Chapter 623
Crossing the river and Tianma coming south, these people are really economical.The elders in Chang'an, the scenery of the new pavilion, are still pitiful.Everyone in Yifu, Shenzhou Shenlu, has looked back several times.Counting thousands of miles in Pingrong, fame and fame are basically true Confucianism, and you know it.

——Excerpt from Xin Qiji from "Water Dragon Song·Jiachen Suishou Han Nanjian Shangshu"

After the banquet was over, Bai Fu came to the dilapidated beacon tower.According to his request, the soldiers set up a tent here for Bai Fu.

Climbing to the top of the beacon tower, the sky is full of stars, and the arches hang down, making the wilderness more open.

The brilliant Milky Way hangs in the center of the dome.Against the backdrop of the dark blue night sky, the Milky Way presents reddish-brown and lavender spots, which are magnificent, vast, mysterious, and infinitely imaginative.

Bai Fuxin said: "Thousands of years ago, Li Mu also saw this Milky Way here. The Milky Way is the same Milky Way, and the beacon tower is still the same beacon tower. The only difference is the people watching the Milky Way.

Thousands of years later, he himself has turned into dust, and the Milky Way still stretches across the universe.

I don't know if the people who climbed the tower in the future can sense my existence today..."

Under the starry sky, Bai Fu sat cross-legged in meditation, closed his eyes slightly, pinched the military seal formula with his hands, and silently practiced the guidance of Xuangong, and soon entered the state of fetal breathing.

As expected by Bai Fu, Li Mu, a disciple of the military family, followed the rules of the sect. After offering sacrifices to the battlefield, he used the method of sealing off the town to set up a war tomb at Yanmen Pass.Seal the history of the battle of Yanmen Pass, the method of using troops, and the strategy of seeking meritorious service in the battle tomb.

Today, when Bai Fu saw the beacon tower in Gusai, he felt it immediately, so he insisted on pitching his tent here.

After finding the Zhan Tomb, Bai Fu guided Li Mu's real battle sealed in the Zhan Tomb according to the exercises taught by Master Zhong Si, and engraved it on the acupoints of his mind to build a secret military realm.

This is the first time that Bai Fu has guided the battle from the battle tomb, and the overall picture of the battle guided by him is clearer and more detailed than the one transferred to Bai Fu by his loyal heir master.

In a trance, Bai Fuyuan God fell through the clouds and descended in front of Yanmen Pass:
Li Mu was stationed in Dai County and Yanmen County to guard against the Xiongnu.Li Mu treated his soldiers preferentially, trained them strictly, conducted frequent reconnaissance, kept his cards high, and closed his doors for ten years without fighting.

Because Li Mu shrank all the people near Yanmen Pass into the camp, fortified the walls and cleared the fields, even the Huns came and harassed them without success.

After several years of operation, Li Mu's border guards were strong and their morale was high; the border had been quiet for several years, and the Huns couldn't grab anything, so they gradually slacked off.

Seeing that the time was right, Li Mu decided to fight.

This battle is the one chosen by Li Mu, it is a decisive battle that will be dispatched by all forces, it is a battle that depends on one battle and one battle!

Li Mu selected 5 chariots, 10 horses, [-] infantry who were brave enough to charge, and [-] archers who were good at shooting.

Li Mu adopted the tactic of luring the enemy deep, and first sent a large number of herdsmen to drive the livestock to graze.The Xiongnu sent a small group of people to plunder. Li Mu pretended to be defeated and deliberately abandoned thousands of people to the Xiongnu.

After winning a small victory, the Xiongnu began to underestimate the enemy, and Shan Yu led a large army to invade south.

Li Mu widely deployed his troops, outflanked the Huns from the left and right flanks, and defeated the Huns' [-] cavalry in one fell swoop.Li Mu took advantage of the victory to attack and destroy the rags, defeated the Donghu, and surrendered the Linhu. The Xiongnu Shanyu fled in desolation.

For more than ten years after that, the Huns did not dare to invade the border.


In the battle tomb, the image of Li Mu is lifelike.Seeing someone break into the battle grave, he faced the visitor and said slowly:

"Being able to enter the battle tomb shows that you are a disciple of the military family. I don't know how many years have passed since you. I only hope that in your era, there will be no flames of war.

I have a little bit of experience in using soldiers all my life, and I hope I can learn something from you.

First, the real name will be determined after World War I.

The way of the military strategist depends on the first battle.The key to war is to accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity, which depends on the first battle.

Winning a hundred battles is not a good thing. If victory is uncertain, state affairs still cannot be resolved, and money and food will be spent to continue fighting. This kind of victory is meaningless!

Second, not being able to wait is a huge character flaw.

If I don't fight for ten years, what has Zhao Guo lost?There was no loss, but the soldiers were anxious, the Huns were anxious, the King of Zhao was anxious, and even replaced me at one point.

Therefore, as a general, the most important thing to be careful of is not your opponent, but your general's heart.It's not your enemies that can destroy you the most, but your anxiety.

