The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 674 Brother Xuanzong

Chapter 674 Brother Xuanzong
Ruyang's three buckets began to face the sky, and the road was drooling at the mouth of the car, and hated to seal it to Jiuquan.


Hundreds of poems by Li Baidoujiu, Shangjiu Jiamian in Chang'an City,
The emperor couldn't get on the ship, and claimed that the minister was a fairy in the wine.

Zhang Xu's three-cup grass saint biography, taking off his hat and topping the prince, waved the paper like a cloud of smoke.

——Excerpt from "Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking" by Du Fu


Li Qiu didn't persuade him to drink, and poured himself a drink: "You also know the situation of Prince Qing's mansion. After An Lushan invaded Chang'an, the mansion was looted. Almost all the wealth that my father saved so hard was in vain. .Our family is in the middle of nowhere and cannot make ends meet.

After all, the father is also the eldest son of the Supreme Emperor, and the eldest brother of the current emperor!
Back then, Prince Qing's Mansion was crowded with guests!Although we are in decline today, we can't put on airs if we don't like a donkey. We still have to hold on, and we can't let outsiders see the joke.

You don't know how difficult it is for me to be King Siqing? !At the most difficult time, because of the little tea, rice, oil and salt in the palace, I tossed and turned, unable to sleep at night.

A phoenix in distress is not as good as a chicken, can you imagine? "

Speaking of the hero's end, Li Qiu was filled with emotion.Bai Fu hurriedly refilled the wine for him.

Li Qiu took a sip of wine, his eyes sparkled, and he said: "When I first took over this business, I didn't dare to expect to make a lot of money, I just wanted to escape from the palace and find a quiet place to pass the time.

Unexpectedly, the business became more and more prosperous and made a lot of money.Although it is still not as good as the most beautiful time of Prince Qing's Mansion, it is far better than other royal clans.

When I was a teenager, I used to think that as a man, I should 'sleep drunk on the lap of a beauty, wake up and take power in the world'.

After this death, I realized that wealth is a better thing than power.

I finally let go of my knots, reconciled with myself, gradually realized the true meaning of life, and learned to enjoy life. "

"Why do you say that?" Bai Fu's eyes were soft and persuasive.

Li Qiu said with emotion: "Freedom of wealth is the real freedom! Power seems to be freedom, but it is actually shackles and constraints. Wealth can be created by all beings and shared by everyone, but power can only be monopolized by one person.

In the face of power, those who wield power will do everything they can.I want to fight, but I am afraid of being plotted against.Every day is exhausted and thoughtful, and Huafa is born early.There are delicacies, but the food is tasteless.The brocade quilt on the carved bed makes me sleepless at night.How can I eat well and sleep well today, so free and easy and happy.

Once you figure it out, your eyes will suddenly open up.Alcoholic wine and beauties, rich clothes and fine food, happy every day like a fairy.

I finally understood the painstaking efforts of my father back then.

Throughout my father's life, I most admired his uncle Song Wang (Song Wang Li Chengqi, also known as Ning Wang Li Xian)..."

Bai Fu had also heard Mr. Xu talk about Li Qiu's story about Song Wang Li Chengqi's past.

Song Wang Li Chengqi was very talented when he was young, and because he was the eldest son of Emperor Ruizong Li Dan, he was naturally the heir apparent of the empire.

However, King Song's younger brother Ping Wang Li Longji, who later became Xuanzong, launched a coup d'état in Tang Long and wiped out Webster's rebellious party, which helped to support Ruizong's ascension to the throne.

The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty saw the wind and the wind, and each chose a side...

This scene seems to hide the battle between Prince Li Jiancheng and Taizong Li Shimin for the throne.

Seeing that the change of Xuanwu Gate will happen again, Song Wang Li Chengqi took the initiative to resign the position of East Palace in order not to embarrass Emperor Ruizong.

Li Chengqi, king of the Song Dynasty, said: "If the country is safe, the heirs will be the first, and if the country is in danger, the meritorious service will be the first; if it is against the law, the world will be disappointed. The minister dare not be above the king when he dies."

