Chapter 524
When you use the house, hide it in me, so why not look at it at leisure.He is tall and healthy, but he is young and old, and he is respectful.Um.

——Excerpt from "Qinyuanchun Lonely Hall Lights" Su Shi


At the end of December, Cui Guangyuan, the Jiedu envoy of Henan Province and the prefect of Weizhou, had just conquered Weizhou (now Daming County, Hebei), and the situation was still unstable, so he led his army south.Cui Guangyuan ordered General Li Chuying to send troops to resist.

Shi Siming used countermeasures to induce Cui Guangyuan to cut Li Chuying in half.

Li Chuying was a brave general, and all armies in Henan Province respected him.Li Chuying was punished and killed, which caused the Tang army to lose its morale.

When Shi Siming's army attacked again, the Tang army broke up and Cui Guangyuan fled alone and ran back to Bianzhou.

On December 29, Shi Siming captured Weizhou and killed 3 people.

After the capture of Weizhou, Zhou Zhi, a confidant counselor, offered a plan: An Qingxu's life will not be long after the siege of Yecheng.Once An Qingxu is killed by the Tang army, the hundreds of thousands of Yan troops will have no leader, and they will inevitably surrender to the Tang army.

If at this time, Shi Siming can hold high the banner of being king, he will definitely gather the Yan army under the banner of Fan Yang army.This move not only strengthened the strength of Fan Yang's army, made the Tang Dynasty court to be wary of rats, but also passed on Dayan's orthodoxy in his own hands.

Once the time is right, you can ascend the throne and proclaim yourself emperor, and stand up to the Tang Dynasty.

Shi Siming was overjoyed when he heard that.

On the first day of the first month of the second year of Qianyuan, Shi Siming built a high platform in the north of Weizhou City, built an altar to worship the sky, and established himself as the "Great Sage Yan King".Zhou Zhi, a confidant counselor, was appointed as the marching commander.


Since the day when Fan Yang's army sent troops to the south, as Shi Siming's old opponent, Li Guangbi, the Jiedu envoy of Hedong, had a thorn in his back.

After Shi Siming took Weizhou, he did not move. He made it clear that he was just sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Li Guangbi felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, and couldn't sleep at night: the army must be exhausted after working hard on the expedition.If Yecheng cannot be attacked for a long time, Shi Siming will definitely launch a surprise attack when the Tang army is exhausted, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Li Guangbi immediately suggested to Yu Chaoen: "Shi Siming captured Weizhou, but did not enter, because he hoped that our army would slack off and be on guard, and then launch a surprise attack with elite troops.

I suggest that we divide our troops and go northward, join forces with the Shuofang army to encircle Weizhou and push Shi Siming.Shi Siming had lingering fears about Jiashan's defeat, so he would not dare to send troops rashly.Even if you can't win in this way, holding on to it is enough to relieve the Tang army from the danger of being attacked by the enemy.

Once Yecheng was conquered and An Qingxu was punished, Shi Siming lost the name of driving the remnants of the Yan army. "

After reading it, Yu Chaoen threw the letter into the fire and burned it, categorically rejecting Li Guangbi's proposal.

Yu Chaoen sneered, and said to his confidant: "How can I let a Khitan under my command dictate what to do when I am an envoy who observes the military appearance and comforts me?

At present, there are hundreds of thousands of Tang troops assembled in Yecheng, and the conquest of Yecheng is just around the corner, so there is no need to be afraid of Shi Siming.

After taking Yecheng, and then marching northward to concentrate the main force of the Tang army, Shi Siming will be defeated in one fell swoop!At that time, I will make unrivaled military achievements, not to mention Guo Ziyi and other generals, even Li Fuguo, Eunuch Li, will have to follow my example! "


When Shi Siming became king, Emperor Suzong was furious. He regretted that he did not adopt Li Mi's suggestion and was not in a hurry to regain the two capitals.

Seeing that Suzong was unhappy, Prime Minister Wang Yu suggested that Suzong sacrifice to heaven, follow the will of heaven, and resolve bad luck.

Suzong adopted his words. On the tenth day of the first lunar month, Suzong led the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty to sacrifice to the "Nine Palaces and Noble Gods".

(Nine gods of Taoism: Taiyi God, Sheti God, Quanzhu God, Zhaoyao God, Tianfu God, Qinglong God, Xianchi God, Taiyin God, Tianyi God)
On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, Emperor Suzong personally presided over the Spring Plowing Ceremony, hoping to save the destiny through a series of sacrificial activities.


