Chapter 549
The ancient Xuzhou was victorious, exhausted, and a few heroes.Think of the iron armor with double pupils, the sweat and blood of Wu Zi, and the empty jade tent.

——Excerpt from "Magnolia Slow Pengcheng Nostalgia" Sadura (Yuan)


After Bai Fu escaped from the Puppet Yan Palace, he went straight to the south gate of Fanyang City without stopping, and after a brief fierce battle with the guards, he escaped from Fanyang.

All this was planned beforehand.Bai Fu deliberately exposed his whereabouts to divert the enemy's attention away from Fan Yang.

According to the original plan, Bai Fu met with Iron Hammer on a hill thirty miles outside the city.

After the three met, Bai Fu asked, "Hammer class, is everything going well?"

Tie Hammer laughed and said, "As my brother expected, everything is done according to plan.

Zhang Tongru knew that Cai Xide had a great influence in Fan Yang's army, and worried that Fan Yang's soldiers would not be able to work hard when the lone wolf was captured.So he didn't dare to mobilize Fan Yang's army, so he could only use the imperial forest army adapted from Shi Siming's direct line to set up an ambush.

The Puppet Yan Palace was on fire, and the morale of the ambush army was shaken.The elite imperial forest army ambushing here was not restrained by Zhang Tongru, and they were eager to escort them, so they withdrew immediately.

Without the elite of the imperial forest army, Zhang Tongru's private trilogy was no match for the lone wolf and the disciples of the Tang sect. In less than half an hour, they would die or flee, and they were completely defeated. "

Bai Fu said, "Can Lao Lang's family be transferred safely?"

Lone Wolf gave a deep salute, and said solemnly: "With the assistance of the Tang Sect, my family has been safely transferred. They will arrive in Chang'an in about a month by water.

Bailong, you saved the lives of more than ten members of my family, and from now on, the life of my old wolf will be yours.Go through fire and water, do whatever you want! "

Bai Fu hurriedly picked up the lone wolf and said: "Old wolf, we are all comrades in arms through life and death, your family is my family, why bother to thank you.

By the way, why don't you personally escort your family to Chang'an? "

There was a glint of coldness in Lone Wolf's eyes, and he said: "Shi Siming is insidious and cunning, based on what I know about this person, after suffering such a big loss, he will definitely not let it go.

In Fan Yang's army, there are many masters.He'll send trackers out to kill us on the way.

His goal is on us, and only by going separately can my family arrive safely. "

Bai Fu secretly said: "Lone Wolf is a polite way of speaking. Lone Wolf and Shi Siming have no enmity. To Shi Siming, whether to kill Lone Wolf and his family is not that important.

Entering the palace to assassinate himself, and retreating completely, made Shi Siming lose face, and he was the thorn in Shi Siming's side, the thorn in his flesh.

The lone wolf chooses to walk with him, just waiting for an opportunity to protect himself and the hammer class, even if he dies in battle, he will have no regrets. "

Thinking of this, Bai Fu respected Lone Wolf, this man had a cold face and a warm heart, he was indeed Yan Zhao's man.

Say hero, say hero? !
The three of them looked at each other and smiled, sympathizing with each other, and said nothing more.


Tie Hammer said: "Old Wolf, what shall we do next?"

Lone Wolf said: "This morning, countless pigeons flew out from Fanyang. In Fanyang's jurisdiction, the soldiers and horses of all states and counties have probably been mobilized. From here to the south, the official road must be reset again.

If we want to live, the only way to survive is to lose our horses, go over the mountains, and take the shortest way back to Eagle Castle.In this way, even if you encounter an enemy, the number of opponents will not be too many, and you still have a chance to fight. "

The iron hammer slapped his thigh and said: "It's not too late, let's withdraw now!"

The three of them hurried to a valley and unloaded their equipment.

The iron hammer stabbed the horse's butt with a dagger, the horse suffered from pain, neighed, and galloped away.Bai Fu and Lone Wolf followed Hammer's example and let the horses go one by one.

Iron Hammer rushed into the forest, followed by Bai Fu and Lone Wolf, and disappeared into the forest in an instant.


In the depths of the dense forest, the three of Bai Fu, dressed in camouflage woven from leaves and vines, stopped and walked.

Bai Fu looked up through the gaps in the tops of the jungle trees, focusing his eyes. In the cloudy sky, a hundred feet above the ground, a small black dot appeared from time to time, hovering silently over the forest.

The three of them walked through the dense forest for a hundred miles at a stretch, feeling a little tired, but they still couldn't get rid of the pursuers in the sky.

Holding the python bead in his hand, Bai Fu tried to influence Falcon, but the distance was too far and he couldn't sense Falcon at all.

Bai Fu frowned and said, "Compared with the eagle-eyed Hai Dongqing, who is more powerful?"

Iron Hammer chewed on a leaf, and said: "Of course Hai Dongqing is more powerful, the eagle-eyed falcon can search even at night, unlike this stupid bird, which has to withdraw at night.

