Chapter 679
Iron clothes covered with snow and purple gold pass, colored pens inscribed with flowers and white jade railings, fishing boats with moon and yellow reed banks.It's better to be idle than to make meritorious service.Where is Li Hanlin?

——"The Water Fairy Le Leisure" Zhang Kejiu (Yuan Dynasty)


(PS: I added a few hundred words to the previous chapter today, paving the way for the future development of the plot.)
Bai Fu's heart was as clear as ice, and the Lingtai was so clear that he didn't have any distracting thoughts. He turned a deaf ear to the sound of fighting outside, and completely didn't think about whether this fierce battle would be won or lost, who would live and who would die.

After several rounds of observation, Bai Fu felt that the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation was not easy.

The thirteen stick monks form a large formation according to a certain orientation, and their positions are quite particular, which not only means that the five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, but also has the image of 72 constellations all over the sky.

Under the agitation of the vajra subduing demon circle, there is an unprecedented power hidden in the field.

The sword spirit in Baifuqiao acupoint has just formed, and spontaneously perceives this kind of power.

The cooked copper sticks and nunchakus flying all over the sky in the demon circle seem to be chaotic, but they actually follow a certain trajectory.The cooked copper sticks and nunchakus whirled several times, with blue flames looming on the sticks, crackling from time to time.

Bai Fu concluded that the mysterious power of Vajra's demon-subduing circle was related to the flying trajectories of the cooked copper rods, one after another, interlaced and whirling.

The thirteen stick monks threw the cooked copper sticks and nunchakus. The real purpose was not to hit themselves, but to let the sticks collide with each other and let the cooked copper rub against the turbulent energy of the demon circle, thus giving birth to new powerful forces !

Seeing the suede gloves on the stick monk's hand, Bai Fu thought: "Why do they have such abnormal attire?"

Observe carefully, when these stick monks are throwing and catching sticks, they are all jumping up, and both feet will leave the ground.On the contrary, as long as they stand on the ground, they never hold cooked copper sticks and nunchakus.

"Is there some secret hidden here?" Bai Fu frowned.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Fuji came to his mind.

A stick monk soared into the air, took a volley in the air, held the cooked copper stick in his hand, and was about to throw it out in a certain way.

With a flick of Bai Fu's finger, a cobblestone shot out, right under the knee of the stick monk.Such a stick monk felt his legs go limp and fell down involuntarily.

Things started in a hurry, and when the stick monk fell to the ground, he instinctively grabbed the cooked copper stick.

At this moment, something unexpected happened.

There was only a thunderbolt, and the stick monk trembled all over as if struck by lightning, and fell limply, foaming at the mouth.

Bai Fu was ecstatic.He finally knew the ultimate secret of the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation.

Just like he injured the Xuanwu turtle and snake in the naval battle of Tsushima Island, the power of the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation is also against the sky.

It's just that the knife he slashed at the Xuanwu turtle and snake was the power of divine punishment borrowed from the sky by using the thunder and lightning storm on the sea.It is extremely dangerous, but also a bit of luck.

The Vajra Subduing Demon Formation is not the case.

The design of the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation is extremely ingenious, and it is a work of peeping at the way of heaven.

It uses factors such as the position of the stick monk, the high ground, the orientation of the stars, and the aura of the two sides to form a thunderbolt in the field, just like the clouds that give birth to thunderbolts in the sky.

There is no rain in the dense clouds, and the dragon looms.

Once the situation is disturbed, Thunder God and Mother of Lightning will cast a thunderbolt, so that the demons in the world will be punished by the catastrophe.

Although the thunderbolt formed by the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation is far inferior to the thunder and lightning storm, it is still enough to cause serious damage or even death to the opponent.


Bai Fuxunkan's zhenqi spun out from the Yongquan acupoint on the bottom of his feet, and when it reached his ribs, the two zhenqi spiraled around his body, like wings growing from his ribs, his body rotated at an accelerated speed, like a large spinning top.

Bai Fu turned faster and faster, so fast that he couldn't even see his figure clearly.

Except for the stick monk who can't stand on the ground, the other twelve stick monks are drawn by Bai Fu's true energy, and their figures are also like a waterwheel flywheel, spinning around Bai Fu rapidly.

In an instant, the vajra energy surged in the Vajra Subduing Demon Array, and the turbulent waves crashed on the shore, roaring like thunder.

Bai Fu suddenly pierced through the sky like a rocket and flew straight into the sky.

Liu Huan thought that Bai Fu was going to run away, so he pointed his toes, soared into the air, picked up a cooked copper stick in the air, and chased after Bai Fu.

Bai Fu hovered directly above the Vajra Demon Subduing Formation, turned upside down, and swooped down like a falcon.

Bai Fu held the black iron saber high, Xun Kan's true energy poured into the saber body, holding the saber in both hands, with a move of "Splitting Huashan with strength", he went straight to Liu Huan.

Of course Liu Huan would not sit still and wait for death, he crossed his hands horizontally, and blocked Bai Fu's saber light with a move of "raise fire to the sky".