Third, those who were good fighters in the past were invincible first, and waited for the enemy to be victorious.You can't win by yourself, but you can win by the enemy.Therefore, those who are good at fighting can become invincible, but cannot make the enemy victorious.Therefore, it is said: Victory can be known, but it cannot be done.

But if there is no winning situation, you can't force it.If you can't win, don't fight.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Not taking action is not inaction, but doing practical and down-to-earth things: one is to prepare, and the other is to wait.

Preparation is your own business, accumulate strength, drill soldiers and horses, and boost morale.Make yourself invincible and stronger and stronger.

Waiting, in many cases, is the best option.

It is a pity that for thousands of years, very few people can understand this.

wait for what?
Wait for the situation to change, wait for the enemy to make a mistake, wait for the opportunity to arise.

As soon as the enemy makes a mistake, the opportunity for victory appears.If the enemy does not make mistakes, it will be difficult for us to win, or the cost of defeating is too high, so it is better to wait a little longer. "


What Li Mu has learned in his life is vast and complex, like a library.In particular, he has been a soldier and horse all his life, has fought many battles on the battlefield, and has rich experience.Many battles are clearly sealed in war graves.

In addition to the art of war and battles, Li Mu's battle tomb also sealed the mountains and rivers maps of Dai County and Yanmen County, ranging from the Yanshan Mountains to the small rivers and ditches.

Where to ambush and where to set up camp are clearly marked.

Bai Fu is like a treasure, and he has gained a lot.

When Li Mu's figure was about to be disillusioned, he pressed the scabbard, and the sword clanged, and popped out of the sword box, the sword light bloomed, and it was icy cold.

Li Mu said to Bai Fu: "Within a hundred miles around the Zhan Tomb, there are homeless ghosts everywhere.

Outside the Yanmen Pass tonight, murderous aura is pervasive, flashing spirits appear suddenly, there should be many ambush soldiers, you should be careful! "

After saying that, Li Mu's figure flashed, and disappeared from the secret realm of Bingyu.

Li Mu's soul is a warning, and he must be investigated.

Bai Fu opened his eyes and leaned his body out of the battlements. In the darkest place outside the Yanmen Pass, the will-o'-the-wisp flickered, erratically.Bai Fuli was alert.

Bai Fu finds Hawkeye and asks him to release Haidongqing.

The eagle-eyed Hai Dongqing is the sharpest falcon in the Tang army. Even at night, he can fly into the sky for reconnaissance.After a cup of tea, Haidongqing soared thousands of feet into the sky, making an unusual eagle cry.

Baifu issued a secret order to secure the Northwest Court Army, and the whole army was on guard in secret. The enemy army attacked the camp, just tonight!
Feng Teng, the general guard of Yanmen Gate, got the news and hurried over to ask: "General Bai, according to the military situation I know, the rebels stationed in Yunzhou (now Datong) have not changed.

In the past two days, the beacon towers along the Great Wall have also shown no abnormalities. How can there be a strong enemy? "

Bai Fu looked solemn, and said: "I don't know who the other party is. But this large army, which can lurk before the Yanmen Pass without being discovered, is definitely not an ordinary rebel army.

This march is highly confidential, inside and outside the court, there are only a few people who can know the marching route of our army.

The other party actually predicted our marching route and time, and ambushed here in advance, preparing to ambush us.It's not easy! "

General Feng Teng said: "Even if the opponent has an ambush, they will definitely ambush outside the pass, such as the Sanggan River or the La River Valley.

We have Yanmen Pass guarded by the natural danger, and the other party absolutely dare not cross the Great Wall tonight and attack rashly. "

Bai Fu smiled and said: "If we think so, our opponents will think so too. They expected that we would relax our vigilance on the eve of our departure.

If the opponent can quietly lurk under the pass city, there must be a plan to attack the city by surprise.

If my prediction is correct, there must be an inner ghost among the guards at Yanmen Gate. "

After hearing this, Feng Teng's face was solemn, and he said: "I'll go and count the number of people now, if there is an inner ghost, they are definitely not in the camp at this time."

Bai Fu persuaded: "General Feng, be careful not to startle the snake. Since there is an inner ghost, we might as well use our plan!"

After all, whisper beside Feng Teng...

 Crossing the river and Tianma coming south, these people are really economical.The elders in Chang'an, the scenery of the new pavilion, are still pitiful.Everyone in Yifu, Shenzhou Shenlu, has looked back several times.Counting thousands of miles in Pingrong, fame and fame are basically true Confucianism, and you know it.

  There are articles in Shandou.For Tongyin, the courtyard is full of clear day.It fell to the ground back then, but now try it, the wind and the clouds are rushing.Wind and smoke in the green fields, vegetation in Hiraizumi, song wine in Dongshan.In another year, it's time to rectify the affairs of heaven and earth, and live for my husband.

  ——"Water Dragon Song·Jiachen Years Birthday Han Nanjian Shangshu" Xin Qiji

(End of this chapter)

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