The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 651 Returning to Jiyou

Chapter 651 Returning to Jiyou
Where does Yong Ye leave people?Absolutely no sound.The incense pavilion is hidden, the eyebrows are drawn, and the moon will sink.

Struggle not to find each other?Resentment and quilt.For my heart, for your heart, I know each other deeply.

——"Where to leave people in the eternal night" by Gu Wei (Five Dynasties)


After resting for three days in Danluo (now Jeju Island), the Datang Navy set sail and returned to Hangzhou Bay.

A huge iron-clad warship jumped out of the sea.The masts are rusted and mottled, and the sails are dilapidated, like a ship of thieves, mysterious and unpredictable.

Bai Fu stood on the bow of the iron-clad battleship, and smiled at the generals: "You Xiliang horses, who travel across the Western Regions, dare to gallop the sea with me?"


The armored battleship is fully loaded with personnel and supplies, and sails against the wind.

Ironclad battleships ride the wind and waves, sailing at extremely fast speeds, driving on the magnificent sea like clouds and fog.The Datang Navy, which set off at the same time, was instantly left behind.

A group of white dolphins led the way in front of the armored warship, chasing and playing, flipping and jumping,

Seeing this, the captains of the fishing boats all thought it was the god of the sea and the dragon king on tour, and hurriedly led all the crew members to kneel down on the deck, throwing sacrifices and kowtow to pray for blessings.


The speed of the iron-clad battleship amazed the generals, and they were amazed, and soon passed through the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea.

Not a day later, Bai Fu and others arrived in Tanggu.Landed from Tanggu, entered Jizhou, went north along the Baoqiu River, arrived at Yuyang, the capital of Jizhou, and joined forces with the five thousand Anbeiting cavalry stationed here.

The countryside of Yuyang is extremely calm, with continuous military lights stretching into the distance, meeting the stars in the sky.If it weren't for the occasional neighing of war horses, no one would have thought that there was an elite cavalry hidden in this valley.

In the barracks, a large flag was unfurled in the wind, and the word "white" in Dou Da was faintly visible.The big tent of the shogunate under the flag was brightly lit, and several figures were clearly reflected on the curtain.

During this battle at sea, he did not deal with official business for several months.The official documents on the copybook are piled up like a mountain.

Bai Fu carefully read the battle reports of the past few months. During the days when he went to sea to suppress the rebellion, great changes took place on the Central Plains battlefield, and the situation was even more severe than imagined:

On March 29th (the third year of Qianyuan, 760 AD), Marshal Li Guangbi defeated General An Taiqing of the Yan Army under the city of Huaizhou.On April 500, he defeated the Yan army on the sandbar west of Heyang (now Mengzhou City, Henan Province), killing [-] people.

Generals Zhang Weijin and Cao Yu of Xiangzhou (now XY City, Hubei Province) gathered a crowd to raise troops, beheaded Shi Hui, the Jiedu envoy of the Shannan Dongdao War Zone, and occupied the state city to rebel.

Emperor Suzong issued an edict to promote Wei Lun, the governor of Longzhou (now Longxian County, Shaanxi Province), as the governor of the Shannan Dongdao theater.Because Wei Lun offended Li Fuguo, the eunuch in power, Wei Lun was transferred to the defense envoy of Qinzhou (now TS City, Gansu Province) shortly after his appointment.

On April 29, the imperial court ordered the Jiedu Envoy of the Shaanxi Theater (headquartered in Shanzhou, now SMX City, Henan) to be the Jiedu Envoy of the Shannan Dongdao Theater (headquartered in Xiangzhou).After Laizhen arrived in Xiangzhou, Zhang Weijin and other generals surrendered.

On April [-]th, due to the great victory at Yanmen Pass, the Hedong Army repelled the rebels, Bohai Commandery, Khitan and Xi and other tribal coalition forces, and the imperial court granted the Jiedu Envoy Wang Sili Sikongyi of the Hedong Theater (headquartered in Taiyuan Prefecture, now TY City, Shanxi) position, ranked among the top three.

On the same day, (leap April [-]th), Shi Siming led his army to enter Luoyang, Tokyo again, and stationed here.

