Chapter 587

Thousands of golden swords, ten thousand words of strategy, two wastes.While drunk, he murmured to himself, and when he woke up, he torrential.I don't hate the passing of time, but I'm afraid that the thoughts of young people will be ruined.Willing to take care of all the sick people, and pay homage to Vimalakirti.

——Excerpt from Liang Qichao of "Shui Tune Ge Tou"

Just listening to the strong wind howling, the trebuchets in the Yan army's position threw several huge stones high and smashed towards the tower of the North City.

The city wall made of mixed granite and green bricks is solid, and the boulders hitting the city wall did not cause a large breach in the wall.

However, the boulders that fell on the city tower were extremely destructive, smashing the defensive equipment such as bed crossbows to pieces; falling on the crowd, a single boulder could break the bones of dozens of Tang soldiers and kill them on the spot.

The only remaining catapults of the Tang army aimed at the catapults of the Yan army. The two sides attacked each other, and each was damaged.

When the last trebuchet on the tower of the Tang army was destroyed, the Yan army ordered the whole army to press up and attack the city violently.

The soldiers of the Yan army hid behind the bunker of the ladder and slowly pushed the ladder towards the city wall.

The crossbowmen of the Yan Army on the Yunti Archery Tower suppressed the firepower of the Tang Army with arrows to buy time for their own attack.

The Yan army's arrows rained down like rain, and their firepower was strong. Under the cover of the arrow curtain, the Yan soldiers swarmed forward.

In addition to the crossbowmen firing ten thousand arrows, Tang Jun also used the eight-ox bed crossbow fixed on the winch to fight back.Once the huge arrow of the bed crossbow hits, one arrow can turn Yan soldiers into skewers of meat, even if they rub against the edge, they will either die or be injured.

If it hits a key part, the eight-cow bed crossbow can also destroy the ladder, but the effect is still not as ideal as the trebuchet.

After a round of arrow rain, both sides suffered casualties.But Tang Jun's crossbow arrows failed to stop the progress of the ladder.

Push the ladder to the bottom of the city and put down the springboard.

The Yan soldiers behind the ladder bunker quickly boarded the siege tower, and attacked the tower through the springboard connected to the city wall.

For a while, several ladders leaned against the city wall, and Yan Bing jumped into the city wall to fight Tang Jun in close quarters.

Although the ladder is as strong as a fellow, it is not without a way to crack it.

As soon as he saw the Yan army mobilizing the ladders, Bai Fu thought of Zhang's method of burning the ladders when he was patrolling Suiyang:
You only need to cut out hidden holes on the city wall, and every three holes are a group. The first hole is hooked with an iron hook to prevent the ladder from retreating; The city wall; a torch stretched out from the third hole, burned the middle of the ladder, and set the ladder on fire.

Bai Fu hurriedly informed Li Guangbi of this method.

Li Guangbi was overjoyed, and immediately passed down the order to implement it according to law.

The walls of the northern city are strong, and it is not easy to dig out hidden holes in the walls.

According to local conditions, the Tang army protruded steel forks and iron hooks from the gaps between the two ends of the battlements (saw-toothed battlements), and the hooks held against the ladders so that they could neither approach the city wall nor evacuate.

The crossbowmen of the Tang army on the "horse face" and "Tuanlou" opened fire from the left and right sides of the ladder through the arrow holes, and fired rockets at the ladder, not to kill the rebels, but to burn the ladder.

Several ladders quickly fell into the sea of ​​flames, and the Yan army hiding on the top of the ladders died tragically like a roasting pig in a stove.

The Yan soldiers on the ladder had no choice but to jump off the tower to escape. They would rather fall to their deaths than be burned alive.

The mighty ladder suddenly became a nightmare for the Yan army, and the city of Heyang screamed again and again, and the scorching smell filled the air.

The small group of Yan soldiers who attacked the tower were quickly annihilated by the Tang army without follow-up reinforcements.

Seeing this scene, the slow-moving building did not dare to step forward, so it could only fire from a long distance, and the damage to the Tang army was limited.

The puppet Prime Minister of Yan, Zhou Zhi, saw that the ladder was broken, his face was livid, and he immediately ordered the "Walking Women's Wall" to attack.

The "Walking Women's Wall" is a cart covered with rawhide on all sides.The body of the car is made of hard iron wood, which is not afraid of arrow stones.At the same time, since the car wall is covered with raw cowhide, it is not easy to ignite even if it encounters a rocket.

There are window holes on the four walls of the "Xingnv Wall" for archers to shoot arrows, and there are ladders on the roof for siege and climbing.It can be regarded as a combination of two kinds of siege equipment, wooden mantle and 轒辒.

The "Walking Women's Wall" is even bigger, and Tang Jun's steel forks and iron hooks can't hook it at all.

The "Walking Girl's Wall" moves much faster than the ladder, and can even turn the front of the car to attack the crossbowmen of the "Horse Face" and "Tuanlou".

"Walking Women's Wall" has the advantages of size and speed, but sacrifices height.The siege tower on the roof of the car is still a foot away from the city wall, and it is necessary to climb a ladder to jump into the city wall.

