The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 51 Nether Valley Bottom

Chapter 51 Nether Valley Bottom
In a daze, Bai Fu heard a rustling sound in the nearby bushes, opened his eyes immediately, and drew his sword in his hand.

I saw a few white-headed horses appearing from the bushes, went straight to the pool to drink water, groomed their manes with their lips and tongues, and chased and fought.These white-headed horses have tiger stripes on their bodies, red tails, and beautiful voices, like songs.Only then did Bai Fu feel relieved, and then he thought of the legendary Lushu. It is said: "The beast of the Lushu has horses and tiger patterns. Its head sings and its feet are straightened to fly."When I saw it today, I was really full of air.

Afterwards, a group of animals jumped down from the cliff in the northwest corner and came to drink water from the pool.They look like deer, with four horns on the head and four feet on the body. The front two feet are like human hands, the back two feet are the same as horseshoes, and the tail is white.It is the legendary Jue Ru. "A beast like a deer, with four horns like a deer, horse feet and human hands, and a white tail. It has three shapes, and climbs trees and stones."

Following Xuanru is a herd of goats. Looking closely, these goats have only one horn and one eye.And the only eye is still behind the ear.It is said that this kind of sheep calls (dong, four tones), and its sound corrects itself.

Occasionally, a few glistening silver carp jump out of the water, with ten bodies in one head and barking like a dog.Bai Fu quietly said to Yichan who woke up: "He Luoyu is a good medicine for treating malignant sores. It is very rare. I didn't expect there to be so many here."

Then out of the bushes sprang a few small animals that looked like foxes, but had fish fins.They looked around, looking cautious.Bai Fu was shocked, and said: "This is Zhu Xi (ru two sounds), its appearance is a bad omen, and it indicates that a terrible disaster will happen to the country."

The few little beasts following Zhu Xi looked like hedgehogs, and their bodies were red like flames.Bai Fu's face was ugly, and he said: "This is cruelty, according to the history books, whichever country it appears in, a great plague will occur in that country.".

Yichan heard of these beasts for the first time, and was very interested in looking at these monsters who came to drink from the pool.

A beast came slowly in the distance. It looked like a bull. It had two long and four short six horns on its huge white head. There was only one red eye in the middle of its forehead. There was a snake tail behind it. The Fei (fei, sound).The reason why it is annoying is because it is said that the waters it steps into will soon dry up.The grass it walks on will soon wither.If it appeared in the world, the world would be plagued by a plague.

Next, the drinking beast got bigger and bigger.

Just when Bai Fu and Bai Fu were watching with relish, suddenly a gust of wind hit their faces, the deer and Shu group stopped playing, and became restless, neighing.

A gigantic Gu sculpture with horns on its head swooped out from the bushes above the stream, making the sound of a baby crying, and charged at the herd of deer.Lu Shuqun was shocked and ran away.The Gu carving was fierce and swift, and swooped down, the carving claws grabbed a deer, spread its wings, and flew into the air.

Lu Shu suffered from pain and struggled desperately, trying to break free from the claws of the Gu carving.Gu Diao's two claws are strong and powerful, and he grips even tighter.At the same time, he opened the eagle's beak and ruthlessly tore Lu Shu's abdomen.

Blood flowed from Lu Shu's abdomen, and soon the anus and intestines flowed out of the abdomen, and the carotid artery was also bitten off by the eagle beak.Lu Shu wailed, and his hooves twitched.

Only then did Gu Diao let go of the carving claws, and threw Lu Shu onto the rocky beach.The probe entered Lu Shu's abdomen and tore Lu Shu's internal organs.

At this moment, on the boulder opposite the cold pool, a dark brown monster appeared at some unknown time. It was shaped like a tiger and leopard, with sharp tiger claws, a pair of white wings on its back, orange eyes, and its bones kept turning.

Bai Fu hurriedly pulled Yichan to bend over the grass, and said: "This is Qiongqi, one of the four ancient beasts."

Gu Diao was shocked, dropped Lu Shu, spread his wings and flew upwards.But Qiongqi is as fast as the wind, like a hurricane passing over the grass, jumping up, tearing off the Gu carving, and biting off the neck of the Gu carving.

Immediately, he opened his bloody mouth wide, gobbled it voraciously, and gnawed on the Lu Shu left behind by the Gu carving.After a while, Lu Shu only had a skeleton left, and Qiongqi licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, prostrated in the grass with satisfaction, and fell asleep.


Don't miss this opportunity, hurry up and slip away.Bai Fu and the two hurriedly tiptoed away from the sleeping Qiongqi.A big red dog strung out from the bushes in front of it. It moved swiftly and moved like the wind. As soon as it appeared, strong winds blew up.When it saw the two of Yichan, it showed a human-like smile, and Yichan was terrified.Bai Fu hurriedly comforted him: "This is a mountain (with a whine), it doesn't eat people, it's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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