Chapter 599
Only the royal city is the most hidden, where thousands of people are hidden like a sea.

——Excerpt from Su Shi in "Ill Wen Zi You Can't Go to Shangzhou"


The biggest advantage of the "Eight Laws of Loyal Heirs" is to make the tasks of soldiers at the grassroots level consistent with the goals of high-level generals.The purpose is clear and the tasks are clear. From planning to execution to assessment, all matters are clear at a glance, open and transparent.

Bai Fu took advantage of Xu Taifu's influence to hire a group of young and well-educated people from the Hongwen Museum as Sima and military counselors in the army.

Let Sima Ying of the marching army, together with high-level generals, refine and break down the "Eight Laws of Loyal Heirs" into more specific measures.Then let the generals at the middle and lower levels compare and implement them one by one, and implement them.


Many Jiedu envoys and soldiers and horse envoys in the Tang army focused all their energies on leading soldiers to practice martial arts and formations.

Different from them, Bai Fu led the army, and his first concern was food, grass and logistical supplies.

The siege of Suiyang left a deep impression on Bai Fu.More than ten thousand soldiers died not so much by the swords of the rebels than by starvation on the towers.

With the analysis of the battle report, the marching Sima Ying can estimate the daily loss of the three armies several months in advance, and purchase the corresponding food, grass and military supplies in advance.

Bai Fu also paid special attention to setting up camp.Whether it is the road planning inside the camp or the fortifications outside the camp, once the habit of negligence and carelessness develops, it will be a disaster at the critical moment.

From the siege of Suiyang to the fierce battle in Heyang, Bai Fu led the vanguard to break through the encirclement and attack the camp several times, and he knew the pros and cons of it.So every time I go to a military camp, I take the lead in investigating the level of camping.

The marching commander summed up past experience, compiled operating rules, and implemented the task of setting up camps to each battalion, decomposing them layer by layer, and finally implementing them on each individual soldier.

If loopholes are found during the verification, they will be punished with military sticks, or punished by military law.So far, there are no more careless and careless soldiers in the army.

Food safety, camp sanitation, soldiers washing and latrine cleanliness and sanitation are not easy to underestimate.Tens of thousands of soldiers gathered together to eat and live. Once the plague broke out, the barracks would turn into ghosts and ghosts, which would be a catastrophe.

Soldiers died due to the plague, not only non-combat attrition, but also shaken the morale of the army.This must not go wrong.

The Marching Sima Camp compiled operating rules and formulated strict implementation standards to ensure the health and safety of the military camp.

Not only that, Bai Fu, together with the military doctor, also formulated a series of emergency measures to ensure that the sick soldiers were isolated and treated individually to avoid infection as soon as the epidemic appeared.

In the health and safety inspection form of the military camp, Bai Fu used cinnabar to write his own instructions: "Anyone who violates the order will be killed without mercy!"

Scarlet cinnabar, shocking!

A few days later, under the leadership of Tang Kui, the elite Wubaichuan gang from Lihentian's "Yanwu Hall" arrived in Shanzhou.

One day, Bai Fu was looking through the military newspaper in the big tent, when he heard an urgent report from the messenger: "General, General Hu Yan stopped a group of troops without a number at the gate of the barracks.

This place is armed with your order, but there is no troop transfer document from the Ministry of War or the local county guard, so General Huyan will not let them enter the barracks.

Their leader said, they have come to join you.Also ask the general to go out of the camp to check. "

Bai Fuxin said: "Tang Kui's marching speed is fast enough, three days earlier than I expected, it seems that their riding skills have improved again."

Bai Fu, with his own soldiers, went out of the tent to check.

A hundred steps away from the gate of the camp, hundreds of majestic and majestic warriors, riding on vigorous horses, stood by for orders.It is the elite of the Sichuan Gang who are specially trained in the "Yanwu Hall".

Hundreds of crossbows protruded from the wall stacks of the watchtowers in Anbeiting Camp, aiming at the team.