The eagle-eyed Costin can fly hundreds of miles a day, delivering messages like a carrier pigeon, and is neither afraid of being attacked by other raptors nor being shot down.Flying high in the sky can not only identify people and horses, but also mountains and rivers. "

Bai Fu was moved and said, "No wonder you always say that Hawkeye is the eye of our scouts. One Haidongqing is far better than thousands of scouts."

Speaking of marching at night, the lone wolf said: "You can't be careless at night, there are no falcons to scout. They will definitely send hounds into the forest, and they can track us at night."

Tie Hammer said: "Since this is the case, we can't stay in this forest for too long. We have to walk as much as possible during the day, and we can rest at night. Otherwise, we will travel day and night, and we will be dragged down before the enemy arrives."

Iron Hammer was thinking about how to get out of the dense forest without being spotted by the falcon.

Bai Fu suddenly asked: "We are hiding in the dense forest, the falcon flies so high, can it see us?"

Iron Hammer looked up at the sky and said, "Trained falcons usually hover over a hundred feet in order to have a wider view. These falcons have sharp eyesight, far better than ordinary people.

It would be fine if we had been walking through the dense forest, but as long as we got out of this old forest, it would be difficult to avoid its sight.

The Yanzhao area is mostly a mountain of gravel.Out of this forest, a hundred miles to the south, the mountains are steep and bare with few trees.The jungle is mostly shrubs, making it difficult to hide. "

Bai Fu felt a headache, took a deep breath, and said, "This flat-haired beast is quite powerful."

Lone Wolf furrowed his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice, "We must kill this flat-haired animal first, otherwise there will be nowhere to hide."

Bai Fu said: "In the process of tracking and searching, under what circumstances will the falcon fly to a low place?"

Iron Hammer said: "Usually when falcons look for food, they will descend to thirty or fifty feet, waiting for an opportunity to dive and hunt. But falcons have been trained and will not be lured to the ground. Even if they need to fly low for scouting, they will not fall below thirty Zhang height.

Their hearing is also extremely sharp, as long as there is a little sound of bow strings trembling or crossbow arrows piercing the air, they will immediately flap their wings and fly high to avoid the enemy's hunting.Even the eagle shooters on the prairie have a hard time shooting falcons. "

Bai Fu asked: "When the falcons are scouting, if they are hungry, how will they forage?"

Iron Hammer said: "When the falcon is on a mission, it only eats the food that the falconer rewards it. Unless it is on a long-distance mission and it is too late to fly back to its owner, it will forage for food on its own."

Bai Fu and Lone Wolf looked at each other, feeling disappointed.This forest is too small, if you walk three miles forward, you will be out of the forest.This distance is not far enough, the falcon does not need to forage in the wild, and the plan to trap the falcon is afraid that it will fail.

Bai Fu sighed: "If I can lure the falcon down to around ten feet, I might be able to deal with it. But at a distance of twenty or thirty feet, I can't do anything."

Iron Hammer laughed and said, "I made a special kind of eagle food for the eagle-eyed Hai Dongqing. That guy is very happy to eat it. We can try it, maybe we can lure this flat-haired animal down."

Bai Fu was overjoyed and said, "That's it!"

Just do what you say, and after a while, the lone wolf captured a hare.The hare is skinned and boned with a hammer, the head is chopped open with a knife, the brain is pulled out, and mixed with the hare's internal organs.Add unique spices to make the bloody hare smell extremely fishy.


Bai Fu was hiding at the top of the canopy of a towering tree, the camouflage on his body mixed with the leaves and branches.White complex shrinks pores and hides breath.

Smelling the hare, the falcon lingered for a long time, hesitating again and again. After careful observation, no suspicious traces were found.Finally, the Falcon couldn't help but retracted its wings, swooped down, grabbed the hare with its claws, and flew past.

In an instant, Bai Fu twirled the python bead with his hand, injecting his thoughts into it.


Falcon's pupils suddenly dilated, and with a scream, he dropped the hare, flapped his wings, and fled.The falcon circled several times in the sky, didn't dare to stay any longer, and flew northward in shock, disappearing in an instant.

A few eagle feathers fell from the sky, swirling and passing away with the wind...


With a loud shout, Iron Hammer led the two of them out of the dense forest and ran towards the ridge.

 The ancient Xuzhou was victorious, exhausted, and a few heroes.Think of the iron armor with double pupils, the sweat and blood of Wu Zi, and the empty jade tent.Chu Ge's eight thousand soldiers were scattered, and it was expected that Menghun would not be able to meet Jiangdong.The Yellow River is like a belt in the sky, and the chaotic mountains are round Yunlong.

  The autumn wind rises from the Han family mausoleum, and the millet is full of Guanzhong.Even more, there is a shortage of horses and horses, thrushes are far away, and swallows are empty.A hundred years of life is like a post, and you are happy, drinking a thousand bells in one go.Looking back at the slanting sun in the deserted city, leaning on the column to send Feihong off.

  —— "Magnolia Slow Pengcheng Nostalgia" Sadura (Yuan)

(End of this chapter)

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