Chapter 566
Thinking of Jiangkou still in the distance, the birds are singing and the flowers are dying, who is in charge today.When the swallows return, where are the carved beams, what is the matter whispering.The most bitter Jinsha, [-] households are exhausted, and the blood is flowing.The sword energy in the sky is to be used to wash away the remnants.

——Excerpt from Wang Lan (Song Dynasty)


When the trilogy of the Guo family arrived at the site of the exchange of fire between the Yan army and the rebel army, the battle was drawing to a close.

The place where the tiger's village set up an ambush was at the mouth of a valley, and the terrain was steep.

As soon as the Yan army's Dongfu Ting army entered the valley, the two ends of the valley mouth were blocked by huge stones and logs thrown from the hillside for most of the valley exit.

The Yan army's Dongfu Ting army did not expect that Husi Village would set up an ambush so far away from the Qinghe River.

The men who set up the ambush were the cavalry from Husi Village sent by Li E and the Xiangyong from the nearby branch village.

The blocking force of the rebel army only had a few hundred people, while the Dongfuting army of the Yan army consisted of thousands of elite cavalry.

This was originally a fierce battle of disparity in strength, but the rebel army in Hu'e Village relied on the advantages of the terrain to turn the battle of pebbles against rocks into a battle of equal strength.

For two whole hours, the blocking team in Husi Village fought to the death without retreating.

The Yan army's Dongfuting army attacked in turn with a hundred cavalry as a unit.The villagers of Huxi Village hid on the hillside, behind the pile of rocks, condescending, and stubbornly blocked with crossbows, hunting bows, fire bottles, stones and other weapons.

Flames were raging in the valley, and half of the cavalry of the Dongfu Pavilion Army's thousands of soldiers were lost, and the remaining half rushed to the valley desperately.At the cost of sacrificing a hundred people, they used shields to protect the troops, and took the stones at the mouth of the valley out of a way of escape.

Guo Zhaoyan sent someone to contact them, telling the brave men in Husi village to retreat first, and let his troops continue to stop them.

The head of the sub-zhai village of Hu'er village refused, saying that their task was to hold back the Dongfuting army and never retreat until the end of the battle.

At the end of the battle, the owner of the Fenzhai led the remaining four cavalry, wielding long spears, launched a final round of suicide charge, and died together with the rebel cavalry who rushed out of the valley.

Guo Zhaoyan was filled with emotion.

A group of grassroots gangsters, brave and unknown people, dared to sacrifice their lives to charge the main force of the mighty Fan Yang army head-on.

What audacity this is!
Guo Zhaoyan drew out his sword, pointed at the sky, and shouted: "Strong men, beat me hard, and avenge the brothers in Husi Village!"

Before the Dongfu Pavilion army that rushed out of the valley was assembled, they encountered the well-equipped and highly skilled Guo's trilogy, and it was another fierce battle...

Most of Guo's trilogy are rangers from Yanzhao, famous for their martial arts, which are different from ordinary troops.

The chivalrous knights are exceptionally good at individual combat. They can be called top-notch warriors in throwing short spears, fighting with swords, bows and arrows, and unarmed combat.

Before the cavalry of the Dongfu Pavilion Army had time to charge, they were divided into several arenas by the fast crossing of knights, fighting each other one by one.

Once fighting in close quarters, the barbarian iron cavalry is no match for the ranger in the Central Plains. He only feels the shadow of swords and swords, and the shadows are erratic, and his brute strength has nowhere to display.

Half an hour later, this generation of rebel cavalry, Dongfuting Army, which captured Tongguan and captured Ge Shuhan alive, was completely annihilated.


Beiku was about to fall, Shi Siming panicked, and issued ten emergency edicts in succession, ordering Linghuzhang, the general who attacked Huazhou (now Hua County, Henan Province), to return quickly to reinforce the defenders of Beiku in the Qing Dynasty.

Hawkeye has already left Eagle Fort and arrived at Qinghe North Bank to assist Bai Fu in strategizing and dispatching troops.

With the help of Eagle Eye, Bai Fu was like a tiger with wings added, and together with Li E, set up an ambush on the mountain road around Wangmang City in Weizhou.

Xiao Junke, the leader of the rebel army on the West Road of Hebei Road, and You Guxing, the leader of the East Road, led tens of thousands of rebels from Hebei Road to the south from the east and west sides, and lay in ambush at the north entrance of the Wangmangcheng River Valley.

Wangmangcheng River Valley is located at the northern foot of Weizhou, between Huazhou and Qinghe County, the northwest is the Daluze, the domain of the Guo family of Julu County, the Yellow River is more than a hundred miles to the southeast, and the great lake Juyeze is to the southeast.

Linghuzhang's army returned to the division and rushed to the Beiku of Qinghe County.

Soldiers are expensive and fast, and if the rebels don't return to the army, it's fine. If they return to the army, they will have to travel all day and night, and strive to arrive as soon as possible.

Bai Fu was naturally aware of the intentions of the rebels.

Through the topography and landforms repeatedly surveyed by the eagle-eyed Haidongqing, the Mangcheng River Valley of Baifuliao Dingwang is the only way for the rebels to return to the North Bank of the Qing Dynasty.

