Chapter 516
The sky can be old, the sea can be turned, and this hatred can be eliminated.It is frequently heard that envoys are sent to ask about safety, when will Luan return?

——"Ruan Lang Returning Shaoxing Yimao Heavy Snow Walking Poyang Road" Xiang Zichen (Song)


Just as Bai Fuli and Hentian's military training was in full swing, the battlefield in the Central Plains also quietly changed.

On this day, Bai Fu received a secret report from Yan Zhuang and Tang Kui at the same time: After An Qingxu fled to Yecheng, he reverted to his old ways, indulged in sensuality every day, and handed over state affairs to his confidants Gao Shang and Zhang Tongru.

The ministers Gao Shang and Zhang Tongru fought openly and covertly every day to hold the power.Cai Xide, a general of the Yan army, was strong and forthright, and couldn't understand Gao and Zhang's actions. He repeatedly spoke to An Qingxu and offended Zhang Tongru.

Zhang Tongru must retaliate, and framed Cai Xide for secretly descending to the Tang Dynasty. As an internal response, he is about to attack and kill An Qingxu.An Qingxu was furious when he heard the words, and beheaded Cai Xide regardless of the opposition of the soldiers of the three armies.

When Cai Xide died, his subordinates were greatly disappointed, and thousands of people all fled.The generals of the Yan army were full of complaints, resentment and anger, and no longer did their best to carry out the military orders.

An Qingxu then ordered Cui Qianyou to be the envoy of soldiers and horses under the command of all the forces of the Yan army.Cui Qianyou was stubborn, violent, cruel and bloodthirsty, and the soldiers refused to accept it.The morale of the army is gradually weakened, and the military discipline is corrupted. The soldiers of the three armies are no longer willing to serve An Qingxu.

Bai Fu nodded secretly, and said in his heart: "Master Zhong Si is right. Using spies well will always lead to disadvantages. Now, Yan Zhuang and others can be used to get rid of the rebel general Cai Xide without any effort.

His hero, my enemy.Once this person died, there would be no more powerful generals under An Qingxu's command.Gao Shang, Zhang Tongru, Cui Qianyou and others are nothing to worry about. "


When Cai Xide died, the Yan army was in civil turmoil and the world was shaken.The news that the puppet Yan government and the people were separated from each other and the generals were not in harmony soon spread to Chang'an.

At this moment, there are many internal contradictions in the rebel army, which is the best opportunity to cut off the remnants of An Lushan.

On September 21, Emperor Suzong sent Guo Ziyi, the governor of Shuofang, Lu Jiong, the governor of Huaixi, Li Huan, the governor of Xingping, Xu Shuji, the governor of Huapu, Li Siye and Zheng Caijie, the governor of Zhenxi and Beiting. Seven Jiedu envoys including Ji Guangchen, Henan Jiedu envoy Cui Guangyuan, and Pinglu military envoy Dong Qin.The Eighth Route Army assembled a total of 20 infantry and cavalry to attack An Qingxu.

Suzong also ordered Li Guangbi, the Jiedu envoy of Hedong, and Wang Sili, the Jiedu envoy of Zelu in Guannei, to lead their troops to assist.

What is puzzling is that Suzong did not set up a commander for the more than 20 troops, but appointed the eunuch who supervised the army, Kaifuyi and Sansi Yu Chaoen as envoys to observe the appearance of the army, announce and comfort them, and command and dispatch the nine-way army.

Bai Fu thought something was wrong.The matter is serious, Bai Fu rushed back to Chang'an overnight to find out the details.

Back at the Bashu Guild Hall, Bai Fu called Huang Zhen and Tang Kui to discuss the matter.

Tang Kui said bitterly: "Yu Chao'en is a secret spy in Anlu Mountain. It's fine if your Majesty doesn't believe it. How can you use this person so much?"

Bai Fu said: "If I tell you that brother Zhen is a secret spy of Anlu Mountain, do you believe it?"

Tang Kui said: "How is that possible? I have known Huang Zhen for a long time."

Bai Fu said: "If you think so, Your Majesty will think so too. What's more, Yu Chaoen is an eunuch who has been serving
Serving by His Majesty's side, riding on the saddle, watching the words and deeds, must win His Majesty's trust.

Now that An Lushan is dead, even if Yu Chaoen was at both ends of the head and rats back then, it is most in line with his allegiance to His Majesty now.

in his interest.Therefore, His Majesty is not worried.