Seeing this, Li Guangbi ordered people to distribute the anti-climbing weapons such as the hand axe, "Yasha", and "Spike Pai" to the cities.

Bai Fu opened his eyes.In the past, Master Zhongsi had only seen sketches of these instruments drawn on the sand, but this time he saw the real ones.

The setback ax is similar to the crescent shovel used by Buddhists, the difference is that the blade of the crescent shovel is facing outward, while the blade of the setback is facing inward.

"檑" is a weapon dropped from the top of the city to shoot down the climbers. There are iron chains on it, which is convenient for recycling after attacking.

"Yasha 檑" is a kind of 檑. It is made of huge wood, with barbed spikes inserted on it, and wheels are hooped at both ends. After the wartime, it is smashed to the densely packed enemy army under the city, and then the rope is rolled by a winch to suddenly pull back.Throwing and pulling can cause fatal damage to the siege enemy.

"Spike" is similar to "Yasha", a huge iron plate full of barbed spikes, smashed down when the enemy climbs the wall, and then retracted by the windlass on the tower, which can be reused .

Bai Fu looked at the sharp barbs on these sharp weapons for defending the city, imagined their fierce power when they attacked, and shuddered.


Dozens of "Walking Women's Wall" were not afraid of arrows and rockets, and quickly attacked the city.

The crossbow archers of the Yan army exchanged fire with the crossbow archers of the Tang army through the window holes on the four walls of the car and the towers on the roof of the car, which was comparable.

During the stalemate between the two armies, the death squad of the Yan Army in the car body took the lead in charging. They held shields in their left hands and knives in their right hands, climbing up ladders, trying to break into the city.

The Tang army officer beside Bai Fu suddenly put down the hand axe, and then dragged it back suddenly.

The blade facing the city head was quickly retracted along the edge of the ladder handrail, like a sickle harvesting ears of rice, cutting off the fingers and ankles of Yan Bing attached to the ladder.

Only a few screams were heard, and dozens of Yan soldiers who were climbing had cut off their hands and feet, and one fell headfirst and fell from the ladder.

Bai Fu fought coldly.

Seeing the sketch of the hand ax that day, Bai Fu was also suspicious because of the shape of the reverse blade of this weapon.Seeing it today, the lethality of this weapon cannot be underestimated.

On the other side, the generals of the Tang Army threw out "Yasha檑".

The huge "Yasha" roared down from the tower, like a boulder thrown by a trebuchet, hitting the densely populated Yan army, smashing the fish scale array built by the Yan army's giant shield into a lump of meatloaf.

Tang Jun rolled the rope with a winch and pulled it back suddenly. The barbed spikes crushed Yan Bing on the ladder into a bloody mess.

"Yaksha" is like a life-threatening evil spirit, sticking to death, touching death, no one can survive wherever he goes.The barbs are full of stumps, broken arms, and sporadic pieces of meat...

Bai Fu is also a battle-tested person, but this bloody scene still sent chills down Bai Fu's back, and his hair stood on end.

Bai Fu looked away from "Yasha" and swept his eyes to the front right.

On the "Horse Face" and "Tuanlou", dozens of strong men from the Tang army with broad arms and round waists waved "iron feet".This is a giant cast iron flyhook that resembles a ship's anchor.In addition to using weight to smash people down the city, it can also hook people when retracting.

The leading Hercules is the camel who is born with supernatural power.

The camel was like swinging a lasso, throwing out the "iron foot", and the cast iron anchor drew an arc, and the falling speed became more violent, making it difficult for the Yan soldiers who were attacking the city to guard against it.

The camel laughed, like a fisherman reeling in his net, he alternated his hands and began to reel in the line.

When they were dragged back, the flying claws caught the two Yan soldiers on their lute bones, and they were hooked up like live fish.The person is not completely dead, his hands and feet are still moving around, struggling to die.

Bai Fu seems to have seen himself in the sky prison, being pierced through the bone of the lute by the jailer with an iron hook.


Bai Fu only felt that the darkness possessed him, and the hatred was hard to dispel, and he vented countless resentments all over his body.

Bai Fu roared up to the sky, his eyes were scarlet, he jumped out from the city wall, slashed in the air, the light flashed, and a "Walking Girl's Wall" that had just approached the city was cut into two sections!


  1. "Atlas of Chinese Cold Weapons", Jiang Fengwei, Liu Ziwei, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 2020st edition, November 11.

  2. "Through the Wall and Through the Wall-A Sectional View of Chinese Classical Ancient Architecture", Li Qianlang, Guangxi Normal University Press, 2009st edition in October 10.

  How much generosity is there to smash the double jade bucket.Full of blood and tears, nowhere to sing elegy. Over the past 300 years, the king's spirit is still everywhere, but what about personnel affairs?Hundreds of households still drink cattle and wine, and the four fortresses have gone to war.

  Thousands of golden swords, ten thousand words of strategy, two wastes.While drunk, he murmured to himself, and when he woke up, he torrential.I don't hate the passing of time, but I'm afraid that the thoughts of young people will be ruined.Willing to take care of all the sick people, and pay homage to Vimalakirti.

  ——"Water Tune Song Head" Liang Qichao
(End of this chapter)

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