Huyan Tieyi was on high alert, commanding the soldiers to monitor every move of these hundreds of people.As soon as the disciples of the Chuan Gang moved their horses forward, he would yell loudly: "Military important place, if you dare to approach again, you will be shot!"

Dian Meng looked at Huyan Tieyi and became angry, and shouted: "We are here to join the Anxi army, if you are so rude, won't it chill the hearts of the world's heroes?"

Huyan Tieyi sneered and said, "There is no military order, even if the emperor comes, he has to wait at the gate of the camp!"

Dian Meng was about to retort, but Tang Kui hurriedly stopped him, saying: "Meng Zi, don't be light waves, don't make things difficult for Brother Fu."

Dian Meng retreated resentfully, and said in his heart: "Don't say I didn't tell you, your immediate boss is our good brother. If you neglect us so much, wait until your general comes out, be careful that he will severely punish you."

When the two sides were in a stalemate, Bai Fu led his own soldiers to the gate of the camp.

Huyan Tieyi saluted the army and said: "General, it is said that this local armed force is here to defect to you. But they do not have the troop transfer documents from the Ministry of War or the local county guard. According to military regulations, I cannot let them enter the camp. If there is any offense Please forgive me, General!"

Bai Fu patted Huyan Tieyi's shoulder and said with a smile: "General Huyan acts according to the rules and acts cautiously, how can I blame the general?! Don't worry too much!"

Huyan Tieyi nodded and said nothing.He has heard a lot of words like this, sir.General Hengmu said the same thing last time, and then he found an excuse and demoted himself to battalion deputy...

Hundreds of warriors at the gate of the camp are said to be fellow countrymen of General Bai, and at some point in the future they will have to eat melons for today's events.

Others advised him not to be so rigid, it is better to be more tactful, after all, the era of General Li Siye has passed.But I have such a stubborn temper, and I can't change it.

Huyan Tieyi was thinking wildly, but Bai Fu turned his head and said, "Without the troop transfer document, it's true that I can't enter the camp.

General Huyan, can we let them enter the camp according to the procedures for recruiting soldiers? "

Huyan Tieyi said: "This method is feasible. But according to the military regulations, when recruiting soldiers, all comers must disarm, hand over their weapons and horses, and be searched before they can enter the camp.

After entering the camp, you must also fill in relevant forms, write down your name, place of origin, age, etc., and after the verification is completed and registered, you can receive a military card and allocate a camp account.

The weapons and equipment they carry with them must be strictly inspected before they can be returned and handed over to them for use. "

Bai Fu nodded, and said: "There are military regulations, no one is allowed to be flexible, and they have to go through the formalities of joining the army according to the rules."

Bai Fu boarded the watchtower and waved to Tang Kui and others.Seeing Bai Fu's appearance, everyone in the Chuan Gang felt relieved, and there was no longer any suspicion.

When the soldiers are ordered out of the camp, the general will be notified of the regulations one by one.

Although Bai Fu showed up, the inspection was still strict.Tang Kui knew that there must be a reason.Tang Kui immediately appeased everyone and asked everyone to act according to the order and not to complain.

Hundreds of Chuan gang disciples dismounted, disarmed and disarmed, and completed the inspections one by one according to the requirements of the army.

An hour later, all the verification procedures were completed, and the battalion colonel led everyone to the camp area.

In the big camp, there is a post at three steps and a post at five steps.Thousands of soldiers in the camp shuttled back and forth, busy preparing, but the huge military camp was silent, no one dared to make noise in the army.

The tents in the camp are neat and uniform, dense and dense; the roads in the camp are criss-crossed, and the people and horses are separated; the camp is neat and clean, and the sewage facilities are complete, without the common sewage and muddy roads in the Tang army camp...

Everyone had also learned how to set up a camp in the "Yanwu Hall", and when they saw it at this moment, they were in awe.

After the accommodation is settled, the cooking soldiers will deliver the dinner.

