The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 690 The Theft Gang

Chapter 690 The Theft Gang
Riding a bull is far beyond Qiancun, and the piccolo is blowing across Longwen.

How many Chang'an fame and fortune, the organs are exhausted, it is not as good as the king.

——"Shepherd Boy Poems" Huang Tingjian (Song Dynasty)


Shen Xi demonstrated the peerless lightness kung fu, and the three of them returned to the inner hall.

After boiling water and pouring tea, Bai Fu asked: "Brother Shen, Mr. Su said just now that your experience may be related to this case, can you tell me about it?"

Shen Xi closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath of the tea fragrance, opened his eyes just now, and said slowly: "This happened last year. If I hadn't met Mr. Su, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to come to the capital again in this life."

Along with the beeping sound of boiling water, Shen Xi talked about his personal experience:

In the early spring of last year, Shen Xi went to Beijing to rush for the exam, taking the exam of Mingjing.During his preparation for the exam, he also often wandered around Chang'an Fangqu and visited places of interest.

On this day, Shen Xi met two teenagers suddenly, they were dressed in sackcloth, saw Shen Xi bowed deeply, and then hurried past.

The two teenagers were humble and respectful to Shen Xi, which made Shen Xi quite surprised, and thought to himself: "I've never seen these two people before? You must have made a mistake."

A few days later, Shen Xi was wandering in the East City and met these two teenagers again.

One of the young men saluted with crossed hands, and said: "Xiatian Benglang, a native of Wannian County. Brother Shen has been in Chang'an for many days, and we have not visited the house. It is really rude. This place is not far from my home. I would like to invite Brother Shen to come." To be a guest at my house and to have a few drinks is also considered the friendship of a landlord.”

After all, the man bowed deeply again.

This invitation was a bit abrupt, but Tian Benglang and the two were dignified, not like bandits.Shen Xi is young and always loves to make friends, although he is suspicious of the behavior of the two of them, he still reluctantly follows.

The three of them came to an unremarkable alley in Dongshi. There were several shops facing the street in the alley. After entering the shop, they passed through a secret door and found a secret house.

In the courtyard, the pebbles are paved and cleaned, and the bamboo silhouettes are sparse, quiet and pleasant, peaceful and quiet.

Entering the inner hall, there are more than a dozen teenagers sitting in it, some are full of hostility, some are well-behaved and reserved, all kinds of people, and so on.

The young men and Tian Penglang were very familiar with each other, playing and playing with each other.

When it came to Youshi (17:19 to [-]:[-]), the sun was setting, and the banquet was still not held, as if waiting for someone.

As Haishi approached (21:23 to [-]:[-]), there was the sound of carriages in the distance.Not long after, the carriage stopped outside the shop.Two teenagers shouted at the door: "The boss is here!"

All the teenagers put down their teacups and got up to greet them one after another.

I saw the door curtain rolled up, and a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl appeared.This woman's dress is plain, with flowers combed all over her bun, and her complexion is unmatched.

All the young people rushed to salute and say hello.

The girl was rather arrogant, ignored everyone, went straight to the hall, and sat down at the central seat.

After the girl sat down, the boys stood in two rows, respectfully paid homage to the girl, and then sat on both sides.

The banquet officially began. The banquet was sumptuous, tasteful, clean, and the atmosphere was pleasant.

After drinking for three rounds, Tian Penglang introduced Shen Xi to the girl, and Shen Xi hurriedly got up.

The girl glanced at Shen Xi, said earnestly, and asked: "Tian Er has mentioned you to me many times, saying that you have something special, can you use today's banquet to show one or two?"

Shen Xi humbly declined, and said: "I'm really ashamed. I have studied Confucian classics since I was a child, and I have never learned string music."

All the teenagers seemed to hear the big joke and burst out laughing.

The girl was overjoyed, covered her mouth with a smile and said, "What a pedantic teacher, I'm naturally not asking this."

Shen Xi was worried, pondered for a long time, and murmured: "Xiaosheng has a little skill, flying over eaves and walls like walking on flat ground. As for the others, it won't happen."

The girl blinked her eyes and said, "I would like to see the details."

Shen Xi then stood up, clasped his fists and said, "You're making a fool of yourself."

After all, he started floating on the water and walked a few steps on the wall. There seemed to be a suction cup at the foot of Shenxi, which could go straight up and down the wall.

"Good work." The girl applauded and praised.

The girl glanced at the group of young men, and said: "You all move too, let Mr. Shen open your eyes."

The young men stood up, saluted with crossed hands, and said, "No!"

The banquet hall instantly became a dojo for teenagers to show off their stunts: some people can walk and hover on the walls like spiders, with hands and feet that seem to have slime;

There are dozens of teenagers, all of whom are top qinggong masters.

Shen Xi was ashamed and at a loss.Only then do we know what it means that there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

After a while, the girl got up and said goodbye to all the boys.