On June 20, Xing Ji, the economic strategist of Guizhou (the capital is Guizhou, now GL City, Guangxi), claimed that [-] Xiyuanman (minorities in present-day Jingxi City, Guangxi) were defeated, and their leader Huang Ganyao and others were killed. .

On June [-]th, Cui Guangyuan, the envoy of the Fengxiang War Zone (headquartered in Fengxiang Mansion, now Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province), announced that he had defeated more than [-] Qiang and Hun tribes in Jingzhou and Longzhou.

On June 27, Cui Guangyuan, the governor of the Fengxiang war zone, defeated the Dangxiang tribe in Purun County (north of today's Fengxiang County, Shaanxi).

In the same month, Tian Shengong, the soldier and horse envoy of the Pinglu theater, reported that he had defeated the Yan army in Zhengzhou (now ZZ City, Henan).


The battle report seems to be messy, but Bai Fu smells something different from it.Among them, the most notable is an edict on the use of coins:

Just as Bai Fu and Sun Dashan predicted last year, the consequences of misuse of coins finally appeared.

Kaiyuan coins, Qianyuan coins and double wheel coins have been used together for a long time to compete with the people for profit.Looting folk wealth to supplement military and court expenses is really a crime of killing chickens and taking eggs.

This year, there is a famine every year, and every bucket of rice sells for [-] yuan.

Jing Zhaoyin and Zheng Shuqing wantonly hunted down those who minted money privately. In just a few months, more than 800 people died under the heavy punishment of random sticks, but they still could not be stopped.

On May 24, the imperial court appointed Liu Yan, an expert in finance and taxation, as the servant of the household department, and also as the envoy of Duzhi, Zhuqian, and salt and iron in the Tang Dynasty.

Immediately, Emperor Suzong ordered Gyeonggi Province (now the central part of Shaanxi): Kaiyuan coins and Qianyuan small coins should be counted as ten coins, and double wheel coins should be counted as thirty coins; other states are waiting for instructions.

Coincidentally, in order to expand military expenditure, Shi Siming followed suit and also forged "Shuntian coins", one of which was regarded as one hundred "Kaiyuan coins".Within the jurisdiction of Pseudo-Yan, commodity prices soared, and more people died of starvation. On both sides of the road, starvation was everywhere.

Seeing this, Bai Fu couldn't bear to look any further, and sighed deeply.

The inheritance of the military family requires the disciples of the military family to be cold and ruthless, which is of great use.But in the face of this bloody human tragedy, even Bai Fu, who cultivates his heart by "controlling his emotions", can hardly remain indifferent.

Bai Fu's mood was fluctuating, and he kept paced in the tent, complaining in his heart: "Could it be that after the death of the Taifu, there are no more virtuous ministers in the government and the people who saved the people of Liming?
No, Mr. Li Mi is a great talent in the world, no less than a Taifu.Why don't you come out of the mountain when you see the people are dying like this? "

After thinking for a long time, Bai Fu gradually calmed down.

Randomly picked up several other imperial edicts, which are also intriguing:

First, on the [-]th day of the fourth month, Li Xi, the king of Zhao, was renamed the king of Yue.Li Shi's real name is Dan, but he is the second son of Emperor Suzong and the half-brother of Prince Li Yu (Li Chu).

After Shi Siming proclaimed himself emperor, Emperor Suzong issued an imperial edict to appoint Li Xi as the marshal of the world's soldiers and horses, and Li Guangbi as the deputy marshal to hold the army in Guandong to replace Guo Ziyi.

Li Xi had originally led the military power far away, and was later promoted to be the King of Yue, ranking second only to Prince Li Chu in the royal family.This move is very unusual.

Second, on June 26, the five-year-old Xing Wang Li Bi passed away.Li Bi is the eldest son of Empress Zhang, and the youngest son is Li Tong, king of Ding.

In order to seize the throne, Empress Zhang kept rejecting the crown prince Li Yu (Li Chu). Li Chu had no choice but to be cautious, for fear that he would make the same mistake as Jianning King Li Tan.The attitude became more respectful and humble.