Three dishes and one soup, one meat and two vegetables.Although the dishes are not rich, they are also salty, light and delicious.

There are enough staple foods such as rice and pancakes, as well as vegetables and fruits to quench your thirst.

Bai Fu specially told the master who is in charge of the spoon that the children of Bashu prefer spicy spices.

For this reason, in addition to adding "five spices" such as "garlic, onion, Xingqu, leek, and scallion" to the dishes, the chef also mashed the cornus officinalis into juice and used it as a seasoning to add "spiciness".

Everyone was exhausted on their pommel horses, and after another busy afternoon, their mouths and tongues were already dry and their stomachs were rumbling.Seeing this food, I can't help but have a big appetite, gobble it up, it's very sweet.

Seeing little knowledge and writings, only two items of food and lodging show that the Northwest Court of Anbei has strict military management, and has a degree of relaxation. It is worthy of the famous army of the Tang Dynasty.

Everyone's previous complaints disappeared immediately, replaced by the urge to blend in here.


Just as the disciples of Chuan Gang were feasting, there was a commotion in the crowd, and Bai Fu came to the camp in person.

Everyone hurriedly got up to salute, Bai Fu waved his hand, motioning for everyone to sit down.

The chief cook brought Bai Fuduan a meal.Bai Fu sat on the ground, eating and chatting with everyone.

Bai Fu smiled and said, "Brothers, do the food still taste good? I asked the masters to specially adjust the taste according to the flavor of Bashu."

Everyone said that the food was good.

Bai Fu said: "The army is no more than the Chuan Gang. It has more rules, stricter requirements, and more emphasis on discipline and execution. You must adapt as soon as possible."

Dou Yu faltered and said: "Brother Fu, I don't know if what I said is right, I feel that the army is even more unkind."

Bai Fu nodded and said, "Did the process of entering the camp make everyone uncomfortable?"

Everyone looked at each other and refused to speak.

Seeing this, Bai Fu knows the answer.He said: "General Hu Yan didn't deliberately make things difficult for everyone, nor did he deliberately target anyone.

In the army, the military rules and regulations are as big as the sky.Here, there are no father and son brothers, only officers and soldiers at the upper and lower levels, and only comrades-in-arms.

In the past, General Pu Gu Huai'en's son didn't follow the general's order and returned after being defeated. Without saying a word, Pu Gu Huai'en bound his son and pushed him to the gate for execution. "

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Bai Fu said: "The core concept of the army is obedience. Military orders are like mountains, and there is no room for bargaining.

However, the favor of the army is not weak, on the contrary, it is stronger.Because they have lived and died together, the friendship of comrades in arms is better than that of brothers, and far better than that of colleagues in the officialdom.

Why do veterans look down on recruits? !
Because the veterans are not only well-trained and have rich battlefield experience, but also because the veterans respect military regulations and discipline.This is the quality of a professional soldier! "

Speaking of this, Bai Fu got up, handed the lunch box to the soldiers, patted the dirt on his robes, looked around the crowd, and said loudly: "From tomorrow, you will formally change your clothes.

From then on, you will no longer be knights in the rivers and lakes, but a real soldier.

As a soldier, you must learn to obey and learn to be patient.

If one day, one of you unfortunately loses his life, I hope he died in battle and died for the country, not under the guillotine of the military discipline law enforcement officer.

You were once the pride of the Bashu elders and the hope of the Sichuan Gang.

From tomorrow onwards, I hope you are the pride of Anxibeiting Army and the glory of Datang Soldiers!

 When I was ill, I heard that you were not here for business. When will the traveling geese go again?

  Don't know how good officials and nobles are, thinking about returning to bitterness and feeling old.

  It's a good idea to write books and spend a lot of time, and the eunuchs have no merit and go to the hometown.

  Only the royal city is the most hidden, where thousands of people are hidden like a sea.

  ——Su Shi, "I heard that my son could not go to Shangzhou if he was sick"

(End of this chapter)

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