Chapter 564
In the prime of life, the flag embraces thousands of husbands, and the brocade suddenly rides across the river at the beginning.The soldiers of Yan fight against the silver beard at night, and the arrows of the Han Dynasty fly towards the gold servant girl.

——Excerpt from Xin Qiji's "Partridge Sky: A Guest Talks about Fame and Fame in Remembrance of Current Events in Youth"

Beiku in Qinghe County is composed of three camps, which are distributed in the shape of a character.

The three camps are all on the east side of the official road.Three roads branched off from the official road leading to the gate of the camp. The gate of the camp was well lit and heavily guarded.

Except for this fork that leads directly to the gate of the village, each camp is surrounded by a moat two feet deep and three feet wide, like a moat.

Each camp has a thick wall. The wall bricks are piled up with stones as large as millstones. Glutinous rice pulp and plant ash are mixed into a viscous slurry and poured, which is extremely strong.The wall of the village is four or five feet high, with horse paths and crenels on it, no less than a small city tower.

In addition to the civilian husbands who transported supplies, there were about a thousand rebel soldiers stationed in each camp, including 800 Hu and Han infantry and more than [-] Hu and Han cavalry.The two hundred Huren cavalry were the main force of Fan Yang's army, while the Huhan infantry consisted of disabled veterans and soldiers who had just completed one year of training.

According to Bai Fu's policy, Li E led two thousand cavalry to block all the roads within a radius of ten miles of Beiku.

The rest of the soldiers in Hu'e Village surrounded the third battalion of Beiku.

Han infantry has always been stronger than cavalry.In siege operations, infantry is the absolute main force.

Fan Yang's army fought against the grassland tribes such as the Turks, Khitans, and Xis in the north for a long time. The cavalry was fierce, while the infantry was relatively weak.The defense of the city mainly relies on infantry.

Taking advantage of his strengths and attacking his weaknesses, the number of people in Huxi village is superior again. Comparing the two, the morale of Huxi village is greatly boosted, and everyone's blood is boiling.

According to Bai Fu's plan, for each attack, concentrate superior forces and only attack one camp.

The other two camps seem to be echoing each other at a distance, but because Husi Village has a large number of people, and most of them are green forest heroes, setting countless ambushes between the camps, it is difficult for the rebels to have the courage to abandon the city and risk their lives for rescue. .

The Art of War says: "A division must be encircled."

The soldiers of Husi Village stormed from the three walls in the northeast and south at the same time, and specially left the unguarded west gate for the rebels to escape.

Leave a retreat for the rebel cavalry, thus disintegrating the fighting spirit of the rebels.If the soldiers of the rebel army are forced to fight against the beasts, the city will be difficult to break.

However, Bai Fu did not completely copy this art of war.

Weeds must be rooted out, so Bai Fu suggested that Shan Yunheng ambush thousands of elite cavalry and crossbowmen at the north and south ends of the official road, specifically to deal with fish that slip through the net.


Shan Yunheng looked around and saw that the morale was high, and he gave an order, ordering all the soldiers to forcefully attack the camp that was hoarding grain and grass.

The hundred-faced cowhide drum rumbled like spring thunder.

The trebuchets in Hu'e village took the lead in attacking, and the stones the size of a millstone rolled in the air. Under the blessing of gravity and speed, the attack was astonishing, smashing the dozens of trebuchets installed by the rebels on the wall of the village into pieces in turn. .

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of bed crossbows fired a volley, and with the cooperation of thousands of strong crossbowmen, the defenders behind the crenels of the wall that were rained down by arrows did not dare to show their faces.

The soldiers of Husi Village surged up like a tide amidst the thundering war drums.

The engineering troops threw sandbags into the trenches around the camp and quickly filled the trenches.The vanguard troops consist of 100 people as a square team, equipped with ten siege ladders, forming ten attack points, and ten square teams form a group to launch the first round of onslaught.

The square team in the deep zone has also been lined up, ready for the second round and the third round of continuous onslaught.

In an instant, the siege ladder leaned against the wall of the village, and the earth-shattering shouts of killing suddenly resounded across the field.

The soldiers of Husi Village climbed up the siege ladder quickly and orderly, and killed the top of the city.

