pingyuan County.

After Shi Siming led his troops to capture Qinghe County and Boping County, he surrounded Xindu County.Wu Chengen, the prefect of Xindu County, led the whole county to surrender to the rebels, and dedicated [-] soldiers, [-] horses and countless supplies to Shi Siming.

Wu Chengen's father, Wu Zhiyi, was once an envoy of the Pinglu Army.An Lushan and Shi Siming were both Wu Zhiyi's subordinates, and Wu Zhiyi treated them very well.

After Wu Chengen surrendered, Shi Siming repaid his past kindness and cared for Wu Chengen very well.An Lushan also restored Wu Chengen's official title.

After Shi Siming came to the Tang Dynasty, Li Guangbi believed that Shi Siming was ambitious and would rebel again sooner or later, so he secretly played Suzong from time to time to remind the court to be vigilant.

At the same time, in view of Wu Chengen's deep trust by Shi Siming and his relative loyalty to Li Tang's court, Li Guangbi took the opportunity to instigate Wu Chengen's rebellion.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man.After receiving Li Guangbi's support and Suzong's acquiescence, Wu Chengen often used money to recruit private minions, disguised himself as a woman many times, went to the military camp to secretly spy on and lobby the generals, and collected a lot of evidence of Shi Siming's rebellion.

The former Henan Jiedu envoy Zhang Hao and the current Hedong Jiedu envoy Li Guangbi successively wrote letters, affirming that Shi Siming would rebel against Tang again, which made Suzong restless.

Especially Li Guangbi, who had fought against Shi Siming many times before, had a thorough understanding of him, and all the examples he gave hit the point.The large amount of information provided by Wu Chengen is solid and conclusive.Suzong had to admit that the judgments of Zhang Hao and Li Guangbi should be accurate.

At the same time, while Wu Chengen was spying on information, some generals in Fan Yang's army also secretly reported to Shi Siming, which aroused Shi Siming's suspicion.Shi Siming was scheming and did not pursue the matter publicly, but investigated secretly.

Shi Siming deliberately sent Wu Chengen to Chang'an to meet Suzong.

After seeing Wu Chengen, Suzong discussed secretly for several hours, finally approved Li Guangbi's plan, and decided to attack Shi Siming.

Suzong appointed Wu Chengen as the deputy envoy of Fan Yang Jiedu, and Xu Yi was a high-ranking official with generous salary.At the same time, Ashina Chengqing was given an iron certificate to avoid death, and ordered him to join Wu Chengen in the murder of Shi Siming.

After the capital report was over, Suzong sent eunuch Li Sijing and Wu Chengen to Fanyang to comfort Fanyang's army.

After Wu Chengen arrived in Fanyang, Shi Siming devised a plan to settle Wu Chengen in An Qingxu's old house in Fanyang.

There is a secret passage under the bed in An Qingxu's bedroom, which can be used in case of emergency.Shi Siming ordered two confidants to hide in the secret passage under the bed.The carved bed is surrounded by curtains, cleverly concealing the secret passage and making it difficult to be discovered.

At this time, Wu Chengen's youngest son was serving as an official in Fan Yang, so Shi Siming arranged for Wu Chengen's youngest son to visit Wu Chengen's residence.Shi Siming set up a net and waited quietly for Wu Chengen to enter the Dendrobium.

Sure enough, Wu Chengen fell for it.

At midnight, Wu Chengen couldn't hold back his excitement, and whispered to his son: "I was ordered to get rid of this rebellious Hu, and I should be used as Jiedushi!" (I was ordered to eradicate this Hu traitor, and His Majesty will appoint me as Fan Yangjie degree!)
After eavesdropping on the conversation between Wu Chengen and his son, the two soldiers jumped up from under the bed and shouted loudly.

The mansion was brightly lit in an instant, and Shi Siming's men rushed into the bedroom, captured Wu Chengen and his son on the spot, and found the iron coupon and Li Guangbi's secret letter to Wu Chengen.

The secret letter wrote: "If Chengqing is successful, you must pay the iron certificate, otherwise, you cannot pay it."
The generals also searched out hundreds of pages of rosters, which listed the names of the generals who rebelled with An and Shi one by one.

Shi Siming was furious, and reprimanded: "Why should I owe you for this!"
Seeing the incident, Wu Chengen was terrified, pleaded guilty, kowtowed and begged for mercy, crying: "Death crime, this is all Li Guangbi's scheme."
Shi Siming then gathered all the soldiers of Fan Yang's army, local officials, gentry and common people, facing the west, crying loudly, hoarsely: "I surrendered to the imperial court with 13 people, why do you want to kill your majesty?" (I led an army of 13 to surrender Tang, I am sorry for your majesty, why did your majesty kill me!)

After the ceremony, Shi Siming beat Wu Chengen and his son to death in public. More than [-] people were implicated and executed.

Wu Chengen, Wu Chengen's younger brother, escaped and survived.When he fled to Taiyuan, Li Guangbi recommended Wu Chengfeng to be the king of Changhua County and the envoy of Shiling Army.

Shi Siming imprisoned Li Sijing, an imperial eunuch, and reported to the court one by one what happened to Fan Yang.

Su Zong heard about it, and sent a special envoy again to comfort Shi Siming. The imperial edict said: "This is not the intention of the imperial court and Guangbi, it is all done by Cheng En, and the killing is very kind." Cheng En's personal idea, it would be best to kill him.)
At this time, the joint trial of the three divisions of the imperial court ended, and the imperial edict to punish rebellious and traitorous officials was passed to Fan Yang.Shi Siming said to Fan Yang's generals: "Chen Xilie's generation are all ministers of the imperial court. The emperor gave up on Shu and was lucky to die. Now, I am from Anlu Mountain, so it's against me?" Abandoning them and fleeing to Shu County first, Chen Xilie and others will inevitably die now! What's more, we people rebelled against An Lushan from the very beginning!)
Fan Yang's generals were uneasy when they heard this, and they were willing to ask Shi Siming to go to the imperial court to punish Li Guangbi, so as to calm Fan Yang's army.

Shi Siming promised to order the judges Geng Renzhi and Zhang Bujin to write a memorial, saying: "If your majesty does not punish Guangbi for my minister, I will punish him in Taiyuan when I lead my own troops!" (If your majesty refuses to punish Li Guangbi for me, I will When he led the army to Taiyuan, he personally executed it.)

(End of this chapter)

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