At the same time, eleven stick monks on the ground flew up, holding cooked copper sticks, and formed a protective formation.

The six stick monks lifted off in the direction of the five elements, and the five stick monks stood on the shoulders of the six stick monks. The 11 people formed layers of stick nets and hovered briefly in midair to defend the sky above.

Bai Fu sneered, retracted the light of the sword, and imitated the pressure of deep sea water, transforming the momentum of the thousands of feet diving in the air into a shock wave that became heavier and heavier.


The black iron knife hit the cooked copper stick, like a meteorite hitting a huge rock on the top of a mountain, making a loud noise.

The long knife chopped off the cooked copper rod at the waist, and broke Liu Huan's body protection vajra cover.

At the juncture of life and death, Liu Huan was unambiguous, shouted angrily, and covered his chest with his palms as hard as iron, clamping the black iron knife!

Bai Fu didn't draw his sword, but took advantage of the momentum to speed up and dive, forcing Liu Huan to the ground.

The two fell quickly like meteors, piercing through the air, breaking through layers of stick nets, stirring up the mighty aura in the formation, and the momentum was terrifying.

When the two were about to fall to the ground, Bai Fuxunkan's true energy gushed out, and the black iron knife came out of his hand.

After letting go of the black iron knife, Bai Fuli sprouted wings, took a breath in the air, made a roundabout, and swept past the ground.

Liu Huan's hands were firmly attracted by the powerful true energy bred on the black iron knife, and it was too late to withdraw his palms.

The black iron knife infused with Xunkan's true energy is like a living thing, and its power remains undiminished, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, and the thunder is overwhelming, pressing Liu Huan into the ground.

Just when Liu Huan's toes stepped on the ground, the thunder and lightning bred in King Kong's magic circle was attracted by the black iron knife, and the lightning followed the light and hit the black iron thick back knife!


There was only a loud thunder, and a black dragon with a green back appeared on the body of the Xuantie knife.


Liu Huan let out a scream, foamed at the mouth, trembled all over, and his limbs twitched!


The shouts of killing gradually subsided, and under the siege of the Yingwu army and Qianniuwei, the rebel soldiers fell one by one and died by the sword.

General Zuo Qianniuwei Gaoyi Wang Li Zan issued a loud order: "The Yingwu army searches from west to east, and the Qianniuwei searches from east to west. Don't let any one of the rebels slip through the net. Be sure to punish the remnants of the rebels who are stubbornly resisting. Destroy!
With the support of a stick monk, Liu Huan struggled to get up.

Liu Huan looked around, and around the Penglai Hall, hundreds of Maitreya believers fell in a pool of blood, their lives and deaths unknown.The remaining dozens of believers are blood-stained robes and bruises all over their bodies, and they are still struggling.

Liu Huan sighed and shouted loudly: "Brothers, stop!"

Then the Maitreya believers stopped and gathered around Liu Huan.

Looking at the heroic army and Qianniuwei soldiers who were gradually encircling with sharp knives, Maitreya believers showed no expression on their faces, and their eyes were dull and empty.

Some of them had their palms cut off and were bleeding; some had broken legs and were supported by a spear.Everyone was close to each other, arms tightly linked, silent, like a stone embankment.

At this moment, all members of the Maitreya Sect knew that today's numbers were exhausted, and they were doomed. Except for those who were seriously injured and unable to move, all the believers who fell in the pool of blood supported each other and struggled to get up.

Everyone sat cross-legged, clasped their hands together, held them in front of their chests, made a prayer and prayed for blessings, and followed Liu Huan to recite the scriptures:

"For a long time, I have thought about the suffering of all beings, and there is no way to get rid of it...

It also reaches the emptiness of all living beings, and there will be no worries and sufferings forever...

This is to save you and others, wife and siblings...

Now I am liberated, the supreme solitude..."

Maitreya believers from Liu Huan down, all of them are dignified, and they are not afraid of death.

Bai Fuxin said: "These few sentences must be the scriptures that Maitreya's followers will recite before they die.

They don't think of their own death, but they are sympathizing with the sufferings of the world. It is really a kind of great compassion.The person who founded the Maitreya Sect back then should be a remarkable figure.It's a pity that when it was passed down to later generations, it lost the true meaning of Maitreya and became a heresy within Buddhism. "

Bai Fu couldn't help clasping his hands together, and said with emotion: "That's good! That's good! If the abbot Kong is still alive, this tragedy shouldn't happen..."

General Zuo Qianniuwei, Gaoyi Wang Li Zun raised his long sword in his hand and ordered loudly: "Shoot the arrow!"

I only heard the sound of the crossbow machine amplifying everywhere, screaming again and again, Maitreya believers fell in a pool of blood, and none of them were spared...

Bai Fu couldn't bear to look directly at him, so he bid farewell to Gaoyi King Li Zan, took Li Xiang and other elite Qianniu guards, withdrew from Penglai Hall, and went straight to Xuanwu Gate.


(End of this chapter)

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