Poor Shu road returnees, Nannei's desolate head is completely white.

The solitary lamp does not shine on the returning soul, and the phoenix tree is bleak in the night rain and autumn.

——Excerpt from Gao Qi (Ming Dynasty) "The Picture of Emperor Ming's Night Tour with Candles"

The soul of Xuanzong's married wife, Empress Wang, floats in mid-air, slowly as if alive.

Queen Wang can be described as a good housemate who shared the troubles with Xuanzong.As early as when Li Longji was still the king of Linzi, Queen Wang was her concubine.Li Longji planned Tang Long's coup, Wang "premeditated and agreed with the great cause", and became Li Longji's indispensable and important assistant.

However, after Xuanzong ascended the throne, the queen and queen only enjoyed the glory and wealth for a few years before being completely neglected.On the one hand, the reason is that the Queen has no heirs, and on the other hand, the reason is that Xuanzong empathized with other people and favored Concubine Wu Hui.

In order to seek an heir, Queen Wang's brother Wang Shouyi secretly invited Monk Mingwu to perform a "sacrifice to the South and the North".

Asking monks to practice spells is called "wearing victory", which is a serious crime in the palace.

After the Dongchuang incident, Wang Shouyi was given to death.Queen Wang was deposed as a commoner and thrown into the cold palace.

Three months later, the abolished Empress Wang died in depression in the cold palace.All the people in the harem, who served the Wang family, shed tears and thought about it endlessly.

"Queen Wang" wore the "Thunderbolt Wood" and sighed to Gao Lishi, "Yuan Yi, how is San Lang? There is a new person around you?"

Gao Lishi hurriedly bowed and saluted, crying: "Your Majesty can be assured that there is an old servant serving His Majesty."


After Queen Wang left, Li Longji's domestic slave, General Zuo Wuwei, and King Huo Zhong Mao Zhong appeared in front of Gao Lishi.

Wang Maozhong was Xuanzong's favorite minister in his early years.Both Wang and Gao are Li Longji's servants, and the same background makes them jealous and contemptuous of each other, making them sworn enemies.

Gao Lishi won in the end, Wang Maozhong was demoted out of Beijing, and was hanged in Yongzhou.

"Wang Maozhong" with hair barefoot, sticking out his long tongue, pointed at Gao Lishi's nose and cursed: "It is you, a slave, who exercise power, so that the master is deceived, Li Linfu, An Lushan, Yang Guozhong and other treacherous officials are in power, and the world is in chaos and the people are dying." ..."

Gao Lishi was furious, he swung his whisk and attacked "Wang Maozhong".

The figure of "Wang Maozhong" dissipated, and three young and handsome princes appeared, they were Prince Ying, King E Li Yao, and King Guang Li Ju.

The three princes stood upright in a row with disheveled hair, sticking out three long sauce-purple tongues, winding around their bodies like snakes.

The three princes cried: "Why did the father kill the child? We are wronged!"

Gao Lishi sighed, and said: "His Royal Highness, King E, King Guang, Your Majesty is also very regretful now..."

Yu Wenrong, Li Linfu, Li Shizhi, Gai Jiayun, Wei Jian, Yang Shenjin, Wang Yu, Yang Guozhong, An Lushan, An Sishun, Gao Xianzhi...

These people who were attached to Gao Lishi and gained high positions and skyrocketed appeared one by one, bowed to Gao Lishi, called "A Weng" when they opened their mouths, and "Ye" when they closed their mouths.

Every familiar face made Gao Lishi extremely heartbroken, or ashamed and ashamed.

Slowly, a Buddhist hall appeared in front of Gao Lishi's eyes.Under the pear tree in front of the Buddhist hall, a peerless woman who looked like a peony in full bloom, slowly closed her eyes, and died.A white silk was tied around her neck, and the two ends of the white silk were being held in her hands...


Gao Lishi felt great grief in his heart, and his Dao heart finally fell.

The puppet in palace costume under Li Fuguo's feet grinned, and rushed towards Gao Lishi as fast as lightning.

When Dao Xin was lost, the true energy of the body protection immediately dissipated, and the protective cover around Gao Lishi's body was as thin as a window paper.

