The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 545 Surprise Attack on Eagle Fort

Chapter 545 Surprise Attack on Eagle Fort
Looking at Qizhou nine cigarettes in the distance, a puff of sea water pours out.

——"Dream of Heaven" Li He (Tang Dynasty)

Eagle Fort is located on the cliff, soaring into the sky, the front is a sharp cliff like a knife and an axe, and the back is the continuous mountains of Savage Valley. The terrain is precipitous, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Standing on the Eagle Fort overlooking the land, ten miles away is the official road from Fan Yang to the south, with a wide view and a great checkpoint status.

Eagle Fort itself is a fort made of stone, which can accommodate more than 30 defenders. It is equipped with strong bows and crossbows, catapults, and piles of food, grass and luggage are enough for the defenders to use for several years.

There is no way to go up Eagle Fort, especially the last ten feet, which are as smooth as a mirror and have no footholds, even those with high lightness kung fu cannot match.There is only a huge winch, hanging a gondola that can carry several people straight up and down.


A few days later, Xiucai's prediction came true: no giant gorilla opened up the road, and the strategy of crossing the Savage Valley failed.The rebel brigade returned angrily and quickly withdrew.

In the camp below Eagle Fort, only two large tents and dozens of soldiers remained.But the horses and food and supplies are all available, which seems to be enough for these people and horses for a year.

The scouts were gearing up, waiting for the thunder to strike.

The sun, moon, and wind were high, and it was the perfect day for murder and arson. With the order of the hammer, the scouts slowly sneaked into the camp.

The vicinity of Eagle Fort was far away from the battle zone, and the rebel soldiers were unsuspecting.The patrolling sentinel got sleepy after walking a few steps, leaned against the tree trunk, and dozed off.Lynx and the others crawled over, and with a blow of the poison dart, they killed several sentries silently.

Inside the big tent, the rebel soldiers snore one after another.

The scholar took out his dagger, cut out a small hole in an inconspicuous part of the tent, and blew the ecstasy incense into it...

After burning incense, everyone entered the tent, and the rebel soldiers were all staggering, as if they were drunk.Lone Wolf and Bai repeatedly used heavy techniques to acupoint the soldiers to prevent them from waking up.

The scouts picked out a rebel who looked like a school lieutenant, and the rest of the rebel soldiers tied him tightly with ropes and gagged his mouth with coarse cloth.

After the operation was completed, Xiu Cai took the rebel captain to a secluded place outside the camp, took out a porcelain bottle, put it in front of the man's nose and gently fanned it to wake him up.

The rebel school lieutenant suddenly opened his eyes, his face paled in shock.The scholar put the dagger at the man's throat, and said: "We have no enmity with you, as long as you cooperate well, I will save your life."

The rebel captain hurriedly nodded.The scholar asked, "How can I climb to the Eagle Fort?"

The captain of the rebel army said: "My lord, Eagle Fort expressly prohibits the hanging baskets from being lowered at night. Only when it is dawn and the flag is signaled, the Eagle Fort defenders will lower the hanging baskets. As long as you don't kill me, I am willing to cooperate." You go up to Eagle Castle."

The scholar nodded and knocked him unconscious with a punch.

Another three or five rebels were interrogated, and the confession was the same: only two or three soldiers knew the flag language and could summon the defenders on the Eagle Fort.

Iron Hammer said: "In that case, after dawn, we will change into rebel uniforms, hold this rebel captain hostage, and order the people in Eagle Fort to put down the hanging basket. After entering Eagle Fort, we will launch an attack."

Everyone nodded, only Bai Fu was thoughtful.

Seeing this, the scholar asked, "Little Bailong, what do you see?"

Bai Fu said: "This rebel school lieutenant, Kong Yong, is tough, and he doesn't seem like someone who can be held hostage easily. I'm worried that there may be fraud in him."

Hawkeye said: "No way, could it be that he doesn't even want his life?"

The silent lone wolf said: "I agree with what Xiaobailong said. Those who understand the semaphore are all warriors of the Xi clan, and they probably wouldn't beg for surrender just to save their lives.

After daybreak, I will hold this person hostage, and you should hide in the jungle first to avoid being injured by the rolling logs and stones of Eagle Fort.If the other party puts down the hanging basket, it means that the other party has no suspicion, and we will act according to plan. "

All together, they can only act like this.

The next day, the sky was bright, and scouts disguised as rebels piled up supplies under the Eagle Fort, as if they were about to transport supplies to the fort.Then, taking advantage of the rebel captain's unpreparedness, he secretly hid in the hiding place.

The rebel school captain followed the order of the lone wolf and played the semaphore.Seeing this, the defenders of Eagle Fort turned the winch and lowered the basket slowly.

