The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 511 Secret Base

Chapter 511 Secret Base
One journey through the mountains, one journey through the water, walking towards the bank of Yuguan, a thousand lanterns in the middle of the night.

The wind is changing, the snow is changing, and the dream of my hometown is broken, so the garden is silent.

——"Sauvignon Blanc A Journey to the Mountain" Nalan Xingde (Qing Dynasty)

Entering the second half of the year, Tang Jun began to prepare for the battle in full swing.

On July [-]th, the Tang court began to mint a large coin worth ten coins, with the words "Qianyuan Zhongbao" cast on the coin.Qianyuan coins are one inch in diameter and each string weighs ten catties. They are popular at the same time as Kaiyuan Tongbao.Casting "Qianyuan Chongbao" money is the proposal of Yushi Zhongcheng Wuqi, whose purpose is to seize wealth from the people and prepare military salaries for the upcoming war against rebellion.

The "Qianyuan Chongbao" big money is very bleak. As soon as it was launched, it immediately depreciated. The people collected "Kaiyuan Tongbao" one after another, and some people even began to secretly mint it.

All of this was within the expectation of Bai Fu and others.

On July 25, Guo Ziyi, the commander of the Jiedu Envoy of the Shuofang Theater, came to the capital to have an audience.

On August [-], the imperial court appointed Xu Shuji, the envoy of Qingdeng's five prefectures, as the envoy of the six prefectures, to govern the soldiers and horses of Hua, Pu, Qing, Mi, Deng, and Lai states.

On August [-]th, Li Guangbi, the Jiedu envoy of Hedong, came to the capital to have an audience.

On August [-]th, the imperial court awarded Guo Ziyi as Zhongshuling and Li Guangbi as servant.The new official positions of Guo and Li are the same as the prime minister, and they are called envoys.

On August [-], Guo Ziyi returned to defense.

In the same month, Huihe Teller (Duke) Guchu and General Dide led 3000 elite cavalry to assist the Tang Dynasty in the crusade against the puppet Yan'an Qingxu.The imperial court ordered Shuofang Zuo Wufeng to envoy Pugu Huai'en to control the Huihe army.

On September [-]st, General Zhao Yu, the general of You Yulin, was appointed as the envoy of the three prefectures of Pu Tong and Guo, and had jurisdiction over the three prefectures of Pu, Tong and Guo.

The imperial court frequently dispatched troops and generals, causing shocks in various circles, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that a war was imminent.The prices of food, cloth and other materials in Chang'an, Luoyang and other places soared.

After the An Lushan rebellion, the border of Datang has been in turmoil.The Dangxiang tribe in the mountains in the northwest of Bashu continued to go north to attack Binzhou and Ningzhou.

The fourth brother of the Sichuan Gang - "Wolf Chaser" Ma Muye is guarding Wuwei, and he sent his generals to recruit the party envoy Wang Zhongsheng to lead his troops to suppress the rebellion.

On September [-]th, Wang Zhongsheng, the recruiter of the party, beheaded Tuoba Rongde, the chief of the party's tribe, and sent his head to the capital for public display, making invisible a hidden danger on the border of the Tang Empire.

The war was imminent, and Bai Fu was not idle. Recently, he seldom stayed in Chang'an, but stayed in Zhongnan Mountain for a long time.

In the depression of Zhongnan Mountain, Chuanbang and Tangmen built a secret base.Recently, a team of 800 people arrived in batches.

This group of disciples, trained by Chuanbang and Tangmen for many years, are the elite among the elite.

Before the Chuan Gang and Tang Sect disciples went to the battlefield, Jiang Gang Leader and Tang Sect Leader deliberately gathered them in Zhongnan Mountain, and Bai Fu served as the base commander to conduct the final training before the battle.The purpose is to let these elites have a deeper contact with Bai Fu so that they can trust and obey him absolutely in the future.

For this reason, the Chuan Gang and the Tang Sect specially sent several hall masters to assist Bai Fu in managing this group of disciples.

