Chapter 597
Xiao Zhan follows the golden drum and sleeps with a jade saddle.

Willing to put the sword down at the waist, straight to cut Loulan.

——Excerpt from "Six Songs of Saixia Part One" by Li Bai


The Art of War says: "Soldiers are not beneficial to many, but without military advancement, they are enough to join forces, predict the enemy, and take people."

In Bai Fu's view, soldiers are more expensive than elites.Leading troops is not the more the better, but must be able to control.

The core generals must be selected from within, and only by leaving the opportunity for promotion to the younger soldiers can they have the same desire and unite the soldiers.

Zifu witnessed the battle of Feishui with his own eyes in the Qiaoxue military area, and he was deeply impressed.

Before the war, Fu Jian threw his whip to cut off the flow, full of vigor.Who would have thought that the millions of prairie cavalry were defeated by the tens of thousands of Beifu soldiers commanded by Xie Xuan.

The most critical link for the former Qin army to lose this battle is: in the former Qin army, there are many tribes such as the Di and Xianbei tribes, each with their own ghosts, and once they are unfavorable, they will immediately fight back.

Bai Fu will never repeat the same mistakes.

The one who wants the same desire wins!

The hearts of the people are united, and Mount Tai is moved. As long as the soldiers of the three armies work together and sacrifice their lives, five thousand elites are enough to defeat the enemy!

After the division of troops, Bai Fu formally reorganized the army to prepare for war, and began to build this iron-blooded army according to his own standards.

Wei Zhi, Li Ruoyou and Wei Boyu were quite satisfied because they got the men and horses presented by Bai Fu for nothing, and they were also the generals and men they liked.

These three old foxes know very well the way of reciprocity.The three not only paid for the food and military supplies of the split-up troops, but also used the resources behind them to donate a large amount of food, grass and military supplies to Bai Fu free of charge.

By splitting out the 1 people who had left their hearts and minds, Bai Fuben saved three-fifths of the food and salaries, and with the gifts from Wei, Li and Wei, Bai Fu had ample money and just in time to flex his muscles.

The generals under Bai Fu's command were paid three times as much as before, and they never defaulted.

There is meat to eat every meal, and every meal can be full; the dishes are refurbished every day, and there are enough steamed buns and biscuits;There are seasonal quilts and military uniforms for both winter and summer.

Everyone in the cavalry is equipped with two horses, all of which are vigorous horses.

Infantry hemp shoes, leather boots, and tube socks are all available.

The cost of food and clothing of the three armies is several times that of before, and the weapons and armor used are all the most elite weapons of the Tang Dynasty.

Before the mobilization of the military parade under Bai Fushuai's banner, the soldiers of the three armies were already full of energy, high spirits, and high fighting spirit.

Bai Fang made strict military regulations: every day at [-] o'clock and [-] o'clock, the cannons were fired, and they started immediately when they heard the cannons, and each battalion sent [-] elite patrols at night;
Dawn drills, Zijiang, Junzheng, and Chengju must be present in person; there is one roll call at noon; evening drills are performed when the sun is slanting, and one roll call is performed before the second shift.

Every three, six, and nine days, Bai Fu personally went to Yanwuping to supervise the army.

So far, Yanwuping has heard war horses neighing, gongs and drums blaring, and shouts of killing from morning to night every day.


On this day, Huyan Tieyi, the tiger general under his command, walked into Baifu's tent with great interest, and said: "General, what are the subjects for today's practice?"

Bai Fu pointed to the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, and said with a smile, "Look at the pictures and learn to read."

"Huh? This..."

Huyan Tieyi was dumbfounded.

That's right, Bai Fu just wanted to teach the soldiers to read and write.

After three months of research, Bai Fu found that half of the soldiers in the Anbei Court Army did not know a single word.

Only an army with faith can be invincible and invincible!

This point was learned by Bai Fu from Yan Zhenqing, Lord Yan.

Yan Zhenqing, a civil servant, was a famous general. His first step in governing the army was to solve the problem of who the soldiers of the Tang army were fighting for.

Bai Fu has witnessed all this with his own eyes.

The Tang army, composed of a group of ragged, sallow and emaciated peasants, is not even proficient in weapons, but from head to toe, it exudes a confident and resolute light.

That was the atmosphere only available to the Tang army led by Emperor Taizong and God of War Li Jing at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Inspired by orthodox tradition, Yan Zhenqing's army was extremely brave and invincible despite its poor conditions and hardships.

Back then, Bai Fu ate and lived with Yan Zhenqing's soldiers, and he was shocked.

Bai Fu made up his mind at that time, one day he will be in charge of the army, and he must train such an iron army!
And it all starts with reading.

After the order was issued, Monk Zhang Er, the generals of the Northwest Court Army at all levels, was puzzled, wondering whether the chief general Bai Fu had come on a whim or what?

In the evening of that day, Bai Fu came to a camp and had dinner with his soldiers around the bonfire.

A soldier named Dunzi dared to ask: "General, I joined the army because of my stupid brain and great strength. You let me know how to read, will this kill me?"

The brigade commander beside him hurriedly scolded: "What nonsense, the general is doing this for your own good!"

Bai Fu waved his hand to stop the brigade commander from scolding Dunzi.He smiled and said, "Dunzi, how many years have you been in the army?"