I once asked the Grand Tutor, why in all dynasties and dynasties, the emperors always loved their villains and far away virtuous ministers?Even if the emperor
Wang Xiongcai is bold, wise and powerful. "

"What did the master say?" Both Huang and Tang became interested.

Bai Fu smiled faintly, and said, "Teacher only has one sentence, 'a villain is easy to use'!"

After hearing this, Huang and Tang fell into deep thought, savoring the profound meaning of Xu Taifu's words carefully.

After a moment of silence, Bai Fu asked: "Did your Majesty tell the courtiers why you didn't choose Marshal Guo or Guang?"
General Bute as commander in chief? "

Tang Kui said: "Your Majesty's reason is that Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi are both heroes of the empire, and it is not good for anyone to rule over anyone."

Huang Zhen sneered and said, "The reason is rather high-sounding. The emperor, on a whim, asked an eunuch who doesn't know anything about military affairs to command the Nine Great Envoys who have experienced many battles, and have full power to mobilize the world's soldiers and horses. Isn't it child's play?"

Bai Fu pondered for a moment, and said: "In my opinion, this is definitely not His Majesty's whim, but the result of careful consideration."

Tang Kui said, "Brother Fu, what do you say?"

Bai Fu sighed: "It seems that what I was most worried about has happened. Your Majesty has learned from Anlu Mountain's lessons, and dare not hand over the world's soldiers and horses to one person.

These more than 20 soldiers and horses are the main force of the Tang army, and other troops will be assembled in the future.Once the coach takes advantage of the Tiger Talisman and turns against him before the battle, the consequences will be unimaginable.

His majesty will feel more at ease if he entrusts this terrifying power that overthrows the world to the eunuch who gets along with him day and night, rather than in the hands of the Jiedu envoy who fights and kills. "

Huang Zhen said: "Since this is the case, why not follow the example of the past and let the prince lead the army as the marshal, and Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi as the left and right deputy marshals respectively? In this way, the problem will not be solved easily?"

Bai Fu said: "I don't know, what did Prince Li Chu do during this time? It seems that His Majesty has become suspicious of him.

From another perspective, Li Chu, as the crown prince, is where the legal system of the world lies.Once Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi, the generals in charge of the army, swear allegiance, they can support the crown prince at any time and ascend the golden throne.

From this point of view, Li Chu is more threatening than Shi Siming and An Qingxu.Therefore, once His Majesty is worried about the prince, he will definitely not hand over the military power to Li Chu. "

After talking about this matter, Bai Fu changed the subject and said: "The war is imminent, and the enemy's spies will definitely sneak into Chang'an. I also ask the two brothers to contact the gangs in Chang'an and pay close attention.

After discovering, don't capture them, just mark them secretly. If necessary, they may still be our pawns.

In addition, we must not only pay attention to the spies brought from Yecheng and Fan Yangyi, but also pay attention to the spies from Tubo and other places.The war in the Tang Dynasty has been protracted for a long time, and the surrounding barbarians will definitely have different opinions, so we have to guard against it. "

Tang Kui was suddenly alert, and hurriedly wrote it down, thinking: "In terms of planning the overall situation, there is a big gap between myself and a real soldier."

After the discussion, it was nearly three o'clock, and the three of them went back to their houses to rest.Bai Fu's thoughts were busy, and he fell asleep after a long time.

After learning the news of Bai Fu's return to Chang'an, Princess Qingluan rushed to the Bashu Hall early in the morning, excited like a bird, and told Bai Fu the anecdotes about Chang'an recently.

Bai Fu asked: "Did the prince offend His Majesty recently?"

Princess Qingluan was taken aback, and said, "How do you know?"

Bai Fu said, "What's the matter?"

Princess Qingluan sighed: "It's not because of the grandpa. The grandpa has always liked my brother. A few days ago, the brother went to Xingqing Palace to pay his respects to the grandfather.

Grandpa Huang said that Mrs. Guo Guo didn't obey women's morals back then, and hooked up with a local squire in Luoyang.Now Mrs. Guo Guo is dead, and all the land and mansions of Mrs. Guo Guo in Luoyang are taken by this squire.

Gao Lishi wanted to take care of the emperor's grandfather, and it was not convenient to go to Luoyang, so he asked the emperor's brother to come forward to deal with the matter.The emperor's grandfather promised that after this matter was completed, half of Mrs. Guo's land would be given to the emperor's brother.

When Brother Huang was spending money, he ordered Luoyang Yin to assist in the investigation of the matter.

Unexpectedly, this Luoyang squire is very powerful in the local area. Not only did he refuse to hand over the land, but he even got a copy of the emperor's brother through the censor.