The army is different from gangs in the rivers and lakes, and it is also different from the official system of the imperial court.Without absolute loyalty and belief, once encountering a bloody battle or a critical moment of stalemate, it will collapse.

Gang Leader Jiang and Head Tang were both famous generals, and they were also members of the army, so they knew how to lead troops.

Bai Fu was overjoyed when he heard about it.

But a new problem arises, where are these 800 people hiding so that they will not be discovered?Huang Zhen and Tang Kui were very distressed.

Bai Fu pondered for a moment, then said: "I know one place, it's extremely secret, few people know about it, it can be used here."

The secret place Bai Fu mentioned is exactly the sky prison where General Wang Zhongsi and himself were imprisoned - Lihentian.

This place is extremely secretive, even the rebels who invaded Chang'an have never discovered it.

After regaining Chang'an, Bai Fu secretly returned to Lihentian according to the route he remembered when fleeing.Lihentian has been abandoned for many years, the jailers and guards have fled long ago, and the huge camp is empty.

Bai Fu lifted General Zhongsi's coffin out of the ground, and handed over his bones to the descendants of General Zhongsi for a proper burial.

After thinking of this location, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Bai Fu asked Tang Sect's institutional experts to work with the Sun brothers to remodel the entrance and exit of Lihentian.

After the project was completed, even if the former jailers, officers and soldiers returned again, they could not find a way to enter.

Later, according to the needs of pre-war training, Bai Fu and others transformed Lihentian into a base for training elite soldiers and assassins.Bai Fu personally nominated for the base - "Yanwutang"!
The disciples of Chuan Gang and Tang Sect have their own characteristics, so Bai Fu divided them into two camps based on this.

The disciples of Chuan Gang are strong and strong in martial arts, and are good at bloody battles on the battlefield.Bai Fu followed the training method of the military soldiers of the Wei State, trained a team of elite generals and lieutenants for his future leadership, and built the backbone of the army.

Since he is training generals to lead the soldiers, Bai Fu's requirements for these disciples of the Sichuan Gang are not easy to train, and they can't die lightly and sacrifice their lives easily.

Disciples of the Tang Sect have superb lightness skills, good at concealment, assassination, and all kinds of hidden weapons and poisons.According to the training method of secret spies and assassins, Bai Fu cultivated a group of mortals and dead men for going deep into the enemy's rear in the future.


On the day of the opening of the camp, the military flags were unfurled, and the military appearance was solemn.Eight hundred Bashu disciples lined up neatly, and 300 of them were particularly eye-catching, because they all covered their heads and couldn't see their real faces clearly.

This group of disciples was about the same age as Bai Fu, and some disciples even participated in Bai Fu's Bashu Discussion of Swords.

Back then, there was not much difference in both martial arts and knowledge, but today, Bai Fu, with outstanding martial arts, illustrious military exploits, superb martial arts, was named "the first pioneer of the Tang Dynasty" by Emperor Suzong, and he has already become the pride of Bashu disciples.

All the disciples of Bashu looked at this heroic young general with admiration.

Bai Fu walked up to the high platform with piercing eyes.His eyes slowly swept across the crowd, as if he wanted to remember everyone's appearance in his mind.

Contrary to what the disciples expected, Bai Fu did not speak passionately, but talked about it like a family chat.

Bai Fu said to the crowd: "I am like you, a country boy who came out of the mountains of Bashu. I was also like you, longing to make achievements in the battlefield, honor my family, and go down in history.

But after I experienced the cruelty of war, I realized that there is no romance and glory in war, and I realized what war means: it means blood flowing on oars, stumps and heads; It means separation of flesh and blood, tragedy on earth...

I hate war, I hate war.If time could be turned back, how I wish I was still the little Taoist boy in Qingcheng who complained all day long and made Master a headache.

Some people will also ask why the emperor and his father need our lives to fill in the absurd and unreasonable catastrophe.To be honest, I have asked myself this question more than once.

Have you seen the stone arch bridge spanning the two mountains? "

Everyone looked along Bai Fu's fingers, and saw a three-hole stone arch bridge made of granite, spanning between two cliffs hundreds of feet deep. .

