Chapter 543
When the sun shoots the golden gate, the tiger and leopard are opened.Seeing the king's remonstrance and frequent visits, talking and laughing to save the day.Eternal loyalty and courage, thousands of miles of smoke and rain, don't be surprised to guess the past.Political fear is unavoidable, and the news is coming soon.

Laughing at my hut, the door is covered with grass, and the path is covered with moss.It should not be useless with both hands, so take the crab claw cup.Talking about swords and discussing poetry, drunk dancing and singing, I am quite sad.Baifa Ning has a kind?Planted one by one when I woke up!
——"Water Tune Getou White Sun Shooting the Golden Tower" Xin Qiji (Song Dynasty)


The pain aroused ferocity, and the giant gorilla was furious. He abandoned the lone wolf, tore off the rope around his neck, and concentrated on dealing with Bai Fu.

Through the fight just now, Bai Fu knew that going head-to-head with the giant gorilla was not the best strategy, and even if he won, he might have to pay a lot of price.

Drawing on the tactics of the lone wolf, Bai Fu analyzed the weakness of the giant gorilla: Although it is as big as a mountain and has the power to move mountains and seas, it is not flexible enough to face people dozens of times smaller than him.

The back is the giant gorilla's defensive blind spot!
Bai Fu Xunding's zhenqi traveled all over his body, his body was as light as a swallow, avoiding the giant gorilla's sweeping palm, and like flying on grass, it passed over the giant gorilla's thick and bushy mane.Occasionally, the gorilla swayed, causing it to fly out of control, Bai Fu hurriedly grabbed the gorilla's mane, twirled and landed, and stabilized his figure.

Bai Fu sprinted into the back of the giant gorilla smoothly, the black iron knife was most aimed at the vertebrae of the giant gorilla, he slashed vigorously, bleeding profusely.The giant gorilla screamed in pain, and finally realized that the kid in front of him was not easy to mess with.

The gorilla flipped its hands and scratched, and Bai Fu jumped up and down on his back like a flea, changing rapidly. The gorilla repeated several times, but it was always out of reach.

The gorilla's body spun rapidly, trying to shake Bai Fu off.Around the giant gorilla, the sky was full of dust, flying sand and rocks, as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were collapsing.

Bai Fu tightly grasped the gorilla's mane, although it didn't fall off, it was shaken dizzily.After several times of tossing, Bai Fu's figure was unstable, and he was about to be thrown away with great force.Bai Fu pressed the machine on the belt, and the Tang Menxue spider shot out, firmly sticking to the giant gorilla's skin.

Bai Fu used the snow spider to spin around to another spinal joint, and took advantage of the situation to make another slash.

There is smoke from the seven orifices of the giant gorilla, but there is nothing to do.In desperation, the giant gorilla uprooted a towering ancient tree, and beat the back like a whisk.

A giant tree attacked Bai Fu with a strong vigor, but Bai Fu didn't dare to take it head-on, retracted the snow spider rope, and performed a swift movement, jumping and galloping on the giant gorilla's back.

The giant gorilla squinted its eyes and concentrated on feeling Bai Fu's position on its back.

The giant gorilla suddenly exerted strength, and the giant tree rolled and swept, and it was blown with a strong wind, and the sky was full of tree shadows, blocking Bai Fu's escape route, making it impossible to avoid.

If you are hit by a giant tree, you will be injured if you are not dead.

Seeing that Bai Fu was doomed, the lone wolf rushed in suddenly and stood in front of Bai Fu. With a loud roar, he swirled with his two knives and split the giant tree into two ends.

Although the giant tree was cut off, its momentum remained undiminished, and the hurricane force swept away the lone wolf.The lone wolf did several somersaults in the air before dispelling the energy that invaded his body.

The lone wolf's tiger's mouth was open, and the hand holding the steel knife trembled uncontrollably, showing the danger just now.

With just this moment of blocking, Bai Fu has already escaped from the predicament.With the help of the snow spider rope, Bai Fu did a few somersaults, avoiding the attack of the broken tree and branches, and fell down.

Landing on the Achilles tendon at the back of the giant gorilla's left calf, Bai Fu recalled the pain of his tendons being cut off, and said to himself, "This is the most vulnerable place. Since you are an orangutan, your body structure is probably no exception."

Bai Fuxin was ruthless, aiming at the heel tendon of the giant gorilla, he slashed fiercely, seeing that the backs of Tie Hammer and the others felt a chill.Tie Hammer said to the scholar: "This kid is wicked enough, he won't even spare animals."

Sure enough, the giant gorilla staggered in pain and nearly fell to the ground.

The giant gorilla endured the pain, barely supported his body with his injured leg, and brushed half of the giant tree in his hand towards his calf. Seeing that the situation was not good, Bai Fu landed on the ground.