The puppet in palace costume hit Gao Lishi's chest heavily like a huge rock.

"Pfft", Gao Lishi spat out a mouthful of blood.

Li Fuguo was overjoyed, stretched out his arms, stepped on the puppet in palace costume, and flew towards Gao Lishi like a black bat.The puppet in palace costume is like a hot wheel, supporting Li Fuguo to descend from the sky and rushing down.

Li Fuguo's five fingers were like hooks, his sharp claws were black, and he grabbed Gao Lishi's Tianling cover fiercely.

At the juncture of life and death, Gao Lishi showed a glimmer of spirituality and woke up from the magic of the spirit-evoking banner.He remained calm, mobilized his innate qi, and condensed it on the whisk.

Just as Li Fuguo swooped down, Gao Lishi swayed slightly to avoid Li Fuguo's fatal blow to Tianlinggai.

Li Fuguo's white bone claws were on Gao Lishi's left shoulder, and his black nails were like steel hooks, piercing through the lute bone.

Gao Lishi let out a scream, heartbroken.

Li Fuguo succeeded in one blow, he was very proud, and his offensive slowed down a bit.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gao Lishi swung his whisk, as fast as a lightning bolt, and engulfed Li Fuguo.

Gao Lishi was overjoyed, the remaining zhenqi spewed out, and the whisk was tightened like a fishing net or a chain.

Make or break it.Regardless of the blood gushing from his left shoulder, Gao Lishi continued to strengthen his whisk.


Li Fuguo finally couldn't bear Gao Lishi's powerful strength, his limbs were torn apart like five horses dismembering his body, and his muscles and bones were broken.


"it is finally over!"

Gao Lishi collapsed on the ground, the pain in his left shoulder was unbearable, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

An incredible scene happened, Li Fuguo's head rolled back from the ground, and was automatically inlaid on Li Fuguo's neck; the broken limbs also crawled back and spliced ​​on Li Fuguo's torso.

Gao Lishi was dumbfounded, unable to believe what he saw.

Hearing someone laughing, the scene in front of Gao Lishi's eyes was like a broken bronze mirror, cracked one after another, falling to the ground piece by piece, smashed to pieces.

Suddenly, a gigantic god-like palm protruded from the bronze mirror, and it hit Gao Lishi's chest.

Two ribs in Gao Lishi's chest were broken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out again.

The bronze mirror shattered, and the illusion finally dissipated.

Gao Lishi was paralyzed and leaned against the city wall, his face was pale, his expression was listless, and he kept vomiting blood.

A foot in front of Gao Lishi's eyes was a pile of rags.

It turned out that Li Fuguo lured Gao Lishi to the triple illusion by using the soul-calling flag, and the illusion was embedded in the illusion.

The "Li Fuguo" tightly wrapped in Gao Lishi's whisk is just a psychic puppet in palace costume.Li Fuguo used the technique of "transferring flowers and trees" to deceive Gao Lishi.

Li Fuguo looked at Gao Lishi who had suffered severe injuries to his chest and left shoulder, and laughed.

Li Fuguo smiled proudly: "Gao Lishi, if you are willing to kowtow three times to the old man and dispel all your martial arts, the old man will spare your life, how about it?"

Gao Lishi's face showed disdain, and he said slowly: "Bah! You are a lowly slave who raises horses, are you worthy?!"

Li Fuguo's expression changed drastically, and he said viciously: "I'll give you face, you are shameless. This old man will take off your head today, goug out your brain, and make it into a urinal!"

Li Fuguo grinned, his claws were like bones, his nails were as sharp as hooks, and he walked towards Gao Lishi step by step.

Gao Lishi spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm, his energy was strong, like a barbed thorn, he attacked Li Fuguo's face.

Li Fuguo didn't dare to be careless, so he blocked it with his sleeve robe.

At the moment when Li Fuguo's sight was blocked, Gao Lishi jumped up and jumped out of the city wall...

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

There is only one puppet in palace costume left, unable to ride Hot Wheels.

Li Fuguo touched the ground with his toes, soared into the air, like a black bat, crossed the city wall, and flew down.

Li Fuguo got his head down and swooped down the city, suddenly he caught sight of Gao Lishi out of the corner of his eye.