Dunzi replied sharply: "Three years!"

"Do you miss your parents?"

"Think, dream about it!"

"Do you have a letter from home?"

"Yes!" Dunzi took out several letters carefully wrapped in tarpaulin from his close pocket.

Bai Fu said, "Do you know the content of the family letter?"

Dunzi nodded and said, "When I received the letter from home, I asked my brothers in the army to read it for me, so I probably remember the contents."

Bai Fu smiled and said, "Since I remember the content, why do you still keep the letter?"

Dunzi smiled honestly and said: "My father-in-law is a private school teacher in the village, my daughter-in-law can read two words, and all the letters are written by her.

Although I am illiterate, seeing her handwriting is like seeing her.If you lose your family letter, it's like losing your daughter-in-law.reluctant! "

The soldiers sitting around heard the words and burst out laughing.

Bai Fu glanced at Dunzi's family letter, and said, "Dunzi, although you are fat and thick, your wife is thin and not in good health, is that right?"

Dunzi was taken aback, and said in surprise, "General, have you seen my wife?"

The crowd roared with laughter again.

Bai Fu was also amused, and said: "I also know that your daughter-in-law is dignified, virtuous, kind, gentle and virtuous, right?"

Dunzi was stunned, and said: "General, you are a god! You said a word well. How did you know?"

Bai Fu pointed to the letter and said with a smile, "The answer to the mystery is all in this letter."

Everyone suddenly became curious, hula la all surrounded him, and circulated Dunzi's family letters one by one.Everyone read the letter over and over for a long time, but they couldn't figure out how Bai Fu knew about it.

Everyone is chattering, wishing to hear more about it.

Bai Fu pointed to the handwriting on the family letter, and said: "The handwriting in the letter is beautiful and neat, and the arrangement is neat, it can be seen that Dunzi's daughter-in-law is Lan Xinhui's quality person.

But the pen is slender and the back front is soft, which shows that the wrist movement is weak, which should be a sign of weakness and weakness.That's why I judged that Dunzi's daughter-in-law is weak.

The content of the letter is well-organized, the thinking is clear, and the big and small matters in the family are explained clearly and clearly. It can be seen that he is a filial old man, harmonious with his sister-in-law, taking care of his children, and a good housekeeper who manages the house in an orderly manner.

Not only that, Dunzi and his daughter-in-law also vividly and interestingly describe the trivial things in life, and they read vividly, as if their parents, wives and children are right in front of them. "

Before Bai Fu finished speaking, Dunzi was already in tears, and kept wiping away his tears with his hands.

The image and temperament of the writer can be seen from the handwriting, and all the soldiers admired him.

Bai Fu looked around and said, "As the saying goes, words are like faces.

We are eager for family letters from our loved ones, and family members are also looking forward to our safe letters.

I heard from Sima in the army that the more urgent the military situation is and the more intense the battle is, the more our soldiers are willing to write letters home during their rest.

I would like to ask everyone, why is this? "

The eyes of all the soldiers were red, and they replied in unison: "I miss home!"

Bai Fu got up, stood on a high place, and said to the soldiers around him word by word: "The beacon fire lasts for three months, and the family letter is worth ten thousand gold!

Then let us write a letter home with our own handwriting, even if the handwriting is crooked, even if the content is scribbled, but this letter is written by us, and its meaning is different.

Our family members who are thousands of miles away, when they read this letter, they can see a Datang soldier who is full of energy and fighting spirit!
Brothers, why did we abandon our homes and careers, stay away from our homeland, and appear here as soldiers of the Tang Dynasty?

We are guarding our hometown, our wives, children, and children with our bodies and flesh and blood.

If anyone wants to take all this from us and destroy our homeland, we will let them taste the sharp sword in our hands!
Our swords will cut off their heads, our spears will pierce their hearts, and our iron cavalry will ride their nightmares!

We are not afraid of death, not because we are not afraid, but because we deserve to die!

We are not afraid of death, not because we are invulnerable, but because we are fearless!

As long as we are here, they will never go any further!
As long as we are here, the military flag of Datang will always fly in the sky! "


"An Xiting must win, the Tang army must win, and the Tang Dynasty must win!" Someone in the crowd shouted and exploded on the spot.

"Anbeiting must win, the Tang army must win, and the Tang Dynasty must win!"

"Anbeiting must win, the Tang army must win, and the Tang Dynasty must win!"


Beside the bonfire where Bai Fu was, dozens of soldiers of the Tang army burst into tears, raised their arms and shouted loudly, roaring loudly.

The other camps don't know what happened here, but they can't help but feel thunderous when they hear the exciting roar here.

The soldiers of each battalion put down their lunch boxes one after another, stood up and stood upright, roaring at the Tang army flag.

Wave after wave of voices, one after another in the Northwest Court Army camp in An'an, for a long time...

 In May, there is snow in the Tianshan Mountains, and there is only cold without flowers.

  Smelling the broken willows in the flute, I have never seen the spring scenery.

  Xiao Zhan follows the golden drum and sleeps with a jade saddle.

  Willing to put the sword down at the waist, straight to cut Loulan.

  —— "Six Songs of the Next Frontier · Part One" by Li Bai


(End of this chapter)

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