Chapter 621
The rain and wind were violent last night, and the rest of the wine could not be absorbed by a deep sleep.I tried the questionnaire, but Dao Haitang remained the same.Do you know?It should be green, fat, red and thin.

——"Like a Dream Order Last Night Rain and Wind Sudden" Li Qingzhao

In the early spring of Chang'an, it is warm and cold, wintersweet weeping willows, each has its own melancholy.

Ever since Bai Fu declined Princess Qingluan on the eve of the Yuan Dynasty, Princess Qingluan didn't think about eating and drinking, became seriously ill, and was bedridden for several months.

The weather was fine that day, and the crown princess Dugu Xiaozhong moved to the rainy study room to visit the princess.

In the past, Princess Qingluan's Rain Reading Room was the most lively place in the palace.The court ladies practiced martial arts and swords, fluttered butterflies on swings, played and laughed, and laughed.

As soon as it rains, read the gate of Zhaidian, full of wintersweet branches, red flowers and yellow flowers, refreshing.It was the season of viewing flowers, but the huge courtyard was silent.

The maids cleaned quietly, with light hands and feet, not daring to breathe.Everyone is worried and looks sad.

Entering the sleeping hall, the hall is dark and gloomy, the air is turbid, and there is a strong smell of herbs.

Dugu Xiaozhong frowned, and reprimanded: "It's airtight, even a good person is sick. Come on, pull back the curtains and the lattice windows for me to let in some air."

Princess Qingluan's personal maid, Yuan Xiao'er, saluted the little lantern and said, "Reporting to the princess, the imperial doctor said that the princess is weak and cannot be exposed to the wind."

Dugu Xiao said angrily: "I am also proficient in medicine, don't use the imperial doctor to fool me. You take care of me like this, no wonder the princess hasn't recovered for so long!"

Yuan Xiao'er and Xiao Lantern also knew that Dugu Xiaozhong had excellent medical skills, so they hurriedly took orders.

Open the hibiscus embroidered curtain, and the golden sunlight shines through the lattice windows and sprinkles all over the sleeping hall, like the rain of osmanthus, and the spring light suddenly appears.

Dugu Xiaozhong suddenly remembered that many years ago, it was also such an early spring afternoon, at the dawn of Changdi, a young man in white clothes like snow, full of sunshine.

The young man smiled warmly and brightly, and smiled at her: "Miss Dugu, if you ask me, sunshine is the best painter in the world."

Dugu Xiao was in a trance for a while, she was so beautiful, as if it was just yesterday...

A gust of fresh spring air came in, like the wind passing through the pine forest, dispelling the musty smell in the dormitory.

Lifting the gauze curtain, Yuan Xiao'er and Xiao Lantern took the pillow, and asked Princess Qingluan to sit up from the bed and lean on the pillow.

Dugu Xiao was taken aback, seeing her for a few days, Princess Qingluan became thinner again, her face was pale and bloodless.

It's the flower season, but the princess's green silk hair falls off one by one.

As soon as the pulse is taken, Princess Qingluan's pulse is disturbed and her breath is like a thread, which is a sign of restlessness and endless troubles.

Dugu Xiaozhong asked with concern: "Sister Qingluan, how is your appetite recently? The pigeon soup I recommended to you last time, nourishes qi and blood, can you drink it on time?"

Princess Qingluan shook her head, and replied weakly: "I don't even want to drink a sip, everything tastes like chewing wax, it's tasteless."

Dugu Xiao asked softly: "Is it because I didn't sleep well, and I couldn't sleep all night?"

Princess Qingluan nodded, and sighed: "Sister, I'm afraid I won't get better from this illness. When you have time, let the prince brother come and see me. I'm afraid that one day, he won't be able to see me."

"What nonsense!" Dugu Xiao pretended to be angry, and lightly patted the back of Princess Qingluan's hand.

Dugu Xiao said seriously: "Heart disease still needs heart medicine. I came this time and brought a prescription to keep and cure you. But the premise is that you have to cooperate, such as eating well and walking on the ground!"

Princess Qingluan struggled to force out a smile, and said, "Okay, I'll listen to my sister."

Dugu Xiaozhong had inquired about the illness of Princess Qingluan from Yuan Xiao'er and Xiao Lantern a long time ago. The reason why he came here today was because there was also a problem that Dugu Xiaozhong didn't want to face.

This feeling can't be explained clearly, the way is unknown, and it can't be buried...

Dugu Xiaozhong has been struggling all the time, whether to make peace with Princess Qingluan.After all, this used to be my youth diary...

A thing of love, like honey and medicine, teaches life and death to promise each other without complaint or regret.