Gao Lishi didn't escape at all. He stuck his left hand in the gap between the bricks and hung on the city wall, waiting for Li Fuguo to be fooled.

Li Fuguo was shocked, secretly thought it was bad.

"whoosh whoosh"

Countless strong winds hit, howling through the air, like thousands of locust needles.The sound of whoosh can be heard endlessly.

Li Fuguo was terrified, he stretched out his sleeves to protect his head, face and body.Accelerate the dive, as fast as the wind, trying to pass through the rain of guns and arrows.

Gao Lishi waited for work with ease, and had already calculated Li Fuguo's escape route.The hidden weapons poured out like a storm.

Li Fuguo's unprotected legs were shot instantly.Li Fuguo only felt that thousands of ants were eating his heart, and the itching and pain were unbearable.

This hidden weapon is Gao Lishi's fly whisk.

Gao Lishi's dust whisk is made of wild white yak fur, silver wire and steel wire in the snowy plateau.Normally soft as fur, once Gao Lishi's astonishing domineering strength is injected, it is as sharp and flexible as a steel needle.

Tens of thousands of dust whisk filaments shot out, like raindrops all over the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth, and there was no way to avoid it.

Dozens of silk whisks pierced through Li Fuguo's legs and ankles, like iron sticks piercing through, firmly nailing Li Fuguo to the city wall.

Li Fuguo's body was hanging upside down, and his blood flowed backwards. As long as a silk whisk enters the heart along with the blood, Da Luo Jinxian cannot be rescued.

Li Fuguo hurriedly recited the mantra, and mobilized the soul-calling flag and palace puppet to come to the rescue.

The soul-calling banner unfurls against the wind, the wind is blowing, and the spirit is full of ghosts.The puppet in the palace costume turned its ghost eyes, stared at Gao Lishi strangely, and circled around him.

Before that, the summoning banner was suddenly thrown out, Gao Lishi was caught off guard, fell into an illusion, and almost died on the spot.

This time, Gao Lishi was prepared. With one hand, he tore off the lanyard worn at his waist, bit the purple gold fish bag in his mouth, and took out a small sterling silver gourd from it.

Gao Lishi held the gourd in his hand, unplugged the gourd, and silently recited the mantra passed down to him by Taoist Zhang Guo: "The Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a law..."

The gourd is not a mortal thing, but a divine product for the immortal family to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

As soon as the gourd plug was pulled out, the gourd immediately smelled the evil spirit of the soul-calling banner and the "resentful puppet", and saw a golden light shooting out from the gourd, turning it into a true fire of samadhi, burning the soul-calling banner and palace dolls to ashes .

Only the mournful wailing and screams could be heard from the summoning banners and puppets in palace costumes, and the souls of countless lonely wild ghosts and resentful spirits were instantly wiped out.

------off topic-----

At the beginning of the day when the roof of the Huating Pavilion falls, Ziyi urges the lock on the palace door.

Everyone, tonight in Yanxi Garden, set fire to fire with hundreds of branches on a silver plate.

Begonia wants to sleep but can't, the red makeup is very clear.

The courtyard is full of purple flames as a spring mist, and I don't know if there is a moon in the sky.

The new spectrum "Neon Clothes" was tested for the first time, and the envoys frequently called out to burn candles.

The lady-in-waiting reported the bronze sign, and the song and dance stopped to remind the party halfway through the night.

It is said that the drunkenness will end the night, and tomorrow the courtiers will be exempted.

I only worry that the wind and dew will gradually become cold, and the concubine's thin clothes will become delicate.

The pipa, Jiegu and drum follow each other, and the king's heart is not happy enough in the daytime.

At this time, why not turn the light into the light to illuminate the escaped small house.

There are long night songs on the Gusu stage, and there are many fireflies in the Jiangdu Palace.

The general carpe diem is unknown, what will happen when the beacon fire suddenly arrives.

Poor Shu road returnees, Nannei's desolate head is completely white.

The solitary lamp does not shine on the returning soul, and the phoenix tree is bleak in the night rain and autumn.

——"Ming Emperor Holding Candles at Night" Gao Qi (Ming Dynasty)
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