(The crown prince is the position of the country. In peacetime, the eldest son of the emperor should be established first, and when the country is in crisis, the prince who has made meritorious service should be established first. If it is not handled properly, the world will be disappointed. I am the prince.)
Song Wang Li Chengqi wept all day long, resolutely refused, and his words were sincere.The kings and ministers also said that Ping Wang Li Longji had made great contributions to the country and was suitable to be the prince.

Only then did Emperor Ruizong make up his mind to make Li Ping Wang Li Longji the crown prince.

In the fourth year of Kaiyuan (716), Song Wang Li Chengqi avoided the title of Queen Zhaocheng, changed his name to Li Xian, and named him King Ning.

After Li Longji ascended the throne, King Ning Li Xian was especially respectful and cautious. He never interfered in current affairs or made friends with others, which won Xuanzong's trust.

In the 29th year of Kaiyuan (742), King Ning Li Xian died at the age of 63.

When Xuanzong heard the news of King Ning's death, he wept bitterly. He issued an imperial edict to pursue Huai Qi's virtue and posthumously posthumously posthumously King Ning Li Xian as the emperor.

When King Ning Li Xian went to the funeral, it was raining heavily. Xuanzong sent the eldest son of Emperor Qing, King Li Cong, to dismount and walk for more than ten miles on the muddy road to the funeral in Huiling.

Throughout his life, Xuanzong had a deep friendship with five brothers, King Ning Li Xian (that is, Song King Li Chengqi), Shen Wang Li Wei, Qi King Li Fan, and Xue Wang Li Ye.

There has never been such a friendship between the brothers of the Son of Heaven.At the time, it was also a good story.


Li Qiu continued: "When I was young, I used to go to Prince Ning's Mansion to play, to drink and have fun, to play shuttlecocks and cockfights, to go out and hunt, and I was very happy.

I vaguely remember that King Ning is proficient in temperament, especially good at Kucha music from the Western Regions.He has a purple jade flute which is rare in the world, and he has superb flute skills. He often plays together with the Supreme Emperor who plays the Jiegu drum and Yang Guifei who plays the pipa.

When I was young, I often secretly laughed at King Song for having no ambitions and being obsessed with having fun all day long.Until today, I have realized the great wisdom of King Ning and King Father! "

When Bai Fu heard that he was proficient in rhythm, he became alert, and asked, "Are the descendants of Queen Ning also proficient in rhythm?"

Li Qiu said: "Among Prince Ning's sons, only the eldest son Li Jing, Prince of Ruyang County, is proficient in music, bow and arrow and Jiegu, and is deeply loved by the Supreme Emperor.

Its appearance is bright and clear, and its muscles are fine, so it is called "Huanu".And because of the good wine, it was hailed as the "king of brewing" by Chang'an Shilin.

In Du Gongbu's "Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking", there is a line that "Ruyang's three fights began to rise to the sky, and the road was drooling at the mouth of the Quche, and I hated to seal it to Jiuquan".It was Li Jing, the king of Ruyang County.

It is a pity that in the ninth year of Tianbao (750), Li Jing, the king of Ruyang County, passed away. "

Bai Fu asked again: "Among the children of the royal family, is there anyone who is proficient in rhythm, poetry and painting?"

Li Qiu said: "Among the imperial family, King Qi (Li Fan) is the one who is proficient in rhythm, poetry and painting. King Qi is good at calligraphy, loves Confucian scholars, is good at calligraphy and painting, and often drinks and composes poems with famous people in Chang'an for entertainment.

Du Gongbu's poem says: "It's common to see in King Qi's house, Cui Jiutang heard it a few times before", which refers to King Qi (Li Fan).

King Qi is known for his hospitality and wine.The fine wine in King Qi's Mansion is second only to Da Nei Ban Zhong.

In the heyday of Kaiyuan, the mansion of King Qi and Cui Di, Supervisor of Zhongshu, was a place where celebrities from all over the world gathered.There is a big banquet for five days, and a small banquet for three days. The banquet is like flowing water, and the wine is like a long whale sucking hundreds of rivers.

The century-old wine we are drinking today is the collection of King Qi (Li Fan)! "

Seeing Bai Fu's astonishment, Li Qiu sighed: "Alas, Qi Wang's mansion is also in decline, Si Qi Wang Li Zhen has to sell the fine wine that even Qi Wang is reluctant to drink.

Yesterday, I bought two bottles of Gaochang century-old cellar from him with a lot of money. I wanted to share it with my brothers when my father died.