The scouts hiding in the dark looked at each other and prayed for all the best.

Seeing that the hanging basket was about to be lowered, at a distance of seven or eight feet from the ground, countless crossbows suddenly protruded from the hanging basket, aimed at the lone wolf and the big tent, and opened fire crazily.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, the lone wolf blocked the rebel captain in front of him and set up a living target.Then, raised the shield under his feet, protected his body, and retreated slowly.


Sure enough, the rebel captain sent the information through the semaphore, and the defenders on the Eagle Fort pretended not to know that the Tang Army scouts set up an ambush, and put down the hanging basket.Wait until the distance closes, and then shoot accurately.

Fortunately, the Lone Eagle Scout had already taken precautions so that he would not fall into a passive position.

The trick has been seen through, and there is no room for change.

Hawkeye and Lynx shot back at the hanging basket with their bows and arrows.Two rebel soldiers were hit by arrows, and the rest of the crossbowmen retracted their heads into the hanging baskets, stretched out their crossbows and shot indiscriminately around.

At the moment when the crossbowman lowered his head, Bai Fu picked up the shield, dashed out from the flank, shook his robe, soared into the sky, and leaped up the cliff.

Bai Fu stepped on the rock wall, took three steps of "teng teng teng" and flew on the rock wall. When the momentum was exhausted, he used his toes to protrude from the rock, and then jumped several feet, and jumped into the hanging basket with lightning speed. bottom.

The five fingers of Bai Fu's left hand were like hooks, and he inserted them into the bottom of the hanging basket. After hanging them properly, he took something from his pocket with his right hand and threw it down together with the shield.

This thing expands in the wind and becomes a puppet in human form.Looking down from a distance, it seems that a person has fallen from a height.It is a kind of blindfold that Tangmen assassins are good at.

Bai Fu moved like a rabbit, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the hanging basket archer didn't notice it at all.

The crossbowman in the hanging basket saw that the Tang Jun's scouts had strong arrows, and hurriedly pulled the bell on the hanging basket.After receiving the signal, the defenders above Eagle Fort turned the winch and pulled the gondola back to Eagle Fort.

At the same time, the defenders of Eagle Fort threw rolling logs and rocks, hitting the camp below the cliff.Rolling logs and stones whizzed down, and the thunder was overwhelming, instantly razing the camp to the ground.

Just hearing the screams in the camp, the rebel soldiers were still half asleep and half awake, and they had already become the flesh of their own people.

As soon as the hanging basket came to a complete stop, Bai Fu jumped out from the bottom of the hanging basket, his body was still in the air, and he used the technique of raining flowers all over the sky, and the pebbles in his hand shot out.Either hit the defender's key point, or hit the head with one blow.

Bai Fu's body was like a ghost, moving and dodging, erratic, before the Eagle Fort archer had time to aim, he was killed by Bai Fu in front of his eyes, he raised the knife and fell, beheading the owl.

After a few ups and downs, Bai Fu killed most of the defenders of Eagle Fort. The rest of the defenders had nowhere to hide.

Under the hostage of Bai Fu, the defenders of Eagle Fort put down the hanging basket and welcomed Tie Hammer and others to board Eagle Fort.

The lynx and the camel continued to stay on the ground to guard against unexpected events.

The battle was a complete victory. Due to careful preparations, no one was killed or injured by Lone Eagle Scout.

Standing on the crenel of Eagle Fort, you can have a wide view, overlooking the foot, and you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding landforms.

Hawkeye excitedly said: "The terrain of Eagle Fort is higher than imagined. With Eagle Fort as a resident, the situation within a hundred miles is under Falcon's control.

Although carrier pigeons cannot cross Savage Valley and cannot deliver pigeon messages to the rear, they can connect to the various states in Hebei and serve as horns with the pigeon station in Fanyang City.

Once the rebels go south, we can use Eagle Fort to build a beacon tower.The beacon is lit, the flames are blazing, and the smoke is billowing. The scouts of the Tang Army hundreds of miles away will definitely find it. "

The scouts stood on the Eagle Fort, facing the cold wind, looking at Fan Yang with pride.

(PS: The first volume has been revised in the past two days, and the content that has little to do with the male protagonist has been deleted)

 Old Rabbit Hanchan is sobbing the sky, and the cloud tower is half open and the walls are obliquely white.

  The jade wheel rolls out the wet group light, and Luanpei meets Guixiangmo.

  Under the three mountains with Huangchen and Qingshui, it has become more like a horse for thousands of years.

  Looking at Qizhou nine cigarettes in the distance, a puff of sea water pours out.

  ——"Dream of Heaven" Li He (Tang Dynasty)
(End of this chapter)

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