The father summoned the elder brother into the palace, and asked the elder brother what he wanted so much money for.
Brother Huang replied, seeing that winter is approaching, and many soldiers in King Qin's army including Shuofang Army and Anxi Army are still wearing summer single clothes and have no winter clothes.

I don't know which sentence the emperor's brother answered wrongly, the father was furious, and ordered the emperor's brother to confine himself to the East Palace, and shut the door to think about his mistakes..."

It turned out that Tang Men pretended to be "Li Man" and sold off the property in Luoyang according to Bai Fu's instructions.Since Mrs. Guo Guo's signature was also on the land deed, the news spread quickly.

Suzong's daughter, Princess Yanguang, married Pei Hui, the son of Mrs. Guo's wife, and gave birth to a son, Pei Ye.When he fled with Xuanzong, Pei Hui died in the Maweipo Incident.

Speaking of it, Pei Ye is the sole heir of Mrs. Guo Guo, and after the death of Mrs. Guo Guo, the property under her name should be inherited by her.

After hearing the news, Princess Yanguang coveted this batch of wealth, and rushed to Luoyang, where she competed with the prince for Mrs. Guo's property.

Of course Luoyang Yin did not dare to offend the prince, so he was somewhat biased when dealing with it.Princess Yanguang was furious and brought the imperial complaint to Emperor Suzong.

Of course Suzong knew that Li Man was Xuanzong's pseudonym, and he also knew about Mrs. Guo's promiscuous past in the palace.

In order to maintain the dignity of the royal family, Emperor Suzong knew that "Li Man" of the Tang Sect might be an imposter, so he still insisted on issuing an edict, allocating half of the land property to "Li Man" and the other half to Pei Ye.


Because Xuanzong explained in advance, Li Chu did not inform Suzong of this matter.

After the incident was exposed, Emperor Suzong was very dissatisfied with Li Chu's series of measures to deliberately cater to the Supreme Emperor and win over Guo Ziyi and other generals of the Tang army.

Coupled with the fact that Empress Zhang was fanning the flames, Su Zong was so angry that he grounded the prince, which meant to depose the prince.

Li Chu was terrified and trembling, he no longer dared to act rashly, and lived in the East Palace every day.

Looking back at Xuanzong, it was quite embarrassing for the scandal with Mrs. Guo to be exposed to the world.However, Emperor Suzong knew the identity of "Li Man" and ruthlessly deprived them of these properties.

Xuanzong was ashamed and embarrassing, and in a fit of anger, he was bedridden. After several months of recuperation, he slowly recovered and was able to walk on the ground.

From then on, Xuanzong and his son no longer had the kindness and filial piety of the father and son when they regained Chang'an.


The whole thing was planned by Bai Fu behind the scenes, advancing step by step according to the pre-designed steps.

Seeing that his scheme was successful, although Xuanzong was the Supreme Emperor, he still couldn't escape this calamity, Bai let out a bad breath, and felt very happy.

When Xuanzong put Bai Fu into the sky prison, did he ever think that this insignificant ant-like person could also use his 'ant legs' to trip a 'giant elephant'? !

Even so, Bai Fu still couldn't bear to see Princess Qingluan frowning for Xuanzong and Li Chu, weeping in a low voice, her clear eyes hazy.

Bai Fu secretly sighed in his heart: "Children from poor families are children from poor families. Compared with those high-ranking children from the royal family, my heart is still too soft-hearted to achieve great things.

Empress Zhang finally waited for the opportunity for the prince to make a mistake, how could she let it go so easily?Will definitely take the opportunity to provoke.

Li Chu is likely to lose the position of crown prince because of this.Li Chu is the elder brother of Princess Qingluan, once she loses her crown prince status, it will also affect Princess Qingluan.

Suzong's reign is good, but once he dies and the grace is no longer there, the fate of Princess Qingluan will be unpredictable, good or bad. "

Thinking of this, Bai Fu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, temporarily let go of the grievances in his heart, and said to Princess Qingluan: "Your Highness is worry-free, I have three strategies to keep the crown prince safe..."

 The snow in the south of the Yangtze River and the north of the river is long, and Yishui is known to be cold in the distance.Looking at the three passes in the depths of the same cloud, there are mountains and mountains.

  The sky can be old, the sea can be turned, and this hatred can be eliminated.It is frequently heard that envoys are sent to ask about safety, when will Luan return?

  ——"Ruan Lang Returning Shaoxing Yimao Heavy Snow Walking Poyang Road" Xiang Zichen (Song)

(End of this chapter)

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