Chapter 562
In a hurry, the events of the year were updated again, and I returned to Wan Muchun for the first time.

Only Jiangmei didn't realize it, and the awe-inspiring ice and snow illuminated the poet.

—— "Liu Renshe Carrying Wine with Poems and Two Poems and Its Rhyme" by Du Fan (Song Dynasty)


Li E took Bai Fu up the mountain.

Walking through Niubei Peak, crossing the watershed, wading through the Big Wild Goose Pond, and climbing up to the Candle Dragon Terrace, looking forward, there is no forest in front of you, but a big rocky mountain with steep fangs.

Encountered many armed secret sentry along the way, Li E issued a signal and reported the exit order, and then passed smoothly.At the same time, Anshao promptly reported the situation of the people who entered the mountain to the cottage through the pigeon letter.

When you come to the foot of Dashi Mountain, you will first see a forest of giant stones, like a labyrinth.There are hidden organs in the stone forest, if there is no guide, it will be very dangerous to come here.

Li E led Bai Fu around seven times and eight times, passing through the boulder forest.

In the middle of the boulder forest is a mountain that rises from the ground, and it is also hundreds of feet high.I saw green hills and pines and cypresses forming forests.

There is a company camp on the mountainside, with dense fences and dense deer villages. In addition, there is a Diao Dou flagpole standing high. There is a black flag fluttering, embroidered with white characters, and the words "Husi Village" are written on it.When it was blown by the wind, it suddenly rattled and rattled.What a mighty cottage!
There is only one road to the top of the mountain, which is on the south wall of the giant peak. This road has step-by-step ladders, which seem to be chiseled by people. There are nine sections in total, and each section has hundreds of steps. It is called the Nine Heavens.

There is only one foot to the Jiuchongtian, and there are steep walls on both sides. If you go up and down the mountain, if you don't pass through the Jiuzhongtian, you can't go up or down.

There are ridge walls on both sides of the mountain road, which are all made of mountain stones. There are nine hurdles from top to bottom.

The back of the sill can hide crossbowmen, gray bottles, and rolling logs and stones.

The soldiers of Hu'e Village looked down through the holes in the canopy wall, and they could see clearly; if they looked up from the bottom of the mountain, they couldn't see anything.

There is nothing behind the three lowest sill walls, in order to lure the attackers to come up.

Bai Fu secretly praised: "It is so dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. If there is enough water, it will be very difficult to attack the top of the mountain. This is a good place chosen by the leader of Shanzhai!"

There is a courtyard with three entrances at the foot of the mountain, a mighty gate in the south, four locust trees in front of the gate, and a shadow wall behind the gate.

There are seven or eight guards with strong backs at the gate, with their hands on their waists and knives, guarding majestically.

Li E asked the guard to report quickly, and after receiving the promise, he led Bai Fu into the gate.

Bai Fu followed Li E into the gate, looked around the screen wall, and saw a large and orderly courtyard, with east and west rooms and five rooms in the north, connected by corridors.There is a large courtyard in the middle, which is a small martial arts arena, with swords, guns, halberds, axes, hooks and forks on the east and west sides.

A big man sat on the grand master's chair in the middle, directing the brothers to practice martial arts.

Bai Fu took a look at this big man, but he saw that he was about nine feet away, with broad arms and round waist, a head like a wheat bucket, two red eyebrows inserted straight into the temples, yellow eyes, a flat nose bridge, big ears and a wide mouth, and a steel beard under his chin. It's time to be young.With thick eyebrows and bright eyes, he is full of heroism, a typical appearance of a strong man from Yanzhao.

This person wears a blue satin scarf on his head, a blue satin strip wrapped around his head, and an arrowhead leaf rubbed on the top door. He is wearing a plain royal blue cloak with a green collar and white sleeves, and a green satin jacket is exposed underneath. , green boots.He is not dressed like a village owner who occupies the mountain as king, but more like a local squire.

Li E stepped forward and introduced him, "This is my eldest brother, the owner of Shan Village in Husi Village!"

Bai Fu hurried forward, clasped his hands together and said, "Master Shan has invited you."

Shan Yunheng had already received the pigeon letter from the secret sentry, and he specially descended from Husi village to wait for Baifu here.

When Shan Yunheng looked at the person, although he was wearing the military uniform of the Yan Army and was covered in blood, he was handsome, imposing, and majestic.Although they are in danger, they are not panicked.

Shan Yunheng gave a secret praise, liking it from the bottom of his heart.

Bai Fu informed the scouts of the failure of the surprise attack on the Yan army's camp, Shan Yunheng said: "Brother Bai, don't worry, we have many hidden threads inside the Yan army.

Because of the special identity of the lone wolf, none of your brothers will be in danger of their lives. After that, he told Bai Fu that the lone wolf sacrificed his life to save the hammer.

Bai Fu bowed and said: "In this way, there should still be some time to move around, and please support the village master Shan to rescue my elder brothers!"

Shan Yunheng nodded and said, "Don't worry. To tell you the truth, even if these brothers were not captured, I would still attack the camp.

According to the informant, the main force of Shi Siming's army has already gone south via this place, and I have no worries.

Qinghe County is known as the "Northern Storehouse of the World", and the supplies of the Yan Army are right in front of them.I plan to take the brothers down the mountain in these two days and sweep up the supplies.

However, the Yan army is powerful, and this batch of supplies is extremely rich. I can't eat it all by myself, so I specially invited the leaders of several rebel armies in nearby states and counties to gather here at noon today to discuss the strategy of action. "

Shan Yunheng and Bai Fu hit it off, and during the conversation, Shan Yunheng mentioned his life experience. He was originally a powerful man in Hebei Province, who owned many fields and manors.