Seeing Bai Fu fall on the ground, the giant gorilla dropped half of the giant tree, limped, raised its right leg and stomped on it, like a person tramples on ants, trying to trample Bai Fu into a puddle of flesh.

I saw a foot the size of a city wall stepping on Bai Fu, Bai Fu seemed to be frightened and dumbfounded, he didn't know how to escape.

If you don't escape, it will be too late.

Iron Hammer and the others shouted in unison: "Little Bailong, run!"

Tie Hammer and the others could see clearly from the ground, they saw Bai Fu draw a square with his left hand, and a circle with his right hand, the squares and circles meet, like the eyes of copper coins.Just as the giant palm stomped on him, Bai Fu ran into Qian's Eye and disappeared instantly.It is exactly the strange step of armor passed down by Xu Taifu.

The giant gorilla stepped on the ground, turning the ground into a big pit more than ten feet deep.The giant gorilla thought it would trample Bai Fu to death, beat his chest with both hands, raised his head and roared, laughing wantonly.

Just when the gorilla got carried away and was careless, Bai Fu suddenly appeared on the gorilla's instep.

Bai Fuxunkan's two cauldrons of true energy converged on the head of the black iron knife, and a golden light appeared on the tip of the knife.Bai Fu jumped up high, holding a knife in both hands, and with a move of "Strength Slashing Huashan", he aimed at the little finger of the giant gorilla's left foot, and chopped off with all his strength.

With a flash of light, the little finger of the giant gorilla's left foot was chopped off by the black iron thick back knife.

The iron hammer hurt just looking at it, and his heart turned randomly, his toes twitched accordingly, and he gasped.

The Achilles tendon of the gorilla's left leg was already injured, and its toe was severely injured, and it could no longer support its huge body.The giant gorilla wailed, and fell to the ground like a hill collapsing.

The sky collapsed, the surrounding trees were flattened, rocks were splashed, dust was flying, and dust and smoke were everywhere.

The giant gorilla fell into a pool of blood, clutching his toes, twisting the corners of his mouth in pain.In the back spine, two joints were broken, the meridians were damaged, and blood gushed like a spring.

The giant gorilla snorted, gasped heavily, tried to get up several times, but failed.

The giant gorilla foamed at the mouth, twitched all over, and collapsed to the side, unable to attack anymore.

With a murderous look, Bai Fu dragged his long knife and walked towards the giant gorilla step by step.The tip of the knife slashed across the ground, making a fidgeting sound, sparking sparks from the gravel.

Bai Fu's head was not as big as the giant orangutan's head, but standing in front of the giant orangutan, he was imposing and crushing the giant beast.One person, one beast, single-handedly facing each other.

The giant gorilla finally gave in, not daring to look directly at Bai Fu's sharpness, and slowly lowered his head.

Bai Fu stood proudly in front of the giant gorilla, and slowly raised the dark iron thick back saber...

Knowing that his life was not long, the giant gorilla closed his eyes, and two drops of muddy tears fell from his eyes.

With a thought in his mind, Bai Fu drew the saber but did not move.

Bai Fu held the python bead in his neck in his hand, and used his thoughts to sense the gorilla's heart.

After a long time, the giant gorilla opened his eyes, stood up, knelt down, and made a gesture of humility.

Bai Fu stepped forward, stretched out the palm of his right hand, pressed it on the giant gorilla's forehead, and said, "Monkey Monkey, I will let you go back to the mountain today, I hope you will take care of yourself."

The giant gorilla was psychic and nodded with tears in his eyes.

Bai Fu took the tent and the bearskin rug, and bandaged the giant gorilla to stop the bleeding.After applying the medicine, the wound pain gradually stopped.

The gorilla thanked him again, bent down, landed on all fours, and slowly crawled out of the camp.Walk to the end of the camp and pay homage to Bai Fu again.

Bai Fu nodded.

With a long roar, the giant gorilla clung to the cliff, using both hands and feet, and disappeared into the vast mountains after a few ups and downs.

 When the sun shoots the golden gate, the tiger and leopard are opened.Seeing the king's remonstrance and frequent visits, talking and laughing to save the day.Eternal loyalty and courage, thousands of miles of smoke and rain, don't be surprised to guess the past.Political fear is unavoidable, and the news is coming soon.

  Laughing at my hut, the door is covered with grass, and the path is covered with moss.It should not be useless with both hands, so take the crab claw cup.Talking about swords and discussing poetry, drunk dancing and singing, I am quite sad.Baifa Ning has a kind?Planted one by one when I woke up!
  ——"Water Tune Getou White Sun Shooting the Golden Tower" Xin Qiji (Song Dynasty)

(End of this chapter)

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