A cruel and intense bloody offensive and defensive battle began.


The battle has entered a white-hot state from the very beginning.

As soon as the siege ladder of Hu'e Village got close to the wall, the rebel soldiers used iron forks to hold the siege ladder firmly so that it could not lean against the wall, and then several people joined forces to overturn the siege ladder in one fell swoop;
Or throw the rolling wood and rocks on the siege ladder, smashing the rebels who went up the ladder to bloody flesh, and falling down the siege ladder.

This was a no-frills, head-to-head battle. Both sides played their lives, and the casualties were heavy from the beginning.The crossbows and arrows shot at each other from the top to the bottom of the city, and the sand and stones flew away.Several ranks of rebels braved the rain of arrows and fought one after another, finally attacked the wall of the village, and were attacked left and right by the master Hu generals in the defending army, hacked to death.

Because Bai Fu wanted to guard against the surprise attack of the other two camps, he did not rush to the tower with the vanguard.

However, Bai Fu was not idle either. Holding a bow and arrow "Jia Zi", he stood on a cloud cart that was as high as the wall of the village and could be moved freely, watching every move on the tower.

Two Hu generals went hand in hand and besieged a strong man in Husi Village.The Hu general on the outside slashed obliquely with his knife, while the man on the inside stabbed straight at the heart of the strong man in Huxi Village with his spear.

The strong man's eyes widened with anger, he slashed with his sword horizontally, and slashed with his spear.But two fists are no match for four hands, and you can't avoid the attacks of generals with knives.Seeing that his left arm was about to be cut off by a knife, the strong man saw two beams of white light flashing in front of his eyes.Two carved feather arrows passed through the throat, killing the two Hu generals in front of him with one blow.

The main general who guards the camp is a Turkic general who is brave and good at fighting.He waved his mace and rushed towards the soldiers of Husi village.With a swing of the stick, the brains of the two oncoming soldiers were blown out.

Immediately afterwards, he hit another Husi sub-village owner with a stick.The village master of Fenzhai was also a general, and the two fought together, recklessly fighting for more than a dozen moves, and there was no winner.

The Turkic general saw that the master of the Fenzhai had comparable martial arts, was entangled, and fearful.During the close combat, he suddenly swung his arm, and a sleeve arrow shot out from the armguard, hitting the village master's face.

The village master of Fenzhai let out a scream, covered his eyes, and retreated one after another.

The Turkic lord general grinned grimly, raised the mace to set fire to the sky, and hit the village lord's head with a stick.

Seeing that the village master was about to die, a cold arrow flew towards him silently, as fast as an electric engine, and hit the Turkic general between the eyebrows.

Headshot with one hit!
The Turkic general only felt that the blood mist filled the air, and his eyes were blood red...

Seeing that the deadly cold arrow came from Bai Fu alone, the two barbarians in the rebel army became furious. They looked at each other, drew their bows and set arrows, and shot at Bai Fu together.

The arrow came through the air, and it was still a few feet away from Bai Fu, and Bai Fu immediately felt it.

Bai Fu's hand was like plucking a string, and he shot two arrows at the same time.

"Clang!", four arrows collided, and sparks shot in all directions.

Two barbarian archers were about to shoot the second arrow when two cold arrows flew towards them, drawing a strange arc, and circled out from the back of their heads soundlessly.When the two cold arrows approached the target, they suddenly spiraled up, like a hawk swooping down, and shot into the back of the heads of the two eagle shooters with lightning speed.


Headshot with one arrow!
Bai Fu's Xunkan True Qi revamped the shooting method.Two streams of zhenqi, one fast and the other slow, one side and the other round, are entangled together, creating torsion.The trajectory of the arrow is unbelievable and hard to guard against.

 In the prime of life, the flag embraces thousands of husbands, and the brocade suddenly rides across the river at the beginning.The soldiers of Yan fight against the silver beard at night, and the arrows of the Han Dynasty fly towards the gold servant girl.

  Pursuing the past, sighing my present, the spring breeze does not stain white mustaches.However, the Wanzi Ping Rong policy was exchanged for the owner's tree planting book.

  ——"Partridge Sky·You Ke Talks about Fame and Fame in Remembrance of Youth and Current Events" by Xin Qiji
(End of this chapter)

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