When the three of them had a secret meeting in the room, Huang Zhen sneered: "It's fine if you don't follow General Li Guangbi's suggestion, but you are still superstitious about gods and witchcraft. What is this old emperor thinking?"

Tang Kui sighed: "Brother Fu predicted well before, if Yu Chaoen, an eunuch, is allowed to act recklessly, I'm afraid the siege of Yecheng will be more dangerous than good."

Bai Fu said: "Apart from the battle report from Ye City, have you guys noticed the military report from the Pinglu Army?"

"What happened to the Pinglu army?" Huang and Tang asked eagerly.

Bai Fu handed a letter to the two of them.

It turned out that after the death of Wang Xuanzhi, the envoy of the Pinglu Festival, Suzong sent eunuchs to condolences and appease the soldiers, and selected Wang Xuanzhi's son as his successor in the army, and planned to hand over the Pinglu army's seal and talisman festival to him.

Pi general Li Huaiyu from Goguryeo colluded with a group of soldiers, launched a military remonstrance, killed Wang Xuanzhi's son, and recommended his cousin Hou Xiyi to the imperial eunuch as an envoy of the Pinglu Army.

If the imperial eunuch refuses to agree, he will be beheaded on the spot.The imperial eunuch hurriedly obeyed and recommended Hou Xiyi to Suzong as the envoy of the Pinglu Army.

Suzong didn't know the truth, so he readily agreed.The imperial court appointed Hou Xiyi as the deputy envoy of Pinglu Jiedu.

Bai Fu sighed: "Jiedu envoys are not appointed by the imperial court, but selected by the lieutenant officers themselves. There is no military discipline in the army, no national laws in the country, and the imperial court has no prestige at all.

"Book of Books Zhouli" said that the king can control the world because he holds eight kinds of power: title, salary, reward, demotion, pardon, deprivation, dismissal, and execution.

If the eight powers are abandoned, there will be a situation where the ruler is not the king, and the minister is not the minister.

The choice of generals to guard the border is a matter of military and national importance.The Anlushan Rebellion just shows the importance of the commander in chief of the frontier army, and choosing the wrong Jiedushi will cause catastrophe in the world.

A small lieutenant in the Pinglu army will commit chaos and kill the commander for his own self-interest. Instead of punishing the murderer, the imperial court condones and raises the villain, allowing the gang of murderers to take over the commander-in-chief.

If this precedent is established, the soldiers of the three armies will no longer rely on each other and live in harmony: the soldiers will covet his chief, and if they disagree with him, they will only launch military remonstrance and destroy their clan.The general and the school will also be in a state of anxiety all day long, beware of subordinates rebelling, and if there is a sign, they will be slaughtered to death.

With the frontier army like this, how can the country have long-term peace and stability?I am afraid that the chaos in the feudal town will start with the Pinglu Army. "


When the three were sighing with emotion, Tang Huan hurried over, knocked on the door and entered, saying, "Young Master Bai, this is the pigeon letter you just received, please take a look."

Bai Fu took it apart and saw that his chest hurt, and he sat down on the collapsed floor.

Tang Kui took the pigeon letter over and took a look. It turned out to be a military newspaper about General Li Siye.

In the first month, Li Siye and Guo Ziyi and other generals besieged Xiangzhou. The Tang army fought for a long time, and the soldiers were tired. Military merit ranks first.

Yecheng was unable to attack for a long time. Li Siye took the lead and led the crowd to attack the city with a Mo knife. Unexpectedly, he was shot at the vital point by a stray arrow and was seriously injured...

The three of them looked at each other, feeling a bad omen in their hearts.

 The lights of the lonely hall are green, the rooster of the wild shop, the travel pillow dreams.Gradually, Yuehua harvests and practices, and the morning frost is strong; the clouds and mountains are brocades, and the morning dew is mellow.The world has endless roads and limited labor and life. It seems that the chiefs of this district are happy.After slightly groaning, with Zheng saddle speechless, the past is a thousand ends.

  At that time, we visited Chang'an together, and it seemed that the Erlu had just arrived and they were both young.There are thousands of characters on the pen, and thousands of volumes in the chest; to Jun Yao and Shun, why is this difficult?When you use the house, hide it in me, so why not look at it at leisure.He is tall and healthy, but he is young and old, and he is respectful.Um.

  —— "Qinyuanchun · Lonely Hall Lights" Su Shi

(End of this chapter)

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