Seeing Princess Qingluan haggard entering Sri Lanka, Dugu Xiaozhong finally made up his mind.Some things are over, and they are over. The beauty of adulthood is a kind of blessing.

Dugu Xiao asked the maid to step back, and leaned against Princess Qingluan, whispering something.

After hearing this, Princess Qingluan widened her beautiful big eyes, showing an incredible expression.She covered Sakura's mouth with an embroidered handkerchief, and said, "Sister, did you like him too?"

A blush flashed across Lonely Xiaozhong's face, and he said shyly: "Who doesn't have the time of first love? Hiding Mr. Pianpian in your heart and thinking about it silently is the most beautiful moment in your life."

Princess Qingluan stretched out her hand and gently held Dugu Xiaozhong's catkin.

Lonely Xiaozhong quickly returned to normal, his eyes full of love, and said to Princess Qingluan: "What I regret most is that I didn't stick to it to the end.

If I hadn't been so reserved, and stayed by his side all the time, no matter what, I wouldn't have Yuwenba's subsequent right and wrong. "

Princess Qingluan asked softly: "Then do you still like him now?"

Lonely Xiaozhong lightly stroked Princess Qingluan's beautiful hair with his hand, and said with a smile: "Silly girl, that's all in the past.

Although your imperial brother is the crown prince, he is considerate and caring for me.

We respect each other as guests, the piano and the harp are harmonious, how can I be dissatisfied and still miss this person? "

Princess Qingluan beamed with joy, and said triumphantly: "That's true. Although that kid is not bad, how can he compare to my brother?"

Lonely Xiao said seriously: "You are here, looking at yourself, pitying yourself, crying and complaining, what's the use? You can't see this elm bump. As long as he doesn't marry for a day, he can't escape your palm.

I've inquired about it, and he's stationed in Shanzhou, where he's been a military envoy, and he's with a bunch of rough guys all day long, dancing with guns and playing sticks.

If you want me to say, take care of your health quickly and go to him.Don't rely on him or let him go. If he doesn't obey, you can tie him up with a sword.

If it's really impossible, let the emperor bestow a marriage and give him an imperial decree. I see if he accepts the decree, do you still dare to hide?
Princess Qingluan was so ashamed that she covered her face with a brocade quilt and said angrily, "I'm ashamed to death. I can't be so shameless and let him be proud."

Lonely Xiao laughed again: "What's wrong with being shameless? Don't forget, you are the princess of the Tang Dynasty! You have to be a little domineering and bullying! Hehe"

As Lonely Xiaozhong talked, he made himself laugh too.The two alluring beauties laughed together, overjoyed...

After Dugu Xiao left again, Princess Qingluan seemed to have taken a panacea, and she recovered from the dead. Silver bell-like laughter filled the entire palace.

"Yuanxiao, in addition to bird's nest and ginseng soup, I also want to eat meat! I want to make myself fatter as soon as possible.

Little Lantern, take out the Nanzhao Baique skirt that my father gave me, I want to try it on!If it is not suitable, let the embroiderer help me change it as soon as possible.

Where is my sword?

Rusty?No way, you guys are lazy every day, you don't even wipe your swords!See if I don't break your legs!
armor!I want armor too!

How many times have I said that it is not hunting clothes for hunting, but armor for fighting the enemy.


I'm a princess, if you don't have one, hurry up and buy it for me, don't stare at me innocently with your peachy eyes! "


Walking out of the rain reading studio, Dugu Xiao took a deep breath.Through the eaves of the palace, you can see the blue sky like washing, and the clouds are within reach.

To be honest, Dugu Xiaozhong would not have shared the past if he hadn't seen Princess Qingluan in pain.

As long as he doesn't belong to others, he can still have some thoughts left.

The courtyard is deep, and at the most depressing time, Dugu Xiaozhong often fantasizes that this ruthless young man will come against the wind, and without explanation, he will drag himself into the wind under the eyes of everyone, and from then on, he will wander the world in love with the world.

Dugu Xiaozhong laughed at himself, he seemed to be consoling others, but he was actually consoling himself.If she hadn't misheard the news of his death, she would never have followed her mother's arrangement.

It's better to learn from Li Tengkong, practice Taoism on Lushan Mountain, and never marry for life, so that this heartless person can't let go of it, and miss it for the rest of his life...

Now, to help others, to embarrass myself.

Maybe, after a long time, I will face the most frightening scene: this young man and Qingluan appear in front of me arm in arm, and call out respectfully, "I have seen the emperor's wife!"

I can't wait to bite him, that's good!


(End of this chapter)

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