When Empress Zhang's favor was in full bloom, Li Bi died young, and Li Tong was still young, so Li Chu's throne as the crown prince was finally preserved.

But for some reason, Bai Fu always felt that Li Bi's early death was too strange.The biggest beneficiary of this matter is self-evident, Bai Fu shuddered, and a handsome and sinister face appeared in front of him.


In the middle of the night, when Bai Fu was about to go to bed, his own soldiers informed him that two envoys from Youzhou had come to ask to see him.

Entering the Baifu Tent, the two night walkers took off their cloaks and veils. They were the Tang Sect disciples Tang Yanqiu and Tang Lanzhou who were lurking in Youzhou.

Seeing Bai Fu, both of them were filled with emotion and tears.After several years of experience, the two have changed from a giggling cardamom girl to a calm and capable spy fighter.

Tang Yanqiu said: "The pseudo Yanhuai King Shi Chaoyi is Shi Siming's eldest son, and he often leads the army to follow Shi Siming in battle. This man cherishes soldiers, many soldiers admire him and are willing to follow him, but he is not favored by Shi Siming.

Shi Siming's youngest son, Shi Chaoqing, is the eldest son of Empress Xin, and is very much loved by Shi Siming.When Shi Siming went south, he ordered Shi Chaoqing to guard Fan Yang.This man was alcoholic, lustful, vicious, and violent. "

Tang Lanzhou said: "With Yan Zhuang's assistance, we have instigated the rebellion of Shi Chaoyi's confidant generals Luo Yue and Cai Wenjing.

Shi Chaoqing's generals Gao Yuren and Gao Ruzhen were also instigated by us. "

Bai Fu was overjoyed, and after asking about the details, he discussed the future strategic deployment with the two of them.

Bai Fu said: "We can imitate Yan Zhuang's strategy of murdering An Lushan, repeat the scene of An Qingxu's murder of his father, and let the puppet Yan's city be broken from the inside without any effort."

Tang Lanzhou said: "General, what should we do next?"

Bai Fu said: "You can act according to the situation, slowly spread the news inside and outside the puppet Yan Dynasty hall, saying that Shi Siming dotes on his youngest son Shi Chaoqing, and has always wanted to kill Shi Chaoyi, and make Shi Chaoqing the crown prince.

As long as this seed is planted, one day, there will be a harvest. "

Tang Yanqiu frowned and said, "Shi Chaoyi is no better than An Qingxu. This person is humble and cautious. I'm afraid it would be very difficult for him to kill his father and brother."

Bai Fu looked at the torch, his gaze was like a torch, and he said decisively: "The palace of Jinluan is supreme. In front of the emperor's crown, father and son are separated, brothers fight against each other, and it is not uncommon for enemies to become enemies.

This is due to human nature, and it should not be transferred by Shi Chaoyi's personal character and moral behavior. "

After finalizing the detailed strategy, the sky was about to dawn, so Bai Fu arranged board and lodging for the two of them, allowing them to rest for a while before leaving.

Tang Yanqiu declined politely: "General, we just learned that you have returned to Youzhou, so we decided to come to see you temporarily. We need to rush back to Fan Yang as soon as possible, so as not to reveal our identity and our flaws."

Bai Fu saw that the two were in the prime of life, but gray hair was hidden in the blue hair, he couldn't bear it, he comforted him, and said earnestly: "You two sisters, lurking in the enemy's camp is extremely dangerous, you must be careful.

If there is any trouble, according to the established plan, immediately withdraw from Fan Yang and return to Tang Jing.

Although suppressing the rebellion is a major event, I don't ask you two to make meritorious service, but I ask you to be safe and sound.As long as you survive, you are stronger than anything else! "

Hearing the words, the two burst into tears and nodded in agreement.

Walking out of the Baifu camp, the two put on their cloaks again to cover their beautiful appearance, whipped their horses and galloped away.

The morning breeze is blowing, refreshing and pleasant.

Facing the rising sun, a line of tears flowed down Tang Lanzhou's cheeks, and she sobbed excitedly: "Sister San, it's great to see the general!

Unfortunately, in the end, I didn't have the courage to ask him for a hug..."

(End of this chapter)

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