The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 602 Shaolin Monk

Chapter 602 Shaolin Monk
Hearing that Chang'an is like a game of chess, a century of life is invincible.

The houses of the princes are all new owners, and the civil and military clothes are different from the past.

——Excerpt from "Eight Poems of Autumn Prosperity" by Du Fu


After the worship, the old patriarch invited Bai Fu and others to visit the col.

This is a deep and huge canyon. It is narrow at the beginning, but it is only accessible to people. The road is rugged, and after hundreds of steps, it suddenly becomes clear.The mountain depression is densely forested, with flowing springs and waterfalls, it is a good place to avoid the chaos.

The old patriarch took out a small amount of food to entertain Bai Fu and others.Most of the food is straw mushrooms and wild vegetables, and there are also roasted turtledoves and other birds, but there are no food crops such as rice noodles.

The old patriarch looked apologetic, and said: "There is no rich food to entertain the general, I am really ashamed."

Bai Fu said: "Where does the old patriarch say, this is out of the question."

The old patriarch ordered someone to pour a bowl of tea for Bai Fu, and said: "General, this is wild tea boiled with mountain spring water, it will quench your thirst, you can try it."

Bai Fu took two sips, this unknown wild tea tasted very bitter, but the aftertaste was sweet and sweet, with the blessing of the clear spring water, there was a faint floral and fruity aroma.

Bai Fu praised it greatly, Gu Lulu drank a big bowl, and immediately felt refreshed.

The old patriarch pointed to the strong man in the black tower and said: "This is my son, Yue Huzhu. Huzhu, hurry up and meet the general."

Yue Huzhu bowed and said: "I was offended just now, please forgive me, General."

Before Bai Fu could speak, Huyan Tieyi beside him was amused, and he shouted: "My name is Tieyi, and your name is Huzhu. Half a catty is equal. No wonder we are tied."

Yue Huzhu nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile: "Your Excellency is very good at kung fu, and I will learn from you when I have the opportunity."

Huyan Tieyi blew his beard and stared, and was about to turn back.Seeing Bai Fu glaring at him, he quickly swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Bai Fu called Yue Huzhu to sit down beside him, and asked: "Brother Yue, I think the stick technique you used just now should be Shaolin's Langa subduing tiger stick technique, is it correct?"

Yue Huzhu was taken aback, and said: "General, do you know this stick technique?"

Bai Fu nodded and said: "When I was young, I had an old acquaintance who was a master of this stick technique. But this stick technique has never been passed on to outsiders, how did you learn it? Could it be that you are also a disciple of Shaolin laymen?"

Yue Huzhu shook his head and said: "General, to tell you the truth, I only learned the name of this cudgel from you, let alone joined Shaolin sect."

"Oh? Then how did you learn this stick technique?" Bai Fu became interested.

Yue Huzhu said: "Reporting to General, a few years ago, by the way, that was the year when you and your lord Tai Tuo fought against the flood in Shanzhou.

During the slack season of this year, an old monk with white eyebrows and beggars came to our village.

He lived in our village for several days, gathered the young and middle-aged people in the village on the grain drying ground, and taught us some kung fu of fisting, kicking and sticking.

He said that if bandits are rampant one day, young and middle-aged people can be organized in the village. These fists are enough to help us resist foreign enemies. "

Bai Fu broke the casserole to ask the end, and continued to ask: "If my eyesight is not bad, the true energy for your stick technique should come from the Yi Jin Jing of Shaolin.

Boxing kung fu can also be interpreted as the alms given by the old monk when he begged for alms.

But this Yi Jin Jing is the secret that Shaolin does not pass on, and only a few elders in Shaolin, such as the Arhat Hall and the head of the Bodhidharma Academy, are qualified to practice it, let alone pass it on to outsiders. "

Yue Huzhu was dumbfounded, and he said after a long while: "We really don't know about this.

Back then, every night when the full moon was full, the old monk would teach us to meditate and breathe under the big banyan tree at the head of the village.He said that as long as we persist in practicing every day, we will become more and more powerful in the future, cure diseases and disasters, and prolong life.

At the beginning, everyone didn't think so, but after a long time, they found that the method of meditation and breathing is very good, not only can they do farm work vigorously, they don't feel sleepy at night, they don't feel hungry during the day, they are energetic every day, and they rarely get sick.

Since then, not only young adults in the village, but also women, children, and children have started to practice.

After teaching us, the old monk left and we have not seen each other since. "

Speaking of this, Yue Huzhu remembered some past events again, and said: "Not only that, as far as I know, this old monk is also begging for money in a nearby village, and he always teaches some kung fu wherever he goes.

At first, these boxing skills were only obsessed with some aggressive young people.

Not two years later, the rebels from Anlu Mountain invaded Henan Province, and everyone discovered the benefits of learning martial arts, so the villages organized themselves to practice boxing and sticks to defend the village.

Each village also organizes competitions between villages from time to time to encourage everyone to compete in martial arts.

