The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 635 Shura Battlefield

Chapter 635 Shura Battlefield
Mountain monks sit opposite chess, and the bamboo is clear in the game.

No one sees Yingzhu, and he hears the sound from time to time.

—— "Two Wonders on the Pool" Bai Juyi

It seems that it has rained in the past two days, and the mountain road is more muddy than before.

As soon as the elite cavalry of Bohai County entered the valley, their speed slowed down.

The army walked less than half the distance, and the high slope on the hill blocked the sun.The afterglow of the setting sun does not shine into the canyon, and the dense forest makes the valley look dark and gloomy.

"Light the torches!" The former army commander ordered.

In an instant, rows of torches circled the winding mountain road like a long snake.

Under the light of the torches, the mountain road is getting narrower and narrower, and it is difficult to walk. When you reach the middle section, not to mention five riders running in parallel, even two riders can fill up the mountain road.

What's more dangerous is that the mountain road twists and turns like a bay, turning thousands of times and changing directions frequently, which actually divides the [-] army into several sections.The general cannot see the soldiers, and the soldiers cannot find the general.Once a dangerous situation arises, orders cannot be passed on from generation to generation.

After marching for about half an hour, the former army had not yet walked out of the mountain pass, and about two miles away from the valley pass, there was a mudslide, and a large number of collapsed trees and falling rocks blocked most of the road.

The former army commander yelled: "Damn it, how could there be a mudslide on this sunny day?"

The soldier replied cautiously: "General, it probably rained two days ago, and the sandy soil on the hillside can't hold it until today. Let's back up a bit, just in time for a large-scale landslide."

The former army commander waved his hand and said, "Tell me that it's useful! Go and clear the road quickly, and make sure the army passes smoothly!"

At this time, the Chinese army led by Dahong Linqin entered the winding snake dangerous road, and the rear army had all entered the mountain pass.

It was only then that Da Honglin realized that this section of the mountain road was completely different from the one he had come here, which made people feel uneasy.He said to the general: "When I came here, I didn't think it was so rugged and narrow here. Why did I look like two different people when I returned?"

The general clasped his fists and said back: "Your Highness, the matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk too much. There is absolutely no way for the army to retreat, so they can only pass through as quickly as possible."

Da Honglin ordered decisively: "The whole army is in a hurry, get out of the valley as soon as possible!"

As soon as the military order was issued, the scouts of the former army urgently reported: "There is something strange on the side of the road ahead, the former general, please hurry up and investigate!"

Da Honglin felt uneasy, and led his soldiers to gallop forward.

On the grassy slope on one side of the mountain road, there is a cliff with indistinct handwriting on it.A few bold characters appear and disappear from time to time, which is quite strange.

Dahong ordered his own soldiers to hold torches in their hands and protect them with shields, and went forward to investigate in person.

Dozens of torches surrounded the cliff, and under the light of the fire, thousands of black ants were seen shuttling back and forth on the cliff, forming the big Chinese characters—Where Prince Bohai died!

A gust of cold wind hit, Da Honglin felt chills all over his body, and shivered involuntarily.

With a sound of gong, a big tiger hunting net descended from the sky, wrapped Da Honglin tightly in the hunting net, and quickly pulled it towards the top of the cliff.Arrows rained all over the sky, shooting and killing dozens of soldiers beside Da Honglin.

Immediately, there were shouts of killing everywhere, thousands of rockets were shot out from the dense forest, and sparks splashed down on the muddy ground, igniting a raging fire.

There is hidden kerosene on the muddy and slippery road!The smell of kerosene was covered up by the muddy water and dead branches and leaves, and it erupted only when it met sparks.

There was sudden chaos in the valley, the winding mountain road divided the army, the soldiers could not find the generals, the generals could not command the soldiers, and the mountain road was in chaos.

Some of the soldiers galloped on their horses, trying to escape from the sea of ​​fire;Before running up the hillside, the dense forest was like a beehive, and countless crossbow arrows were shot out, killing him on the spot...

The wind helped the fire, and the flames and smoke quickly swallowed tens of thousands of troops.

One hundred thousand cavalry were either caught in the flames and choked to death by the thick smoke, or were shot to death by the Tang army's crossbow arrows while fleeing.Hundreds of the most elite cavalry, armed with shields, rode their horses and galloped, overcame all difficulties, rushed to the Taniguchi, and were cut into two pieces by the Mo Dao hand who had been waiting for a long time...

In less than two hours, the entire army of [-] troops was wiped out, and almost all of them were buried in the sea of ​​flames.

At the end of the battle, hundreds of Tang troops were in charge of cleaning the battlefield, and found the dying Bohai soldiers. Without any explanation, the long spear pierced through the armor, and the head of the owl with the horizontal knife...

After a night of fierce fighting, when the sun rose as usual, the valley quickly returned to silence, with occasional crackling in the ash pile.A strong smell of scorching permeates the entire hilly area, which lingers for a long time.

The most elite army of [-] in Bohai County was wiped out in this plain and unknown hills.

Da Honglin was hanged on the cliff and witnessed this human tragedy with his own eyes.The soldiers who were still alive just now turned into coke in the blink of an eye.Looking at the corpses piled up all over the mountains and plains, Da Hong felt ashamed.

"Is this the end for the [-] elite of Bohai Kingdom?"

A strong aroma of barbecue spread to the nose, Da Honglin's stomach twitched for a while, his chest felt nauseous, he couldn't help gulping, and vomited out.

Different from the anger just now, Da Honglin felt incomparably terrified at the horrific Shura field in front of him.

He was tightly bound by a hunting net, his hands and feet could not be opened, and he could not draw out the dagger to cut him open.He tried to kill himself by biting his tongue, but after several attempts, he didn't have the courage.

Da Honglin wailed and broke down completely...

"I thought Prince Bohai was some kind of hero, but he turned out to be such a coward!"

Da Honglin opened his eyes nervously, and a burly general of the Tang army was squatting down, looking at himself, and said with a sneer.

Behind him were a dozen generals of the Tang army, everyone looked down upon him with contempt in their smiles.

A young general in white, surrounded by the crowd, said calmly, "Give him a good look after him, and don't abuse him. Keeping him will be of great use to me."


Of the [-] Bohai army, hundreds of people were captured, and the rest of the cavalry were buried in the sea of ​​flames.On the other hand, the Tang army suffered less than a hundred casualties. Such a proud record made the cheers of the Tang army resound throughout the valley.

It's just that the battlefield is too horrible to look at. Although the soldiers of Anbei Court have been on the battlefield for a long time, even so, when cleaning the battlefield, they still shudder and shudder.

Bai Fu was calm and calm, trusting his horse and leading his generals to patrol the battlefield.

Where the commander-in-chief passed by, thousands of Anbei court soldiers in full armor stood awe-inspiring, looking into the eyes of the commander-in-chief Bai Fu, admiring them with even more awe.

Just as Li Guangbi said to Bai Fu before: "If you want to build an iron army that can rule the world, order the three armies like your arms, it is not enough to rely on strict military discipline, and it is not enough to rely on well-trained training. It is also necessary to lead this team to continuous victories." , from weak to strong.

If you want a group of stalwart generals to obey in awe and obey, sacrifice their lives, and truly control this army, it is not enough to rely on rewards and punishments, nor is it enough to rely on benevolence and righteousness. gas! "


(End of this chapter)

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