If you go north along the river valley, the cavalry distance can be shortened by two-thirds.Infantry, food and supplies can be transported through the Yongji Canal in the valley, saving manpower and material resources.

This river valley is densely forested and the roads are narrow and long. Tens of thousands of troops ambushed on the two sides of the mountain plateau at a depth of [-] to [-] miles.

On the way back to aid, Linghu Zhang was furious.These thieves and bandits entrenched in the mountains and forests dared to be enemies of the Yan army, taking advantage of the fire to loot and rob the army.How can there be peace in the rear if the mouse generation is not eliminated?

Linghuzhang ordered the infantry and supplies to walk along the Yongji Canal, and he personally led [-] cavalry to Qinghe County, vowing to wipe out all the rebels who besieged Beiku.

Wangmang City is only two or three hundred miles away from Qinghe North Bank, and the barbarian cavalry can rush to Qinghe in two or three hours.

The unimpeded way along the way and his disdain for the rebel mob made Linghu Zhang lose his vigilance against the enemy's ambush along the way.

Linghu Zhang decided not to wait for dawn, and cross the river valley overnight to reach Beiku!

Unlike the dead, dangerous, and desperate places often mentioned in the Art of War, the river valleys around Wangmang City do not have lofty mountains or cliffs, but rather open hills and river valleys.

The road in the valley is not very narrow, and it is not difficult for cavalry to pass.

In addition, the mouth of the valley is wide, and it is difficult to block the entire mouth of the valley through the rolling logs and rocks thrown from the top of the mountain. It is not the best place for ambush in the usual sense.

The Yan army scouts went around and found nothing unusual, so they quickly reported to the Chinese army.

Linghu Zhang ordered that the cavalry spread out and quickly pass through the valley.

The [-] iron cavalry of the Yan army galloped at full speed in the [-] to [-] mile long valley. The mountain roads, river beaches, and streams were full of galloping cavalry. The sound of hooves made the valley echo like thunder.

Bai Fu already had a plan to deal with the enemy.

After Linghuzhang's army entered the Wangmangcheng River Valley, the Hebei Daonan Road Rebel Army secretly lurking on the cargo ship of Yongji Canal, under the leadership of the leaders Ding Jiuqu and Sheng Hailiu, led countless boats to block the south of the valley. The rebel cavalry who slipped through the net.

As the sun set, the rebel cavalry drove into the depths of the valley.

Suddenly, there was a sharp beep!

Rolling wood and rocks poured down the steep hillside like a mudslide, dividing the Yan army's cavalry into several sections, and tens of thousands of arrows poured down like a storm.

Fighting in the river valley, the Yan army's iron cavalry could not form a formation, could not use the attack formation, and charged together. They were firmly suppressed by the arrow firepower of the rebel army, and they had no horses and armor, so they could not organize an effective counterattack.

Several generals of the Yan army were shot off their horses, and the galloping iron cavalry had no orders to command.

After several rounds of iron arrowhead rain, the horses of the barbarian cavalry were either shot to death on the spot, or they were overly frightened, leaving the soldiers on horseback and fleeing in all directions.

Once General Hu has no horses, his combat power will be reduced by at least half.

Seeing a large number of Hu generals falling from their horses, the war drums in the valley blared, and the sound of drums shook the sky. Countless flags appeared all over the mountains and plains.

Linghu Zhang pulled out the horizontal knife and roared: "All retreat, break out to the rear!"

After two hours of fierce fighting, most of Linghu Zhang's army was lost, but they finally rushed to the south exit of the river valley.

I saw that the river valley leading to the Yongji Canal was covered with boats of all sizes, which could be blocked at the mouth of the valley.

In the light of the fire, two strong men who looked like the bosses of the ship stood on the ship tower, lighting the firecrackers in their hands.


The firecrackers exploded in the sky, and in the blue velvet sky, a huge colorful firework bloomed.

Thousands of boats fired at the same time, and the catapults, bed crossbows, and crossbows were illuminated by fireworks, like meteor showers falling from the sky...

After fighting until midnight, Linghu Zhang led only two or three thousand people to break out of the siege, and fled back to Weizhou City in embarrassment.The 3000 cavalry were almost wiped out.

The infantry of the Linghuzhang Army who were subsequently reinforced were burned to the barge by the rebels led by Ding Jiuqu and Sheng Hailiu on the Yongji Canal, and they were defeated.

In the raging fire and thick smoke, tens of thousands of soldiers dived to escape, and before the rebels strangled them, most of them were killed or injured.

Overnight, Linghu Zhang's army was wiped out, and they had no strength to fight anymore, so they had to withdraw from the Southern Expedition.


 Looking far away, seeing my hometown is only in the depths of the white clouds.Zhenri thought of returning home but failed to get it, and he failed the diligent Du Yu.The motherland is sad, the new pavilion is tearful, and it is even more rainy.The Yangtze River is thousands of miles away, and it is difficult to let this hatred flow away.

  Thinking of Jiangkou still in the distance, the birds are singing and the flowers are dying, who is in charge today.When the swallows return, where are the carved beams, what is the matter whispering.The most bitter Jinsha, [-] households are exhausted, and the blood is flowing.The sword energy in the sky is to be used to wash away the remnants.

  —— "Nian Nujiao · Shudi Yijiang Book in Xinting" Wang Lan (Song Dynasty)

(End of this chapter)

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