But no one has ever known the origin of the old monk. "

"Shaolin's secret kung fu has been spread like this?" Bai Fu frowned, puzzled, and thought, "I'm afraid this is another unsolved case."

Bai Fu sipped tea quietly, meditating in silence.

While thinking about it, the old patriarch summoned the slingshot boy headed by him, and said to Bai Fu: "This is my grandson, named Yue Suigong.

Gong'er, show the general the kung fu that the monk taught you. "

Yue Sui bowed his lips and snorted: "My kung fu is used to kill the enemy, not to perform tricks for people."

Yue Huzhu's complexion darkened, and he snorted coldly.

Yue Suigong had always been in awe of his father, so he quickly restrained his disrespectful attitude.He didn't dare to neglect, he took out his slingshot, raised his hand, and aimed it at the outside of the house.

The stones on the slingshot flew out soundlessly, without surprising momentum and speed.

Tang Kui and Huyan Tieyi looked at each other, wondering where the power of this kung fu is.

Bai Fu smiled without saying a word, and looked out of the house intently.

"Whoosh", the stone flew back and shot at Huyan Tieyi's face.

Huyan Tieyi was startled, and was about to dodge and move when he suddenly thought of General Bai behind him.

Dodging rashly puts the general in danger, but it is a big taboo for the army.

Huyan Tieyi yelled loudly, and was about to throw out a punch, splitting the stones down.

I saw that the stone suddenly fell, and it landed one step away from Huyan Tieyi without any danger.

"Wow!" Huyan Tieyi yelled angrily after being teased by this.If it wasn't for General Bai being by his side, he would have jumped over and beat up this brat.

"Go home!"

Bai Fu applauded lightly, and said with a smile: "It seems that this old monk is not only of high seniority, but also takes care of you well. He even passed on this kung fu to you."

Huyan Tieyi secretly asked Tang Kui: "Military Master, isn't this kung fu very powerful?"

Tang Kui smiled and said, "Have you heard of Shaolin's 72 stunts?"

"Look at me, I've never eaten pork or seen a pig run away! Of course I've heard of it." Huyan Tieyi was dissatisfied and muttered in a low voice.

Tang Kui laughed and said: "Most of the kung fu in the 72 unique skills was created by the eminent monks of Shaolin, and only a small part of the kung fu was taught by Bodhidharma.

This 'Back to Home' is one of them..."


After the meal, the old patriarch took the initiative to raise the matter of recruiting soldiers.

The old patriarch said to Bai Fu: "General Bai, the young and middle-aged people in my village are unwilling to join the army. It's not because they don't want to defend their families and serve the court, but because they distrust the Tang army generals stationed around them.

As my son said before, in the past two years, many men among the villagers have signed up to join the army, but they died on the battlefield without knowing it, and became cannon fodder for nothing.

You are different from them, you are our great benefactor!

The lives of the villagers hundreds of miles away are all given by you and the Taifu.

For this recruitment, I will personally go out and promise to persuade the folks in Shanzhou to join your army. "

Bai Fu was overjoyed, and hurriedly stood up to bow to the old patriarch.

After the questioning just now, Bai Fu knew that Xiangyong in this area was not an ordinary strong farmer, but a half warrior with Shaolin martial arts skills.

If he goes through the rigorous training of the army, in time, he will surely become an elite warrior comparable to the soldiers of Wei Dynasty.

However, even so, it is not possible to fish in a dry marsh.

After discussing with the old patriarch, Bai Fu reached an agreement: "Families with two or more males can send one person to join the army; the age of joining the army is between 16 and 40 years old; if one person joins the army, the Tang army will provide food and pay to support five people every month. ..."

When it comes to food, the old patriarch said: "Due to the alluvial accumulation of the Yellow River, the land in Shanzhou is fertile and rich in food. The people hide in the mountain depressions and dare not farm. First, they are afraid of being killed by the rebels, and second, they are afraid of being plundered by the Tang army.

If the general can garrison troops to protect the farmland, the common people can cultivate freely.In this way, not only does the Tang army not need to provide food, but the people can also turn in the remaining food as military food. "

Bai Fu discussed with Huyan Tieyi, Tang Kui and others, and they felt that this method was very good.

Bai Fu decided to call out two groups of people to come here, to train troops in the fields.

In addition, the Anbeiting Army has powerful cavalry, which can patrol a larger area for defense.In this way, the problems of food and soldiers can be solved.

After everyone discussed, it was getting late, Bai Fu bid farewell to the old patriarch, Yue Huzhu and others one by one.

 Hearing that Chang'an is like a game of chess, a century of life is invincible.

  The houses of the princes are all new owners, and the civil and military clothes are different from the past.

  Go straight to the north of Guanshan Jinguzhen, and conquer the west car, horse feather and book chi.

  The ichthyosaurs are lonely and the autumn river is cold, so the country is thoughtful.

  ——"Eight Poems of Autumn Prosperity" by Du Fu


(End of this chapter)

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