Chapter 66

The Shushan Lunjian of the past month is coming to an end, and the top [-] have already been released.

Among the disciples of the Chuan Gang, many were shortlisted for the top [-], but their main purpose was not for martial arts, but to visit loyal ministers and good generals in Chang'an well, and arrange for their families to withdraw south to Shu.

Of course, there are also many elites in the Sichuan Gang who did not participate in the selection.According to Mr. Jiang's request, their task is to be responsible for mobilizing materials from the north and the south into Shu within the gang, and to reorganize and defend all the passes and arteries in the middle of Shu.

For example, Chen Honghu, as the thirteenth Taibao of the Minjiang Gang, was deeply trusted by Qu Sanjiang, and he was officially appointed as the heir of the Minjiang Gang. Now he is doing his best to manage the affairs of the Minjiang Gang. Naturally, he cannot leave Bashu, so he did not participate in the selection.

Even so, the young generation emerging from this Shushan Lunjian is enough to make Bashu Wulin proud.

What is more strange is that young masters such as Ding Dong, although participating in the selection, were not on the list.When they were about to enter the top [-], they deliberately lost the game.

Each of these people has their own reasons, which are not enough for outsiders.The reason why Ding Dong deliberately lost the game was because of his father.

Ding Dong's ancestors were the founding pillars of the Sui Dynasty, and assisted Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian to conquer the Great Sui Dynasty.When the family was at its most prominent, it encountered chaos in the late Sui Dynasty.After finally lingering on his last breath until the Tang Dynasty unified the world, he was almost involved in the thrilling disaster of the Xuanwu Gate Change.

As the saying goes: "See through the world and be shocked, and everything is different from political affairs!" Therefore, the Ding family moved south, fled to Bashu, and set up ancestral precepts, and their children were not allowed to return to the court.

Before coming to Qingcheng to participate in the Shu Mountain Discussion of Swords, Ding's father called Ding Dong into the ancestral hall and warned him in front of the ancestor's spiritual tablet:
"According to the genealogy, the lineage of our Ding family has been around for a hundred years. Most of these centuries-old families in the Tang Dynasty passed down poems and books, and the descendants of later generations read them in the rain.

People in the world often call success in terms of fame and wealth.But the court is dangerous, and the nine clans are exterminated by a little carelessness; the wealth is bewitched, the descendants are arrogant and extravagant, and in troubled times, all of them will be turned into scorched earth.These two are the disaster of the family.

Everyone in the world envies the figures in temples, but no one knows that the more powerful and rich the country is, the more wisdom is needed to control them, otherwise the virtue will not match, and the country will be destroyed by killing and destroying the country.As the saying goes, you see him building tall buildings, you see him entertaining guests, and you see his buildings collapse.The most prosperous is also the saddest...

The children of the aristocratic family hide under the nine places, enjoying the joy of high mountains and flowing water, cool breeze and colorful clouds.If the family style is pure and strong, gentle, kind, respectful and thrifty, even if it is humble, it should not be underestimated. Within three generations, there will be dragons and phoenixes among the people.In troubled times, when the winds and clouds meet, the golden scales transform into dragons, move above the nine heavens, set things right, fight back and forth, and invade the world.Then, achievement, fame, and retirement are the way of heaven.

The world pursues great fame, great wealth and honor, the pursuit of awakening and mastering the power of the world, and lying drunk on the lap of beauties.The aristocratic family pursues retirement, pursues no wisdom and fame, no courageous achievements, pursues the prosperity of the family and the inheritance of talents.

The people of the world strive to win one generation, and the family has a long history for thousands of years.Guan Zhong, Zhuge, are the talents of heaven, but unfortunately they did not teach the next generation well, so they cannot be regarded as gods.The children of the aristocratic family read the classics extensively, read the historical collections weekly, and lived through the world with ice and snow sentiments.Even through turbulent waves, ups and downs, do not change Suzhi.Only wisdom will follow forever, and martial arts will not kill.Wisdom Zhou Daoji, Muduo Tianzong, high mountains look up.Therefore, Kong’s Yan Shenggong can be passed down for dozens of generations, and Confucius, Mencius, Pei and other families are known as the world’s unparalleled Confucius, the world’s unparalleled Meng, and the world’s unequal Pei.

The children of the aristocratic family, after a hundred years, have not been surprised by favor or humiliation, and their perspectives on the world are slightly different.The founding monarch worshiped by the world, the true son of heaven, in the eyes of the aristocratic family, since ancient times, the saddest thing in the aristocratic family is the emergence of an emperor like the lord of Longxing.The royal family and aristocrats have only been around for 300 years.When dynasties change, famous families are often able to bend and stretch and continue to pass on, while imperial families cannot escape the disaster of cutting grass and roots. "

Ding's father's remarks were well analyzed and deafening, and he beat the drum to attack.

At this moment, Ding Dong realized that his father was not a wealthy businessman covered in copper stink, but a real celebrity, calm and indifferent, wise and brave.

This conversation between father and son lighting up the lamp made Ding Dong mature a lot overnight.This time, in the battle of swords in Shushan, it is no longer fighting for victory and fame, but buying bones with thousands of dollars, seeking talents and visiting friends, and forming good karma.At the same time, in order to avoid being recruited by the imperial court, Ding Dong deliberately lost the game when he was about to enter the top [-].It surprised everyone, and even the daughter of the Zhong family in Yuzhou was curious and sent someone to inquire about the facts.

Honghu did not participate in the competition, and Ding Dong withdrew from the competition. All this made Bai Fu quite regretful, and he lost a few friends on Chang'an Road.But people have their own ambitions, and they can't be forced.Bai Fu could only gather his mind and concentrate on preparing for the next game.

It is said that the road to enemies is narrow, and Bai Fu and Qin Yongjie met in the semi-finals.

When this lot was drawn, the disciples of Qingcheng were all elated.

In the past two years, Qin Yongjie's martial arts has made great progress, and he has thrown off all the disciples by several ranks. Among the disciples left on Qingcheng Mountain, no one is his opponent.

As for Bai Fu, the still waters flow deep. After returning to Qingcheng, although he has never fought with anyone again, his momentum has been established, and there is a kind of aggressiveness in his gestures.It was rumored that he had great opportunities in Chengdu and Nether Valley.

The decisive battle between the two not only paid attention to Qingcheng, but also affected other people's minds.

After Jiang Yinnong received Chen Honghu's secret report, he specifically warned the Ax Gang and the Southern Sichuan Dumen gangs not to cause trouble.Weng Hao and others were so frightened that they hurriedly restrained their disciples.

 "I have seen that the jasper trees in Jinling are dawning, and the waterside pavilions in Qinhuai are blooming early, who knows that the ice will disappear easily! I saw him getting up from Zhulou, seeing him entertaining guests, and seeing his building collapse.

  This moss and green tile pile, I have slept in a romantic sleep, and watched the rise and fall of 50 years.The Wuyi Lane is not surnamed Wang; Mochou Lake, where ghosts cry at night; Fenghuang Terrace, where owls live! The dream of the residual mountain is the most real, and the old environment is hard to lose.If you don't believe that this map is changed, you will make a set of "sad Jiangnan" and sing it sadly until you grow old. "

  ——"Peach Blossom Fan" Kong Shangren (Qing Dynasty)

  "See through the world and be terrified, and everything is not the same as political affairs!"--Mr. Aixinjueluo. Yujun
(End of this chapter)

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