After the Anlushan Rebellion, the Hebei Taoist soldiers were in trouble, and their lives were in dire straits.Inspired by brothers Yan Zhenqing, Shan Yun raised the banner of resistance to Yan.His sworn brother Li E came out of the mountain to help him make suggestions and arrange everything.

In the following years, he was elected by the rebel army as the leader of the green forests on the east, south, west, north, and middle roads of Hebei Road.

At present, most of the cottages in Hebei Province are his allies, and they only rob the officials of the puppet Yan, and the money they rob is given to the people of Hebei Province.

After hearing this, Bai Fu was filled with admiration.

The three of them were talking, Xiao Junke, the leader of the rebel army on the West Road of Hebei Road, You Guxing, the leader of the East Road, and Ding Jiuqu and Sheng Hailiu, the leaders from both sides of the Yellow River on the South Road, came one after another, which was quite lively.

Shan Yunheng smiled and said: "Brothers, it's just in time. I'll introduce you to a new friend I met, the closed disciple of Qingcheng Qingxuan, who is also the most valued person by the young generation of Bashu knights, Zhongchuan Gang, Gangzhu Jiang—— Young hero Bai Fu.

Brother Bai is currently a scout of the Shuofang Army and the Tang Army, and is investigating the movements of the rebels here.

You have all come to see each other, and you will get closer to each other in the future. "

Shan Yunheng said to Bai Fu: "Little brother, let me introduce some of my brothers to you."

Shan Yunheng pointed at Xiao Junke, this person was wearing a parrot green suit, his face was like a jujube, and he had a slight black beard.

Shan Yunheng said: "This brother lives in Wuliu Village in Zhending. His surname is Xiao Minghan, his courtesy name is Junke, and his nickname is 'Jinpao Shuai'. He has a mouthful of three knives in his palm, and his power shakes Heshuo."

The other pointed to You Guxing. This man was dressed in soapy satin, his face was black and purple, and he had no beard under his chin.

Shan Yunheng said: "This brother lives in Wunanzhuang, Cangzhou. His surname is You and his name is Yuan.

Then he pointed to two short strong men and said: "These two brothers, one surnamed Ding, named Ding Jiuqu, and the other surnamed Sheng, named Sheng Hailiu, they operated boats and ships, and occupied the banks of the Yellow River for a long time. The four are my confidant brothers."

Bai Fu hastened to meet the Hebei heroes.

With the blessings of Sect Leader Qingxuan and Sect Leader Jiang of the Chuan Gang, the heroes did not regard Bai Fu as an outsider, and they met each other hatefully, and were extremely affectionate.

Shan Yunheng ordered wine to be served, and everyone sat down and talked.Several heroes drank happily and poured out their hearts at this banquet.

Shan Yunheng said: "Brothers, this time Shi Siming reactivated the Qinghe North Bank as a preparation for war.

Once the rebels and the Tang army enter a stalemate in Henan Province, Shi Siming will allocate this batch of supplies and go south to support the front line.

I have investigated clearly that grain, grass, weapons and luggage are piled up like mountains in the North Depot.Once the rebels stationed in Beiku are eaten, this batch of supplies is enough to support the Hebei rebels for three years. "

Everyone looked at each other, overjoyed.

Xiao Junke said: "I heard that the main force of the rebel army has gone south, I don't know if it's true or not?"

Ding Jiuqu said: "That's true. The rebel army is divided into four groups and has already gone south. My subordinates have been following the main force of the rebel army. They have checked many ways and verified that they are correct."

You Guxing said: "Since the main force of the rebel army is no longer in Qinghe, let's attack immediately!"

Li E said: "Wait a minute. Although the main force of the rebel army went south, Shi Siming also knew the importance of Beiku, and the guards were extremely strict.

Brother Bai and I went to spy separately last night, not only did not get anything, but three scouts with high martial arts skills from the Tang army were captured.

In addition, although the defense of the rebel army is in the shape of dots and lines, the grassland cavalry has a strong rescue capability. Each of its camps is not isolated. If a camp is attacked, other camps in the surrounding states and counties will reinforce them desperately. .

If we hadn't captured the three most core camps in Beiku within an hour, once the rebel reinforcements arrived, with our combat power, to be honest, we would not be the opponent of the rebel cavalry. "

Li E's words were justified, as soon as the words came out, everyone fell silent.

All the rebels are composed of green forest gangs and folk village braves, and have not received formal military training.On weekdays, they looted houses in the mountains, forests and countryside, and attacked some small groups of rebels.Once the frontal fire is fired, no matter whether it is military literacy or weapons and equipment, they are not fast, brave and fierce Huren cavalry opponents.

With the strength of Husi Village today, if we concentrate our superior forces, we can take Beiku.But definitely not within an hour.If the rebel cavalry rushed to help, they would have been made dumplings by the rebels before they captured Beiku.

If the entire Hebei Daoyi army is mobilized to attack Beiku, it will not only take a long time, but it will also be difficult to make it possible for the rebel army to move forward without being discovered by the rebel scouts.

"Well, what should I do?" You Guxing scratched his head impatiently.

"Cough cough..." Bai Fu coughed twice, turning everyone's attention to himself.

Bai Fu smiled slightly, and said: "Since a direct confrontation is not good for the rebels, regarding Beiku, can we 'surround the spot for reinforcements' and not send out?"

Li E's eyes lit up, and he said, "Brother Bai, plan to come out?"

(End of this chapter)

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