After the girl left, the banquet was dull, and all the young men suddenly felt unhappy.The banquet soon dissipated.

A few days later, when Shen Xi was outing in the countryside, he met Tian Bianlang again.Tian Penglang saw that Shen Xi's green horse was quite a horse, so he borrowed the horse from Shen Xi.

In order to guarantee the return, Tian Penglang gave Shenxi a wooden box of gold as collateral.Shen Xi was thin-skinned, and he didn't have the nerve to refuse, so he lent Qing Cong Ma to Tian Penglang.

The next day, Shen Xi heard that the mansions of several royal relatives were stolen.Thinking of the skills of the young people at the banquet that day and night, Shen Xi felt uneasy.

Just when Shen Xi was suspicious, bad people from Wannian County came to arrest Shen Xi.

On the night when the mansion of the royal relatives was stolen, although the patrolling guards did not capture the thief, they caught the horse carrying the stolen goods on the spot.

Unscrupulous people posted a reward notice to find the owner of the horse.

This horse is exactly Shenxi's Qingcong horse.

Qingcong horse is a godly horse, Shen Xi rode this horse to and from the market before, it was quite conspicuous.

Soon, Shen Xi was reported and brought to justice.

Bad guys searched Shenxi's residence and found a wooden box of gold used to mortgage the horses.After inspection, it was found that this box of gold was stolen from the palace.

Shen Xi couldn't argue with a hundred words, and was wronged and sent to prison.

Shen Xi was detained in the dungeon of the bad man's government office, waiting for the statement to be recorded before being escorted to Dali Temple.

The dungeon is a pit seven to eight feet deep, like a wider dry well.The mouth of the pit was covered with planks.There is a square hole with a basin mouth on the board for ventilation.

When it's time for dinner, a thin rope is let down through the square hole.There is a food box on the rope.

Shen Xi was frightened and frightened that day, he didn't have any water or rice, and only when he saw food and water did he feel hungry.Shen Xi wolfed down the meal in three mouthfuls.

After a stick of incense, the food box was taken away by the string.

Shenxi sits in a well and looks at the sky with mixed feelings.I hated Tian Penglang and the group of youngsters.

In the middle of the night, the moonlight poured down and covered the walls of the well.Thinking of unexpected disasters and unpredictable fate, Shen Xi can't sleep at night.

In the next three days, no one interrogated Shen Xi, let alone complain.Shen Xi seemed to be abandoned in a corner at the bottom of the well.

Life in the dungeon for three days, with no day and night, made Shen Xi change from anger to sadness, and then from sadness to despair...

On the fifth night, at midnight, the planks above the dungeon were gently removed, and a rope hung down.One was wearing night clothes, like an ape, climbing a rope and descending.

The visitor's eyes were watery, and he said softly, "Young Master, don't be afraid, you don't have to worry if I'm here." The voice is Wanwen, it's the girl gang leader I met that day.

The girl took out a dagger that was as sharp as iron, and cut off the shackles on Shen Xi's hands and feet.

Then, the girl took out a long silk, tied one end around Shen Xi's waist, and tied the other end around her body, then grabbed the rope, alternated her arms, and climbed up.

Jumping out of the dungeon, the girl shrugged and flew into the air, like a big bird throwing herself into a forest, leading Shen Xi to escape from the villain's house...

After crossing the towering city walls of Chang'an, the two walked five miles in the dark and came to a dense forest.

Tian Penglang waited here for a long time, he took a steed and handed the rein to Shen Xi's hand.When Shen Xi saw Tian Benglang, he was furious.

Shen Xi was about to get angry, but the girl turned cold and stopped her.

The girl reprimanded Shen Xi: "Tomorrow morning, the area around Chang'an will be covered with notices to arrest you. Hurry up and leave!"

Shen Xi panicked, he didn't care about fighting with Tian Benglang, and quickly got on his horse.

Before leaving, the girl said to Shen Xi: "The capital is in turmoil and it's not very peaceful. You should return to Jianghuai as soon as possible. The road to seeking an official position will be long."

For the girl, Shen Xi didn't know whether to thank her or get angry.He imitated the posture of saluting from other teenagers, and crossed his hands to salute the girl as a farewell.

Shen Xi rode his horse and swung his whip, and fled all night. At dawn, he was already hundreds of miles away.

After escaping from the dangerous situation, Shen Xi was filled with sorrow and joy, as if in a lifetime.Only then did he realize that what Tian Penglang gave him was a thousand-mile horse.The side pocket of the saddle contains water and money.

In the next few days, Shen Xi hid day and night and ran to Wu County in one breath, never daring to return to Chang'an.


  The story of the gang of teenage thieves is based on the legendary Tang Dynasty novel "Yuan Hua Ji", written by Huang Fu.

(End of this chapter)

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