You just came today, and with your light, I will have a taste in advance.

Without this famous wine, it is not enough to express my gratitude to you. "

Bai Fu laughed to himself, and thought, "No wonder you went out of your way and didn't persuade you to drink, and just drank on your own. Ha ha."

Bai Fu changed the subject and said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness! Such fine wine, it's a waste to give it to me, and I can't appreciate it.

However, since it is so precious, should it be kept for greater use?For example, on His Majesty's birthday, as a congratulatory gift.

Money is easy to earn, but good things are hard to find.Wouldn't it be a pity to sell such a valuable thing so easily? "

Li Qiu nodded frequently, frowned and thought: "Brother Fu is right.

It's strange to say, even if the Qi Wang Mansion's family is in decline, but the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, it's not possible to take out all the treasures at the bottom of the box and sell them?

Recently, I don't know why Siqi Wang Li Zhen is in a hurry to spend money, and sells the rare treasures in the mansion from time to time.Didn't I hear that he was going to overhaul the mansion and marry the charming lady? "

Li Qiu was also puzzled.

The speaker didn't care about the listener, and Bai Fu hurriedly asked: "Is Siqi Wang Li Zhen proficient in rhythm, poetry and painting, and how is his virtue?"

Li Qiu was slightly drunk, and said: "Li Zhen is the grandson of Emperor Ruizong (Tang Ruizong Li Dan), the son of King Xue and Li Ye. Later, he was adopted by King Qi (Li Fan).

This person has a majestic appearance and a burly figure, very much like the Supreme Emperor.We all secretly suspect that he is the illegitimate son of the Supreme Emperor.

In terms of rhythm, poetry and painting, although he is not as good as King Qi (Li Fan), he is still the best among the royal children.After all, there is King Qi's precepts and deeds and inheritance.

However, unlike King Qi who likes to make friends with romantic and famous people, Li Zhen has practiced martial arts since childhood, likes to dance spears and sticks, and even likes to make friends with knights. General Dou Rufen of Wuwei and other generals in the army had a close relationship. "


Having said that, Bai Fu has roughly guessed who the coup leader is.

Li Qiu raised his glass again, and said with drunken eyes: "Brother Fu, I advise you to return to your family as soon as possible, become a rich man, and enjoy wine and beauties, wouldn't it be good?"


The two toasted and drank happily.

Bai Fu mobilized his profound kung fu to dispel the smell of alcohol.Li Qiu didn't have such skill, half an hour later, he was overwhelmed with alcohol and finally passed out.

Bai Fu asked the maid to take Li Qi into the inner room to rest, and left in a hurry.

  1. "Jiangnan Meets Li Guinian" This poem was written by Du Fu in the fifth year of Zongdali in the Tang Dynasty (770).In order to describe the downfall of King Qi's family, this book made this poem a few years earlier.

  "The Year of the Li Gui in Jiangnan"

  It is common in Qi Wang's house, and Cui Jiutang heard it several times before.

  that was nice scenery at Jiang Nan, met you again in autumn.

  Li Longji sent Qing Wang Li Cong to walk more than ten miles in the mud, and named his tomb Huiling.

  2. Zhizhang rides a horse like a boat, dazzled and falls into a deep sleep.

  Ruyang's three buckets began to face the sky, and the road was drooling at the mouth of the car, and hated to seal it to Jiuquan.

  Zuo Xiang is spending tens of thousands of dollars daily, drinking like a long whale and sucking hundreds of rivers, and holding a cup with a happy saint called avoiding the virtuous.

  Zongzhi is a handsome and beautiful young man, looking at the blue sky with white eyes, as bright as a jade tree before the wind.

  Before Su Jin Changzhai embroidered the Buddha, drunkenness often loved to escape from Zen.

  Hundreds of poems by Li Baidoujiu, Shangjiu Jiamian in Chang'an City,
  The emperor couldn't get on the ship, and claimed that the minister was a fairy in the wine.

  Zhang Xu's three-cup grass saint biography, taking off his hat and topping the prince, waved the paper like a cloud of smoke.

  Jiao Sui made five fights and Fang Zhuoran feasted four feasts with high talk and eloquence.

  —— "Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking" by Du Fu

(End of this chapter)

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