The cliffs on both sides of the bridge are cut with knives and axes, steep and precipitous, and difficult for apes to climb.

Bai Fu's tone was no longer calm, and he said angrily: "The barracks in front of you used to be called 'Lihentian', and before the rebellion, it was the place where serious criminals named 'Living Dead' were held.

This stone arch bridge was the prison where I was imprisoned, and I was imprisoned here for three full years!
At that time, the elder Xuanzong sent Gao Lishi to capture me and put me in the prison.

In the prison, I was tortured by a prince who used witchcraft to suck away my internal strength, cut off my tendons and hamstrings, cut off my right thumb, abolished my martial arts, and tortured me.There is not a complete bone or a complete skin all over his body, and he survived by drinking sewage and eating maggots...

After escaping from Lihentian, I saw with my own eyes in Maweipo the old man Xuanzong issue an edict ordering Gao Lishi to hang Concubine Yang Guifei to death in the Buddhist hall and bury her in the tomb.This is the Emperor of Love who keeps claiming that love is stronger than gold!
Speaking of hatred, I hate Xuanzong even more than An Lushan!

I can't wait to pick up the black iron knife and kill this person in the Jinluan Hall, cutting this person into pieces.

When it comes to hatred, my master and old man Xuanzong are even more at odds with each other!

But even with such bloody enmity, Master still sacrificed his life to save the old man Xuanzong at Jianmen Pass. Before he died, he repeatedly warned me not to do evil, not to kill indiscriminately, and to help the Tang army put down the rebellion.

In order to fulfill Master's dying order, I joined the Tang army to fight.

When I went deep into the war zone, I saw with my own eyes the rebel soldiers massacre unarmed women, children, and the elderly, rape prostitutes, drag Confucian scholars to death with strong horses, and play with dying babies on spears...Wherever I went, More ferocious than wolves, tigers and leopards.

Only then did I realize Master's hard work.

National hatred is greater than personal grievances!
Be it Qingcheng, Chuanbang Tangmen, Tang Jun, Jianghu gangs, what we have to defend is not the king sitting on the dragon chair, but the bottom line of being human, which is human and animals the boundaries!

A few months ago in Puzhou, I asked Lord Yan Zhenqing, "Over [-] members of the Yan family died under the swords of the rebellion. Why do you still have to be loyal to the former emperor surrounded by concubines and eunuchs?" '

Lord Yan replied to me: "He is not loyal to the emperor, but loyal to the belief of the family."When the world is in peril, there must always be someone who sticks to benevolence, righteousness, morality, and morality!Even if you go through fire and water, even if you make a heroic sacrifice, you will not hesitate. '

I think this is not only the duty of the Yan family, but also the duty of our generation.In order for this war to stop as soon as possible and for the people to return to stability, someone must shed blood and die for the country.

Brave and ruthless, but a tyrant, for the country and the people, a great chivalrous man. "


Every Bashu disciple present had firm eyes and tears.

With a wave of his hand, Bai Fu lifted the curtain behind him, revealing a giant painting.The giant painting is composed of hundreds of portraits, each portrait is a portrait of a person, and the characters in the painting are lifelike.

All the disciples took a closer look and found that it was the portraits of themselves and their comrades in arms.

Bai Fulang said in a loud voice: "Yes, these are exactly the portraits of each of you. There are [-] portraits in total. There are also [-] brothers. Since they will go deep into the enemy's rear, not only must they wear masks for training during this period, their Portraits are also not currently on public display.

After today, these portraits will be sent back to Yizhou and hidden in Tangmen.

In the future, if one of our brothers here unfortunately dies, this portrait will be sent to his family for commemoration and worship.

At the same time, the Sichuan Gang carved this portrait into a stone tablet and stood it in Wuhou Temple.

We may be ordinary and unknown in our lifetime.But after death, he can be honored and surrounded by the five generals Liu Huangshu, Zhuge Prime Minister, Guan, Zhang, Zhao, Ma, and Huang, so that his descendants can remember him and be admired by all generations! "

(End of this chapter)

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